Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 638 Showdown! Three trips to Duolan Grassland [Please subscribe]

Although he lost the ghost cultivator's treasure, the Ghost Face Token, Zhou Chun could still accept that he could block the big thunder of Master Kuang Lei with this object.

And after today's battle, except for the Moon Lun Sect and Yan Yang Sect, which are aware of the inside story, I am afraid that all the big forces who are unaware of the inside story will think that Master Tianjing really intends to integrate into the Zhou family and serve as the Zhou family's protection. or.

In this way, before Master Tianjing passes away, there should be no force that will try to drive the Zhou family out of the Qinglian Mountains.

As for whether Tianjing Zhenren will actually choose to become a ghost cultivator in the future, Zhou Chun is not sure yet.

Although after being transformed into a ghost cultivator, there are various benefits, and there is also a chance to help him escape from the shackles and control of the Moon Wheel Sect.

But the disadvantages and shortcomings of ghost cultivation are also obvious.

I'm afraid Tianjing Zhenren will not make up his mind so quickly!

But from Zhou Chun's true heart, he certainly hopes that Master Tianjing will transform into a ghost cultivator in the future, so that all the Yin attribute spiritual objects in his hand can be sold to the other party.

As the saying goes, there are still three thousand nails in a broken ship!

Even if Master Tianjing was captured by mistake and his net worth was confiscated, after so many years of accumulation, he must have gained a good net worth.

Moreover, the Qinglian Guanshan Gate was broken down before, so it is difficult to say that he did not take something with him before escaping.

If we can take this opportunity to extract some benefits from him, that would be a great thing.

Of course, even if Master Tianjing wants to turn into a ghost cultivator, he will definitely have to do so after Zhou Chun begins to transform elixirs into babies, and there are still many things that need to be resolved.

None of this can be accomplished in a short time.

Therefore, Zhou Chun is not worried that giving him the inheritance of ghost cultivation will be detrimental to the Zhou family.

Several years later, Zhou Chun finally succeeded in practicing the fourth level of the "Heart Lotus Zhengfa". The golden lotus in the Zi Mansion looked much more solid, and the golden light it emitted became more intense.

Before that, he had already mastered the fourth level of the "God-Slaying Technique" and had already condensed four "God-Slaying Swords" in the Purple Mansion's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Since this secret technique only has four levels, he has cultivated it to the top.

In addition to these two secret techniques, Zhou Chun has also made further progress in the "Beast Spirit Fusion Technique". Now he can merge with any of his spiritual pets, and his life-saving ability has been greatly improved.

And in terms of "Nine Transformations of the Holy Spirit: Moon Toad Chapter", he has also made slight progress, and is more in line with the "Moon Toad Orb", a spiritual treasure.

The other magical powers and secret techniques such as [Geng Metal Cracking Sky Thunder], [Sha Yuan Diamond], and the "Golden Escape Technique" that he has been practicing all the time have all made progress.

It can be said that they have achieved common progress in mana cultivation and magical powers, and their strength has steadily improved.

However, his strength has long been at a unique level in the Golden Core stage. No matter how much his strength is improved now, it is impossible for him to have the strength to arm-wrestle with the monks in the Nascent Soul Stage.

Therefore, he has nothing to be proud of. He still continues to practice with great concentration without being arrogant or impetuous, striving for an early breakthrough in cultivation.

Not only himself, but also several of his spiritual pets.

After collectively breaking through to the fourth-level mid-level monster realm, Zhou Chun only had a few demon pills left in his hands, and could no longer give them much help.

If they want to break through to the realm of fourth-level high-grade monsters, they also need to practice hard and accumulate slowly.

Now if their master and servant want to break through quickly, the opportunity may fall on that secret island.

If they could find some spiritual objects there that could help improve their cultivation, it might save them hundreds or even hundreds of years of hard work!

Time passed slowly like this. When Lin Hongyu returned from the Great Zhou Kingdom and brought back the news of Zhou Zhiying's success in breaking through the late Zifu, Zhou Chun finally came out and ended his hidden cultivation.

"Has Ying'er finally reached the late stage of Zifu? This is really not easy!"

