Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 656: Finally Becoming a Nascent Soul [Please vote for the big chapter]

Snow Dragon Ridge.

In the secret room of seclusion, after Zhou Chun took the [Huaying Dan], he quickly took out another infant-forming spiritual object [Taiqing Xianzhi] and put it in his mouth.

This piece of [Tai Qing Immortal Zhi] is only the size of a palm, and is lavender in color. It has naturally formed circles of silver spirit patterns on it. There are exactly thirty-six circles on it, which is exactly the number of Tiangang.

As one of the very few elixirs that can be taken without refining to increase the success rate of transforming into an infant, this item is also extremely rare. Zhou Chun had never heard of its name before he got it.

After holding this piece of Ganoderma lucidum in his mouth, he had no intention of savoring its taste. He immediately concentrated and followed the method of forming a baby recorded in the main exercise. His soul settled in the golden elixir and officially began the process of transforming the elixir into forming a baby. road.

[Huaying Dan], which is made from the eight-thousand-year-old [Tianyingguo] as the main drug, is indeed extremely effective.

After Zhou Chun took the elixir, he quickly absorbed and refined the spirituality of this top elixir, making his own elixir "alive".

His soul merged with the spirit of the elixir and turned into a little Nascent Soul, and then began to gradually absorb the power of the elixir itself to strengthen himself.

During this process, Zhou Chun almost lost his sense of the outside world, and his mind and will were all trapped in a small golden elixir, just like a fetus cannot sense the outside world through its mother's body.

However, the main technique he practiced was running on its own at the moment, and began to absorb a large amount of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for refining to make up for the loss of the golden elixir and nurture the immature form of the Nascent Soul inside.

At the same time, the [Huaying Dan] that has not been dissolved in the body, and the piece of [Taiqing Xianzhi] held in his mouth, are also slowly releasing their own medicinal power to nourish the little bit of Nascent Soul's infant form.

In the Great Cave Mansion outside, when they sensed that the spiritual energy of the nearby heaven and earth began to gather in large quantities towards Zhou Chun's retreat, several spiritual pets who were practicing also opened their eyes one after another, and looked at the master's retreat with surprise and worry. at.

After a while, I saw the golden-winged tiger spitting out words: "The master has begun to transform into a baby. There is no room for any disturbance at this stage. Next, I will patrol outside every day to prevent any blind people from coming over. Here is I leave it to you, don’t make any mistakes!”

Hearing what it said, the other spiritual pets were immediately dissatisfied with the tone of its instructions and couldn't help but glare at it.

This golden-winged tiger relies on its ability to speak human words, and has always shown off in front of them in private. Now, it's good that it dares to give them orders!

"What are you looking at? Am I right?"

The golden-winged tiger was glared at by several spiritual pets, and felt a little frightened in his heart. He couldn't help but shrink his neck slightly, but he still stiffened his neck and said it hard.

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Bai, who couldn't stand the fake and majestic appearance of the tiger, couldn't help but lash out with his tail.

Fortunately, it seemed to have expected that it would be beaten. It reacted very quickly and escaped with the wind, directly avoiding the blow.

Then he ran away outside the cave, shouting as he ran: "Bai Lao Er, you are so brave, you dare to disturb the master's birth here, wait until the master comes out of seclusion, don't you think I will tell him to steal your body?" Skin!"

However, he saw that the white tail of the thunder dragon did not hit the cave wall hard after taking time. Instead, it slowly fell to the ground as light and powerless as cotton, showing its extremely exquisite control ability.

Seeing this scene, Mu Mei Mu Sang couldn't help but clapped her hands and said, "Brother Bai did a great job, this third cat just deserves a beating!"

After saying that, he said with eyes full of envy and jealousy: "Isn't it possible to speak human words in advance? It's as if it has really transformed. I really want to hang it up and slap it in the mouth!"

