Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 646 Zhou Yuanlian forms an elixir【Please subscribe】

The alchemy inheritance that Zhou Chun gave to Luo Qingni contained so much knowledge that even an alchemy master like Luo Qingni could not fully comprehend it in a short period of time.

Moreover, once an alchemy master like her obtains such a profound inheritance that she has never dabbled in before, it will be easy for her to gain some insights from it, have the idea of ​​making inferences, and can't help but start an alchemy furnace to verify some of her own gains.

This will also take a lot of time.

So Zhou Chun had been waiting in Tianyuan Immortal City for nearly three years before Luo Qingni summoned him.

After receiving the summons, he quickly went to "Qing Ni Ju" for a visit.

When Luo Qingni welcomed him into the cave, after the two of them greeted each other politely, Zhou Chun looked at Luo Qingni's expression and asked with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for three years. I wonder how you have gained, Fellow Daoist Luo?"

“The harvest is naturally very great!”

Luo Qingni sighed softly and couldn't help but sigh: "The alchemy inheritance that Qingni originally learned was completely understood shortly after Qingni formed the elixir. There is no practical and useful content that can be learned from the master's realm later. !”

"Later, after receiving the two precious alchemy recipes given by Fellow Daoist Zhou, as well as the alchemy notes given by Fellow Daoist Zhou, and communicating with other alchemy masters and masters, I finally had some understanding of the realm of the master behind it, and vaguely touched it. A little direction!”

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but glance at Zhou Chun, and then said again: "Thanks to the trust and love of Zhou Daoyou, master and disciple, I have given you a profound alchemy inheritance that points directly to the realm of alchemy master. Qing Ni carefully studied and verified it, and finally It’s about finding your own path to become a master and understanding where you fall short!”

"If nothing unexpected happens next, Qing Ni only needs to open more furnaces to refine some high-level elixirs, and verify her newly learned skills, and she should be able to reach the level of a grandmaster!"

At the end, she also revealed a strong sense of confidence in her words.

As a master of casual alchemy and a female mid-level golden elixir monk, Luo Qingni also has her own pride.

Whether it is her spiritual root qualifications or her understanding talent in alchemy, she is outstanding.

Otherwise, she would not be able to successfully form an elixir as a casual cultivator without being attached to any force, and then become a master of alchemy before she can successfully form an elixir!

And her talent in alchemy is actually very outstanding. If she had joined a certain sect early and been trained by a powerful sect, she would have become a famous alchemy master by now!

This time Zhou Chun gave her a complete set of alchemy inheritance, allowing her to make up for her own shortcomings in alchemy inheritance. She had been unable to make great progress in alchemy skills due to inheritance restrictions, and she immediately made leaps and bounds. .

The realm of the Grandmaster can be said to be right in front of you!

This is what skills are like, understanding and inheritance are more important than anything else.

If you have understanding and inheritance, and there is no shortage of opportunities to put theory into practice, then your progress will be very fast.

On the other hand, if your understanding is not good enough, even if you have a complete inheritance in hand, it will be like reading a heavenly book and you will not be able to learn anything!

There is no shortage of geniuses in the world of immortality, but there is a lack of geniuses with extraordinary understanding!

A genius with extraordinary understanding may sometimes bring huge changes to the entire world of immortality!

Zhou Chun had no doubts about Luo Qingni's words. He had always known that this friend was a real genius in terms of alchemy talent.

In the past, I was only limited by the inherited knowledge and could not fully explore my own talents.

Now that he has made up for its shortcomings, with his talent in alchemy, it is natural for him to enter the realm of alchemy master.

Therefore, at this time, he also smiled and said: "Then Zhou congratulated fellow Taoist Luo in advance for his great progress in alchemy, and wished fellow Taoist Luo to become a master as soon as possible."

After saying that, he patted the storage bag on his waist, took out a piece of white paper with the names of several elixirs written on it, and handed it to Luo Qingni.

At the same time, he said: "Zhou now has the main ingredients and important auxiliary ingredients for the elixir on this. The remaining auxiliary ingredients are not rare and can be easily collected. Fellow Daoist Luo, if you want to reach the master realm , these elixirs should be an excellent opportunity to practice your hands!"

"As for the [Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Pill], let's wait until Friend Luo reaches the level of a master before refining it!"

When Luo Qingni heard this, he immediately reached out and took the white paper and saw that the several kinds of elixirs on it were exactly the elixirs circulated by [Master Xuanfeng].

