Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 176: Methods to detoxify, count harvests, and resolve grievances

Jiufeng Ridge, Pagoda Peak.

"How's it going? Elder Taishang, do you have any way to detoxify the Vulcan Jackal?"

In Zhou Mingde's cave, when he came out of the spirit beast room, Zhou Chun looked at him with concern and asked about the Vulcan Jackal.

At this time, Zhou Chun, because he had not had time to recover from his internal injuries, and because he was rushing all the way, he did not stay for a moment except to meditate to recover his mana, and his complexion was also very ugly.

But he didn't care about this at all. He only cared about whether there was a way to cure the Vulcan Jackal's poisoning.

This attitude made Zhou Mingde, who was angry because his spiritual pet was poisoned and injured, finally endure the words of blame.

He just shook his head slightly and said: "The toxin in it is very strong. I tried my best to help it remove only part of the toxin, which slightly suppressed the spread of the toxin. If you want to completely remove the toxin, unless the golden elixir stage monks help, or It’s that high-level antidote elixir I found!”

Having said this, he looked at Zhou Chun with a gloomy expression and said, "Now please tell me the situation in detail, how it was poisoned and who was injured!"

Zhou Chun had just returned to his family before and brought the injured and poisoned Vulcan Jackal to him.

Because the situation was urgent, he didn't have time to ask about the situation, so he sent the Vulcan Jackal to the spirit beast room for treatment.

Now that Vulcan Jackal's situation has stabilized a little, he has time to ask about the specific situation.

When Zhou Chun heard what he asked, he didn't dare to hide anything and quickly told the relevant information about his trip to Lingzhou.

After explaining the situation, he said with a look of self-blame: "This is all the fault of this junior. If this junior were not eager for revenge and took the initiative to lure Master Jiang here, the Vulcan Jackal would not have been poisoned and injured. Please punish the Supreme Elder. !”

When Zhou Mingde heard what he said, he was indeed even more annoyed.

According to Zhou Chun, the Vulcan Jackal's injury this time was really caused by his personal revenge.

But he was annoyed because after all, Zhou Chun was a senior member of the Zhou family and a junior he was extremely optimistic about. Even if he really needed to be punished, it couldn't be now.

So he suppressed his anger, waved his hands and said: "Now is not the time to talk about responsibilities and irresponsibility. Since you have obtained the relics of Master Jiang, quickly bring his storage bag to me and take a look. If you can find it, The remaining poison, if you know what kind of poison is in the Vulcan Jackal, maybe it will be easier to detoxify it!"

"Yes, the thing is right here. I would like to ask the Supreme Elder to take a look at it."

Zhou Chun responded and hurriedly took out the storage bag picked up from Master Jiang's body and handed it to Zhou Mingde.

He was so busy rushing along the way that he didn't have time to open the storage bag and check it.

At this time, Zhou Mingde personally took action to erase the imprint of Master Jiang's spiritual consciousness in the storage bag, and his spiritual consciousness sank into it to search for it.

You wouldn't know if you didn't look for it, but once you look for it, Zhou Mingde was secretly surprised.

Although Master Jiang was only a late-stage Foundation Establishment monk, the contents of this storage bag made him, a Zifu-stage monk, speechless.

Not to mention the various elixirs refined by Master Jiang himself and the collection of elixirs and spiritual objects, there are more than 24,000 spiritual coins alone!

Although he was originally going to attend an underground auction, it was normal to carry a large amount of spiritual coins with him.

But this is still too much!

However, although he was surprised by the wealth in Master Jiang's storage bag, Zhou Mingde did not forget his intention. He immediately took out the bottles, jars, jade boxes and other items and opened them one by one to inspect them.

Finally, in a jade box, he found the remaining venom in a porcelain bottle.

"This seems to be some kind of snake venom!"

Seeing that there was only a tiny bit of gray-purple venom left in the porcelain bottle, Zhou Mingde relied on his rich experience to instantly see its approximate origin.

Then he capped the bottle and said to Zhou Chun: "Go to the library quickly and find all the family books on various snake venoms. Let's search together to see what kind of snake venom this is! "

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Chun responded, hurriedly turned around and left the cave, heading to Feishifeng Library.

Not long after, he returned to Zhou Mingde's cave with a bunch of classics.

Then the two of them read through the books together, looking for the source of the snake venom in the bottle.

