Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 133 An old friend from the past, retreating to build foundation [Please subscribe]

Biyun Mountain.

Zhou Chun should be more familiar with the original Biyun Mountain than most of the Zhou family monks.

After all, he was originally sent here to teach the Mu family monks the art of controlling beasts, but he stayed here for more than a year.

But now that he came here again, the scene he saw was completely different from the scene in his memory.

Biyun Mountain, which once had beautiful mountains and clear waters, is now burned into scorched earth in many places. Even the vegetation on the main peak can be seen with traces of transplantation.

Even the area protected by the Mu family's new Pure Spirit Array has been significantly reduced by nearly half.

Obviously, it is because the Mu family cannot find many monks to maintain the operation of the Pure Spirit Array, so they can only set up a small array to open up a place for practice.

Seeing Zhou Chun and Zhou Jiarui arriving at this time, Mu Yuntian immediately came over to greet them in person.

"Welcome Daoyou Zhou and Xiaoyou Zhou to Mu's house. Mu has been waiting for you both for a long time."

"You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Mu. The Mu family is rebuilding the mountain gate today. We and I are here to congratulate on the order of the Supreme Elder. We wish the Mu family can regain its strength and prestige as soon as possible."

After Zhou Jiarui said this, he took off a storage bag from his waist and handed it to the front: "It's just a congratulatory gift, it's not respectful. I hope fellow Taoist Mu can accept it with a smile."

"You're welcome, you two fellow Taoists are too polite!"

Mu Yunshan was polite with a smile on his face, but he accepted the storage bag without any politeness.

But when he took the time to scan the contents of the storage bag with his spiritual consciousness, he looked shocked.

Then he hurriedly bowed his hands to Zhou Jiarui and said, "Mou and the Mu family will definitely or dare not forget the kindness of the Zhou family and Senior Zhou. They will definitely repay it in the future!"

He said this categorically and in a very firm tone.

Zhou Jiarui, who didn't have a very good impression of him at first, felt much better after hearing this.

After a few more polite words, he and Zhou Chun were invited to the main hall and sat together with the foundation-building monks from other families who had arrived.

After all, the Mu family is a family that has been rooted in Lanzhou for hundreds of years, and with the help of Qinglian Temple for this reconstruction, there are quite a few Lanzhou forces coming to support this time.

However, most of the forces just backed up gifts and sent people over to support them.

There are not many forces that are really willing to spend money to give gifts and help like the Zhou family. It is obvious that they are not very optimistic about Mu Yuntian's rebuilding of the Mu family.

This is probably also related to the current situation.

With the Hualong Sect causing trouble, no one knows what the future situation will be like.

Some more conservative families save what they can at this time, and don't want to spend money to gain favors.

But in this way, the Zhou family becomes even more valuable.

Therefore, when the celebration began, Mu Yuntian also changed his original decision and regarded the Zhou family as the first recipient of the toast. He toasted Zhou Jiarui and Zhou Chun a glass of wine in public to thank Zhou Mingde and the Zhou family for their help to the Mu family.

This attitude also made many guests present look at him with suspicion.

But considering that Zhou Mingde's act of rescuing the Mu family that day was indeed very rare, and in addition to assisting Taoist Mingxia in killing the black dragon protector, it could be regarded as avenging the Mu family.

These people just found a reason for themselves and figured this out, and it was no longer strange.

After having such a banquet and hearing Mu Yuntian say some words about how to revive the Mu family in the future, this formal celebration was over.

In fact, it was just a formality.

The Mu family said it was rebuilt, but now even the remains of the war inside the mountain gate have not been sorted out, so there can really be no celebration.

Today's so-called reconstruction celebration is nothing more than sending a signal to the Lanzhou Immortal Cultivation World.

Although the Mu family in Biyun Mountain suffered a catastrophe, the family inheritance has not been cut off, and they are able to preserve the Mu family's original industry and maintain the Mu family's dignity.

Of course, it is still doubtful whether the latter can really be achieved.

In short, since various forces are willing to send people to attend this celebration, they express their willingness to maintain the old relationship with the Mu family and recognize the new Mu family.

But after the show, when he was about to leave, Zhou Chun's eyes suddenly moved and he saw an acquaintance.

