Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 146: Increase revenue, reduce expenditure, discussion on reform [Please subscribe]

Pagoda Peak, inside the Zhongping Hall.

Today, all the foundation-building monks of the Zhou family gathered in the Zhongping Hall, not to discuss any major matter that affected the family's life and death.

But the importance of what was being discussed was obviously not at all inferior to that major event.

Especially after the Zhou family's financial problems were exposed, all the elders were shocked.

In the past, in the Zhou family, although the elders also had the right to intervene in family affairs, they also had supervisory responsibilities.

But unless the patriarch takes the initiative to invite the elders to participate when he is faced with some major decision and cannot make an easy decision, the elders will not inquire about family affairs.

This is to express trust in the clan leader, and secondly, he does not want to waste time on these things.

After all, the real role of these elders to the family lies in the powerful combat power they can provide and the skills they master in cultivating immortals.

Therefore, the patriarch is in charge of the internal and external affairs of the family and is responsible for running the family. The elders are responsible for concentrating on cultivation and providing combat strength guarantee. This is the operating model of many immortal cultivating families and even sects.

The Zhou family is naturally no exception.

But just because they don't ask about it doesn't mean that the elders really don't know anything about family affairs and don't understand the harm of some things to the family.

After all, whoever can become a family elder has not practiced for dozens or hundreds of years and has experienced all kinds of things, big and small.

With this experience alone, even people with no talent can still see the good and bad of some things and understand the seriousness of some things.

It is said that if there is an elder in the family, it is the same as if there is a treasure.

Therefore, when Zhou Chun told the Zhou family about the upcoming financial crisis, all the elders present paid great attention to it.

It is true that, as Zhou Chun said, although the population crisis is equally serious, the outbreak takes a long time to take effect, and ways can be found to slowly resolve it.

But the fiscal redemption crisis is completely different.

The effects of the fiscal repayment crisis are very quick.

If we really wait until the crisis is triggered before we think of a solution, then everything will be too late!

So at this time, all the population issues were temporarily forgotten by the elders. They only cared about one thing.

How to solve or delay the possible financial crisis!

At this time, facing the expectant gazes of the patriarch Zhou Daoyi and the family elders, Zhou Chun also said: "To solve the financial crisis the family is facing now, there are only two ways, to increase revenue and reduce expenditure!"

"The family currently has too few money-making channels and methods, which severely limits the family's income. Therefore, we must find ways to expand new money-making channels and improve the efficiency of existing money-making channels!"

"Setting down expenditures naturally means controlling and suspending some temporarily unnecessary expenses to achieve the effect of reducing expenditures."

Speaking of this, Zhou Chun also said without hesitation: "In fact, this junior has analyzed and studied the family's income and expenditure records in the past ten years, and found that if it were not for the huge sales of Chiyao Iron Ore Vein and Touch of Despair, which would have provided the family with With a huge amount of income, the family’s financial crisis could have started two years ago!”

Although he said this was a boast, he was telling the truth.

The clan leader Zhou Daoyi also nodded sincerely and said: "Yes, if it weren't for Zhengchun who discovered the Red Yao Iron Ore Vein and helped the family develop the Despair Touch Poison to stabilize the Spiritual Beast Restaurant's customer base, the family's current account would be Indeed, it’s hard to even have a single spiritual coin left!”

The other family elders naturally knew that these were Zhou Chun's achievements, and the eyes they looked at him at this time were full of appreciation and gratitude.

But Zhou Chun shook his head at this time and said: "But now the output of Chiyao Iron Ore is close to exhaustion, and it is about to completely lose its large-scale mining value, and the price of the raw materials of Despair Touch has also increased a lot, and it is difficult to give this thing to the family anymore." How much effective income can it bring?”

"Then what should we do? Masazumi, you just said that you want to open source, do you have any better ideas?"

The fourth elder, Zhou Jiarui, looked at Zhou Chun expectantly and asked, hoping that he, this amazing young man in the family, could make great contributions to the family and extend his life.

Several other people also looked at Zhou Chun, their eyes full of expectation.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun nodded and said, "Let's talk about the family's way of making money now."

"The current way for the family to make money is generally divided into three main areas: shops in the market, training rent from casual cultivators, and trade with other forces."

"Although the Fangshi store seems to be stable at the moment, it is very good to be able to maintain the current income when there are strong competitors. If we want to see any high growth, unless we can launch a product that is effective, New product with high volume!”

