As soon as Qin Ye lay down, he felt as if he had forgotten something.

After thinking about it carefully, he realized that he hadn't contacted Commander Han Cheng for a long time.

So taking advantage of the time now, he took out the communicator given to him by Commander Han Cheng and dialed the contact information of Commander Han Cheng.

After two "beep ......",

Commander Han Cheng answered the phone.

"Hey, Qin boy!" Qin

Ye was also quite excited when he heard this voice, so he opened his mouth

and said: "Commander, I haven't been in touch for a long time, do you miss me

?" Commander Han Cheng was immediately stunned, and said in great confusion

: "There's nothing wrong with you kid

!" "Why did you say such stupid things?"

Qin Ye: "......

". Seeing that no sound came from Qin Ye's side, Commander Han Cheng knew what the other party was doing.

So he opened his

mouth and said, "Okay, do you have anything to do

with me contacting me?" At this time, Qin Ye opened his mouth and said

, "Commander, what is the situation over there now?"

Commander Han Cheng didn't think much about it, so he said

, "Okay, except for a few misty ink crows coming to make trouble from time to time, there is nothing else. Hearing

this, Qin Ye was a lot more relieved.

"That's good!" Commander

Han Cheng said again

, "Boy Qin, what's going on over there?"

Qin Ye didn't hesitate, and replied,

"It's okay!" "

I just looted a group's supplies and got a few spirit beast eggs.

Qin Ye's unintentional words made the commander Han Cheng on the other side envious.

"Huh...... You kid don't have any luck. "

If you say you find the spirit beast egg, you will find the spirit beast egg."

Qin Ye also heard Commander Han Cheng's envy.

But he didn't think much about it, so he said

, "Commander, don't envy me, I'm not comparable to ordinary people."

Commander Han Cheng didn't say angrily

, "What did you kid say?"

"Old man, I will envy you."

Qin Ye:

"......" "uh...... Well, it's me who overthought it.

At this time, Commander Han Cheng spoke again

: "By the way, how long will it take for you kid to finish exploring this secret realm?"

Qin Ye was stunned for a moment, and asked with some puzzlement:

"Commander, what do you mean by this

?" "Are we going to go back?"

Commander Han Cheng didn't hide anything, and directly opened his mouth to tell the secret he knew.

"It's okay to tell you kid, we've already put Big Mao on the blacklist.

"And the Great Elder also directly stopped the cooperation between the two countries.

"So according to the meaning of the three elders, let's settle the matter in the secret realm as soon as possible and return to China as soon as possible.

Qin Ye was also stunned when he heard the news.

But he wasn't afraid, so he just said indifferently:

"Is Da Mao so brave now?"

"Dare to argue with us!" Commander Han Cheng smiled and said

, "

That's not it, it's impossible for them to dare to argue with us openly."

"What the three elders are afraid of is that they will play some small tricks.

"Of course, it is not ruled out that they will jump over the wall in a hurry.

Qin Ye didn't think much about it, so he said

, "Heh, even if they jump off the wall in a hurry, what can they do, are they still our opponents."

Seeing that Qin Ye was so confident, Commander Han Cheng also smiled.

"Haha...... I didn't expect it to be so long before you kid was so brave.

Qin Ye didn't care, and said with a smile:

"Is there any fuss about this?" "

What I said is the truth!"

Commander Han Cheng also smiled.

"Haha, you're right.

"That's the case. "

Then Commander, isn't there any reaction from Da Mao's side?"

"For example, I asked you to be a lobbyist and asked for Xia Guo's forgiveness.

Commander Han Cheng was stunned for a moment before he spoke

, "I guess they should do this, but they should not be able to come to me until I go out."

Qin Ye thought about it and felt right.

So he opened his mouth and said

, "It seems to be too!"

At this time, Commander Han Cheng also felt that it was almost the same, so he said:

"Okay, you kid still has something to do, if not, I will hang up."

Qin Ye thought about it, and then said

, "That's okay!" Commander

Han Cheng didn't think much about it, so he hung up the call directly.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Commander Han Cheng contacted the three elders.

And Qin Ye's side, after hanging up the phone.

He lay down on the chaise longue and rested.


On the other side, Fortsky's office.

After he sent everyone out, he collapsed on his office chair and sighed

, "These guys are so cowardly, they don't have any effort at all." Thinking

about the revenge in his heart, Fortsky was very unhappy.

However, he did not lose his temper, sighed and said

, "Secretary, go find Tchaikovsky to come to my office." "

I have something to look for him. Without

much thought, Fortsky's secretary said

, "Okay, I'll go this time." After

saying that, he hurried out.

After his secretary walked out, Fortsky sighed:

"It's still Tchaikovsky's reliable, and he will do whatever he says he should do!"

While he was muttering to himself, his secretary had already called Tchaikovsky to come.

"Knock knock......

" Hearing the knock on the door, Fortsky didn't think much of it, and said outside:

"Come in!"

Soon he saw Tchaikovsky walk in behind his secretary.

"Your Excellency, Mr. Tchaikovsky is here.

Tchaikovsky also hurriedly said:

"Your Excellency

!" Fortsky didn't think much about it, waved his hand and said, "Okay, sit down!"

Although Tchaikovsky was very confused, he didn't think much about it, and

sat down.

When Tchaikovsky sat down, Fortsky opened his mouth and asked, "Tchaikovsky,

how likely do you think it is that we will reconcile with Xia Guo?" Tchaikovsky

did not expect that Fortsky would ask this.

But he still said very directly:

"I think the possibility is still relatively small.

After saying this result, he explained:

"At present, our biggest difficulty is that we can't contact the high-level of Xia Guo. "

This makes us very passive, and we almost only act by looking at Xia Guo's eyes.

After saying this, he glanced up at Fortsky again, and after seeing that the other party had no expression, he continued to explain:

"And I found that Xia Guo's side doesn't want to pay attention to us now, so it's useless for us to say anything now."

Fortsky nodded, and then

said, "So, we can only maintain the status quo with Xia Guo now?"

Although Tchaikovsky didn't know what the other party meant, he still said:

"That's the truth.

Fortsky was silent for a moment before he spoke

, "But no matter what, we still have to actively get in touch with Xia Guo." "

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