Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 321 Find out! 【Please subscribe】

Seriously speaking, Zhou Chun and Zhou Yu didn't fight for a long time.

It only took about a quarter of an hour from the time he fought with Zhou Yu to the time Zhou Yu died.

However, the noise of his fight with Zhou Yu was not small, it could even be said to be very loud.

There were swarms of demonic insects in the sky, lightning and thunder, and fire shooting into the sky.

When these low-level monks saw this scene, they probably thought that there were monks from the Purple Mansion Stage fighting against each other.

This also made some monks who saw such visions in the distance couldn't help but think.

So when Zhou Chun packed up Zhou Yu's belongings and prepared to leave the battlefield.

Suddenly, he saw a black escaping light speeding toward him from a distance, and soon flew near the battlefield.

When the black escaping light stopped near the battlefield, Zhou Chun also saw the monk clearly.

It was a thin middle-aged man wearing a gray-black robe, with a slightly pale face and a somewhat cold temperament.

But his cultivation is truly at the Zifu stage!

Moreover, the style of the gray-black robe on his body and the pattern emblem on it looked familiar to Zhou Chun. If he saw it correctly, it was the standard robe worn by the disciples of the Corpse Demon Cult.

At this time, after the thin middle-aged man stopped in the air, he first glanced at the messy battlefield on the ground, and then looked at Zhou Chunhe with sharp eyes and asked: "You, a junior, were fighting here just now?"

His tone, as if he was asking a prisoner, made Zhou Chun feel very uncomfortable.

However, Zhou Chun did not dare to show off in the slightest, and quickly put on a respectful expression and responded respectfully: "Replying to the senior, it was the junior who was fighting an enemy just now."

Hearing his answer, the skinny middle-aged man suddenly said calmly: "Oh, what was the result of the fight?"

"This junior narrowly defeated the opponent by luck, and a great revenge will be avenged!"

Zhou Chun also answered simply, not wanting to go into too much detail.

But the thin middle schooler didn't mean to stop, but asked further: "Just now, I saw thunder and lightning roaring in the sky here, and there were clouds of insects gathering. Are those your tricks?"

When he asked this question, he lowered his eyes slightly and glanced at the several spirit beast bags around Zhou Chun's waist.

Zhou Chun also discovered this keenly, knowing that he could not hide it, and denying it at this moment might anger the other party.

Therefore, I can only bite the bullet and say: "Senior, I have learned from you, this junior is indeed..."

Just as he was about to admit that those were indeed his methods, his expression suddenly changed and he couldn't help but look at the ground.

In a pool somewhere on the ground, a golden figure suddenly emerged from the water and pounced straight towards Zhou Chun in the air.

But the golden civet cat had already eliminated most of the fire poison from its body with the help of the pool water, and now wanted to avenge its dead master.

Although Zhou Yu's character is very bad, she obviously loves her spiritual pet very much, otherwise she would not have cultivated it into a second-level high-grade monster.

One person and one cat have lived together for more than a hundred years, and they have become like family members.

Now that Zhou Yu was killed by Zhou Chun, the golden civet cat naturally regarded Zhou Chun as the target of revenge.

Facing the golden civet cat killed for revenge, Zhou Chun first glanced at the thin middle-aged man.

But facing his gaze, the thin middle-aged man had no intention of taking action. Instead, he slightly raised the corners of his mouth with an interesting expression.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun's mind turned and he suddenly had an idea.

He rubbed his hands together, and a golden light blade flew towards the golden civet cat.

Immediately, golden light emerged from his body, and suddenly he transformed into a golden rainbow and soared into the sky, flying into the distance.

The secret technique of "Flowing Golden Rainbow" has now been practiced to an extremely advanced level by Zhou Chun. Now that he is using it, his flying speed is much faster than that of a monk in the late stage of foundation building.

Although the golden civet cat was also very fast, it was still slower than him.

"What a speed!"

The skinny middle-aged man's eyes flashed with strange color, and he was slightly surprised by Zhou Chun's sudden display of the secret flying escape technique.

But when he saw the golden civet cat chasing Zhou Chun away, his eyes immediately changed again, and he instantly understood Zhou Chun's plan.

"What a boy, you are so courageous!"

With a cold glint in his eyes, the thin middle-aged man immediately chased after Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun, who was running away, found out what happened and his eyes darkened, knowing that what he was worried about had happened.

He didn't know why the thin middle-aged man would be hostile to him, a monk in the middle stage of foundation building, but now that the matter had come to this, he could no longer take any chances.

