Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 114: Small gains, planning to build foundation [Please subscribe]

After leaving the Hongyan Mountains, Zhou Chun was filled with emotion when he thought of what happened before.

Today's incident really illustrates an eternal truth, sweet dogs must die a good death!

At any time, regardless of gender, once you choose to be a sweet dog, you are destined to be played with by the other party.

In this world of cultivating immortals, the price Sweet Dog will pay will not only be money and feelings, but also life!

At the same time, the beautiful woman's revenge for her husband also gave Zhou Chun a warning.

If you make enemies with someone again in the future, you must not be lenient if you can kill him on the spot!

Even if you fail to kill him on the spot, you must remember the opponent's appearance and look for opportunities to kill him later. Don't ignore the opponent because of his low strength.

After all, this is a world of immortal cultivation, a world where it is possible to obtain the inheritance of peerless magical skills after jumping off a cliff!

The weak ones who are ignored today may be destined to be blessed by fate in the future and acquire the inheritance of some powerful people, so that they can successfully counterattack and come to seek revenge on themselves with powerful cultivation and treasures.

At that time, not only will you suffer, but your family and family will also be affected.

Being kind-hearted and soft-handed is a no-no!

After almost depleting all his mana in one breath, Zhou Chun took advantage of the opportunity to count the loot while taking a break to recover his mana.

Of the three people he killed this time, one was at the twelfth level of Qi Refining Stage, and two were at the ninth level of Qi Refining Stage.

Therefore, Zhou Chun obtained two first-order high-grade magical instruments and five first-order medium-grade magical instruments at once, including a first-order medium-grade flying magical instrument.

The total number of spiritual coins in the storage bags of the three people is 453, which is considered to be a rich fortune.

Other scattered things such as elixirs and talismans are estimated to be worth more than a hundred spiritual coins in total.

In addition, in the sweet dog man's storage bag, Zhou Chun also discovered a secret technique called "Spirit Searching Technique", which is a relatively rare secret technique.

According to the records in the secret art book, this "Spirit-Seeking Technique" is equivalent to an enhanced version of Qi-Looking Technique.

By performing secret techniques, one can not only see the cultivation of higher-level monks, but also see the spiritual radiance emitted by the spiritual herbs, elixirs, and monsters in the mountains and forests.

The sweet dog man was able to reach the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage at an age that looked like he was in his fifties or sixties, and he also had two first-level high-grade magic weapons, one for attack and one for defense.

In addition to his good qualifications, the biggest reason is that he has successfully practiced the secret technique of "Spirit Searching Eyes". When looking for elixirs, his success rate is much higher than others.

However, although the cultivation conditions of this "Spirit-Seeking Technique" do not seem to be high, according to the above statement, it is extremely time-consuming to successfully practice it.

According to the Sweet Dog Man's own training notes that Zhou Chun read, he began to practice this secret technique when he was eighteen years old and at the fourth level of the Qi Refining Stage. He waited until he was thirty-two years old and reached the seventh level of the Qi Refining Stage. It can be said that this secret technique has been successfully cultivated to the point where it can be used to find elixirs.

And according to his slightly proud statement, he was relatively fast.

His master practiced this secret technique back then, and it took him almost twenty-five years to succeed!

This made Zhou Chun's originally fiery heart suddenly cool down.

Things are different now. Zhou Chun is no longer the person who was overjoyed when he got a secret skill back then.

His understanding of the types of secret arts is far beyond what he had before.

A secret technique like "Spirit Seeking Technique" is indeed precious.

But it’s actually very tasteless!

First of all, it can be determined that this method is of little use to monks above the foundation building stage.

Because the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the foundation-building stage is much stronger and the detection effect is better, they will not be worse than it in finding elixirs.

And which immortal cultivator, after reaching the foundation-building stage, would go all over the mountains and plains to look for elixirs that are less than a hundred years old, or that are worth a hundred years?

Another thing is that it can be seen that the effect of cultivation on higher realm monks will probably not be effective on monks in the Zifu stage.

In this way, taking into account his training time of more than ten or twenty years, isn't this method useless to a monk like Zhou Chun who is not difficult to build a foundation?

Only those casual cultivators who make a living by searching for spirits and collecting medicinal herbs will regard this thing as a treasure and are willing to spend a long time and hard work to cultivate it.

"However, this method is not useless for the family. You can ask the clan leader to reward it to some ordinary clan members who are not qualified to practice secret arts. That way, if someone succeeds in practicing it in the future, they can also make a fortune from it. Got it!"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, and he thought of the use of this "tasteless" piece.

After counting the harvest and meditating to recover his mana, Zhou Chun continued on his way.

