Although digging treasure is very happy, it is also very tiring.

It took Qin Ye a few hours to reluctantly finish transplanting the Spirit Root Flower here.

But before he could begin to rest, a message from Nobai came.

This made Qin Ye immediately have a feeling of returning to the past.

But he didn't dare to delay any longer, and immediately set off to where Nuobai was.

Along the way, Qin Ye didn't do anything in Jiao'er, and the speed of rushing was also a lot faster.

But even so, by the time Qin Ye arrived at Nuo Bai's location, it was already more than an hour later.

"Nuobai, you guy has found something good again. Before

the man arrived, the voice came.

After Nuo Bai heard his voice, he immediately jumped out

and said, "Master, you're here!" Qin Ye said angrily,

"It's here

." "

What good things have you found again?"

Nuo Bai gestured

to Qin Ye with his eyes, nodded and said, "No, it's there!"

Qin Ye looked at the place where his eyes were indicated, and sure enough, as far as his eyes could see, he saw a crystal clear fruit tree.

For the first time, Qin Ye didn't recognize what kind of spirit fruit this was.

After looking closely for a while, he realized that it was a starry spirit tree.

However, when he could tell that this was a starry spirit tree, Qin Ye's first reaction was that he thought that he had seen it wrong or was dazzled.

But after he carefully confirmed, he was sure that he had not admitted his mistake.

So he said

, "Nuobai, you can!" "

You can find such a good treasure."

After "......"

praised the promise for a while, Qin Ye was ready to transplant this starry spirit tree.

Like the previous Spirit Plum Tree, the Starry Spirit Tree is also a very rare and precious spiritual material.

Therefore, Qin Ye was quite cautious when dealing with it.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, I will destroy the root system of the spirit tree.

Of course, Qin Ye's operation was naturally much slower.

And Nuo Bai on the side couldn't help but despise Qin Ye, because in its opinion, Qin Ye's cautious approach was simply too cheap.

But on the surface, it didn't dare to argue with Qin Ye.

So he thought out of sight and out of mind, and said

, "Master, I'm going to look for something good."

"You're slowly getting here.

Qin Ye didn't want to pay attention to Nuo Bai at all now, so he said indifferently:


After finishing speaking, he didn't care about Nuo Bai anymore and continued to dig.

Seeing this, Nuo Bai didn't think much about it, turned his head and left.

It took almost half an hour for Qin Ye to clear out this starry spirit tree.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Yan Hong brought him good news again.

This made Qin Ye really a little confused for a while, and he felt that he was really too busy.

But he still wrote back to Yan Hong:

"Yan Hong, you wait a while, I'll come over in a while." "

Yan Hong is not as rebellious as Nuobai, so she doesn't say anything useless.

And Qin Ye didn't delay, and immediately threw himself into his own transplanting business.

After another half an hour, Qin Ye finally transplanted this Starry Spirit Tree completely into his Kyushu Secret Realm space.

This was not over, he immediately rushed in the direction of Yan Hong without stopping.


Eagle Sauce Black Palace!Te

Wupu finally came out of the infirmary.

The first thing he did when he came out was to put all the blame for offending Xia Guo on Foster.

And Foster, because he was blocked in his office, didn't know that he had been sold by someone else.

At this time, I was still thinking that the special score would come to save me.

Since Foster wasn't there, the trick Dafa was very effective.

There was barely much time, and he succeeded in fooling the group of capitalists behind Eagle Sauce.

And Tebupu didn't rush to release Foster, but announced the news with his newly found secret realm Smith.

In fact, this trick can't hide from this group of guys at all, but because they haven't found the next heir yet.

So it doesn't matter if it's special or not, anyway, what they want has always been not the truth, but just an excuse.

Therefore, the plan of abandoning the pawn and protecting the car was quickly completed on the side of Eagle Sauce.

And until this time, Foster didn't know that he had been sold.

After solving the problem of Eagle Sauce's domestic affairs, Te Wupu did not release Foster, but continued to ponder how to make Xia Guo's side believe his words.

As a result, a new round of plans began.

First of all, he first sent a letter of confession to Xia Guo with an extremely sincere attitude of admitting his mistakes.

In this confession letter, although he did not clean up his own mistakes, he put the main blame on Forster.

Of course, Te Wupu believes that Xia Guo's side will definitely see the letter of confession he sent.

And he also speculated on his own reaction after Xia Guo's side saw the wrong letter.

In his opinion, the high-level officials of Xia Guo will definitely have doubts about the content of this letter after seeing the letter of confession he sent.

After reaching this point, he believed that with the current energy of Xia Kingdom, it would definitely be easy to understand the current situation in their country.

And this is where his biggest hole card lies, and he thinks that after the high-level Xia Guo understands the current situation in their country, they will definitely think that what he recorded in the confession letter is not wrong at all.

Even if they are suspicious at that time, the impact will definitely not be too great.

Of course, the special spectrum is too high to look at the current status of Eagle Sauce, thinking that the confrontation between humans and demon beasts is indispensable to their Eagle Sauce.

Therefore, he thought that Xia Guo's side would definitely take this opportunity to forgive him.

And just when he was planning this matter intensively, Xia Guo really received his confession letter here.

Originally, this kind of garbage letter was not intended to be handed over to the Third Elder.

But when he thought that Eagle Sauce had finally released such a fart, if he didn't hand over the letter, he really couldn't say anything.

So he handed over the letter of presidential confession to the three elders, which seemed to him to be a spam text message.

"Third Elder, there is a letter of presidential confession from Eagle Sauce.

"Do you want to take a look?" The

third elder looked puzzled, in his opinion, his secretary shouldn't be so stupid, right?

With the current situation of Eagle Sauce, this letter of confession seems to be nothing worth reading for him!

What kind of person is the secretary of the Third Elder, as soon as he saw the Third Elder's expression, he immediately opened his mouth to explain: "That's the case of the Third Elder

, Eagle Sauce hasn't made any fart over there for a long time, so I thought you might need to have some entertainment.

"So I handed it over!".

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