Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 130 Talisman Showdown, Dragon Spirit Secret Talisman [Please subscribe]

Taoist Mingxia's method is actually very simple, that is, a dragnet investigation.

However, this dragnet investigation is not about mobilizing the power of major families to conduct blanket searches across Lanzhou.

That's just killing the enemy!

Her method was to invite the Zifu monks from the major families in Lanzhou, and then work in pairs to investigate the settlements of scattered cultivators and the monasteries of small cultivator families one by one.

According to her calculations, there are approximately thirty or so scattered cultivator settlements and small family gates that need to be investigated. Only three groups of people are required to conduct the investigation at the same time, and the investigation can be completed within three days.

If those members of the Hualong Sect were still staying in Lanzhou and were hiding in a scattered cultivator settlement to recuperate and recover as she thought, then this kind of investigation would definitely be able to find them.

However, although this strategy is simple and effective, it is not easy to use.

A cultivating family like the Zhou family only has one cultivator in the Zifu period. How dare they let such a pillar of their family leave the family gate so easily, in such a dangerous period like today.

What if the monks of Hualong Sect suddenly take action against their family after learning that the monks from Zifu are no longer in their family?

If a certain Zifu monk really got involved in this matter and his family was destroyed, the consequences would be very serious!

So after listening to Taoist Mingxia's plan, Taoist Mingjian also hesitated and did not dare to agree immediately.

He needs to weigh the pros and cons and weigh the pros and cons.

Taoist Mingxia also knew his worries, so she didn't push him at first.

However, after waiting for a long time without seeing any sound from him, he raised his eyebrows impatiently and said in a deep voice: "If you continue to break the rules, you will be subject to chaos. Senior Brother Mingjian, you should know that if you are dejected this time for dereliction of duty, If you go back, your chances of turning around will be slim in the future.”

Speaking of this, she also said in a sharp tone: "Instead of regretting it all day long in the future, it is better to fight hard now. If you succeed, you will successfully defeat the enemy, and if you fail, you will not have any regrets!"

Although she was a female, the aura she showed at this time was beyond the reach of men like Taoist Ming Jian.

He seemed to be intimidated by her aura.

After Taoist Ming Jian stared at her blankly for a while, his expression suddenly became cloudy and uncertain.

After hesitating like this for a while, he sighed and said, "Okay, then just like what you said, Junior Sister Mingxia, let's give it a try!"

The two reached an agreement and divided into two groups to personally visit the Zifu monks from various immortal cultivating families, and invited these Zifu monks to assist in the investigation, both soft and hard.

At this time, although the major families in Lanzhou were panicked by the people of Hualong Sect, the influence of Qinglian Temple on them was still huge, and no one dared to really have the heart to betray them.

Therefore, after receiving some hard and soft advice from Taoist Mingjian and Taoist Mingxia, many local Zifu monks agreed to assist in the investigation.

Soon, four local Zifu monks in Lanzhou, including Zhou Mingde, plus two Qinglian Guanzifu monks, a total of six people in three groups, simultaneously began to investigate the scattered cultivator camps and the mountain gates of the minor cultivators in Lanzhou. got up.

After the immortal cultivators opened the Purple Mansion, their souls manifested internally and their spiritual consciousness transformed, making it difficult for many disguised and hidden spells and secrets to take effect in front of their eyes.

Therefore, when the Zifuqi monks personally participated in the investigation, as long as the Hualong Cult people really appeared in front of them, they would never be able to escape their eyes.

So within two days, the hiding place of the Hualong Cult group was discovered.

It's a coincidence.

The monks who discovered the hiding place of the Hualong Sect group were none other than Zhou Mingde and Wang Guangping, a monk from Wang Family’s Purple Mansion in Hongyao Valley.

At that time, the black dragon protector was recovering from his injuries deep in the camp. When the Hualong Sect monks guarding the camp discovered the arrival of the two Zifu monks, they were frightened to death, thinking that their whereabouts had been exposed.

So he activated the formation on his own initiative and refused to let the two of them enter the camp.

This time it’s like not asking for trouble!

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde and Wang Guangping quickly asked a foundation-building monk who had come with them to call for help, while keeping an eye on the camp to prevent the enemy from escaping.

Naturally, the black dragon protector who was in seclusion for healing could no longer hide and hurriedly gathered people to prepare for a breakout.

He knew in his heart that after this breakout, Lanzhou could no longer stay, and the mission was basically over.

Therefore, before breaking out, he directly issued the order to disperse and break out, and wait until they meet again at the Black Dragon Branch of Yunzhou Hualong Cult.