A month later, Zhou Chun returned to the Zhou family again.

This time he was lucky. He quickly found a mine with rich gold energy. Not only did he cultivate two "Xinjin Sword Qi" in the mine, but he also collected enough gold energy to replenish three "Xinjin Sword Qi".

As soon as he returned to Jiufeng Ridge, Zhou Chun learned some good news.

After three months of seclusion, Baozhi Peak Master Zhou Jiahe took the Shengling Fruit to build his foundation and successfully built his foundation!

In this way, Zhou Jiahe not only became the fifth foundation-building monk of the Zhou family, but also the only female foundation-building monk.

Moreover, her success also diluted the negative impact of another Zhou family monk who died due to the failure of foundation building, allowing the other two who had not yet taken the Ascension Fruit to build their foundation to see hope and regain their confidence.

"This time, my aunt, I was able to successfully build the foundation. Masazumi, you have been a big help. I won't mention the many aunts. If you ask my aunt for help when building the foundation in the future, I will definitely support you with all my strength!"

On Baozhi Peak, when Zhou Chun, who had returned, learned the news and came to visit Zhou Jiahe to congratulate him, the new foundation-building monk of the Zhou family immediately looked at him with a serious face and gave him a guarantee.

When Zhou Chun saw this, he saluted and thanked him and said, "Then my nephew thanks Thirteenth Aunt in advance!"

I was also very happy in my heart.

Next, Zhou Chun visited his parents and brothers and sisters, and then handed over the secret technique of "Spirit Seeking Technique" to the family, and explained his suggestions to the clan leader Zhou Daoyi.

Zhou Daoyi also agreed with his suggestion and rewarded him with another 300 points for his family's good deeds.

Then the good news was announced to the whole clan.

And in order to lay a mass foundation for Zhou Chun, Zhou Daoyi also specifically pointed out who presented the "Spirit Searching Method" and who suggested that it be released to the entire clan of monks for practice.

This wave of operations indeed made many ordinary members of the Zhou family and even elite members extremely grateful to Zhou Chun.

After all, they were originally not qualified to practice family secrets, but now they are.

In the next six months, there was an endless stream of monks queuing up to receive secret cultivation methods in the Zhou family library.

If Zhou Chun wasn't really separated, it would be easier to win people's hearts if he personally distributed jade slips to every Zhou family monk who received the secret cultivation method.

Half a year later, after Zhou Chun took four Golden Bud Pills in succession, he finally succeeded in breaking through to the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage.

At this point, he only needs to open up the last eight acupoints before he can start building the foundation.

At this time, he was only in his early thirties.

A thirty-four-year-old monk at the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, this is the first among the more than 100 Qi Refining Stage monks in the Zhou family.

The last monk to reach the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage before this age was Zhou Zhengkang, who had been dead for several years.

With this kind of cultivation at this age, even if Zhou Chun is just a casual cultivator, he still has a lot of chances to build a foundation in the future.

"Very good, Zhengchun has finally reached this level of cultivation!"

"Next, you just need to slowly open the last eight acupoints one by one. I will come up with a solution for you regarding the Foundation Establishment Pill. You should have a chance soon!"

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Daoyi saw that Zhou Chun's cultivation had finally broken through to the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage. He nodded with joy and was very satisfied with this.

Then he brought up old things again, which directly showed that Zhou Chun didn't need to worry about the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Zhou Chun was deeply moved after hearing this.

He immediately showed curiosity and asked: "What does the opportunity the patriarch said mean?"

Hearing his question, Zhou Daoyi didn't show off, looked at him immediately and said: "You also know that in the past few years, the Hualong Sect has become more and more violent in Yunzhou, and there are even many Yunzhou architects. Ji Sanxiu and some small families were seduced by them and left Jingguo with their troops to practice cultivation around their new main altar."

"This has already begun to shake the foundation of Qinglian Temple in Yunzhou!"

"So I heard that Qinglian Temple has used a batch of reserve materials to refine some foundation-building pills as rewards to reward those cultivating families and casual cultivators who have performed well in dealing with the Hualong Sect."

"If this is the case, my Zhou family will definitely not let this opportunity pass by!"

Is that so?

Zhou Chun nodded thoughtfully, understanding what Zhou Daoyi meant.

Up to now, the situation of Hualong Sect has been investigated and revealed a lot.

Judging from the known situation, after the Hualong Sect was exterminated in Jingguo, the remnants should have fled into the mighty Longyuan Ze.

After more than 800 years of tolerant development, the Hualong Sect has now established another human settlement in the wilderness outside Jingguo, and its overall power is probably no weaker than Qinglian Temple, and even Stronger!

