As the concealment array was broken, the contents inside gradually revealed their true faces.

Qin Ye could clearly see that what the Concealment Array was protecting was not a rare treasure, but a peaceful forest.

"Master, are we going in?"

Just for a moment when Qin Ye was stunned, Nuo Bai's voice came.

Qin Ye glanced at Nuo Bai and them before he spoke,

"You guys wait for a while!" "

I'll go and see it first."

When Nuo Bai heard Qin Ye's words, he hesitated a little.

It subconsciously wanted to go to Yan Hong, but soon realized that Yan Hong was not here.

So he cautiously said

, "Master, isn't this very good

?" "Why don't I go with you?" Qin Ye couldn't

help but glare, and said angrily:

"How did you become a mother-in-law."

But Qin Ye also knew that this was Nuo Bai's kindness, so he still opened his mouth to explain:

"Okay, I know you're worried about my safety.

"But you don't want to think about it, with my strength, can you resist the people who can hurt me?"

"And you can't leave now, the four of you still need to maintain the operation of the formation."

After listening to Qin Ye's explanation, Nuo Bai was relieved and didn't speak again.

But Qin Ye could see from its eyes that it was now extremely aggrieved in its mental activity.

However, Qin Ye didn't care so much, and explained them again.

I walked into the forest alone.

As soon as he walked into this forest, Qin Ye could feel that the energy fluctuations inside were stronger than those outside.

At first, Qin Ye thought that there was something wrong with the woods here

, but after he carefully observed these big trees, he realized that these big trees were nothing special except that they were larger than ordinary trees.

So Qin Ye, who didn't give up, turned his gaze to the grass under the big tree, trying to find some answer from the grass.

But the result was obvious, he didn't find any spirit grass with aura fluctuations.

The grass in this meadow is all ordinary grass, and there is nothing worth studying and collecting.

It was only at this time that Qin Ye gave up.

But I have to say that he does spend a lot of time on this.


had just gotten up from the ground, ready to go out on a treasure hunt.

Outside Nuo Bai couldn't help it first, it saw that Qin Ye had been in for a long time, but he hadn't come out yet, so he was worried that Qin Ye was in danger.

So he sent a message to Qin

Ye and said, "Master, what's the situation with you inside

?" "Why have you been in for so long and still haven't come out?"

Qin Ye was also a little confused when he heard it at first.

I don't know if it's because I'm too distracted, anyway, Qin Ye hasn't noticed that he has come in for a long time.

On the contrary, in his consciousness, he felt that he had just come in for a while.

Therefore, puzzled, he directly asked

, "Nuo Bai, you just said that it has been a long time since I came in?" Although Nuo Bai was a little confused by Qin Ye's words, he still replied:

"Yes, master, you have been inside for more than an hour

?" "Don't you feel that it has been a long time, master?"

Qin Ye was stunned

for a moment when he heard this.

After a long time, he spoke

: "It's really been so long?"

Nuo Bai almost didn't hesitate, and nodded back directly:

"Master, if you don't believe me, you can ask the eldest sister."

"I'm sure you've been in here for over an hour, master. This

time, Qin Ye didn't speak again.

After waiting for a long time, he said

, "Okay, don't worry about me.

"I'm safe here.

Nuo Bai didn't know what to say for a while.

But it also knows that it is useless to say more.

So he didn't speak again.

After Qin Ye ended his contact with Nuobai, he began to look for resources.

Qin Ye didn't believe that there would be nothing good in this place protected by the Hidden Great Array.


On the other hand, after the Blood Deficiency Prince broke through to the diamond level, the reason why he rushed to the Xia Kingdom was actually to go to the Foot Basin Chicken Island to absorb nuclear radiation.

But if it says so, it will definitely expose its hole cards.

That's why it lies like this.

But what it didn't expect was that because of her words, the entire demon beast clan exploded.

It underestimated the influence of the Great Elder of the Xia Kingdom too much.

So much so that the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor who was chasing it behind almost thought that there was something wrong with its skull.

Fortunately, the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor hurried and finally caught up with the Blood Void Prince halfway.

As soon as he saw the figure of the Blood Void Prince, the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor couldn't help but get excited!

"Blood Void, you stop quickly!" The

Blood Void Prince heard this voice, which was also quite strange.

It never thought that the Demon Emperor of the dignified Demon Beast Clan would come after it in person.

But it didn't know the seriousness of this matter yet, so when it saw the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor, it was also extremely shocked.

"Father, why are you here?" Before the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor could answer his question, the Blood Void Prince opened his mouth and said unconcernedly

, "Father, I just went shopping casually, are you so nervous?"

Seeing that the Blood

Void Prince didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all, the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor almost broke his defense.

But in the end, it still held back, but in its heart it kept muttering

: "This is my great good, I must hold ......back"

Suppressing the impulse and unhappiness in his heart to do it, the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor was silent for a long time before he spoke:

"Blood Deficiency, do you know how strong the Great Elder of the Xia Kingdom is?"

But as soon as the words came out, the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor reacted, isn't it playing the piano to the cow?

So he didn't care about his own question just now, and directly explained:

"It's normal that you don't know, and now I'll tell you how terrifying he is."

"Not to mention that you have just advanced to the Diamond Rank, even if our four demon emperors join forces, they may not be his opponents. When

the Prince of Blood Void, who was not afraid of heaven and earth, heard this, he was also shocked.

At first, it thought that no matter how strong the Great Elder of the Xia Kingdom was, he was only on the same level as the Blood Heavenly Demon Emperor.

I didn't expect that after listening to my father talk about it now, it realized how stupid it was.

Its reaction did not escape the eyes of the Blood Heaven Demon Emperor, and the Blood Heaven Demon Emperor saw that his words had an effect, so he continued:

"Do you know why we haven't made a move against the Xia Kingdom all along?"

After knowing that he had asked in vain, the Blood Heaven Demon Emperor immediately spoke

, "It's not that we don't want to, it's that there are too many strong people in the Xia Kingdom.

"Even if our four demon emperors work together to contain the Great Elder of the Xia Kingdom, we will not be able to attack the borders of the Xia Kingdom.

"Don't look at the infinite scenery of our demon beast clan, but if we really match the Xia Kingdom, we may not be able to bargain!"

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