The third elder's sudden voice quickly attracted the attention of his secretary.

"Third Elder, what did you just say?" The

Third Elder didn't pay much attention to it, anyway, this was not a confidential document, so he opened his mouth

and said, "Qin Ye, that little

guy, you know, right?" The Third Elder's secretary nodded and replied

, "I know this, I've seen it before!" "It's

a very interesting guy!"

The Third Elder laughed and said,

"Haha...... "

It's kind of interesting.

As if to relax his mood, the Third Elder suddenly stopped, looked at his secretary and said

, "However, do you know how many steps that guy has now?"

The Third Elder's secretary was already puzzled enough, but now that he heard the Third Elder say this, he felt that he couldn't react even more.

"Could it be that this document is about that guy?" the

third elder didn't speak, nodding his head to indicate that he had a good idea.

Seeing this scene, the secretary of the three elders also knew what was going on.

But he had seen Qin Ye at the beginning, and at that time, Qin Ye's strength was around the seventh golden order.

So he boldly said

, "It should be around the eighth golden order!" For

him, this is still what he said.

Because in his opinion, it is already remarkable to be promoted to a small rank in such a short period of time.

The Third Elder knew that no one would believe that Qin Ye had such a fast ascension speed.

But he wasn't going to talk to his secretary any more.

Shaking his head, he said,

"You're too conservative.

"This kid's talent is much better than you think.

However, despite what the Third Elder said, his subconscious still didn't believe it.

Therefore, he hesitated a little, and it was the moment he hesitated that the three elders saw his thoughts.

However, the Third Elder didn't blame him, after all, the Third Elder also knew that if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed in the existence of such a talented person.

So he said undoubtedly

, "Don't believe it, that guy is now at the diamond level."

As soon as the third elder said this, his secretary subconsciously retorted

, "This is impossible!"

But he quickly reacted, he was too excited.

So he hurriedly bowed his head and admitted his mistake:

"I'm sorry Third Elder, I was too impulsive just now. The

Third Elder only glanced at him, and didn't mean to blame him.

"Well, I know you don't believe it.

"But this is the truth, it's useless if you don't believe it, this is the document that Dean Zhou Jianming personally submitted.

"Do you still think he can lie?"


As soon as the third elder's secretary heard that this was a document personally submitted by Dean Zhou Jianming, he had nothing to say for a while.

Dean Zhou Jianming's character, let alone him, even the Great Elder would not question it.

Therefore, he was stunned for a long time and didn't know what to say.

The third elder also saw his embarrassment, so he spoke

, "Okay, you just know it yourself. "

Send this document to the Great Elder!"

"This is something for him to know.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he felt that it was inappropriate.

simply took back the documents that were handed out, which made the secretary who just wanted to reach out to receive the documents look confused.

But before he could speak, the third elder took the lead and said

, "Forget it, I'll go myself!"

"I think he should have something to arrange for this little guy to do."

His secretary, though a little confused, didn't ask.

While the third elder was packing up the papers, he asked

, "By the way, is there any movement on Eagle Sauce's side?"

The secretary of the third elder didn't think much about it, and immediately opened his mouth to report, "It's

still a stalemate. The

Third Elder didn't care much about Eagle Sauce's problem, so he didn't raise his head and said

, "Oh?"

"It seems that that little money is still useful!"

After he walked out of the door, his secretary spoke,

"I think it's more hanging." The

three elders were also a little interested in the words that suddenly popped up from their secretary.

He deliberately glanced back at him before he spoke

, "What do you say?"

His secretary also felt his gaze, so he didn't dare to slack off, and hurriedly replied:

"Although they suspended the negotiations with us, they did not cancel it directly.

"It shows that they don't really have much confidence in themselves.

After listening to this analysis, the three elders also felt that there was nothing wrong.

So he nodded and replied

, "It's possible, but no matter what they think, they should actually know that unless the demon beast clan really wants to destroy them, we won't be able to make a move."

"After all, we're across a sea that can't be ignored, and it's more troublesome than they think. The

secretary of the third elder didn't have any objection to this, and he also felt that this was the case, so when he put forward the conditions, many of the conditions he proposed were not agreed to by Eagle Sauce.

Otherwise, he believed that with the faces of the group of people in Eagle Sauce, he was afraid that he would have agreed to Xia Guo's request and let them send troops.

But before he could reply, they were already in front of the Great Elder's office.

So his words were not spoken.

The Third Elder also knew that now was not the time to say this, so he didn't think much about it.

After asking him to wait for him in the office on the side, he walked into the office of the Great Elder alone.

The Great Elder had already received the news that the Third Elder was going to see him.

Therefore, he was not much surprised to see the Third Elder walk in.

After putting the document in his hand aside, standing up and welcoming

the third elder to the sofa on the side, he asked, "I'm afraid something big happened to you when you came to see me in person, right?"

The third elder was also used to the appearance of the great elder, so he was not surprised, and after handing over the document given to him by Dean Zhou Jianming, he said:

"This is good news, you can know the specific content by looking at the document." The

Great Elder took the document and didn't want to open it yet, but hearing what the Third Elder said, he was also interested.

As he opened the file, he smiled and said

, "Oh, I want to see what kind of good news it is, it's worth your own trip." The

third elder didn't speak, just looked at him with a smile.

The Great Elder didn't bother to speak, he opened the document and read it carefully.

Originally, there were not many words on the document, but the Great Elder read it at a glance.

However, when he saw the words on the document, he couldn't help but laugh:


!" "This little guy is amazing!"

"He has advanced to the diamond level so quickly."

It wasn't until this time that the Third Elder spoke

, "I'll just say it's good news, right?"

The Great Elder was also in such a good mood, so he said,

"Mmmm... That's good news.

"But since this guy is already diamond-level, I think he should let him lie down in the South China Sea." "

The Third Elder didn't have any opinions, after all, he actually came here with this intention.

So he hurriedly nodded and responded

, "Then I'll make arrangements?"

The Great Elder didn't have any opinion on this, but just as the Third Elder was about to leave, he stopped the Third Elder who was about to get up.

"What's going on over there with Eagle Sauce?" the

Third Elder reluctantly sat down again and said

, "It's still a stalemate, but I don't think Eagle Sauce will last long. "

I just don't know how much land the demon beast clan will have to occupy this time before they give up. "

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