After a while, the three elders took Qin Ye to the place where the goods were unloaded this time.

It's still a secret realm that has no use value, and such a secret realm is probably useless except for storing materials.

After arriving at the position, Qin Ye didn't think much about it, he opened the opening of his secret realm, and began to pour out a steady stream of the materials he had prepared in advance.

Looking at the uproar of supplies flowing out, the three elders were shocked again.

But now he doesn't care so much, and he still doesn't care.

Soon, Qin Ye took out all the materials that he was going to take out this time.

Looking at the materials piled up into several mountains, the third elder knew that the materials that Qin Ye brought out this time would definitely not be less than the ones he took out last time.

So he sighed and said,

"You boy will really surprise me."

Qin Ye was not surprised by this, he opened his mouth without paying attention and said

, "This is what I should do!"

But the third elder didn't think so, as the third elder of the Xia Kingdom, he still knew the truth of rewarding and punishing.

So the first time he heard Qin Ye's words, he said with a righteous face:

"Okay, I know what you kid thinks, but that's your kindness, and the country won't let you down."

After speaking, he didn't give Qin Ye a chance to explain, and took him out with him.

Just when Qin Ye was confused, the third elder spoke to his secretary again

, "You go and count the things that Major General Qin brought this time, and give me the list of supplies in a while." The

secretary of the Third Elder barely hesitated and immediately nodded and left.

After his secretary left, the third elder turned his head to look at Qin Ye, who was still confused.

"Let's go, Qin boy, let's go eat and talk. Qin

Ye didn't have any extra words at this time, and left here with the third elder in a daze.

When he arrived at the place, Qin Ye realized that it was not only the three elders and him who had eaten together.

Commander Han Cheng and Dean Zhou Jianming were there.

Seeing the two of them, Qin Ye didn't hesitate, so he stepped forward to say hello.

"Hello Dean

!" "Hello Commander!" Dean

Zhou Jianming and Commander Han Cheng were also quite happy to see Qin Ye come up to greet them.

He smiled very excitedly and said

, "Haha, you kid has a chance!" "

It's only been a long time, and you've already reached the rank of major general."

However, as soon as Dean Zhou Jianming's words were finished, Commander Han Cheng stopped doing it, and hurriedly said

, "Hey, how do you talk this old guy?"

"What do you mean by mixing!"

"Major General Qin is good at relying on his own strength."

Seeing the two of them pinching again, Qin Ye immediately felt that he was two big heads.

Almost without any hesitation, he looked at the three elders, hoping that the three elders would stand up and help him.

And after the third elder saw Qin Ye's gaze for help, he didn't think much about it, so he directly said

, "Okay, you two, it's almost enough."

"In front of the younger generation, don't talk about it. I

don't know what Commander Han Cheng and Dean Zhou Jianming think, after hearing the words of the third elder, the two of them changed their previous scene of angry eyes and became amiable.

This sudden change made Qin Ye, a person who had experienced it firsthand, not calm in an instant.

I couldn't help but rub my eyes, for fear that I had seen it wrong.

Of course, Qin Ye's move still made the three elders laugh.


" "Okay, you little guy, do you still doubt that your eyes can't be successful?"

Qin Ye was also a little embarrassed by the words of the third elder at this time, and hurriedly explained:

"No...... No, I just have a little ...... eyes,"

but the third elder didn't let him explain, and interrupted him loudly.

"Okay, you kid has a point, but I don't want to listen to your long explanation, old man.

Although Qin Ye didn't speak much on the surface, in his heart he still praised the third elder's behavior.

If the Third Elder didn't interrupt him in time, he didn't know how to continue.

Of course, even so, he didn't show any flaws, and quickly nodded and said

, "Okay, I'll listen to you from the Third Elder." The

third elder didn't say much this time, and began to move the chopsticks as he commanded everyone.

After eating a meal, Qin Ye's whole head was bigger.

Fortunately, it was finally finished, and the three elders also saw that Qin Ye was uncomfortable, so they didn't leave Qin Ye long.

After eating, he let Qin Ye leave first.

And Qin Ye didn't care so much, and after getting the permission of the three elders, he left without hesitation.

On the third elder's side, he talked to Commander Han Cheng and Dean Zhou Jianming for a while before leaving.

Of course, he didn't go back to his office.

Just after eating, his secretary counted all the resources that Qin Ye brought back this time.

And according to his request, the resource directory was sent to him.

With just one glance, the three elders were sure that the materials that Qin Ye brought back this time were definitely not less than the ones last time.

That's why he had to go to the Great Elder's office.

Originally, the last reward had made the three elders a little overwhelmed, but Qin Ye had brought him such a big surprise this time.

He didn't want to trouble the Great Elder.

After hurriedly coming to

the Great Elder's place, before he could explain his intentions, the Great Elder pulled him and said, "I heard that Qin Ye's kid has come back from the secret realm?" "

How about it, what good things did he bring back this time?"

The Third Elder was still a little confused for a while, he didn't know what the Great Elder's situation was.

But soon, he reacted.

So he hurriedly took out the document given to him by his secretary and handed it to the Great Elder.

"No, that's all the kid brought back this time. The

Great Elder was still a little confused at first, his thoughts were the same as the Third Elder's thoughts at the beginning, and they all thought that Qin Ye definitely didn't bring anything good this time.

So when the third elder took out the documents, he was a little confused.

I thought to myself what the situation was, why did I have to take such a large document to myself.

But out of politeness, the Great Elder did not hesitate, he took the document handed over by the Third Elder and flipped through it.

As soon as he turned the first page, he was a little confused.

Extremely puzzled, he asked

, "Old man, did you get the wrong

document?" "Isn't this the last document?"

The third elder was not embarrassed to hide it at this time, touched his nose and said

, "Great Elder, you can continue to look down to find out." After

receiving this answer from the Third Elder, the Great Elder also knew that he had guessed wrong.

So he didn't say much, just took the document in his hand and continued to flip back.

He wanted to see what was behind him.

This time, he didn't look at everything inside, but just glanced at it roughly, so he looked through it a lot faster.

It didn't take long for him to finish reading the document.

Seeing the last date of the document, the Great Elder understood what the previous three elders meant by asking him to look back.

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