After the thin middle-aged man chased for a distance, he suddenly raised his hand and struck, and a jet-black light shot through the air towards the golden civet cat.


The golden tanuki, who was originally blinded by hatred, only then discovered that there was a more powerful human being in the sky.

After meowing, it hurriedly turned into several golden phantoms to avoid the black aura attack.

However, under the powerful spiritual consciousness of the Zifu period monks, this trick was seen through at a glance.

The black aura changed direction and turned in mid-air, and it was easy to find its true identity.

Then before it could use other methods, the black spiritual light suddenly accelerated and hit it again.

Immediately, a shrill scream sounded from the sky, and the golden civet cat's body immediately spun and fell to the ground, and the vitality in its body was visibly disappearing rapidly.

The strength gap between the great realms is clearly revealed at this time.

Facing the attack of the third-level magic weapon of the Zifu period monk envoy, the mere second-level high-grade monster was completely vulnerable.

After killing the golden civet cat with one blow, the thin middle-aged man thought, and the black aura rolled up the body of the golden civet cat and flew towards him, and he waved it away and put it into his storage bag.

At this time, the magic weapon he used to kill the golden civet cat revealed its true form.

It was clearly a long black nail, like the kind that nails the lid of a coffin.

It can only be said that the thin middle-aged man is indeed a disciple of the Corpse Demon Sect, and the magical weapon he uses is so unusual.

After putting away the body of the golden civet cat, the thin middle-aged man exhaled and shouted at Zhou Chun: "The monster has been killed by me, where are you going to escape, junior?"

As he spoke, the black spike in his hand was already flashing with black light, ready to be struck out again at any time.

Zhou Chun also seemed to feel something, and immediately stopped his flight, then turned around with a happy face and bowed his hands to the thin middle-aged man and said: "Thank you, senior, for helping to kill that monster. I am very grateful to this junior." .”

When the thin middle-aged man saw this, the shiny black nails in his hands immediately lost their luster. He looked directly at Zhou Chun and said, "There is no need to say more words of thanks. You can just continue to answer my previous questions."

"Yes, I don't dare to deceive my senior. The thunder and lightning were indeed triggered by my spiritual pet, and the insect cloud is also a demon insect tamed by my junior."

Zhou Chun stared at the thin middle schooler and answered the other person's questions honestly and respectfully.

"Then put them all out for me to see."

The thin middle-aged man had a strange look in his eyes and gave Zhou Chun an order directly in a commanding tone.

Hearing his words, Zhou Chun had a look of embarrassment on his face at first, but then he responded respectfully: "Yes, I obey, junior."

After saying that, he patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released the silver lightning python Baibai and part of the "Xuanjia Jinyu".

After seeing the silver lightning python with electric light swimming around on its body, the thin middle-aged man looked at it for a moment, and then said with surprise: "Is this a silver lightning python?"

"Senior, with his sharp eyes, he is the Silver Lightning Python!"

Zhou Chun responded respectfully.

"Then what kind of demonic insect is this? It looks extraordinary!"

The thin middle-aged man turned his eyes again and looked at the pale golden monster insects hovering in the air.

"Senior, this insect is called Black Armor Golden Feather."

Zhou Chun spoke up again and gave an answer.

"Xuan Jia Jin Yu?"

The skinny high school senior murmured, then looked at Zhou Chun and asked again: "Okay, last question, what is your name and where are you from?"

When Zhou Chun heard this, his thoughts started to spin, and he quickly responded respectfully: "My surname is Han Yuan, and I come from the Han family in Cangzhou, Jingguo."

Although he felt that the thin middle-aged people would not necessarily associate his name with the Zhou family, the three most powerful sect in the past, but to be on the safe side, he felt that it would be better for him to use a pseudonym.

Anyway, the thin middle-aged man is a disciple of the Corpse Demon Sect. Even a monk in the Zifu period is unlikely to be familiar with the Cangzhou Immortal Cultivation World in Jingguo.

Sure enough, after hearing his answer, the thin middle-aged man suddenly looked puzzled and said, "Cangzhou Han family? Is there such a golden elixir family in Jingguo?"

"Senior, you have misunderstood. The Han family is not a golden elixir family, it is just a small family!"

Zhou Chun responded calmly without any hesitation.

"It turns out it's just a small family..."

The thin middle-aged man nodded, then looked at Zhou Chun with cold eyes and said, "Then you can die!"

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves and raised his hand towards Zhou Chun, shooting out the black long nail weapon in his hand.

