The Third Elder hadn't had this idea before, but as soon as he thought of Han Cheng's identity, he dispelled this thought.

After all, it is really unreasonable to let the chief officer of a military region lead a team abroad, and it is this kind of going abroad without knowing the return date.

As if he had known what

the Third Elder would say, the Great Elder waved his hand and explained, "Don't worry, old man, listen to me first!"

Out of trust in the Great Elder, the Third Elder did not speak again, quietly waiting for the Great Elder's explanation.

The Great Elder didn't hesitate this time, and directly explained

, "The reason why I chose Han Cheng to go is because his strength and status are enough, and secondly, he is also familiar with Qin Ye, a kid, and it is easy to discuss any problems between the two.

"The third and most important point is that Han Cheng can draw the attention of all enemies. The

Third Elder didn't feel anything at first, but after hearing the Third Elder speak, he reacted instantly.

Indeed, as the Great Elder said, if Han Cheng led the team, the enemy's attention would indeed be attracted by him.

After all, his identity and status are here, who would have thought that Xia Guo would insert a genius like Qin Ye into the team.

After thinking about this clearly

, the Third Elder also nodded and said, "Although this is the truth, who will take over the affairs of the Military Region after

Han Cheng leaves?" The Great Elder smiled and explained

, "Do you know why I let Han Cheng go, instead of letting people from other military regions go?"

The Third Elder was directly confused by the Great Elder's sudden question, and it took a long time before he shook his head and said,

"Why? Only

then did the Great Elder smile and say,

"Haha...... I knew you didn't react.

"The Kyoto Military Region is the closest to us, and nothing will happen even if a commander is temporarily replaced.

"But other places are different, they are so far away that even if we want to help, we can't do anything at all."

After hearing this explanation, the third elder was also stunned, he really didn't think about it so much.

"Great Elder, you are wise!" Facing

the third elder's sycophancy, the great elder directly ignored him.

"Old man, do you have any questions?" The

third elder shook his head

and said, "No

!" After seeing that there was nothing wrong with the third elder, he said

, "Okay, this matter will be handled as we said!"

The third elder didn't have any

opinion, and said, "Okay, this matter is presided over by you, Great Elder, and I have no opinion." The

Great Elder was confused by the Third Elder, he originally wanted the Third Elder to be in charge of this matter, but he didn't expect to be so troubled by the Third Elder, he didn't know what to do.

The Third Elder may have seen the Great Elder's thoughts, so he said

, "Great Elder, you are still responsible for this matter. The

Great Elder didn't shirk this time, he knew what the Third Elder meant.

So he smiled and nodded and said

, "Okay, I'll be in charge of this operation." Seeing

that the Great Elder agreed to his proposal, the Third Elder didn't say much.

"Alright, I'll leave, Great Elder.

But the Great Elder did not let him go, but said

, "What are you busy with, old man?"

After the third elder knew that he couldn't leave, he simply sat down and said very indifferently

, "Okay, I'll stay here for a while!"

The Great Elder shook his head, didn't care about the Third Elder, and said to his secretary:

"Secretary Sun, you go to the military region and invite Commander Han Cheng over, just say that I have something to find him."

Secretary Sun barely hesitated and said

, "Okay Great Elder!"

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

After Secretary Sun left, the Great Elder turned his head to look

at the Third Elder and said, "Old man, let's discuss

the candidates for the other team members now, shall we?" "Do you have any suitable candidates

?" The Third Elder thought for a while and then said,

"I don't know what your plans are for the Great Elder?" The Great

Elder glanced at the other party with some surprise, not knowing why the Third Elder asked like this.

But after thinking about it carefully, the Great Elder also understood the thoughts of the Third Elder, so he spoke

, "My idea is that people from the army will be selected for this operation, so that it seems that Han Cheng's team leader is not so abrupt.

After hearing this explanation, the third elder didn't think much about it, and said

, "Then there is no hesitation, since you want to choose someone in the army, then you must let Han Cheng choose it himself." The

Great Elder smiled and said,

"Haha...... It's got

to be you, old man!" "Okay, this matter will be done according to what you said, let's just wait for Han Cheng to come over." For

some time after that, they discussed this issue for a long time, and it was not until the arrival of Commander Han Cheng that the topic ended.

As soon as Commander Han Cheng came in, he saw that the Third Elder and the Great Elder were there, so he opened his mouth and said

, "Two Elders, what is the situation?"

Seeing his nervous appearance, the Great Elder couldn't help but speak

, "What are you kid nervous about, we don't want to trouble you." "

Come, come and sit down, there's a task for you to do."

After listening to this explanation, Commander Han Cheng walked to the position pointed by the Great Elder and sat down with confidence.

After Commander Han Cheng sat down, the Great Elder told him the plan he had discussed with the Third Elder before.

After listening to the Great Elder's explanation, Commander Han Cheng understood what it was to come over and call him over.

But he didn't hesitate, and immediately spoke

, "Please rest assured, Great Elder, I will definitely complete this mission." The

Great Elder did not doubt his determination, and said

, "Okay, I know you can accomplish this.

"But there's one more thing you need to figure out before that.

Almost without any hesitation, Commander Han Cheng stood up and said

, "Great Elder, please speak. The

Great Elder didn't hesitate, and said directly

, "The purpose of this operation is to let that kid Qin Ye go through the training, but in order to prevent accidents, you also need to choose about twenty good players from the army to go with you." Commander

Han Cheng immediately understood what the Great Elder meant, so he immediately nodded and replied, "

I understand the Great Elder!"

The Great Elder was also quite happy to see that Commander Han Cheng didn't need to explain it himself, and he knew the hidden meaning.

"Okay, then you can go down and prepare

!" "I'll give you three days, and I'll leave on time in three days!" Commander

Han Cheng didn't hesitate, and immediately stood up and gave an extremely standard military salute before he spoke:

"Guarantee to complete the mission!"

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