After a while, Zhou Mingde suddenly said: "I found it. If I am correct, the Vulcan Jackal must have been poisoned by the purple black snake!"

Purple black snake?

Zhou Chun's expression changed, and he quickly remembered the information about this poisonous snake.

If I remember correctly, this is an intermediate-level monster, but its poison is enough to kill a monk in the Purple Mansion Stage, and it is also very effective against third-level monsters.

This kind of venomous snake can reproduce parthenogenously, and the female snake can lay eggs even if there is no suitable mate.

But they will only lay eggs once in their life, and they will only lay eggs before their life span or before their death.

And just when he was thinking about information about venomous snakes like the Purple Black Snake, Zhou Mingde had already talked about ways to detoxify.

"If you want to detoxify the Purple Black Snake, you can either find the Purple Leaf Chonglou or the Five-clawed Yellow Lotus that are over 500 years old, or use these two elixirs to refine the antidote elixir, or ask for gold. The alchemy monk uses great magic power to remove the toxins!"

"I remember that the Sanjue Sect originally planted purple leaves and heavy towers. Maybe the Li family will have this kind of elixir and related antidote pills!"

Having said this, he couldn't help but look at Zhou Chun and said, "Didn't you get an 800-year-old red jingzhi? With this elixir in hand, as long as the Li family has detoxifying elixirs and elixirs, I will definitely exchange it without hesitation.”

"That would be best."

Zhou Chun nodded repeatedly, and then immediately took out the eight-hundred-year red jingzhi in a jade box from the storage bag, handed it to Zhou Mingde and said: "The eight-hundred-year red jingzhi is here, the Supreme Elder You can quickly take it to Li’s house to exchange for the antidote pill!”

Seeing that he did not hesitate to hand over the precious elixir he bought for thousands of spiritual coins to him in exchange for the antidote pill, the anger in Zhou Mingde's heart due to the Vulcan Jackal's poisoning and injury was completely calmed down.

He immediately looked at him deeply, then nodded and said, "Okay, I will go to Li's house personally. You should go back and have a good rest first."

"Yes, junior, I obey."

Zhou Chun responded and immediately exited the cave and returned to his residence.

When he arrived at his residence, Zhou Chun immediately released the still weak Silver Lightning Python in vain. He first fed it a meal of fresh food and let it rest in peace in the yard before going back to his room to rest. .

After meditating like this for half a day, Zhou Chun felt better, so he took out the storage bag he got from the monk with the wolf face mask and checked it out.

Master Jiang's storage bag was still placed with Zhou Mingde, and he didn't know what was in it.

But the gains from the wolf-faced mask monk's side are all in his hands.

At this time, he opened the storage bag and saw that there were less than 3,000 spiritual coins left in it. However, in addition to the blue aquarium magic weapon that he had put away, there was another item that had not been refined. A second-level mid-grade magic weapon.

This object was also a magic weapon that had appeared in previous auctions. It was called the "Xuanshui Chain" and was a magic weapon that trapped people. The transaction price at that time should have been 4,600 spiritual coins.

Fortunately, the wolf-faced mask monk did not have time to sacrifice this thing in the future, otherwise Zhou Chun might not have been able to wait for the arrival of the Vulcan Jackal in the previous battle.

Except for the treasure vase, the "Xuanshui Chain" and the spiritual coins, the storage bag of the wolf-faced monk was clean. There were only some pills for restoring mana, healing and detoxifying, and not many other miscellaneous items.

But if you include the blue scimitar weapon, Zhou Chun's gain is very large.

Two second-level high-grade magic weapons, even if each one is not as good as the [Sun Yao Golden Wheel] magic weapon he bought from the auction, they are still worth eight or nine thousand each.

Including other harvests, the belongings of the wolf-face mask monk alone are at least 25,000 spiritual coins.

If he can get a share of Master Jiang's relics in the future, his harvest this time will definitely reach more than 30,000 spiritual coins.

All in all, it was a huge profit.

But Zhou Chun didn't feel much joy at the moment.

Because gains and risks are also directly proportional.

The wolf-faced monk obviously has a background, and behind Master Jiang there is a cultivating family that is apparently much more powerful than the Zhou family.

When these two forces find out that it was him, Zhou Chun, who killed him, trouble will follow.

Therefore, this harvest is very hot to get, and we have to find a way to resolve these two troubles for the family.

Half a day later, Zhou Mingde successfully returned to his family from the Li family with antidote pills.