She seemed to have expected this in her heart, and she was not shocked at this time.

He just said to Zhou Chun with a calm face: "Since Fellow Daoist Zhou trusts Qing Ni so much, Qing Ni will naturally not let you down!"

Hearing her cheerful agreement, Zhou Chun was relieved, but he did not forget to promise: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Luo, after the elixirs above are refined, those elixirs that are beneficial to your cultivation will be taken care of by Zhou." I can split it half-and-half with you, and I will never let you, fellow Taoist, suffer!"

But Luo Qingni shook his head and rejected his kindness: "There is no need for half and half. Qingni has already received great kindness from Master and Disciple Zhou Daoyou, how can I have the nerve to receive such a generous reward again!"

"Besides, Qing Ni made a promise to Fellow Daoist Zhou before. In the future, whenever Fellow Daoist Zhou asks me to make elixirs, Qing Ni will not take any money from me!"

Although she is a casual cultivator, she also has her own bottom line of principles.

Zhou Chun gave her the alchemy inheritance, which was something she couldn't refuse, so even if she knew that she would be in debt to God for it, she had no choice but to accept it for the sake of her own righteousness.

However, things like elixirs for improving cultivation are not necessary for her. Naturally, she does not want to owe more favors and violate her previous promises.

In fact, this is also an important reason why Zhou Chun admires her very much!

Zhou Chun himself is also a person with a strong bottom line of principles, so he will naturally have a better impression of monks who also have such qualities and appreciate each other.

Therefore, Luo Qingni's attitude of refusal at this time was not beyond Zhou Chun's expectations, and it would only make him feel that he had not misjudged the person.

So he immediately said with a smile: "Then it is Zhou who lent it to Luo Daoyou first. When Luo Daoyou reaches the realm of alchemy master and his cultivation has broken through the late stage of alchemy, he will definitely attract a large number of fellow Taoists to come and ask for help in alchemy. By then you Just use other elixirs or elixirs to return to Zhou!"

At this point, he saw that Luo Qingni seemed to be interested, so he immediately waved his hand and said: "That's it. If Fellow Daoist Luo is still polite, he will treat Zhou as an outsider!"

"Then Qing Ni is ashamed to receive it!"

Luo Qingni opened her mouth, but finally nodded slightly and agreed.

But there is no great joy in my heart. Instead, I am a little worried. I don’t know how to repay the more and more favors I owe in the future!

Maybe this is the trouble of happiness!

Next, after Zhou Chun handed a piece of alchemy material to Luo Qingni, he left without further interruption.

He will put the remaining elixirs at Zhou Daoyi's place. When Luo Qingni needs to refine other elixirs, he can go and get them directly.

Zhou Chun would not stay in Tianyuan Immortal City for long, and returned to his family in the Qinglian Mountains not long after.

By the time Zhou Chun returned to Jingguo, the ancestor of the Su family had passed away.

When he learned about this, he quickly rushed to the Su family's mountain gate to offer incense and mourn for the deceased elder.

And in the following months, Zhou Chun also stayed at the Sujiashan Gate to accompany the Taoist monk Su Yuzhen, comforting the Taoist monk who was a little depressed.

Fortunately, the ancestor of the Su family passed away normally at the end of his life, and all the necessary arrangements had been made before his death. The Su family did not experience any turmoil due to his death.

Zhou Chun's high-profile appearance in the Su family also means that the Su family can use his momentum to shock both the inside and outside.

He stayed in the Su family for several months, and after fully expressing his attitude, he returned to the cave in the Qinglian Mountains to practice cultivation.

While Zhou Chun was cultivating in the Qinglian Mountains, the Zhou family suddenly became lively because of the large amount of resources he brought back.

Among the things Zhou Zhiying brought back from the secret cave, in addition to the elixirs Zhou Chun needed, there were also some fourth-order spiritual fruits and third-order spiritual fruits with extraordinary effects, as well as many things similar to "Bibo Heart Cleansing Tea" of magical tea and elixir.

In addition to keeping half of these things to distribute to the Golden Core Stage cultivators in the family, the remaining half was placed in the family treasury for redemption by clan members below the Golden Core Stage cultivation level.

After Zhou Xinyan found out about this, he quickly made a proposal. The Zhou family took out some fourth-order spiritual fruits, third-order spiritual fruits, and some other rare spiritual objects to hold a "Fruit Appreciation Conference" and invited all the forces under their command to join in. Get involved.