"The cultivation rents for casual cultivators are promising. Our Zhou family has a very good reputation now, attracting many casual cultivators to settle down and practice around Jiufeng Ridge. If there can be three to five hundred casual cultivators who regard our Zhou family as a place of cultivation, The annual rental income alone is huge!"

"So this junior suggested that the Zhou family could allocate a sum of money to form a security team to protect the safety of the casual cultivators who settled around Jiufeng Ridge, and severely crack down on the behavior of robbing and killing others in the surrounding area, so as to attract the casual cultivators to settle down! "

"Of course, the consequences of doing this are also obvious. It will attract deliberate targeting by some bandit cultivators, and it may also be plotted by forces jealous of our Zhou family. Whether we should do it or not depends on the opinions of the elders."

"The last thing is the income from trade with other forces. This area also has great potential!"

When Zhou Chun said this, he couldn't help but look at the third elder Zhou Daoquan.

"The trade income between the Zhou family and other forces used to be just large quantities of family specialty medicines and monster beast rations."

"But in fact, those monsters raised by our Zhou family can also become best-sellers!"

"I roughly calculated that based on the current growth rate of the family's monk population, many monsters raised by the family will reproduce at a faster rate than the family's population growth."

"High-quality monster beast populations such as the Emerald Crowned Flying Snake, Octagonal Water Deer, Rock-Armored Ground Python, and Red Flame Wolf will reproduce faster than ordinary monster beasts as long as they are provided with enough food."

"If the Beast Garden can supply even ten low-level monster cubs of various types to outsiders for contracts every year, it can generate thousands of spiritual coins for the family!"

After he said this, the other elders also looked at the third elder Zhou Daoquan.

He has always been in charge of the Zhou family's animal garden, and he is also responsible for all the nurturing tasks.

He knows better than anyone whether he can increase the output of monster cubs in the animal garden.

Facing the attention of everyone, Zhou Daoquan pondered for a moment and then said: "Forget about the eight-pointed water deer. The population of this species is currently not enough even for the family. It is not suitable for sale to the outside world until the population exceeds fifty! "

"As for other monster cubs, we can indeed release some of them and sell them for profit. Ten of them every year shouldn't be a big problem!"

When Zhou Chun heard this, he immediately said: "That's great. It can be regarded as opening up a new channel."

At this time, the fourth elder Zhou Jiarui suddenly changed his expression and said, "How is the red flame diamond monkey doing now? It has been seven or eight years, so it should have become a first-order high-grade monster, right?"

"The Red Flame Diamond Monkey has indeed become a first-order high-grade monster last year, but this beast has not yet fully matured and has not yet mated with a female Red-tailed Monkey!"

After Zhou Daoquan said this, he continued: "But it should be fast, as early as three years, as early as one year, it should challenge the King Kong's status as the monkey king!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Jiarui also sighed softly: "Hey, I hope it can pass on the bloodline and give my Zhou family another powerful fighting beast!"

At the beginning, Zhou Daoquan mentioned two routes for cultivating the Red Flame Diamond Monkey population.

Now several years have passed, and the diamond monkeys have not been able to breed with the red-tailed monkeys to produce new red-flame diamond monkeys, nor have they given birth to new diamond monkeys.

To truly realize the population expansion of the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey, the only hope lies with the Scarlet Flame Diamond Monkey.

Zhou Chun continued at this time: "As far as open source is concerned, these are the open source methods that can be implemented currently."

"Let me talk about cost-saving next!"

"It's actually more difficult to reduce expenditures than to increase revenue, because the family has already been able to save money and save money in all aspects!"

"I can think of only two ways to save money. One is to change the rewards for future family missions, and change the original pure good deeds rewards into part of the good deeds and treasures accumulated in the treasure house, and clean up some useless inventory."

"The second is to encourage the clan members to accumulate good deeds and use them to exchange for foundation-building spiritual items in the future!"

Saving money is by no means reducing the welfare benefits of the tribe!

Zhou Chun knew this very well.

The unity of the family, in addition to blood ties, means that family monks have significantly better welfare benefits than casual cultivators.

Cutting the welfare benefits of tribesmen is not something that has to be done out of necessity. It must not be used!

But even so, after listening to his cost-saving advice, the second elder Zhou Chongshan still said: "I am afraid you have to be cautious about exchanging foundation-building spiritual items!"