Zhou Chun murmured to himself, also sighing.

The difficulty he mentioned was not necessarily not that it was not easy for Zhou Zhiying to reach this point in his cultivation.

In fact, it is very easy for Zhou Zhiying to practice to this point!

When she broke through to the late Zifu period, she was only in her early 130s!

Under such circumstances, it was almost a certainty that she would successfully form an elixir before she turned one hundred and fifty!

When Zhou Chun successfully formed the elixir, he was already over 200 years old!

Therefore, what Zhou Chun is talking about now is not easy, but it is actually not easy for him to wait.

He has been waiting for this day since he discovered that Zhou Zhiying possesses the ultimate spiritual root qualification of the wind attribute. Now he has been waiting for more than 130 years!

He himself also celebrated his 400th birthday a few years ago!

Of course, compared to the lifespan of a Jindan monk, which is close to a thousand years, Zhou Chun, who is in his early four hundred years, is still middle-aged.

If everything goes well later, there is still a chance to try to transform elixirs into babies before the age of 500.

So after lamenting for a while, Zhou Chun quickly explained some family affairs and rushed to the Great Zhou Kingdom with a group of spiritual pets.

Since Zhou Zhiying has reached the late stage of Zifu in cultivation, he only needs to practice for a few more years to complete Zifu and try to form elixirs.

Zhou Chun needed to go over to teach her at this time, reveal to her the information on the secret island, and prepare her in advance for accepting the inheritance.

"Masachun, you came faster than I expected. It seems that you really can't wait!"

In Tianyuan Immortal City, Zhou Daoyi looked at Zhou Chun who came in a hurry, and couldn't help but tease him with a smile on his face.

Zhou Chun smiled bitterly and said: "Although I know that it has taken a hundred years to come, and I am not in a hurry for this moment, after hearing the news, it is indeed difficult to continue cultivating without being affected!"

He admitted this openly.

This is not because he has not improved his character, but because it is really related to the future of the road, and he cannot help but care about it!

In the world of cultivating immortals, transforming elixirs into infants is almost the most difficult level for cultivators to overcome!

Even among the talented monks from the top powerful forces in the Great Zhou Kingdom, with the full support of the elders of the sect, no more than 30% of them can successfully overcome this hurdle!

Let’s not talk about the distant past, let’s talk about what happened in the past hundred years.

The previous generation of Moon Worshiping Master from Yuelun Sect, who had top-notch spiritual root qualifications and was assisted by the infant spiritual object given by the elders of Yuelun Sect, failed in the end!

This shows how difficult this level is!

In the face of the stage of transforming elixirs and forming babies, even those descendants of the venerable god-transformers cannot guarantee success.

Zhou Chun's background determines that he can almost only rely on himself in the process of transforming elixirs and forming babies, and it is impossible to get any help from elders.

At the same time, even if his current cultivation level is superior and he belongs to a unique existence, the chance of obtaining the infant spiritual object through normal means in the future is very slim.

The opportunity left by his predecessors on the secret island could be said to be the only opportunity he could count on.

So when this opportunity that he had been thinking about for nearly two hundred years was about to be revealed, he could no longer calm down and not care or pay attention!

"Yes, this matter is indeed too important to you, as well as to our entire Zhou family!"

Zhou Daoyi nodded lightly and sighed with emotion.

If Zhou Chun can transform elixirs into babies, the Zhou family will undoubtedly be able to attain enlightenment and their chickens and dogs ascend to heaven because of him.

A Nascent Soul monk sitting in charge of a family can protect the family for a thousand or two thousand years. During this period, it has brought countless benefits to the family.

After sighing at this time, the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and then entered the cave to meet Zhou Zhiying.

When master and apprentice met again, Zhou Chun also praised and encouraged his apprentice first, and praised him until he was so happy that his smile never stopped.

After such a friendly exchange of reunion after a long separation, Zhou Chun looked at his smiling apprentice and then got down to business.

His face suddenly became solemn, he looked at Zhou Zhiying with a stern face and said, "Since Ying'er has reached the late stage of Zifu in your cultivation, there is something that you need to explain to me now."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhiying was stunned for a moment, then looked at his stern expression, and the smile on his face subsided a lot unconsciously. He nodded lightly and said, "Disciple is willing to hear the details."