At that time, the monks of the Zhou family will compete with these subordinate forces to determine the rankings. The top monks can enjoy spiritual fruits of different grades and effects according to their rankings.

This type of martial arts competition helps to increase the enthusiasm of cultivators within the family. Secondly, it can also take the opportunity to observe the talent pool of the subordinate forces. Thirdly, it can unite the hearts of the subordinate forces. It can be said that it serves multiple purposes.

Therefore, once Zhou Xinyan proposed, Zhou Mingde quickly agreed.

So only half a year passed, and elites from various cultivating families and scattered cultivating strongholds in Lanzhou and Lingzhou gathered in the Qinglian Mountains.

On this day, when the "Fruit Appreciation Conference" officially began, Zhou Chun also appeared in person and delivered a speech.

Then the participating monks, who had been gearing up for half a year to prepare, began to take the stage one after another.

What was different from the usual martial arts competitions held by the Zhou family was that this time because the spiritual fruit brought out by Zhou Chun was of too high a grade, even some Zifu period monks signed up to participate in the competition.

Therefore, they had to be divided into three groups according to their cultivation level, one group for the monks in the Purple Mansion Stage, one group for the monks at the Foundation Establishment Stage, and another group for the monks at the Qi Training Stage.

The first person to take the stage was naturally the monk in the Qi training stage.

“The reward for this Qi training group is [Yuan-Building Fruit]. The first place will get two [Yuan-Building Fruits], the second to tenth place will get one [Yuan-Building Fruit], and the tenth to thirtyth place will get one [Yuan-Building Fruit]. A second-level spiritual date!"

As Zhou Xinyan loudly announced the rewards for this Qi training group, hundreds of Qi training monks who had signed up began to compete on stage.

Due to various reasons, only two-thirds of the Zhou family's Qi-training monks participated in martial arts competitions.

But when the results of the entire Qi training group's competition came out, the monks from the Zhou family took all the top ten places. Among the top thirty, there were only five Qi training period monks from outside the Zhou family.

Regarding this result, all the monks who watched the martial arts competition were not surprised at all.

Because the Zhou family monks really have a great advantage!

Those Zhou family monks who won the rankings almost all had talented and powerful spiritual pets to accompany them, and their magical weapons were also extremely sophisticated.

It is still difficult for monks from other forces to compete with them, even if some monks bring spiritual pets.

Three of the five Qi-training monks outside of the Zhou family were able to win because they had also tamed the dragon-born monster spiritual pets produced by the Zhou family, which were themselves foundation-building seeds cultivated by their own forces!

You know, as the thunder dragon Baibai and the green dragon Qingqing both broke through and became fourth-level monsters and built their nests in the Qinglian Mountains, the Zhou family's dragon-born monsters have increased in number.

For example, [Thunder Dragon Carp] has thunder and water attributes, [Wind Fire Dragon Wolf] has wind and fire attributes, [Thunder Flame Fire Ape] has thunder and fire attributes, and so on.

In the future, it is almost certain that the Zhou family's foundation-building monks will have a second-level monster at their disposal.

By then, the golden signboard of "Spiritual Beast Zhou Family" will really become a major feature of the entire heaven, spirit and earth world.

Behind the Qi training group is the foundation building group. Almost all the Zhou family's foundation building monks who are still in Jingguo have signed up to participate in this martial arts competition, even those in the early stage of foundation building are no exception.

Because even if they don't win the ranking, they can still take this opportunity to see the gap between themselves and others, and by the way, show their faces in front of the real senior leaders of the family such as Zhou Chun and Zhou Mingde.

According to the latest statistics, there are now as many as 76 foundation-building monks in the Zhou family, including some relatives and monks.

Except for the seven or eight foundation-building monks in the wilderness who have never come, and excluding some foundation-building monks who left Jingguo to travel, the number of Zhou family's foundation-building monks present today also exceeds fifty.

Zhou Chun was slightly interested in taking a look at these family backbones.

"Next game, Zhou Yuanxin versus Zhou Gaolong!"

As Zhou Xinyan, the elder of the Zhou family who presided over the competition between the foundation-building monks, spoke, the two Zhou family foundation-building monks stepped onto the ring together.

I saw that Zhou Yuanxin was a young man in white who had recently succeeded in establishing a new foundation, while Zhou Gaolong was a middle-aged man with a square face who was close to the middle stage of foundation construction.