So he immediately said hello to Zhou Jiarui and Mu Yuntian, and left the team alone to walk towards the acquaintance.

He walked forward quickly, walked to a female cultivator in purple clothes who came to pack things in the hall, and said, "Your Excellency is Taoist Fellow Ziying, right? Do you remember Zhou?"

Hearing Zhou Chun's words, the female cultivator in purple looked at him with a complex expression and said, "Zi Ying certainly has not forgotten Fellow Daoist Zhou. I heard that Fellow Daoist Zhou has now become the acting patriarch of the Zhou family. Congratulations to Fellow Daoist!"

It turned out that this purple-clothed female cultivator was Mu Ziying, who had taught Zhou Chun the art of controlling beasts in the Mu family. The two families had even deliberately set up a match between them.

However, Zhou Chun had no idea of ​​getting married at that time, so he sternly rejected Mu Ziying's overtures.

When Zhou Chun came to Mu's house before, Mu Ziying actually saw him.

However, she knew that the two people were now very different in cultivation and status, and the family that had once relied on her was in trouble again, so Mu Ziying did not dare to step forward and acknowledge him.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Chun took the initiative to come over and say hello to her after seeing her at this time.

But as a result, her mood became more complicated, and various thoughts sprouted in her mind.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, his tone seemed strange, filled with sadness.

However, she was so overwhelmed with distracting thoughts at this time that she didn't even realize that there was anything wrong with her words.

Fortunately, when Zhou Chun saw her eyes wandering, he realized that she might have made an unintentional mistake, so he didn't care about it.

On the contrary, he felt more compassionate.

Dang even said in a soft tone: "When I heard that the Mu family was attacked before, Zhou immediately thought of the safety of fellow Taoist Ziying and several other Taoist friends of the Mu family. Now that he saw that fellow Taoist Ziying was fine, Zhou not worried."

Maybe a soft voice can actually be soothing.

After Mu Ziying heard what he said, her mind was settled and she finally returned to normal thinking.

She couldn't help but said with a look of joy on her face: "Zi Ying was also lucky. She was living in her husband's house at that time, otherwise she would have died!"

"Oh, is Fellow Taoist Zi Ying married? I wonder which family my husband is a talented person from?"

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed with surprise, and he couldn't help but look at Mu Ziying and ask.

Only then did he realize that Mu Ziying's bun had indeed changed, and her face was indeed more beautiful than before, with a more feminine look.

However, him staring at people like this made Mu Ziying a little uncomfortable.

She couldn't help but bow her head slightly and whispered softly: "Zi Ying married into the He family of Qingzhu Mountain five years ago at the discretion of the clan leader. Her husband's name is He Chengli."

"It turns out he is a hero from the He family!"

Zhou Chun nodded, his curiosity finally satisfied.

At this time, he also noticed Mu Ziying's nervousness and realized his rudeness just now.

Coupled with the faint gazes from Mu Yuntian and Zhou Jiarui, he knew that now was not the time to continue talking to others in depth.

So after thinking for a moment, he reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a pill bottle and handed it to the other party.

He said: "Let this bottle of elixir be regarded as a wedding gift from Zhou to fellow Taoist Zi Ying. From now on, if fellow Taoist Zi Ying and your husband are free to visit Zhou's house, they can come to see Zhou. Zhou will definitely do it." Landlord friendship.”

Hearing his words, Mu Ziying shook her head and declined: "This is not possible, I can't have it..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Zhou Chun had put the elixir bottle on the table next to him, turned around and left in a smart manner.

This made her stunned, and she became stunned on the spot when she looked at the elixir bottle on the table.

After Zhou Chun left, he did not explain anything to Mu Yuntian, and soon left Biyun Mountain with Zhou Jiarui.

"Zhengchun, do you know that girl from the Mu family? It seems to me that your relationship is unusual!"

On the way, while Zhou Jiarui led Zhou Chun back to Jiufeng Ridge, he couldn't help but curiously inquire about the relationship between Zhou Chun and Mu Ziying.

If Zhou Chun was attracted to Mu Ziying, he didn't believe it.

Not to mention that Mu Ziying knew at a glance that she was no longer Yuanying. Even with her fifth-level cultivation in the Qi Refining Stage, it was impossible for her to catch Zhou Chun's eyes.

