Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 123 Dazzling harvest, treasure selection in the tower [Please subscribe]

Somewhere in the mountain forest, a pair of eyes were secretly watching the two people on the battlefield.

At this moment, as Zhou Chun looked at him, the man in the dark was also shocked, knowing that he had been discovered.

Then he lowered his head slightly, and after his expression changed uncertainly for a while, he quickly retreated and left the place.

Although he arrived late, he only saw the final scene where Zhou Chun killed the hunchbacked old man.

However, the two first-level high-grade monsters, the Silver Lightning Python and the Rock Turtle, are visibly powerful in battle.

Even if he was sure that Zhou Chun was consuming a lot of mana now, he didn't think he could defeat Zhou Chun under the siege of these two spiritual pets.

In this case, retreating away from this place of right and wrong is undoubtedly the best choice.

After Zhou Chun was sure that the secretly spying person had retreated, he quickly stepped forward to put away the hunchbacked old man's belongings, then destroyed the corpse and left the place quickly.

This time, Zhou Chun ran hundreds of miles away from the seven-story tower before stopping in a valley.

There is only one entrance to the valley, and the trees in the valley are so tall that it is very suitable for hiding.

After Zhou Chun stopped there, he released the two spiritual pets as a warning, and then fed himself and the two similarly injured spiritual pets healing elixirs.

The strength of the hunchbacked old man was definitely the strongest Qi-refining monk Zhou Chun had ever seen so far.

His single strength is enough to easily kill a twelfth-level monk in the same Qi refining stage.

If he hadn't met Zhou Chun, who had two spiritual pets and a treasure all over him, no one in this trial place would be his opponent in a one-on-one situation.

Despite this, Zhou Chun and his two spiritual pets also paid a heavy price in the battle with him.

I saw the rock turtle at this time. Most of the spines on the turtle shell were broken off. There were also a lot of cracks on the turtle shell and many places were burnt.

This kind of injury was more serious than when Zhou Chun had fought with the casual cultivator and foundation-building monk Shen Han before.

That is to say, it has rough skin, thick flesh, and tenacious vitality, so it looks like nothing is wrong with it.

In fact, only Zhou Chun, the owner, knew that it would be impossible to fully recover from such an injury without a few months of rest.

On the contrary, the Silver Lightning Thunder Python Baibai, although it looks like he is seriously injured, is actually not seriously injured, and his recovery ability is much stronger than that of the Rock Turtle.

After all, it is of dragon bloodline, which is not comparable to ordinary monsters.

At this time, after feeding the healing elixir, Zhou Chun asked his two spiritual pets to digest the power of the elixir and protect himself.

Then he also took the time to meditate and heal his injuries.

After almost a day passed like this, Zhou Chun's injuries improved a lot and his mana was restored.

Only then did he have time to count the harvest.

Zhou Chun suffered a lot of losses in the battle with the hunchbacked old man.

First, the [Golden Scale Shield] that the clan leader Zhou Daoyi helped him find someone to refine was shattered, and then the [Moon Blade Meteor Wheel] that he had used for many years was also seriously damaged, making it difficult to continue using it.

In addition, he also consumed a second-level defensive talisman and multiple first-level high-quality talismans.

But compared to the gains, these losses are undoubtedly acceptable.

Let’s just say that the three magic weapons used by the hunchbacked old man were each more precious than the last.

Even the worst crutch weapon is no worse than the double flying fork Zhou Chun had obtained before.

The copper ball magic weapon and the green bronze tripod magic weapon each have their own mysteries, and are more precious and rare than any other magic weapon in Zhou Chun's hand.

Especially the green bronze cauldron magical weapon, which can absorb all kinds of spells and make all spells directed at it ineffective.

Such ability is simply unheard of.

"What a good baby!"

"It's a pity that it's only a first-level magic weapon after all. After I build the foundation, I'm afraid this thing will be of little use!"

In the mountain forest, Zhou Chun was holding the green bronze tripod magic weapon in one hand and the red copper ball magic weapon in the other hand, with a look of joy and regret on his face.

What is gratifying is that these two magic weapons are very high-quality, and they can definitely greatly increase your strength after being refined.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid that I won't be able to use these two magic weapons a few times before they may be eliminated!

But this regret comes and goes quickly.

