Sure enough, the words of the special score successfully fooled Foster.

Foster's heart softened, and he agreed to Te Wupu's proposal.

Of course, he was actually tempted by those hundred high-grade spirit stones.

"Then I'll be in the office for a few days. With

that, he hung up the phone.

And the group out there, of course, didn't know that Foster had completely ignored them.

At this time, Foster had already hung up the phone and lay down in bed to sleep.

As soon as the ears were gone, they were instantly cleared.

Of course, the people out there didn't take it seriously.

So the two sides stayed in this way.


On Qin Ye's side, after he was full of food and wine, he slept for another two hours, and then he got up from the ground and began to work.

While he was lying down to rest, Scarlet and Nobai had gone out in search of good things.

So as soon as he got up, he actually had a job to do.

"Master, I'm here ......"

Yan Hong and Nuo Bai sent messages to tell him that they had found something good, which made Qin Ye not know which way to go for a while.

But after just a moment of thought, he came up with a good idea.

By checking the location of the two of them, Qin Ye decided to go to Nuobai, who was closer to him, first.

Then go to Yan Hong.

After he told Nobai and Yanhong about this idea, he rushed to Nobai's location.

It didn't take long for him to come to where Nuobai was, and almost without Nuobai speaking, he had already discovered what the treasure Nuobai was talking about.

A spirit apricot fruit tree, although it does not look very big, but it is very attractive.

Without further ado, Qin Ye took his tools and started to do it.

Nuo Bai looked at Qin Ye, who was working so hard, and was embarrassed to disturb him for a while.

But after thinking about it, it still said

, "Master, I'm going to continue looking for the baby." After

saying that, it wanted to continue looking for the baby, and now it has become addicted to finding the baby.

However, Qin Ye still stopped it.

"You wait first!" Hearing

Qin Ye's voice, it stopped.

He turned his head and looked at Qin Ye with some doubts, wanting to see something from Qin Ye's face.

But apparently it's too self-righteous.

Of course, Qin Ye didn't have the idea of arguing with it, just glanced at it, and said

, "Don't look at it, I won't let you do anything unseemly." After

saying that, he threw it a top-grade spirit stone.

"Here, reward

you!" Then he waved his hand

and said, "Okay, you go

!" Nuo Bai didn't care so much, and after swallowing the spirit stone in one gulp, he said:

"Okay master, I'll leave now!"

This made Qin Ye a little speechless, but he didn't have time to care about these things now.

He turned around and continued to work with his tools.

After working for almost an hour, he transplanted this spirit fruit into his Kyushu secret realm space.

As soon as he transplanted the spirit tree into his own space, he didn't stop, and hurried to the location where Yan Hong was.

It took about another hour and a half before he arrived at Yan Hong's location.

As soon as he arrived, before he could react, Yan Hong flew towards him.

She chattered a lot in his ear, and then took Qin Ye to the spirit fruit she found.

Looking at the seven or eight meter-tall spirit tea tree in front of him, Qin Ye was stunned for a while before he reacted.

After another good thing arrived, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, and continued to take the thing and started working.

And Yan Hong is not like Nuobai, who comes up and wants to leave.

Instead, he stayed here with Qin Ye for a while, and then he said

stupidly: "Master, I'm going to continue to look for good things." "

You can dig here alone!"

However, Qin Ye did not let her leave immediately, but asked very curiously

, "Yanhong, you wait first." "

Why are you all in such a hurry to find good things?" Qin

Ye's question was enough to make Yan Hong stunned for a while before she reacted.

However, Yan Hong, who reacted, didn't know what was going on, so she could only say hesitantly:

"Master, I really didn't find out about this, anyway, I just want to find something good."

Qin Ye was stunned, but he didn't think about it that much.

After taking out a spirit stone from the space and throwing it to Yan Hong, he said

, "Okay, since it's not clear, let's forget it first."

Yan Hong, like Nuo Bai, swallowed the spirit stone thrown by Qin Ye in one gulp before looking at Qin Ye again.

"Master, if you have nothing to do, I'll go?"

he gestured with his head.

Qin Ye stretched out his waist and glanced at her, and then said indifferently:

"Okay then!"

Yan Hong didn't think much about it, just glanced at Qin Ye, and flew out.

Qin Ye just glanced at her back and didn't think much about it.

He bent down again and worked on his own.

It took almost an hour for Qin Ye to transplant this Spirit Tea Tree into his secret realm space unscathed.

After admiring the treasures he had collected during this time, and seeing that they were all right, he came back to his senses.

I don't know if it's the reason why the things in the secret realm have been found similarly, this time Qin Ye has been waiting for so long, and he hasn't received a call from Nuo Bai and Yan Hong.

Qin Ye, who sat down, was still a little overwhelmed for a while.

Of course, Yan Hong and Nuo Bai didn't make him wait long, and it didn't take a while.

They both shouted at the same time.

This made Qin Ye not know what to say for a while.

As before, after answering their calls, Qin Ye began to check their specific locations again.

Wanting to see who was closer to him, intuitively speaking, Qin Ye was still more optimistic about Yan Hong.

After all, Yan Hong had just left him, and even if she flew, she couldn't fly far.

Sure enough, when he saw it, it was exactly what he thought.

Yan Hong and him were almost half an hour away, and Nobai and him were at least an hour away.

So he chose to go to Yanhong's side first without hesitation.

After a brief discussion with the two beasts, he got up and hurried to Yanhong.

Since he was in the secret realm, he hadn't encountered any decent demon beasts so far.

So he was almost defenseless when he hurried up, but what made him a little speechless was that there was actually a demon beast with no long eyes attacking him at this time.

This made Qin Ye instantly unable to hold back, and without even turning his head, he threw a fireball technique to his left.

Qin Ye believed that with his current strength, there would definitely not be too many demon beasts that could withstand his blow.

But what left him a little speechless was that his blow actually missed.

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