But if it wasn't that kind of relationship, why would Zhou Chun give people pills?

As soon as Zhou Chun heard Zhou Jiarui's words, he knew that the other party must have misunderstood.

At that moment, he said angrily: "Uncle Eleven, please don't misunderstand me. The reason why my nephew knows fellow Taoist Ziying is because he once taught her the art of beast control in the Mu family. The bottle of elixir is also a supplement." A wedding gift for her and fellow Taoist He Chengli."

"Oh, so that girl is still the wife of the He family?"

Zhou Jiarui nodded thoughtfully, but he really didn't make any further assumptions.

But he quickly looked at Zhou Chun and said, "Even if you have nothing to do with that girl, Zhengchun, you are already a grown man. After the foundation is successfully established, you can worry about starting a family."

"Our Zhou family is now considered a big family in Lanzhou, with strong strength and reputation. If you want to find a Taoist companion, there will definitely be many female cultivators of the right age from the family willing to marry into the Zhou family!"

He was not the first to say these words to Zhou Chun.

Not to mention Zhou Zhengyong's previous advice, the patriarch Zhou Daoyi and other familiar elders of the Zhou family had also advised Zhou Chun in this regard.

But Zhou Chun didn't have any strong desire to get married, and he didn't want to settle for just finding a female cultivator to get married, so he was respectful and insensitive to the matter.

At this time, he also said the same thing: "My nephew understands what Uncle Eleven means. Let's wait until my nephew succeeds in building the foundation!"

Let’s put it off first. Anyway, as immortal cultivators, these elders cannot be as busy as those old men and old ladies.

After returning to the Zhou family, Zhou Chun quickly forgot about the Mu family's affairs and concentrated on practicing and handling family affairs.

Some time passed, and the second elder Zhou Chongshan suddenly found Zhou Chun.

"I have already studied the formation that you gave me to me, Zhengchun. I have also sorted out the relevant layout and usage techniques. You should learn it when you have time."

In the Zhongping Hall, Zhou Chongshan reached out and patted the storage bag on his waist, handing a set of formation equipment and a jade slip into his hands that Zhou Chun had almost forgotten.

While handing the things to Zhou Chun like this, he also sighed: "It's thanks to the few formation law books you presented. If I hadn't gained so much from those formation law books, I wouldn't be like this at all." Quickly figure out how to use this formation!"

"Is that so? Thank you so much, elder!"

Zhou Chun took the things and quickly thanked him.

After seeing off the second elder Zhou Chongshan, he checked the jade slips he left for him.

In addition to the array layout and manipulation techniques, the jade slip also contains an introduction to the uses of the array.

It turns out that this set of formation equipment can create a formation called the "Eight-door Xuanshui Formation", which is a killing formation that can trap and kill foundation-building monks!

It's just that the arrangement of this "Eight Gates Mysterious Water Formation" is a bit complicated and time-consuming, and it requires a monk to preside over its operation in order to be effective.

Therefore, when Zhou Chun killed the black dragon envoy of the Dragon Transformation Sect, the opponent who suffered heavy injuries did not arrange this formation at all.

Now that Zhou Chun has learned how to arrange and control this array, he can either sell it or keep it as a trump card for himself. He has obtained an extra treasure out of thin air.

Time flies by, and soon another half year has passed.

At this time, 105 of the 108 acupoints in Zhou Chun's body had been opened, and only the last three acupoints were left to be opened before he could take the Foundation Establishment Pill to build the foundation.

It was also at this time that a battle broke out in Yunzhou, allowing Zhou Daoyi to successfully kill two missionaries of the Hualong Sect, and was rewarded with a Foundation Establishment Pill for this achievement.

After getting another Foundation-Building Pill, Zhou Daoyi, for the sake of his own safety and to avoid being retaliated by the Hualong Sect, did not stay on the Yunzhou front line anymore, but asked the Fourth Elder Zhou Jiarui to replace him.

"Now Zhengzhun, you only have one thing to do, and that is to practice in seclusion until you can take the Foundation Establishment Pill and come out again!"

On the pagoda peak, Zhou Daoyi, who had returned from the battlefield with a foundation-building pill, looked at Zhou Chun with a serious face and directly gave him an order to practice in seclusion.

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