Zhou Chun quickly shook his head slightly, didn't think much about it, and turned to count other gains.

When Zhou Chun opened the storage bag of the hunchbacked old man, his eyelids jumped.

Four "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit"!

After opening the storage bag, Zhou Chun immediately discovered the four "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" inside.

In addition, there are many complete or damaged magic weapons, a large number of newly picked elixirs, as well as many magic charms and healing elixirs.

Judging from the number of these things, the hunchbacked old man probably killed at least two or more trialists before meeting Zhou Chun, and probably three!

Such a record is indeed very dazzling.

No wonder he sounded so arrogant when he saw Zhou Chun and never took Zhou Chun seriously.

After such an inventory, Zhou Chun estimated that not counting the red copper ball magic weapon and the green bronze tripod magic weapon that he planned to use for his own use, the rest of the harvest totaled at least three to four thousand spiritual coins.

If you add that half a pound of spiritual incense, the harvest will not be less than what you got in the Xuanyin land before.

Not to mention that there is a live fragrant musk deer in his spirit beast bag!

"Okay now, the Heavenly Spirit Order in my hand is not only enough to enter the tower, but I also have two more!"

"Then just follow the plan and wait until the last day before going into the tower to get the treasure!"

With a flash of light in his eyes, Zhou Chun looked at the several storage bags hanging on his waist and quickly made the decision to leave it at that.

The most important thing to avoid when doing things is greed.

What he gained from this "Heavenly Spirit Trial" has far exceeded his previous expectations.

What he has to do now is not to be greedy and insatiable and continue to kill people and seize treasures, but how to keep his gains and return to the family safely.

A hunchbacked old man had almost used all his strength, and both himself and his two spiritual pets were injured.

Who knows if there are any such characters among the remaining trialists?

Who knows if this kind of character will team up with others to hunt down other trialists?

Zhou Chun didn't want to gamble on such odds when his gains were already large enough.

After making this decision, Zhou Chun spent the next few days refining his new hand tools with peace of mind and meditating to heal his injuries.

As the end of the trial gets closer and closer, the surviving trialists are fighting more and more fiercely to obtain the seven "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" to enter the tower.

Even though Zhou Chun was hundreds of miles away, he could sometimes hear the roaring and explosions coming from far away.

After waiting until the last day, Zhou Chun asked the silver lightning python to stun the fragrant musk deer in vain and put it into the spirit beast bag, and then set off to rush to the seven-story tower.

At this time, several trialists had successfully entered the tower and selected the rewards.

They were also able to leave this "Tower Place" first and wait for the trial to end in a safe rest area.

Those monks who had not yet obtained the seven "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" came to hide outside the tower and still did not give up.

At this time, Zhou Chun is here!

At this time, he had already put on the bamboo hat that could hide his appearance to prevent anyone from knowing that he had entered the tower to retrieve the treasure.

Relying on the magical effect of "Lin Yin Cicada Breathing Technique", he was not discovered by the people lurking outside until he was on the stone square near the tower.

But whoever wants to stop him at this time will undoubtedly be too late.

Even though he had not been attacked, Zhou Chun still felt the malicious eyes from the mountains and forests.

I saw him galloping quickly, and soon he reached the edge of the invisible restriction guarding the tower.

Then he turned his back to the real but invisible formation restriction behind him, raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and instantly took out nine "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit".

It can be clearly felt that when he took out these "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit", the mountains and forests were full of malicious eyes, and a lot of the maliciousness was eliminated at once.

They should all be scared.

After all, they couldn't even get together seven "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit", but Zhou Chun was able to come up with nine.

This can fully illustrate how powerful Zhou Chun is.

Facing a strong person, who would dare to reveal his or her malice easily.

At this time, Zhou Chun said in a hoarse voice: "As you can see, there are two more Heavenly Spirit Orders here. Who is willing to bid for them now? Magical weapons and elixirs can be exchanged. !”

Is there such a good thing?

In the forest, everyone who heard Zhou Chun's words were stunned, and some couldn't believe it was true.

But thinking that a person could only enter the tower once, they knew that Zhou Chun really didn't need to lie in this regard.

So soon a voice shouted loudly: "How about two intact first-level high-grade magic weapons?"

