Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 174 Master Jiang, you are finally here [Please subscribe]

Are you being targeted?

Zhou Chun's face moved slightly under the bamboo hat, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

He was almost mentally prepared for this result when he bid for the [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] before.

For a monk in the early stages of foundation building to reveal his wealth like this, even in a place like an underground auction where his identity is kept secret, it would be difficult for him not to attract the attention of others.

However, with the Vulcan Jackal at his side, Zhou Chun didn't care much about those people who were targeting him.

He couldn't help but secretly look at the monk who was suspected of being Master Jiang, but he hoped that the other person would really come after him and hunt him down.

The subsequent auctions were still in a lively atmosphere, with many monks bidding for each treasure.

The final treasure, a third-level low-grade magic weapon, was auctioned for a high price of 35,000 spiritual coins.

After the underground auction ended, Zhou Chun and some of the other monks who had auctioned items were sent out of the underground cave hall alone.

Then, just like the last time he participated in this kind of underground auction, one of them would be asked to go down at intervals.

"I didn't know that there would be a few blind guys who would really come looking for me to die!"

In a mountain forest, Zhou Chun looked up at the sky, with a coldness in his eyes.

I saw his footsteps move, and he immediately started galloping on the ground using the "Wind Control Technique".

This is not because he is afraid of exposing himself by flying in the sky, but because he is afraid of flying in the sky in a swaggering way, making people doubt what he has to rely on, and he is even more afraid to come closer.

After traveling like this for twenty or thirty miles, Zhou Chun's consciousness moved and he spotted a foundation-building monk flying towards him.

"Just a mid-stage foundation-building monk?"

He looked at the flying foundation-building monk and shook his head repeatedly.

Then he simply said loudly: "Is this fellow Taoist here to find me?"

Upon hearing his words, the foundation-building monk suddenly froze and stopped in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, I heard him say in a harsh voice: "Fellow Taoist, I have misunderstood. I am just passing by this place. Does Taoist friend know where this is?"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun nodded immediately and said, "Oh, that's a coincidence. Han is also looking for someone to inquire about the news. How about we go together?"

"No, I can't. You can just look for it yourself, fellow Taoist. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first and say goodbye!"

The foundation-building monk said that, regardless of whether Zhou Chun agreed or not, he quickly turned around and left.

As the saying goes, there must be a monster when things go wrong. If a monk in the early stage of foundation building dares to take the initiative to greet him like this, he must have something to rely on.

So he originally had the mentality of giving it a try, and immediately decided that it would be better to leave first.

Of course, he also made two preparations. At this time, while running away, he was also secretly observing Zhou Chun.

But facing his actions, Zhou Chun didn't seem to care at all. He could only shake his head slightly, then turned around and went into the forest.

This behavior made him feel even more unsure, so he simply flew away from this land of right and wrong at full speed.

"Although I am greedy, I still have some sense at least. I will spare your life!"

In the forest, Zhou Chun looked at the mid-stage foundation-building monk who was walking away, whispered to himself, turned around and left.

Although it is fun to use the Vulcan Jackal to "fish for law enforcement", the consequences of killing people have to be taken into consideration.

When he killed the second elder of the Zhang family in Tiantai Mountain, he had already established the Zhang family as an enemy for the Zhou family.

Now, if we still rely on the protection of the third-level monsters to kill at will, then only one Zhou family will be able to stop the revenge of so many forces.

This was also the intention of him taking the initiative to scare off the other party just now.

Fortunately, the other party was also a sensible person and didn't really make it difficult for him.

Next, after Zhou Chun walked for dozens of miles in the mountains and forests, when he was about to walk out of the mountains, he was approached again, and they came together.

"Two late-stage foundation-building monks!"

His face changed slightly, and Zhou Chun looked up at the sky in surprise.

He saw two figures in the sky behind him quickly appearing in his sight.

They were two monks dressed in black robes. One was the monk who was suspected of being Master Jiang, and the other wore a wolf-head mask on his face.

And the auras exuded by these two people are in the late stage of foundation building.

"Master Jiang, you are finally here!"

After Zhou Chun's expression changed, he spoke loudly and preemptively.

After hearing what he said, the two people who were about to fight him directly froze.

Then the green light on the monk who was suspected to be Master Jiang suddenly dissipated, revealing a face with white hair and a childish face.

Sure enough, it was none other than Master Jiang!

He looked at Zhou Chun in surprise, and shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you, sir? Why did you deliberately bring Jiang here?"

But he was not stupid at all, and he instantly understood Zhou Chun's intention of competing with him for the eight hundred years of red sesame.