He said he would do it, but most people might not be able to react.

But Zhou Chun had already been extremely wary of him. Almost as soon as he revealed his murderous intent, Zhou Chun did not hesitate to activate a third-level defensive talisman hidden in his sleeve.

But he saw a green glow blooming from Zhou Chun's body, and quickly turned into a light shield to protect him.

The long black nail magic weapon hit it. Although it shook the Xiaguang shield, it could not hurt Zhou Chun inside.

At this time, Zhou Chun had already reached into the other spirit beast bag at his waist and directly released the Vulcan Jackal inside.

"Third-level mid-level monster!"

When the majestic Vulcan Jackal appeared in mid-air with its feet on blazing flames, the skinny middle-aged man's face changed wildly, and he couldn't help but blurt out an exclamation.

"Senior is so shameless. You bully a junior like me like this. Aren't you afraid that word will spread and affect the reputation of the Corpse Demon Sect?"

Now that he had broken his skin, Zhou Chun no longer needed to pretend, and immediately denounced the thin middle-aged man.

However, facing the denunciation of his words, the thin middle-aged man quickly showed a sneer and said: "Can the reputation of our religion get worse?"

This sentence immediately made Zhou Chun speechless.

Indeed, the Corpse Demon Cult has never had a good reputation.

Even if this kind of thing spreads out, for the Corpse Demon Cult, it will be like having too many lice to bite them, and it will not cause any waves at all.

So I could only say no more and just said to the Vulcan Jackal: "Vulcan Jackal, it's up to you!"

The thin middle-aged man was only in the early stages of Zi Mansion's cultivation, while the Vulcan Jackal was a third-level mid-level monster, so he still had a good chance of winning.

Of course, the premise is that the thin middle-aged man has not refined the third-level corpse.

But I am really afraid of what will happen!

As soon as Zhou Chun thought this, he saw the thin middle-aged man raise his hand and pat the storage bag on his waist, and instantly released a jet black sarcophagus.


A loud noise was heard, and the lid of the dark sarcophagus was blown away from the inside by a strong force, and then a figure exuding a fishy smell jumped out from inside.

The figure was nearly a foot tall, with a broad face and fangs, and green-black scales growing all over his body, somewhat like dragon scales. His hands were completely transformed into animal claws with sharp nails.

What's more important is that the aura exuding from his body has indeed reached the third level!

As soon as this corpse-refining animal appeared, it burst out with corpse energy and rushed towards the Vulcan Jackal.

On one side is the flaming jackal bathed in blazing flames, and on the other side is the death corpse puppet with overwhelming corpse aura.

The two met head-on in the air, and a fierce battle broke out immediately.

The Vulcan Jackal had previously fought against the zombies transformed from Han Yuan's body in Yangguo, so he had some experience.

Compared with that zombie, the strength of the zombie in front of him is undoubtedly much worse.

As soon as the two exchanged a few moves, the demonic fire breathed by the Vulcan Jackal completely suppressed the corpse energy on the corpse, and the wolf claws also left several scars on the corpse.

It's just that the blue-black scales on the body of the corpse are very hard, and the body of the corpse is also indestructible. Even its wolf claws are also extremely sharp. If they fall on it, they can only penetrate a few inches into the flesh, making it difficult to cause a fatal blow to the corpse.

However, the physical state of the refined corpse is also closely related to the corpse energy in the body. Once the corpse energy is consumed too much, the physical body of the refined corpse will no longer have such strong defense, and the recovery speed will be difficult to keep up.

If monsters rely on vitality to recover from injuries, then corpse energy is the vitality for refining corpses.

But the corpse energy of a third-level corpse-refining corpse is so strong, if it doesn't encounter a nemesis like the "Carrion Moth", or encounters an opponent who is far stronger than it.

If the Vulcan Jackal wanted to eliminate his corpse energy, it would be difficult to do so in even an hour.

And how could the owner of the corpse refiner sit back and watch the Vulcan Jackal show his power!

At that time, after releasing the refined corpse to defeat the Vulcan Jackal, the thin middle-aged man sacrificed a black flag and released a thick black smoke cloud to cover and protect himself.

Then he did not help the corpse refining to deal with the Vulcan Jackal, but concentrated on using the coffin nail weapon to attack Zhou Chun.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chunye was depressed and shouted: "I have no enmity with my senior, why did my senior insist on putting me to death!"

After saying that, he added: "Even if you really want me to die, let me die clearly!"

The second update is here!

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