As soon as he said these words, another voice shouted again: "I will give you two first-class high-grade magic weapons, plus a 200-year-old spiritual ginseng."

However, these two voices were just shouting from within the forest.

But there was a person who appeared directly from the forest after Zhou Chun finished speaking.

I saw an old man in yellow robe with a long sword on his waist and long sleeves flying out of the mountain forest, and then landed on the bluestone square.

Then he looked at Zhou Chun and waved his sleeves and said: "I will give you four first-class magic weapons and four hundred-year-old elixirs!"

As soon as these words came out, many monks in the forest were shocked, and no one increased the price for a while.

Zhou Chun didn't want to delay any more, so he immediately nodded and said, "Okay, then these two Heavenly Spirit Orders will belong to fellow Taoists!"

Hearing his words, those monks in the forest who had not made a bid immediately regretted and hated themselves for having hesitated.

On the other hand, the old man in yellow robe directly took out the magic weapons and elixirs he mentioned after Zhou Chun finished speaking, and threw them at Zhou Chun.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun did not hesitate, and immediately threw two "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" at the opponent, then put away the magic weapons and elixirs, held seven "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" and crashed into the invisible restricted area ahead. .

It was probably detected that he had seven "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" that met the entry conditions.

Zhou Chun only felt as if a breeze swept over him, and then he easily entered the area ahead, and walked to the high tower under the envious eyes of many monks in the forest.

At the same time, the old man in yellow robe who had obtained two "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" from Zhou Chun also took out five more "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" from the storage bag and entered it as well.

It turns out that he was only short of two "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit", so no wonder he would be so heroic and directly pay a high price to get it.

After Zhou Chun noticed the movement behind him, he just looked back, then pushed open the closed door of the tower and strode in.

There was nothing else in the first floor of the tower, only a stone tablet about one foot to seven feet high, which roughly recorded the process of obtaining the treasure.

"I see, I didn't expect those senior monks from Tianling Sect to be so good at playing!"

After Zhou Chun read the treasure-obtaining process on the stone tablet, he also burst into laughter.

It turns out that according to the statement on the stone tablet, as long as the seven "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" are pressed into the seven grooves behind the stone tablet in sequence, a layer of protective shield can be opened.

The sooner the person breaks the shield, the more valuable the treasure will be!

However, this time when attacking the shield, only the cultivator is allowed to attack alone, without the help of any talismans or spiritual pets.

Zhou Chun didn't know how this rule could still take effect without the supervision of senior monks from Tianling Sect, but he felt that he had no need to challenge this rule.

What's more, in terms of pure attack power, his confidence is no worse than anyone else!

I saw him pressing the seven "Orders of the Heavenly Spirit" into the grooves behind the stone tablet one by one according to the process.

Immediately, a stream of colorful spiritual light burst out from the stone tablet, and soon a shield was formed to protect the stone tablet.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately used the red copper ball magic weapon, causing it to turn into a huge fireball and hit the shield.

There was only a loud "bang" sound, and the colorful shield was shaken violently, but there was no sign of breaking.

Zhou Chun no longer paid attention to the exhausted red copper ball magic weapon, and directly activated the [Small Thousand Mountains Seal] to smash towards the colorful shield.

After this time, tiny cracks suddenly appeared on the colorful shield, but it was still a long way from being broken.

Zhou Chun didn't waste any time at this time and continued to charge up the [Small Thousand Mountains Seal], and directly used the double flying forks to stab the colorful shield, and at the same time raised his hand to shoot out the remaining "Xinjin Sword Qi".


Under the attack of the platinum sword energy that finally arrived, the colorful shield finally couldn't hold on and shattered.

Zhou Chun calculated the time and found that it should have taken him less than seven breaths.

There may be someone who can do better than him, but Zhou Chun believes that with his speed, at least among the monks participating in this trial, he should be ranked among the top.

So he also had some expectations about what treasure he would get.

And he didn't wait much.

Not long after the colorful shield was broken, a large jade box three feet wide and seven feet long appeared in front of him.

The jade box was actually engraved with many exquisite runes and shone with a faint aura, as if the jade box itself was an extraordinary treasure.

It’s just that such a big jade box, what is inside it?

With deep curiosity, Zhou Chun gently pushed the lock on the jade box with his hand and opened the lid.

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