The monk next to him wearing a wolf-head mask was also looking at Zhou Chun, his eyes also full of surprise.

He was asked to help by Master Jiang, and the two parties agreed that after the matter was completed, Master Jiang would get the elixir, he would get the [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] magic weapon, and then the other treasures on Zhou Chun's body would be equally divided.

But now listening to the conversation between Zhou Chun and Master Jiang gave him a very bad feeling.

"Who am I? Master Jiang, you have to watch out!"

Zhou Chun said, then raised his hand and took off the hat on his head.

"It's you!!"

As soon as he saw Zhou Chun's young and heroic face, Master Jiang's expression changed drastically and he recognized him instantly.

"You didn't expect it, did you? One day you will fall into Zhou's hands!"

With a cold smile on Zhou Chun's face, he quickly untied the spirit beast bag containing the Vulcan Jackal at his waist and released the third-level monster.

"Third level monster!!"

Seeing the Vulcan Jackal released by Zhou Chun, the monk wearing the wolf mask couldn't help but exclaimed, his eyes filled with fear.

Zhou Chun turned his eyes slightly, looked at him and said: "Fellow Taoist, this is a personal grudge between Zhou and Master Jiang today. I have no intention of involving others in it. It's not too late for Taoist friend to leave now!"

Hearing this, the monk wearing the wolf mask immediately expressed his stance and said: "Since it is a private matter between fellow Taoist and Master Jiang, I will naturally not interfere. I will leave now!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Master Jiang said in a deep voice: "Do you think he will really let you leave safely and spread the news that I was killed by him?"


The expression of the monk in the wolf mask changed, and he couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun with surprise.

"You are in a different place. If you are being hunted by someone with malicious intentions, and you have the ability to fight back, will you just let them go?"

Master Jiang's voice sounded again, making the wolf-faced monk's suspicion and fear even stronger.

He looked at the Vulcan Jackal in front of Zhou Chun uneasily, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that what Master Jiang said made sense.

And while he was hesitating, Master Jiang took action directly.

With a wave of his sleeve, a cyan orb flew out of his sleeve, blooming with a rich cyan light and protecting him within it.

Then he reached out and patted the storage bag, and a jade box appeared in his hand. Then he smashed the jade box and took out the treasure inside.

That was a talisman!


Master Jiang made a spell in his hand, quickly injected mana into the talisman in his hand, and quickly activated the talisman.

But he saw the talisman glowing brightly in mid-air, and soon turned into a green-red teapot.

Then Master Jiang activated his magic power, and a blue-red flame spurted out from the spout of the teapot, turning into a blue-red firebird and flying toward Zhou Chun.

Seeing this, the Vulcan Jackal on the ground didn't wait for Zhou Chun to issue an order, and hurriedly roared and spit out a flame beam and hit the blue-red firebird.

But the power level of the talisman is so high!

Even if Master Jiang has limited cultivation and cannot exert the full power of the talisman, it is not something that the Vulcan Jackal can easily resist.

The flame beam it spits out seems to be very powerful, but the blue-red firebird relies on the difference in mass to easily swim in the flame beam, and can even absorb the power of the flame beam.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly stepped back a distance.

Seeing this, Master Jiang immediately shouted loudly to the wolf-faced masked monk: "I hold this third-level monster, you go and kill him, so that both of us can live!"

"Otherwise, if he kills me, do you think you can outrun the pursuit of a third-level monster?"

When the wolf-faced monk heard what he said, he looked at the talisman again, and his eyes suddenly no longer hesitated.

Immediately shouted: "Okay, let's take a gamble!"

Before he finished speaking, he already took out a scimitar weapon with a faint blue water light and slashed towards Zhou Chunfei.

At this time, Zhou Chun had not yet had time to refine the [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] magic weapon. Seeing this, he could only quickly use the "Flying Dragon Seize" to grab the scimitar.

But even though the quality of "Feilong Duo" is not inferior to that of the scimitar weapon, the gap in cultivation between the two small realms is there after all.

As soon as the two magic weapons collided, Zhou Chun was clearly at a disadvantage, and the magic weapon was slashed and flew out.

This made his heart sink, and he couldn't help shouting angrily: "Your Excellency asked for this!"

Then he patted the storage bag on his waist and released Bai Bai, the silver lightning python.

"Another second-level low-grade monster!"

The pupils of the wolf-faced monk's eyes shrank, but he didn't expect Zhou Chun to have other trump cards.

However, his eyes quickly turned sharp, and he immediately reached out and patted the storage bag, and took out another magic weapon.