After the two came on stage, Zhou Yuanxin, a junior, immediately bowed to the square-faced middle-aged man and said, "My nephew has met my clan uncle. I ask my clan uncle to be merciful in the upcoming competition."

Seeing this, Zhou Gaolong immediately laughed and said: "Hahaha, nephew Yuanxin, don't be polite, just use what you have learned and put it into practice. You and I are at the same level of cultivation, so we may not have no chance of defeating my uncle!"

From his words, it was obvious that he did not regard Zhou Yuanxin as an opponent of the same level, but thought that as an elder, he would win.

But when the two released their spiritual pets, his expression changed.

Zhou Yuanxin, who was opposite him, patted the spirit beast bag on his waist and released two spirit pets, a colorful pheasant and a thunder lizard.

The reason why Zhou Gaolong's complexion changed drastically was because of the colorful pheasant.

Because this demon bird is already a second-level low-grade demon beast!

"How is this possible! It has only been less than seven years since you succeeded in building the foundation. How did you cultivate this spiritual pet to the second level so quickly!"

Zhou Gaolong looked so shocked that he couldn't help but exclaimed, and he no longer looked relaxed.

Although he also has a second-level low-grade spiritual pet, it is a fire-winged wolf.

Although the Fire Winged Wolf itself is a good race among the intermediate monsters, it is obviously incomparable to the Colorful Pheasant that has awakened the Fire Phoenix bloodline, and even its fire attribute spells are restrained by it.

Sure enough, the next confrontation between the two quickly confirmed his inner worries.

The battle between the Fire Winged Wolf and the Colorful Pheasant was completely suppressed by the other party.

Whether it is the fire attribute spells he masters or the demonic fire born in his body, it is difficult to pose any threat to the colorful pheasant.

The Fire Phoenix bloodline of the Colorful Pheasant makes its fire-attribute spells several times more powerful than the Fire-Winged Wolf, and the colorful demonic fire it spits out also has a hint of [glazed pure fire] power.

What surprised Zhou Gaolong even more was that Zhou Yuanxin, who succeeded in building the foundation more than 20 years later than him, did not fall behind at all in a single battle with him, and even made him quite confused.

The reason for this is because the other party is practicing a top fire attribute technique!

In this way, with both himself and his spiritual pet at a disadvantage, the battle between the two lasted less than two quarters of an hour, and ended with Zhou Yuanxin's victory.

"This colorful phoenix-tailed pheasant looks pretty good. Among the dragon-born monsters in the family, there are only a few with such strength!"

In the stands, Zhou Chun nodded slightly after witnessing the entire battle of the Colorful Pheasant suppressing the Fire Winged Wolf, quite satisfied with the strength of this monster beast.

Hearing his words, Zhou Mingde on the side nodded first, and then smiled bitterly and said: "That's right, that's right, but it's a little more difficult to reproduce. Now that decades have passed, the colorful pheasants in the family have The number is less than two palms!"

"There is nothing we can do about it. The phoenix-blood monsters originally did not reproduce as fast as the dragon-blood monsters. Now we can only wait for them to slowly multiply and expand their populations."

Zhou Chun shook his head slightly and said helplessly.

The more powerful the monster, the slower its reproduction speed. This is due to the rules of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, the world would have been full of dragons and fire phoenixes!

Although beast-controlling families like the Zhou family have ways to use medicine and secret techniques to accelerate the reproduction of low-level monsters, for intermediate and high-level monsters, human intervention cannot be said to be completely ineffective, but the effect is weak.

Therefore, the only effective way is to try to prevent the members of a certain monster race from dying unexpectedly, and then increase the number of members of the race through the expansion of its base.

Almost two days later, the results of the foundation-building team's competition came out.

The top ten are still all occupied by Zhou family monks, and the number of non-Zhou family monks in the top twenty has been further reduced to only three!

The first place in the foundation building group will be rewarded with a fourth-order spiritual fruit, the remaining top ten will be rewarded with a third-order high-grade spiritual fruit, and the top ten to twenty will be rewarded with a third-order low-grade spiritual fruit.

Compared with the large Qi training group and foundation building group, the number of Zifu period monks participating in the martial arts competition was very small, including Zhou Xinyan, there were only twelve in total.

Only the top five can get a fourth-level spiritual fruit as a reward, and the rest can also enjoy a third-level low-grade spiritual fruit later.

