The two sides remained calm for a long time, and finally it was not until everything in the office was changed again that the secretary of the Sleepy King cautiously walked up to him and said

, "Mr. President, your office has been tidied up. "

You better get up!" and

to be honest, his secretary actually didn't want to pay attention to him.

But after all, he is his secretary, and it is impossible to walk away, so he will go to the Sleepy King unflatteringly.

The Sleepy King probably knew that he had indeed gone too far just now, so he wasn't angry this time.

His voice was softer.

"How's the situation now?" he

said, rising from the ground.

His secretary, though a little puzzled by his attitude, didn't think about it that much.

After all, the question he just asked was not easy to answer.

He had seen it just now, and Eagle Sauce's defense line was crushed by the demon beast clan again.

Counting it, this state of Eagle Sauce has already occupied more than half of it.

If it goes on like this, he doesn't know where things will go.

Seeing that his secretary did not answer his question, the Sleepy King glanced back at him with some displeasure.

At this glance, the secretary of the Sleepy King was directly stared at and his scalp was numb.

So he didn't dare to hide anything anymore, and hurriedly explained:

"Mr. President, when I just watched the live broadcast, our defense line was... It was broken by the army of demon beasts again. "

Purpose... At present, the demon beast army has occupied most of the state's territory. "

The Sleepy King, who had already recovered a little, was not good when he heard the news.

His body trembled unconsciously, and his tone became sharp.

"What are you talking about?" His

secretary was miserable, and he was already very panicked, and when he heard the Sleepy King's words that suddenly became fierce, he immediately couldn't help but tremble his legs.

He stammered, "

Demon... The army of the demon beast clan has already occupied most of the state. Confirmed

again, the Sleepy King couldn't help but grab the teacup on the table again and throw it out.


"Waste ......", "

It's all a bunch of waste."

"So many people can't withstand a group of little demon beasts. The

trembling secretary on the side was even more speechless, and he secretly complained in his heart:

"What you said is simple.

"Don't you have a point of forcing yourself?"

"Your so-called army is nothing more than a bunch of people who only eat empty money.

But on the surface, he still said very flatteringly:

"Yes... Yes, Mr. President, you are right.

"They're just a bunch of rice buckets, but what are we going to do next?"

No way, he didn't want the Sleepy King to keep complaining.

Otherwise, it might really be involved in himself, so in order not to be harmed by the fish pond, he could only change the topic.

Fortunately, after the Sleepy King heard his words, he didn't think much about it and followed his words and said

, "You go and contact Xia Guo again, and you have to enlist their help no matter what."

"We've come to the point of life and death.

His secretary was stunned and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

I kept complaining in my heart, what you said was simple, don't I know about this?"

"Okay Mr. President, I'll go."

"But I feel that Xia Guo may not be so easy to agree to us.

Although he verbally agreed, he knew it was not that simple.

So I gave the other party a preventive shot first.

Just in case you don't succeed in the future, you will be punished.

Sure enough, when the Sleepy King heard his words, he was also stunned and felt that what the other party said was very reasonable.

Then he spoke again

, "In this way, you can properly agree to some conditions."

"I don't believe they don't move.

This time his secretary didn't think much of it, because he knew he couldn't escape.

So he didn't excuse himself, and said

, "Yes, Mr. President." "

I'll go!" The

Sleepy King didn't say anything more, shook his head and let him go down.

On Qin Ye's side, he was watching the demon beast clan abuse vegetables in the live broadcast with Yu Xiaowei and the others.

From time to time, Yu Xiaowei has to comment on two sentences.

"Alas, these beast masters of Eagle Sauce are gone.

"With this kind of tailwind, the war of annihilation can still be fought into a defensive war. "

It's really no one!" Seeing

Yu Xiaowei's distressed look, Qin Ye was also speechless.

So he said

, "Senior sister, you're a little worried. "

Eagle Sauce's group of beast masters, although it is said that it is a bit of a dog, it is not as good as dogs.

"But you don't have to be sad for

them, do you?" "Could it be that they are all like this, do you still want to use them to insult dogs?"

As soon as Qin Ye finished saying this, Wang Chengcheng couldn't help but scream.


"Brother Ye, you are really invincible, how can you have such an earth-shattering idea of crying ghosts and gods."

"And I saw it so thoroughly.

As soon as Wang Cheng finished praising him, Nie Xiaorui couldn't help but praise him again.

"Junior brother, I admire you more and more.

"Your comments on the Eagle Sauce Beast Master are really on point.

"It's exactly the same.

It's just that the words of the two made Yu Xiaowei a little unhappy, and she curled her mouth and said:

"Hehe... Where did you two go?"

"I admit that what Senior Brother Qin said is very reasonable, but you don't need to be so flattering!"

"It's just too cheap.

Qin Ye was also embarrassed, he originally wanted to say that he was deserved,

but he never expected that Yu Xiaowei would actually open his mouth and criticize the two of them before he spoke.

This made him really not know what to say for a while.

But just when he wanted to find a reason to explain, he suddenly found that his strength had increased a lot.

And also have a certain understanding of the law of fire.

Without much thought, he knew that this was the Azim Advanced Diamond level.

So he didn't care about what he said just now, and said directly:

"Senior sister, Xiaochengzi Yanhong is going to advance."

"I've got to go see her, so I'm leaving you alone.

After speaking, without waiting for a few people to react, he hurried to his bedroom.

The three people left behind were also speechless for a while, and after glancing at each other, they looked at each other.

It was only a moment before the three of them seemed to have thought of something.

They all looked at each other, and when they saw that the other party nodded, they immediately said in unison:

"I'll go!"

"This is the diamond level?"

And Qin Ye didn't know the expressions of the three of them, after he entered the bedroom, he went directly to the secret realm to find Yan Hong.

Sure enough, when he saw Yan Hong, Yan Hong had already advanced to the diamond level.

But he was still stabilizing his momentum, and he didn't open his eyes for the first time.

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