"The previous redemption of Spirit Fruit has caused a lot of turmoil in the family. If this is used to induce the clan members to accumulate good deeds, it can certainly play a role in mitigating the redemption crisis, but what if some clan members really raise money through borrowing? How can we honor his good deeds?"

Foundation-building spiritual objects are not easy to obtain!

Any kind of foundation-building spiritual object, even a spiritual object like the Spirit Ascension Fruit, is something that can only be obtained by chance and luck.

Therefore, Zhou Chongshan's statement is not without purpose.

But since Zhou Chun made this suggestion, he must have taken this into consideration.

He immediately said: "So we are going to amend a family rule. When an individual family monk accumulates five thousand family good deeds through welfare offerings and mission rewards, he can become the family's foundation-building seed and enjoy priority redemption. Foundation-building spiritual creature rights!”

"You can even include the good deeds inherited from your deceased fathers, so as to enhance the family monks' loyalty and sense of belonging to the family!"

"In this way, if there is still someone who can borrow six or seven thousand family merits, it means that he must be widely trusted and admired by the clan members. Then isn't it reasonable for us to do our best to support him in building a foundation?"

After hearing what he said, Zhou Chongshan also fell silent and fell into thinking.

After a while of this, before Zhou Chongshan could speak, the patriarch Zhou Daoyi clapped his hands and shouted: "Wonderful, this plan is very clever, and it makes sense."

"But if we want to change the clan rules, we need the approval of the Supreme Elder!"

When the clan leader expressed his support, Zhou Chongshan frowned, but in the end he did not raise any objection.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun also took advantage of the situation and responded: "Of course, everything discussed here today should ultimately be reviewed by the Supreme Elder and executed with his consent!"

"So Masazumi, is there anything else you want to say?"

Zhou Daoyi looked at Zhou Chun and asked, his face full of encouragement.

He knew Zhou Chun very well and knew that Zhou Chun had put up such a big battle today. He should not only talk about these difficulties and troubles, as well as ways to solve them, but there must be other things to do.

Judging from Zhou Chun's previous performance, today's Zhou Chun is obviously fully prepared.

So he was also looking forward to Zhou Chun's subsequent performances.

Facing his help, Zhou Chun was very grateful and immediately said: "Clan leader Mingjian, I would like to take this opportunity to put forward some opinions on the internal reform of the family!"

Hearing him mention the word "reform" again, the second elder Zhou Chongshan twitched his eyebrows again, stared at him and said: "Oh, what do you want to reform? It can't be the same things as last time!"

Zhou Chun also seemed to have guessed what Zhou Chongshan would say, and immediately smiled and said: "Second elder, don't worry, this junior's reform will not take that big a step!"

"Really? I'm all ears."

Zhou Chongshan's eyes flashed with strange color and he replied lightly.

At this time, Zhou Chun clasped his fists and saluted the senior Zhou family officials in the hall: "Elders, I have always believed that the family's original internal management structure was somewhat inefficient, which delayed the efficiency of work and wasted a lot of money for no reason. Manpower and material resources.”

"Furthermore, through the investigation and interviews of a large number of clan members by this junior generation, we also found that some clan members want to do something for the family and are capable of doing something for the family, but they have always suffered from not having the opportunity to do things in their proper positions!"

"Therefore, the younger generation wants to improve all aspects of the family so that these members of the clan can display their talents in the positions they like and are good at!"

At this point, he took the initiative to tell his plan without waiting for the elders to ask him how he wanted to reform.

"The juniors are going to take back the power of the peak leaders of each peak, and set up five major halls within the family: the Internal Affairs Hall, the Foreign Affairs Hall, the Hundred Beast Hall, the Hundred Arts Hall, and the Hundred Medicine Hall, to be responsible for the running of the family's affairs. Each hall will set up There is one deacon and a number of staff, and the staff will be replaced at selected times!"

"At the same time, there are three separate deacons who are in charge of finance, supervision, and punishment affairs, which are directly under the jurisdiction of the clan leader."

"All deacons are responsible to the clan leader!"

Do you book friends have any good suggestions about reforming various institutions within the family? Book friends are welcome to provide some open and constructive opinions. Of course, there is no need to mention things that are too modern! I have always opposed the teaching of advanced ideas in the world of cultivating immortals. It is too inconsistent!

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