She is not a fool, not to mention that Zhou Chun had vaguely talked to her about some related things before when she was choosing a technique after establishing her foundation. She knew that Zhou Chun wanted to wait until her cultivation reached the late stage of Zifu, and then let herself do something. an important thing.

She had asked coquettishly what was going on before, but Zhou Chun was not willing to explain.

Later, she gradually understood how rare her wind-attributed spiritual root qualifications were, but she was not worried that Master Zhou Chun would harm her, so she didn't ask any more about it.

Looking at Zhou Chun's appearance at this time, it was obvious that she was going to have a showdown, which made her feel a little more expectant and anxious.

But Zhou Chun said slowly: "I think you have discovered Ying'er a long time ago. My teacher is very concerned about your cultivation, and has always spared no effort to create the best cultivation environment for you, so that you can concentrate on your cultivation. , no matter what else!”

"Even if you have the best spiritual root qualification of the wind attribute, even if you are the disciple of the master, logically speaking, there is no reason to dig your heart out like this!"

When Zhou Chun said this, he couldn't help but show a hint of self-deprecation on his face.

Zhou Zhiying said with a grateful face: "Master, your care and love for your disciples are indeed something that I cannot repay or dare not forget!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun nodded slightly and said, "Besides the fact that you are extremely talented and worthy of being nurtured and cared for by my teacher, there are naturally other reasons why I have devoted so much support and training to you."

"And now that your cultivation has reached the late stage of Zifu, you can help my master and yourself to do a big thing!"

As he spoke, he explained in detail how he successfully formed a pill on the secret island, and how he learned the criteria for selecting successors by the owner of the secret island.

Zhou Daoyi, who was on the sidelines, had heard about it a long time ago, but he didn't say anything at this time.

But when Zhou Zhiying heard about this for the first time, his expression changed drastically. He looked at Zhou Chun with his mouth wide open in shock, and his heart was extremely shocked!

She is over one hundred and thirty years old, and through these years of experience in the Great Zhou Kingdom, she knows all the common sense in the world of immortality that she should know.

Naturally, he knew what a great opportunity Zhou Chun said such a secret cave represented.

He is even more aware of the huge benefits he will gain if he can become the master of such a secret cave.

After Zhou Chun told the truth, he paused for about a quarter of an hour to give Zhou Zhiying, his apprentice, some buffer time.

Then he continued to speak again: "That secret island has been closed for I don't know how many years. Since its owner has put so much effort into setting up such a cave dojo and setting such harsh conditions for selecting disciples, it is obvious that he sincerely wants to choose a disciple for himself." A proud successor, so that he can inherit and carry forward his own tradition!"

"Ying'er, you have the best spiritual root qualifications. There will be no problem in forming a golden elixir. Therefore, if the owner of the secret cave wants you to carry forward his Taoism, he will definitely help you transform elixirs and form babies. There is a high probability that he has prepared some The top-notch baby spirit!"

Having said this, Zhou Chun paused for a moment, then looked at Zhou Zhiying with a sincere face and said: "As a teacher, I do not look down on the magic weapons and techniques passed down by the predecessor, nor do I intend to inherit them from Yingman." You take the control of that secret cave from your hands, I just ask you to give up those infant-forming spiritual objects to me first, so that I can try to transform the elixir into an infant first!"

"If my master can successfully transform the elixir into a baby, I will definitely find the corresponding baby-binding spiritual object for you in the future, and I will never let you suffer in the slightest!"

At the end of his words, Zhou Chun's tone and expression became extremely solemn.

At this time, Zhou Daoyi also spoke: "Girl Ying'er, your master's request is not excessive at all. Let's not talk about what he has done to you over the years. Let's just say that there is no token he provided. With the location of that secret cave, so what if you meet the criteria for selecting a successor by the owner of that secret cave? It’s not like you have no connection with these things!"