It was a blue treasure bottle with a black snake tattooed on its body, and the aura it exuded was also a second-level top grade!

As soon as the wolf-faced mask monk activated his magic power, a black mist poured out of the blue vase, and instantly turned into a black snake and pounced on Zhou Chun.

How dare Zhou Chun underestimate such an attack from a second-level high-grade magic weapon.

Although he didn't know what magical powers the water mist black snake had, he still let the silver lightning python directly bombard it in vain.


As soon as the thunder sounded, silver-white lightning struck down in the air one after another, and all of them fell on the water-mist black snake.

But even the three consecutive strikes of thunder that could kill ordinary monks in the early stages of foundation building failed to completely eliminate the water mist black snake!

Its body was originally bombarded by the sky thunder and became illusory, almost disintegrating.

However, as the blue vase rotated in the sky, a new force poured into it out of thin air, making its figure become much more solid in an instant, and it continued to fly towards Zhou Chun.

These changes made Zhou Chun's expression change, and he hurriedly activated the "Golden Cauldron Xuanguang" to turn into a golden sword and slashed at the water mist black snake.

But the water mist black snake is just like the flowing water. No matter how many pieces it is cut into by the golden sword, it can be quickly reassembled into another shape, with only a slight loss of some power.

On the contrary, Zhou Chun's own consumption seemed to be greater.

While he was focusing on the water mist black snake, the wolf-faced masked monk had already controlled the scimitar weapon to defeat the "Flying Dragon" and flew towards him.

Zhou Chun could only concentrate on returning to defense and let the silver lightning python continue to discharge its electricity to attack the water mist black snake. He must not let such strange things get close to him.


With an explosion, Zhou Chun activated the magic weapon and the khaki aura shield was instantly slashed by the scimitar weapon.

The "Tuyuan Order" magical weapon that Zhou Mingde gave him originally may be enough to deal with the attacks of the monks in the middle stage of foundation building, but it is completely inadequate to deal with the monks in the late stage of foundation building like the wolf-faced mask monk.

Fortunately, Zhou Chun also has the "Jinding Xuanguang" with more powerful defense.

But he saw golden light surrounding him, like a golden light shield protecting his whole body.

The blue scimitar struck the light shield, and the blade only pressed into it for a few inches before it was pushed out.

The monk in the wolf mask was shocked to see such a powerful protective spell.

"Is it still the fighting method practiced?"

He murmured to himself, and immediately injected mana into the exhausted scimitar weapon again, and continued to control the weapon to slash at Zhou Chun.

But at this time, Zhou Chun had already re-activated the downed "Flying Dragon Duo" to meet the scimitar weapon.

Seeing that he could not make any achievements in a short period of time, the wolf-faced mask monk became a little anxious.

As he continued to control two magic weapons to attack Zhou Chun, he raised his hand to form a seal, opened his mouth and spat out a ball of black water in an instant.

Then he pointed his finger at Zhou Chun, and the black water turned into a water arrow and shot towards Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun also noticed the movements of the wolf-faced monk, but he was too distracted at this time. He could only wave his hands reluctantly, and activated two "Xinjin Sword Qi" that had not been used for a long time to hit the black water arrow.

But the result is obvious. The secret techniques that monks in the Qi Refining Stage can practice are obviously far less powerful than the secret techniques used by monks in the later stage of Foundation Establishment.

The two white-gold sword energy were easily defeated by the black water arrows, and then landed unstoppably on the protective light shield outside Zhou Chun's body.


I saw the black water arrow falling on the light mask formed by the "Golden Cauldron Xuanguang", and instantly exploded into a piece of black liquid, which stuck tightly to the light mask.

Then it can be seen that the brightness of the golden mask quickly dims and dissipates, as if it has suffered a heavy blow.

In Zhou Chun's opinion, the black liquid was like concentrated sulfuric acid, rapidly corroding his mysterious light shield.

Faced with this kind of corrosion, he had no other good solution for a while. He could only use his magic power to activate the "Golden Cauldron Xuanguang" to fight against it, hoping to exhaust its power.

But the tricks of the wolf-faced monk were far more than that.

Seeing that Zhou Chun's power was completely restrained by his own magic weapon and secret technique, he immediately raised his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, took out two second-level middle-grade magic talismans, and activated them together without hesitation.

pain! I don’t know if it’s because I haven’t exercised for a few days. When I woke up today, I couldn’t cheer up. I had back pain, shoulder pain, and was out of shape for typing! After getting up from a nap in the afternoon, be sure to go for a half-hour run to get sweaty!

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