After giving the Vulcan Jackal the antidote, the purple snake venom in his body dissipated quickly.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde finally relaxed his worries and felt relieved.

After instructing the Vulcan Jackal to take good care of his injuries and resolve the remaining poison, he left the spirit beast room and called Zhou Chun into his cave.

"Okay, now that the Vulcan Jackal's poison has been cured, it's time for us to talk about the trouble you caused this time."

In the cave, Zhou Mingde waited for Zhou Chun to come over and finished the ceremony, then talked about the purpose of calling him here this time.

Caused trouble.

Zhou Mingde started with these words, which shows his opinion on Zhou Chun's incident.

He looked at Zhou Chun and said in a deep voice: "Actually, I also know that this matter cannot be completely blamed on you. After all, it was Master Jiang who harmed you first, and this time it was the two of them who came to rob and kill you with the intention of harming others. of."

"But you and I both know that in the world of immortality, no one cares about who has the upper hand, only who has the bigger fist."

"Master Jiang and the other person you killed are both people with good backgrounds. Master Jiang himself is a master of alchemy. If these two late-stage foundation-building monks are killed, the forces behind them will not be able to give up easily."

"If they find out about our Zhou family, they will definitely seek revenge!"

Generally speaking, monks from two immortal cultivating families would not easily become enemies.

Because once there is a feud, it may turn into hatred between families.

Helping relatives and not helping others, this is the survival rule followed by various immortal cultivating families in the world of cultivating immortals.

Unless the enemy's background is astonishingly large, no family would say that because a member of the family killed someone outside, the enemy family came to the door and handed the person over to be disposed of.

If this is the case, then the family will not have any cohesion at all, and it will not be able to be loyal and loved by the clan members.

It is also because of this that when many immortal cultivators want to take revenge on a monk from a certain family, they will not only take revenge on a single monk, but will also include the entire family on the revenge list.

What's more, the person who committed the murder this time was Zhou Chun, the deputy patriarch of the Zhou family and the spiritual pet of the supreme elder of the Zhou family.

Just these two points determined that this matter was inseparable from the entire Zhou family.

Before Zhou Chun came, he also considered the subsequent revenge of Master Jiang and the forces behind them.

Facing Zhou Mingde's words at this time, he also replied in a deep voice: "They also have a family and a business. Even if they want to take revenge, they can only use methods within the rules. It is impossible to assassinate our Zhou family Lian without a bottom line. Qi period monk!"

"Since this is the case, then you might as well try to find someone from Qinglian Temple to help mediate this matter. This junior can engage in a life-and-death battle with any non-late-stage foundation-building monks they send to settle the grudges!"

"You are going to fight them to the death!"

Zhou Mingde was startled and looked at Zhou Chun with surprise, not expecting him to say that.

The so-called "life and death battle" is a special method of resolving grudges between two forces with similar strength, when the personal grudges between several members are difficult to resolve.

Usually, a life and death arena is set up, allowing two parties with personal grudges that are difficult to resolve to come on stage to fight to the death.

No matter which party is defeated and dies, the force of the other party will no longer be able to pursue the case.

In order to ensure that the losing party will abide by this point afterwards, they usually invite experts from powerful forces to be the host.

"This is the best solution I can think of!"

Zhou Chun nodded calmly and expressed his attitude calmly.

"But are you really sure? According to what you said, you can let the other side send a mid-stage foundation-building monk to engage in a life-and-death battle. What if the other side also finds a mid-stage foundation-building monk who practices fighting methods, and What should I do if there is a second-level monster in the contract?"

Zhou Mingde frowned and looked at Zhou Chun, but he was not happy because he chose to bear the consequences.

Even though he had some opinions about Zhou Chun's trouble this time, Zhou Mingde never thought of abandoning him.

So at this time, I was naturally worried about his risky solution.

Facing his question, Zhou Chun calmly replied: "So the best time for the life-and-death battle is a year later. By that time, not only the junior's silver lightning and thunder python spiritual pet can recover, but also the rock-earth tortoise." Maybe it has evolved successfully!”

"That's not bad."

Zhou Mingde nodded slightly, agreeing with his idea.

Then he waved his sleeves and said: "Then you should go to Qinglian Temple to visit fellow Taoist Mingxia in person, and bring most of Master Jiang's relics with you. With these things here, I think you will have to undergo a life-and-death process." The Jiang family should agree to Zhan’s proposal!"

First update today!

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