Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 298 Thousands of cricket disasters, the final winner [Please subscribe]

The hatching contract method of monster insect eggs is different from that of monster beasts.

Because there are too many demon insects and the eggs are too small, if the contract is made one by one, it will take a monk a lot of energy.

Therefore, for the sake of convenience, a large number of eggs of the same kind of monsters are usually placed on the contract circle, and they are contracted together to identify their owners.

This contract formation is somewhat similar to the "soul control blood formation" used by contract monsters, but with some changes.

At this time, Zhou Chun followed the records on the art of expelling insects and carved the contract circle on a stone platform with his own blood as ink.

Then he placed a total of 300 "Black Armor Golden Feather" insect eggs on it, opened his mouth and spat out a ball of blood essence the size of a thumb and fell on the top of the stone platform. He used his spiritual consciousness and magic to activate it to evenly divide it into tiny droplets. Blood beads fell on every insect egg.

After he activated the contract circle, a faint blood light immediately enveloped the stone platform.

After a while, the blood light dissipated, and the pale yellow eggs had a faint connection with Zhou Chun.

Because the demonic insects themselves have extremely low intelligence, when cultivators drive the demonic insects, they often have to use their spiritual consciousness to guide and control them, so that the demonic insects can do things according to their own ideas.

On the other hand, when it comes to monsters, the stronger they are, the higher their intelligence is. They can easily understand their master's orders and have no shortcomings in this regard.

After confirming that he had some connection with the insect eggs on the stone platform, Zhou Chun buried the eggs into the roots of the big trees outside the temporary cave and allowed them to hatch naturally.

Then they followed the same pattern and made a contract with the "Flying Fire Scorpion" eggs and the "Blue Moon Butterfly" eggs.

The "Flying Fire Scorpion" has relatively few eggs, only one hundred and eighty.

The "Blue Moon Butterfly" has even fewer eggs, only sixty.

But for insect cultivators, as long as they have male and female demon insects in hand, the quantity is not a big problem.

As long as you cultivate it patiently, you can increase the insect population tenfold in less than ten years!

After all, most monster insects can lay dozens, even hundreds, or thousands of eggs at a time!

After burying the eggs of the "Flying Fire Scorpion" in the dry soil and placing the eggs of the "Blue Moon Butterfly" on the potted orchids, Zhou Chun waited for them to hatch on their own.

He himself began to study the insect repelling techniques in the following time.

As mentioned before, due to the low intelligence of the monster insects, even if they have a contract with each other so that they dare not bite the master, it is very difficult for them to understand the master's orders and execute them quickly. The master can only use his spiritual consciousness as a guide and assistant. .

However, once the number of demonic insects is too large, unless the master is a golden elixir stage monk, he will not be able to guide every demonic insect at the same time while being distracted.

Therefore, when driving monster insects, you often need to use some skills.

For example, in a swarm of demonic insects, some leaders are cultivated who are obviously stronger than other demonic insects, and through long-term training, the demonic insects are accustomed to follow the leaders. In this way, the master can drive the entire insect swarm by just instructing the leaders on how to act.

There is also a special sound wave vibration frequency to drive the monster insects. Different vibration frequencies represent different commands.

These require a lot of effort to train and guide the insect swarm, so that the insect swarm can form a habitual memory.

No matter which insect repelling technique is used, driving demonic insects will definitely consume more energy on the cultivator than driving demonic beasts.

In view of this, Zhou Chun does not plan to raise too many types of demon insects in the future, lest he spend too much energy on it.

The words were divided into two parts. While Zhou Chun was working hard in the wilderness to learn the art of expelling insects, Zhou Mingde was following the monks from Qinglian Temple to exterminate insects everywhere.

Shan Yangzi seemed to really regard him as a captured young man, and the tasks assigned to him were no less than those of the Qinglian Guanzi Mansion monks.

He even personally took him to clean out large swarms of insects many times.

This caused Zhou Mingde to wonder if Shan Yangzi wanted to get rid of him with the help of monster insects.

But if you think about it carefully, Shanyangzi shouldn't be so unwise.

After all, the prescriptions have been presented now, and Zhou Mingde's contribution has been repaid.

Even if he died at the hands of the monster insect, the reward that should be given to him would definitely be given to the Zhou family.

Otherwise, once the news spreads, it will undoubtedly cause a huge blow to the reputation of Qinglian Temple.