Outside the camp, Zhou Mingde also said to Wang Guangping with a serious face: "Friend Wang, if the thieves break out later, you and I will entangle the black dragon protector, and leave the rest of the thieves to Zhou's spiritual pet. The credit is shared equally with me, what do you think?"

"Good, just follow what Taoist friend Zhou said."

Wang Guangping nodded and readily accepted the suggestion.

Not long after, the black dragon protector rushed out of the camp first.

There were no injuries visible on his body, but his aura was obviously much weaker than when Zhou Mingde saw him before in Biyun Mountain.

Apparently the injury has not healed.

When the Black Dragon Protector saw Zhou Mingde, he also shouted angrily: "It's you again! It seems that the Zhou family really thinks that your life is too long, right?"

When Zhou Mingde heard this, he also replied coldly: "It's hard to say whether the Zhou family will live long or not, but I'm afraid your life will be difficult to save today!"

After saying that, he and Wang Guangping used magic weapons to attack the opponent.

"How brave!"

The black dragon protector shouted angrily, and while offering his magic weapon to fight with the two, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist and took out a piece of silver-white talisman paper about a foot long.


He held the silver-white talisman and poured his magic power into it. The object soon transformed into a shining silver sword and slashed towards Zhou Mingde and the others.

"It's the Yu family's silver frost sword and talisman!"

Zhou Mingde's eyes narrowed and he instantly recognized the origin of the silver sword.

As far as they knew, the reason why the Black Dragon Protector was injured was that he was first injured by a thunder bead, a secret treasure, and then was hit by this talisman.

And with the death of the head of the Yu family, this talisman also fell into the hands of the black dragon protector.

However, since they knew the news in advance, they would certainly not be unprepared at this time.

Zhou Mingde and Wang Guangping both raised their sleeves and took out a talisman.

The Zhou family and the Wang family are both big families that have been passed down for a long time. Although things like talismans are rare, they both have them.

Immediately, Zhou Mingde offered up a cyan mirror and talisman. The cyan glow released by the mirror froze the silver long sword talisman in mid-air.

Wang Guangping, on the other hand, sacrificed a long sword talisman glowing with blue-purple true fire, and slashed straight at the Black Dragon Protector himself.

The power of the talisman comes from the magic weapon of the Golden Core monk. Although the power and power are not as good as the magic weapon, its essence is very high.

Although the black dragon protector's body defense is equivalent to a third-level defensive magic weapon after casting the "Secret of Dragon Transformation", he does not dare to let the talisman hit him.

The dragon flag danced in his hand, and the black dragon on the blue flag seemed to come alive. Suddenly it rushed out from the flag and turned into a ten-foot-long black dragon that pounced on the flaming sword.

The black dragon is transformed by the power of pure water spirit. Although its quality is not as good as the blue-purple true fire activated by the talisman, it is better than the powerful and continuous power.

A dragon and a sword fought fiercely in the air, and in a short period of time it was a stalemate, and no one could do anything to the other.

But Wang Guangping not only has talismans, but also his own magical weapons.

After she used the talisman to defeat the black dragon protector's signature magic weapon, she then activated a green-black hairpin magic weapon to shoot towards the black dragon protector.

The hairpin magic weapon looked small, but it was extremely sharp, and its speed was even faster than a flying sword.

The black dragon protector could see the power at a glance, and hurriedly took out a dragon scale shield magic weapon in front of him to block the blow.

But then Zhou Mingde raised his hand again, and a red jade magic weapon appeared in his hand.

Under the influence of his magic power, the tiger pattern engraved on the front of the jade medal suddenly opened its mouth and roared, and a ball of fire quickly jumped out of it, turning into a flaming tiger and pounced on the black dragon protector.

At the same time, the Vulcan Jackal also opened his mouth under the command of his master, and spit out a pillar of flames that hit the black dragon protector.

This time, the black dragon protector was also unable to defeat the four-handed opponent with two fists, and he was hit on the spot!


There was a loud sound in the sky, and the fire dyed half of the sky crimson.

Then the black dragon protector wearing black dragon scales rushed out of the flames and quickly fled towards a river not far away.

He originally wanted to hold Zhou Mingde and two of them down to give his men a chance to break out and escape.

But now he found that there was no way he could defeat Zhou Mingde and the other two who came prepared.

So now he gave up those men without hesitation and just wanted to take the first step to save his own life.

"Where to go!"

Zhou Mingde had witnessed with his own eyes the Black Dragon Protector's ability to escape through water. Now when he saw the direction in which the other party was escaping, he understood the other party's plan.