This time they chose to enter Jingguo to cause trouble, because they were afraid that they wanted to avenge the past, but they really wanted to poach talents.

After all, even if their strength has recovered very well, it cannot be compared with the peak period of the year.

It should be known that as long as several major factions in Jingguo still exist, it is impossible to truly allow them to return to Jingguo.

But if they want to develop and grow, and establish a country ruled by Hualong Cult outside of Jingguo, they need enough manpower.

Then we can only focus on Jingguo.

However, Qinglian Temple will obviously not sit back and ignore this matter. It is impossible for Jingguo monks to join the Hualong Sect in large numbers, weakening its own strength and strengthening the enemy's strength.

Therefore, if we want to avoid this happening, we can only severely crack down on the members of Hualong Sect who have sneaked into the country to cause chaos, and at the same time provide benefits to stabilize people's hearts.

As long as your hands are stained with the blood of Hualong Sect members, it will naturally be impossible for you to surrender to the enemy again!

For the Zhou family who had just moved to Lanzhou, it was definitely impossible for them to join the Hualong Cult.

Then when Qinglian Temple's foundation-building elixir really starts to win over people's hearts, and everyone works hard to fight against the Hualong Sect for the sake of the foundation-building elixir, the Zhou family can naturally follow the trend and become one of them.

At that time, even if some of the Hualong Sect's foundation-building envoys were actually killed, they would not be the first to stand out. They could also use this to express their determination to Qinglian Temple, which could be described as killing three birds with one stone.

After understanding this, Zhou Chun did not worry about the Foundation Establishment Pill anymore.

On this day, because the poisonous acanthus mucus used to make the "Touch of Despair" in the family was exhausted, Zhou Chun went to the underground river to fish again.

What is certain now is that this poisonous stickleback cannot be cultivated artificially.

In other words, artificial breeding is impossible due to environmental constraints.

The poisonous stickleback fish raised by the Zhou family were either raised to death, or the mucus on their bodies gradually dissipated after being removed from the original environment, and after several rounds of collection, it no longer produced.

So now if you want to make "Touch of Despair", you have to continue sending people to fish in that underground river to get slime.

Zhou Chun had suggested several times before that the Zhou family directly occupy the mountain where the water pool is located.

However, they were all temporarily rejected by the clan leader Zhou Daoyi.

According to Zhou Daoyi, the Zhou family currently has limited manpower, and can barely defend one Jiufeng Ridge. If another branch is established, it will be difficult to take care of both sides.

After being rejected several times, Zhou Chun stopped mentioning the matter.

However, after arriving at the pool again this time, Zhou Chun looked at the deep pool in front of him, but he couldn't help but want to explore the underground river again.

Now that his cultivation level has reached the twelfth level of the Qi Refining Stage, the Silver Lightning Python has also become a first-level high-grade monster that is equally powerful in water.

Even if we encounter the siege of a large group of poisonous stickleback fish like before, relying on the powerful paralysis effect of thunder spell in the water, it should not be difficult to escape unscathed.

Just do it!

After Zhou Chun pondered for a moment, he released the silver lightning python Bai Bai, and then blessed himself with a "water avoidance technique", and the silver lightning python Bai Bai dived into the water.

It may be that the silver lightning python Baibai has initially possessed the coercion of some intermediate monsters. Zhou Chun was led by it in the underground river this time, and all the monsters he encountered were scared away in advance.

He also easily reached the underground cave where they had failed.

After entering the underground cave, Zhou Chun encountered some poisonous stickleback fish.

But as soon as these monsters saw the silver lightning python in vain, they were so frightened that they fled deep into the underground cave. I don't know if they have moved in for reinforcements again.

Zhou Chun also secretly increased his vigilance in his heart.

Sure enough, after advancing for a certain distance, Zhou Chun once again saw the scene that made them retreat.

Dozens of poisonous stickleback fish were seen rushing towards each other in a swarm, causing the originally peaceful underground water hole to become turbulent.

"Xiao Baibai, it's up to you!"

Zhou Chun took a deep breath and immediately jumped off the python's back, allowing the silver lightning python to attack first.

A silver-white thunder ball was seen spitting out from Bai Bai's mouth, and it instantly fell into a school of fish and exploded.

For a moment, even though they were dozens of feet away, Zhou Chun felt his body numb and felt like he was being touched.

Several of those poisonous acanthus were killed on the spot, and the rest were twitching all over and their speed dropped sharply.

At this time, the silver lightning python Baibai swung its tail and took the initiative to kill the fish with great courage!

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