What's more, most of the credit for donating the medicine has already been taken away by Shanyangzi and Qinglianguan. There is no need to murder him, a monk of the Zifu period, for a small loss.

So later on, Zhou Mingde was more inclined to Shan Yangzi because he wanted to use this to beat himself.

As for the reason for beating him, of course it was because he had arranged a backhand plot against Shan Yangzi.

In view of this, Zhou Mingde could only remind himself to be cautious every time he went on a mission, and everything was focused on protecting himself.

After all, he is not a member of Qinglian Temple. Shanyangzi can assign tasks to him in a unified manner, but he certainly cannot assign tasks to him of how many demonic insects must be cleared.

Time passed slowly, and half a year passed quickly.

In the past six months, hundreds of millions of demonic insects have been wiped out by immortal cultivators in Rongguo.

But the number of monster insects that the insect swarm reproduced in this half year was even greater!

Despite the continuous cleaning up by human immortal cultivators, within half a year, most of the country was severely damaged by the insect swarm, and countless mortals, livestock, and vegetation were devoured by the insect swarm.

As many as dozens of immortal cultivator families and scattered cultivator strongholds in Rongguo were wiped out by the insect swarm, and the number of immortal cultivators who died under the insect plague totaled thousands.

This situation also shocked many monks who participated in cleaning up the demonic insects, and their hearts were filled with worry.

You must know that this is the result of the immortal cultivators who clean up day and night.

But after all, they are just cultivators, not iron puppets, tireless and hungry.

It has only been half a year, but they have already become tired of this matter. If this continues, how many people can still be found who can persist in cleaning up the insect swarms in Rongguo?

And once there are not so many immortal cultivators cleaning up day and night, at the speed of the reproduction and expansion of the insect swarm, I am afraid that within three months, the entire Rongguo will follow the footsteps of the Yangguo and turn into a scorched earth!

Just when many monks were feeling pessimistic about the future, the emergence of a piece of news cheered people up and saw the light of day.

The news was personally told by "Zhenren Zhenren" who had worked together to kill the Insect King, and there was absolutely no falsehood.

According to this great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage, poison to eliminate insect swarms on a large scale has been developed, and a large amount of stock has been refined.

Next, as long as the approximate location of each insect swarm nest is determined, teams can be arranged to carry out targeted elimination with poison!

The emergence of this news is undoubtedly a shot in the arm for all the monks fighting on the front line, making their tired minds suddenly become energetic.

Not long after, many monks from big forces were divided into small teams, each carrying a certain amount of poison and going to various insect nests to clear out the insect swarms.

They would first use food to lure out the insect swarms. If this failed, they would ask the Zifu period monks in the team to use the technique of spreading mountains and splitting the earth to attack the insect nests, provoking the insect swarms to come out and attack them.

When the insect swarm comes out, they will use magic to catalyze the poisonous water diluted with water into water mist to cover the insect swarm.

This water mist does not contain any magic power and has no offensive ability. The insect swarm does not treat it as any magic spell for defense.

As long as the water mist is contaminated on the monster insect, it will quickly become toxic and cause great harm to the monster insect.

At this time, the demonic insects, even if they are led by the insect king in the insect swarm, can no longer exert their strong combat effectiveness as before.

The insect swarm that originally required several Zifu-stage monks and dozens of Foundation-building stage monks to destroy can now be easily wiped out with less than one-third of the previous strength.

In the future, for the larvae and eggs in the insect nest, it is only necessary to open a passage to the insect nest and transport the poisonous mist transformed into the poisonous water to kill the entire insect nest.

Maybe there will still be some people slipping through the net, but as long as some people are arranged to monitor the insect nest nearby and promptly report and kill those monster insects that slip through the net, there will be no problem.

In this way, with the help of poison, in less than a month, most of the insect plague that had plagued the two countries was extinguished.

The reason why not all of them were extinguished was because the amount of poison prepared was not enough.

But it doesn't matter at this time. The remaining insect swarms can no longer form the insect plague that threatens the Nascent Soul monks like before.

The Nascent Soul stage monks and Golden Core stage monks personally took action and used various means to search the sky and the earth. They quickly found all the insect nests hidden everywhere and then destroyed them with their own hands.

After all the monster insect nests that can be found on the surface have been destroyed, the insect plague has basically been eliminated.