However, although the number of people was the smallest, the battle of the Zifu group was the most exciting.

Especially Zhou Zhiqian, who has reached the middle stage of Zifu.

With one person and one sword, and without any spiritual pets, he fought all the way to the finals.

If Zhou Xinyan hadn't already cultivated his mid-level demonic beast, the Flame Dragon Python, into the third-level mid-level demonic beast, the Flame-horned Dragon Python, and he was already at the late stage of Zifu, he might not have been able to defeat him!

But in fact, even Zhou Xinyan didn't know that if it was really a life and death fight, Zhou Zhiqian would definitely have the strength to die with him!

This is because for sword cultivators, some truly powerful killing moves are often life-threatening techniques that either result in the death of the enemy or oneself, and are not suitable for use in arena competitions at all.

Therefore, when the battle for the top spot in the Zifu group ended, even Zhou Mingde couldn't help but sigh and said: "If this son does not die prematurely in the future, the possibility of successful pill formation is the highest among all the Zifu group members in the family now." The biggest among the monks!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun also nodded and said: "Zhiqian's performance is indeed good. This time, we can give him one more of those fourth-level spiritual pears!"

The fourth-level spiritual pear in his mouth is the same type of spiritual fruit as the fifth-level spiritual apricot he has taken. It can be directly used to improve the magical power of an immortal cultivator.

This is what he takes, and one pill can save almost a year of practice time.

For monks in the Zifu period, one pill can be worth ten or twenty years of hard work!

Spirit fruits like this are also very rare in the world of immortality. Generally, they are only available to those big forces with a long tradition. And often, before the spirit fruits are mature, the candidates for taking each spirit fruit have already been pre-determined!

At the same time, the growth cycle of such spiritual fruits is often very long, often counting hundreds of years!

That fifth-level spiritual apricot fruit, according to the communication between Mu Mei Mulang and the spiritual fruit tree, it takes nearly a thousand years for it to bloom and mature.

However, the advantage of this kind of spiritual fruit tree is that even if the spiritual fruit is mature, it can often exist on the tree for thousands of years as long as it is not picked!

With Zhou Chun presiding over it, the "Fruit Appreciation Conference" held by the Zhou family was successfully completed.

After this grand meeting, Zhou Chun once again focused on cultivating behind closed doors.

It was not until five years later that the celestial phenomenon that Zhou Yuanlian successfully formed the elixir appeared, allowing him to walk out of his cave.

"Very good! Starting today, the Zhou family has another golden elixir-level monk!"

On Qinglian Peak, Zhou Chun watched with a look of sincere joy on his face as he watched the alchemy celestial phenomenon above Zhou Yuanlian's retreat cave gradually dissipate.

The news quickly spread throughout the Zhou family and caused some discussion within Jingguo.

Just because today is different from the past, with the current size of the Zhou family, the emergence of a new golden elixir stage monk is nothing new.

This can only prove one thing. The Zhou family has the continuous hematopoietic ability of Jindan monks, and in this regard, it has gradually broken away from the scope of the Jindan family.

Perhaps it was Zhou Yuanlian's success that inspired some people. Zhou Xinyan, Xu Fu, and Zhou Yuanyuan, who were no longer young, also began to retreat and form alchemy pills one after another within a year after his success.

The three people's retreat also consumed most of the pill-forming spiritual objects that Zhou Chun brought back, making it difficult to get a complete set of pill-forming spiritual objects in hand.

Fortunately, as far as the entire Zhou family is concerned, they are the only ones who need pill-forming spiritual objects to hit the golden elixir stage, so Zhou Chun does not have to rush to find the pill-forming spiritual objects.

At the same time, in the third year after Zhou Yuanlian formed the elixir, Zhou Chun took the last [Huanzhen elixir] and refined it. He finally touched the barrier of the late golden elixir and reached the peak of the middle golden elixir.

He also tried to break through the late Golden Core barrier, but found that his own accumulation alone was currently far from enough to shake that barrier.

Without the help of other spiritual beings, he might be stuck by this barrier for hundreds of years, or even for a lifetime!

After all, his own qualifications are not that outstanding.

Fortunately, he himself had been mentally prepared for this. After discovering that he could not break through the realm barrier in a short period of time on his own, he immediately went to the Great Zhou Kingdom, preparing to find Luo Qingni to refine the [Four Spirits Barrier Breaking Pill].

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