"It's just a turtle in an urn, and I'll see what waves you can make. The

dark shadow in the seat glanced at the subordinate who had rolled out, and then opened his mouth to mutter.

Although when it first heard the news, it was still a little angry.

But now that it's calmed down, it doesn't care much anymore.

After all, this is in its territory, and it is acceptable to have fewer demon beasts, as for the matter of the blood crow, although it is a little puzzled.

I don't understand why there are still people in this secret realm who can destroy this group of blood crows that it took a lot of effort to get over.

But it doesn't plan to stay any longer.

"Wild Lion!"

the shadow shouted to the wall on the left, and a lion the size of a truck, full of fiery red, appeared in the main hall.

"Lord!" said

the mad lion as soon as he appeared, bowing his head slightly to the black shadow above.

The black shadow waved the veil in front of him and said

to the mad lion, "Wild lion, you go to the blood crow attack there and deal with all the human beast masters who appear in that place. "

Obviously, the words of the black shadow are not negotiable at all, they are completely orders.

And the momentum emanating from this mad lion is already a golden second-order.

But he didn't dare to say a word, nodded and replied very respectfully:

"Understand the Lord!"

After speaking, he disappeared into the main hall.


On Qin Ye's side, Yan Hong was still wrestling with the blood crow flock.

Suddenly, Yan Hong suddenly felt something.

"Master, I felt a golden level of demon beasts rushing towards us. Hearing

Yan Hong's words, Qin Ye's heart suddenly tightened.

I thought, it seems that the back hand behind this is afraid that he can't sit still.

Qin Ye thought for a moment before he sent a message

to Yan Hong: "Yan Hong, can you sense the place where this aura appears?"

Yes, Qin Ye wants to go straight into the nest and completely solve the black hand behind this.

But Yan Hong didn't respond to him immediately, and waited for a long time before she spoke again:

"Master, I can only roughly sense that it came out of the waterhole in the center of the secret realm, and I can't sense it if I look closely." Qin

Ye felt that it was almost the same to have an approximate location, and it didn't necessarily have to be an accurate location.

So he immediately communicated to Yan Hong again:

"That's good Yan Hong, you can properly unseal some strength, and just deal with the blood crow group before the arrival of this gold-level demon beast." "

You can't fish with all the bait dead, otherwise the fish won't take the bait.

After Yan Hong heard Qin Ye's transmission, she replied

, "Master, Yan Hong understands. After

saying that, he began to encircle and suppress the blood crow group in a planned way, and the blood crow group did not know at this time, thinking that Yan Hong could only waste time with them.

But the next moment, they were confused.

The momentum on Yan Hong's body suddenly became stronger, although they couldn't feel how much stronger they had become.

But I always felt some palpitations.


Suddenly, Yan Hong began to move, more than twice as fast as before.

In this operation alone, the blood crow group, which had not suffered casualties for a long time, lost more than a dozen at once.

Even Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui, who had been observing the battlefield above, were stunned.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

"Learning...... Junior brother, has

Yan Hong become stronger again?" "How do you feel that it is more than a little stronger than before?"

In the face of Xiao Wei and Nie Xiaorui's questions, Qin Ye did not tell them the true situation of Yan Hong.

just panicked and said

, "Senior Sister Yu, Senior Sister Rui, Yan Hong has just been promoted by one level.

"Now Yan Hong already has a silver sixth order.

After listening to Qin Ye's words, Yu Xiaowei and Nie Xiaorui didn't know what to say, but they were shocked.

A little incredulous, he opened his mouth

and said, "Junior brother, you said that Yan Hong broke through in the battle?" "And she was promoted to

the sixth order of silver?" Qin Ye didn't have too many expressions, nodded and said

, "Yes, Yan Hong broke through in

the battle, and now she is a sixth order of silver strength." After

Qin Ye's reconfirmation, they believed it.

"Yan Hong is so powerful, now we finally don't have to consume it with this group of blood crows.

Qin Ye didn't want to interrupt the beautiful fantasies of the two of them at first.

But thinking that it was a gold-level demon beast that appeared later, he still didn't hide it.

After all, he didn't know if the appearance of this gold-rank demon beast would threaten their safety.

Therefore, for their safety, Qin Ye still spoke out very cruelly to interrupt the beautiful fantasy of the two and said,

"Ahem...... Senior Sister Yu, Senior Sister Rui, Yan Hong just told me that she sensed a strong aura approaching us.

In the end, Qin Ye didn't say that the demon beast that came was a golden rank, but only said that it was a demon beast with a strong aura.

As for what happened after that, he didn't care so much.

How could he have so much time to plan every step?


?" "Junior brother, are you saying that there are extremely powerful demon beasts rushing to support the blood crow?"

Yu Xiaowei was a little uncalm after hearing Qin Ye's words just now.

She just thought that the next thing would be simple, but she didn't expect Qin Ye to tell him that another demon beast was coming over in the next second.

And it's also a very powerful monster.

This made her a little overwhelmed.

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