Next, as long as we continue to make poisons, arrange for more people to conduct patrols and monitors, and eliminate every place we find, it will be difficult for the monster insects to make any more waves.

After all, the reason why these demonic insects were able to cause so much trouble was because they didn't pay enough attention at the beginning, which led to the birth of the king of their race.

Now that the human monks have killed the insect king, wiped out the main force of the insect plague, and are highly vigilant about the remaining monster insects, it will be difficult for the insect plague to reappear.

It was not until this time that the Nascent Soul stage monks decided on the name of the monster insect that caused this insect disaster after some discussion.

According to the source of the poison formula for killing demonic insects, the demonic insect was finally named "Thousand Jue Mantis", and this insect plague was also called "Thousand Jue Mantis Disaster".

After the insect plague was extinguished, the inventor of the poison formula that countless monks were curious about was also announced.

According to the final announcement, the inventor of the poison formula was the real person "Fufeng Zhenren" in the Yuan Ying stage of Yangguo.

That's right, after the discussion of the Nascent Soul Stage monks, "Master Fufeng" became the inventor of the poison formula.

The reason why this happened is that the "Master Fufeng" is famous enough. His cultivation in the middle stage of Nascent Soul and his proficiency in alchemy have always made him famous in Yang Kingdom and surrounding countries. Inventing poison recipes is easier to convince and reassure.

Secondly, it was because the insect plague broke out from Yang Kingdom and brought annihilation to Yang Kingdom. It also caused serious damage to half of Rongguo, which caused monks from surrounding countries to have a very bad impression of the immortal world of Yang Kingdom.

Many monks felt that it was the immortal cultivators of Yang Kingdom who were too stupid and short-sighted that allowed the "Thousand Jue Ants" to grow and develop, causing an insect plague.

Therefore, having the "Master Fufeng" of Yang Kingdom invent a poison formula to extinguish the insect plague will undoubtedly play a role in making up for the mistakes in the minds of those monks and reduce their ill will towards the monks of Yang Kingdom.

Thirdly, "Master Fufeng" himself is willing to have this title and is willing to pay a sufficient price for it!

For some reason, when Zhou Mingde heard that the inventor of the poison formula was "Zhenren Fufeng", he felt a sense of schadenfreude in his heart.

He knew very early on that such a major achievement as ending the insect plague could not fall on a small person like him, even if it was indeed him who contributed the poison formula.

However, he originally thought that Shan Yangzi might have a chance to win this honor and leave his name in the history books.

Now that it's better, Shan Yangzi doesn't have that chance anymore, and Zhou Mingde feels much more balanced instantly.

Of course, he would never show this to himself. Instead, he went to Shanyangzi with a shocked look to inquire about the situation.

Shan Yangzi's mood at the moment was naturally extremely depressed and complicated.

Although giving up his name gave him more benefits, that was obviously not his original intention.

Therefore, when faced with Zhou Mingde's prying, he said angrily: "Why do you, fellow Taoist Zhou, pry so much? Since it is decided by the seniors, of course we and the younger generation can only choose to obey!"

The unwillingness in his words can be heard by everyone.

Seeing this, Zhou Mingde felt secretly happy.

But there was still a worried look on his face and he whispered: "Then the reward that was promised at that time..."

"Don't worry. Since I promised you in the first place, I will definitely not default on my debt. But now the seniors are still discussing specific matters with the ancestors of our sect. Friends Daoist Zhou, just be more patient and wait!"

Shan Yangzi glanced at him, waved his hand gently, and answered.

His impatient look made Zhou Mingde dare not say any more.

At that moment, I could only say immediately: "Senior, when do you plan to return to Jingguo? To be honest, this junior has been away from home for a long time, and he really cares about the juniors in the family. Now he just wants to return to the family as soon as possible to say that he is safe!"

Hearing his words, Shan Yangzi couldn't help but narrow his eyes and stared at him up and down.

After a moment, he said to him calmly: "If you want to go back by yourself, then do it yourself. Now that the insect plague has been extinguished, I will not stop you anymore!"

"Thank you for your understanding, senior. I would like to wish senior that all your wishes come true and everything goes well!"

After Zhou Mingde finished speaking, he bowed deeply to him again and then left.

A few days later, Zhou Mingde, who returned to Dayun Kingdom, took Zhou Jiapeng and others on the road back to Jingguo.

Zhou Chun also set off from another route and rushed to the agreed upon location to meet up with him.

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