Immediately, he quickly activated the cyan mirror and talisman, turned the target and radiated a cyan glow towards the black dragon protector.

Qingxia broke through the air and fell on the black dragon protector in an instant.

For a moment, the Black Dragon Protector felt his body sink, and the speed of mana flow in his body was instantly reduced by dozens of times. It became extremely difficult to mobilize mana, and it was even very difficult to keep his body in the air.

Damn it!

A look of shock and anger flashed in his eyes, and he hurriedly summoned up his magic power to try to refine and dispel the cyan glow.

But the cyan glow was generated by the power of talismans, and its quality was extremely high. It was definitely not something he could easily dispel and refine.

As soon as his side was restrained, other attacks from Zhou Mingde and Wang Guangping immediately followed.

Such a situation made the Black Dragon Protector panic.

Recalling Zhou Mingde's previous words, he felt that if he only relied on ordinary means, he was afraid that it would be really difficult for him to do well this time.

So after hesitating for a moment, he looked hard, and with a sudden movement of consciousness, he took something out of the storage bag.

It was a talisman about one foot and seven inches long. The dark red runes on it were piled up as finely as grains of rice, forming a crooked pattern of a dark red dragon.

This object is the secret talisman of the Hualong Sect, the "Dragon Spirit Possession Talisman". It is very rare and rare. It was specially given by the Golden Pill Elder of the Hualong Sect when the Black Dragon Protector performed this mission of harassing behind enemy lines. It can also be regarded as a gift to him. award.

Originally, he did not want to use this precious secret talisman in Lanzhou, but wanted to use it as a trump card for self-defense.

But now that the situation is critical, even if he is unwilling to do so, he can only worry about saving his life first.

I saw him reciting a special mantra and quickly activated the secret talisman in his hand.

Immediately, he saw the bloody light on the secret talisman, and the entire secret talisman instantly turned into a bloody dragon and rushed into the body of the black dragon protector.

Immediately, a look of extreme pain appeared on the face of the black dragon protector, and a bloody light centered on him, forming a bloody light shield to protect him.

Zhou Mingde and Wang Guangping's attacks landed on the bloody light shield, and they were unable to break it for a while!


Suddenly, a roar full of pain sounded from mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, the blood-colored light shield shrank inward, and soon turned into countless blood-colored runes that were imprinted on the black dragon scales on the surface of the black dragon protector's body, giving the originally rough and primitive dragon scales a sense of exquisiteness and mystery.

At this time, the black dragon protector's eyes were filled with blood, and his mind seemed to be affected to some extent.


Looking at the Black Dragon Protector whose aura surged and his figure changed drastically, Zhou Mingde and Wang Guangping were both shocked and felt bad.

Don't blame them for their shallow knowledge. In fact, the "Dragon Spirit Possession Talisman" is something that only protector-level figures can come into contact with in the Hualong Sect.

Moreover, all the relevant information about the Hualong Sect had been destroyed and banned back then, and the information they currently have access to is limited.

"Ho! Everyone die for this protector!"

With blood surging in his eyes, the black dragon protector finally regained his consciousness and launched a counterattack with an angry roar.

Yes, fight back!

The current black dragon protector has forgotten that he was originally going to break through and escape.

In other words, it's not that he forgot, but that he thinks he doesn't need to escape at all now and can try to kill his opponent.

But when he rubbed his hands, a black water dragon jumped out and rushed towards Zhou Mingde.

Then he raised his claws and slapped it, relying on the sharp dragon claws to connect the magic weapon, and flew away the blue-black hairpin magic weapon that was stabbed.

After being blessed by the "Dragon Spirit Possession Talisman", both his magical power and physical strength have been strengthened at this moment.

Now it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a humanoid dragon.

Judging from the fact that one dragon can defeat many monks of the same level, it seems that there is nothing wrong with him trying to kill Zhou Mingde and Wang Guangping.

"Don't fight him head-on. Wait until he exhausts the power of the secret talisman before you settle with him!"

Zhou Mingde shouted in a deep voice and immediately became vigilant, not daring to be careless.

While he continued to activate the cyan mirror to release the rays of light and lag the body of the black dragon protector, preventing the opponent from taking advantage of his physical body to rush into close combat, he also summoned the Vulcan Jackal who was left behind to kill the followers of the Dragon Transformation Sect.

After Wang Guangping tried it once, he also gave up the idea of ​​​​fighting head-on. He only concentrated on using the flaming long sword talisman to defeat the opponent's talisman, and then used other magical weapons and spells to kill the black dragon's guardian power.

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