"And if you cooperate with your master, you can not only inherit the Taoist inheritance and treasures left by a real person in the Nascent Soul stage, but if your master successfully transforms elixirs into babies in the future, he can also help you transform elixirs into babies, and you will become your master in the future. The two disciples are both in the Nascent Soul stage, which is a good story in the world of immortality!"

After these words fell, Zhou Zhiying, who was still in a daze, couldn't help but nodded.

Then she trembled slightly and finally came to her senses.

Then he quickly expressed his position and said: "Master Mingjian, this is such a great opportunity, and the disciples will naturally have no reason to respond!"

He looked at Zhou Chun with an apologetic look and said, "I was just too shocked and lost my composure, so I didn't respond in time. There was absolutely no disrespect to Master!"

"There is no need to be so polite between you and me, master and disciple."

Zhou Chun smiled slightly and said in a gentle tone: "It's the first time you've heard such secrets. It's no exaggeration to be embarrassed. How can you care as a teacher!"

After speaking, he looked at the apprentice in front of him with a look of relief and said, "Ying'er, you can understand the general situation so well and agree to my request. I am very happy and gratified."

"Master, you are serious!"

Zhou Zhiying shook his head repeatedly and responded with a grateful face: "This is obviously the opportunity you gave to this disciple. It is the disciple who should express my gratitude to you!"

Zhou Daoyi, who was watching this scene of master's kindness and disciple's filial piety, was extremely happy. He couldn't help laughing loudly on the spot and said: "Hahaha, you two, master and disciple, don't be so polite. We are all one family. Why should we talk about thanking or not thanking you?"

While smiling, he couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "In short, our Zhou family can give birth to geniuses like you, masters and apprentices, because of the blessings of God and our ancestors. The Zhou family will definitely be under the leadership of your masters and apprentices in the future." Let’s move towards an unprecedented prosperous age!”

"If I can see the day when the prosperous age comes in the future, even if I die immediately, I will die without regrets!"

When he said this, his eyes were full of vision for the future, and his heart was full of expectations.

After what he said, master and disciple Zhou Chun couldn't help but smile at each other, and they were no longer polite.

After letting go of the worries that had been pressing in his heart for hundreds of years, Zhou Chun felt much more relaxed when facing his apprentice again.

He began to carefully explain to his apprentice the information he knew about the secret cave, and also informed his apprentice of some of his guesses and worries.

Although normally speaking, as long as Zhou Zhiying meets the requirements of the master of the secret cave in selecting a successor, he should not make things difficult for her.

But there is no guarantee that the master of the secret cave will also prepare to pass some additional trials to test the successor's level of understanding and fighting skills.

So Zhou Chun also made a lot of preparations for his apprentice.

After he had previously destroyed the remnants of the Qinglian Temple and obtained the complete copy of the "Heart Lotus Zhengfa", he had already taught Zhou Zhiying this secret method and urged him to practice it diligently.

Now many years have passed, and Zhou Zhiying has relied on his own cultivation at the Zifu stage to practice this secret technique to the second level.

At the same time, Zhou Chun gave her the Zhou family's pseudo-magic weapon [Green Wood Seal], which was passed down from his family, for sacrifice, and also gave her a third-level high-quality wind attribute demon pill to cultivate the Heavenly Wind Thunder Eagle to advance to the third level. A mid-level monster.

Finally, she was asked to sacrifice a fourth-level low-grade puppet, and six fourth-level talismans and two spiritual crystals were prepared for her.

Under such a configuration, Zhou Zhiying's personal strength is not much weaker than that of Zhou Chun.

Zhou Chun didn't believe that with such strength, she would still be unable to pass some strength tests for monks in the Purple Mansion Stage!

In this way, in the following time, Zhou Chun would give his apprentice tricks to hone his fighting skills besides practicing.

During this period, he naturally visited Luo Qingni and asked about the refining process of the [Four Spirits Barrier-Breaking Pill].

Through communication, he learned that Luo Qingni now generally has several candidates, but he is still in the process of contact and testing, and is not in a hurry to reveal the inside information.

He naturally agreed with this, and even told him not to worry.

Because Gui Yuanzhi, an auxiliary material for refining [Huaying Dan], might also exist in the medicine garden on the secret island.

If this is the case, there is no need to risk finding a third party to cooperate.

During this period, Zhou Chun also received good news. Someone had exchanged a bottle of [Xinjin Yuanjing] for a thousand-year-old treasure medicine at the exchange meeting, and he happened to have the thousand-year-old medicine that the other party needed. A relic from Qing Lingzi.

After getting this information, he immediately went to find the monk to exchange for the bottle of [Xinjin Yuanjing].

In this way, with this bottle of [Xinjin Yuanjing] condensed by the monks in the Yuan Ying stage of the metallic skill with great effort, Zhou Chun's lack of auxiliary spiritual objects in practicing "Little Five Elements Breaking the Forbidden Mysterious Light" is only the last earth-attributed spiritual object. .

Zhou Chun had already had an idea about the whereabouts of this earth-attribute spiritual object.

If he couldn't collect it from others, he would either go to the real person Huang Yun to exchange for a bottle of [Wutu Yuanjing], or ask the demon king for it when he helps the Chongxuan Demon King deliver a message in the future.

This matter should be easier to accomplish after his cultivation reaches the late Golden Core stage.

During this period, Zhou Chun also inquired about the information about Leiya Valley and Kuang Lei Zhenren.

The result was not as he expected. There was no news in the Great Zhou Kingdom that Master Kuang Lei had fought against Master Tian Jing. Even publicly, Lei Ya Valley did not publicly want Zhou Chun and the Zhou family monks.

Outsiders only judged that Master Kuanglei's injuries should have been stabilized through the closure of the mountain in Leiya Valley, and there was no need to worry about being robbed and adding insult to injury.

This made Zhou Chun completely relieved, knowing that Master Kuang Lei had gritted his teeth and swallowed this bitter pill!

However, he did not dare to be careless. When he traveled in the world of immortal cultivation in the Great Zhou Kingdom, he still used a pseudonym, and even changed his aura to disguise himself.

Now the closer he is to success, the more cautious he must be. He must not fail at this moment.

After staying and practicing in Tianyuan Immortal City for six years, Zhou Chun finally left the Immortal City with his apprentice Zhou Zhiying and went straight to Duolan Grassland.

This is the first time he has set foot in this area after two hundred years since he successfully formed the elixir.

More than two hundred years have passed, and no one has long remembered the incident in which he killed the Archmage of the Multi-Wing Clan, leading to the pursuit of the "Vengeful Blood Eagle".

He also kept in mind the advice of Shen Jianxing, a late-stage Jindan sword cultivator, and had not dared to set foot on Duolan Grassland for two hundred years to avoid being targeted by the "Vengeance Blood Eagle".

Now that more than two hundred years have passed, the "Vengeance Blood Eagle" must have forgotten about him!

This is what Zhou Chun thought was going on.

However, what Zhou Chun didn't know was that not long after he led his apprentice into the Duolan Grassland, a giant cyan eagle stone statue enshrined on the altar in the temple of the Duoying Tribe's "Lingfeng Tribe" suddenly burst out with a flash of light in his eyes. There was a faint light of blood and some kind of reaction occurred.

This change immediately attracted the attention of a senior mage from the multi-wing tribe who was practicing in the temple.

"Holy Eagle opens its eyes. This is an enemy of life and death appearing within the sensing range. This matter must be reported to Archmage Banglu immediately!"

The senior mage of the Multi-Wing Tribe in the temple raised his head and glanced at the giant eagle stone statue with bloody eyes. His expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly left the temple to report to the archmage in the tribe.

After a moment passed like this, the great mage Banglu who had hunted down Zhou Chun more than 200 years ago appeared in the temple with the other two great mage.

I saw that after he used some secret method to communicate with the giant eagle stone statue, he looked at the two archmages with a murderous look on his face and said: "The human monk who killed Archmage Banerva has appeared again. He is Pass through our tribe’s territory and head towards the depths of the grassland!”

After hearing his words, the other two great mages of the Multi-Wing Tribe, who were all aware of the relationship between Archmage Bangeru and the dead Archmage Benerva, immediately spoke without hesitation: "In this case, please invite Bangeru." Master Lu led us to kill this person and avenge Master Banerva!"

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