Hearing its words, Lei Jiao Baibai also responded with a low voice: "Don't worry, Lu Si. When I get through the thunder tribulation of heaven, I will ask the master to help you and Wu Mei get through the tribulation first. Then we can I ride my cat around every day to let everyone know that my cat is only for us as a mount!"

After saying the words, Mu Mei Mu Sang naturally showed a happy smile, very happy with this promise.

But Yan Jing Huo Feng didn't seem to appreciate it very much. He just raised his head proudly and said in a clear voice: "Brother Bai, I don't like hearing this. How did you know that I wouldn't be the first to survive the thunder tribulation of heaven? "

Hearing this, Lei Jiao Baibai's eyes darkened, as if he was a little displeased.

However, it was still able to keep its composure, and Dang even murmured and patiently explained: "Fifth sister, it's a good thing that you have ideas, but the thunder tribulation of heaven is extremely dangerous. It's better to wait for me to go through the tribulation first and demonstrate my successful experience for you." I will lend you the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] to overcome the tribulation, this will be safer!"

Mu Mei Mu Sang, who was on the side, also shouted in support at this time: "Yes, yes, what Brother Bai said is absolutely true. Although Fifth Sister Feng, you are powerful, the thunder catastrophe of heaven is not a trivial matter, so it is better to be safe!"

Among the several spiritual pets, Mu Mei Mu Sang is the most afraid of the thunder tribulation of heaven, so it wants the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] in Bai Bai's hand the most, so it naturally wants to please Bai Bai, the thunder dragon.

From this point of view, the Golden Winged Tiger is obviously in a small position. It has not realized that it will ask for help from the Thunder Dragon in vain in the future, and it is still trying its best to give eye drops to its future benefactor!

When Yanjinghuofeng was said like this by their second favorite, although he was still a little unconvinced in his heart, he did not say anything anymore.

Both it and Thunder Dragon Baibai have been inherited by blood, and they are in awe of the thunder tribulation of heaven from their blood.

So it actually refused to admit defeat just now, but in its heart, it was not very sure whether it could survive the thunder tribulation of heaven.

At this time, seeing that Yan Jing Huo Feng was silent, Lei Jiao Baibai's eyes also showed a look of satisfaction, so he hummed and said: "Okay, now that this idiot Mao Lao San is not here, we can communicate more. Please share your experience in practicing the secret technique of Gate Combination Attack, try to master it before the master comes out of seclusion, and also give the master a surprise!"

Hearing this, Yan Jing Huo Feng and Mu Mei Mu Sang looked at each other and nodded silently, agreeing with the matter.

As for the golden-armored mountain turtle stones, because they are still refining the golden unicorn demon pill, they have no time to pay attention to them.

In this way, time passes year by year, and the noise generated during Zhou's baby-making process is getting bigger and bigger year by year.

Fortunately, this place is located in a remote place, and the Golden-winged Tiger conscientiously patrols every day to ensure that no other high-level monsters approach for hundreds of miles. Therefore, the abnormal gathering of spiritual energy has never been known to outsiders.

The further the stage of infant transformation goes, the stronger the absorption of spiritual energy from the outside world becomes. It is necessary to absorb and refine a large amount of spiritual energy from heaven and earth to supply the infantile form of the Nascent Soul.

Even if Zhou Chun took the two infant-forming spiritual substances [Huaying Dan] and [Taiqing Xianzhi], this phenomenon could not be changed.

It's just that compared to other monks who form infants, he can shorten the duration of the infant transformation stage by possessing these two infant-forming spiritual objects.

Just like other monks who have babies, it may take more than ten years to get through this stage.

But Zhou Chun passed this stage in his ninth year of seclusion.

On this day, Zhou Chun suddenly heard a cracking sound in his body, as if something was broken.

At the same time, his body suddenly generated divine light, bursting out with a dazzling golden light.

In his dantian, the originally round and flawless golden elixir burst into cracks, and golden light burst out from those cracks, shining in all directions through his body.

Suddenly, a crisp baby cry sounded from the cracked golden elixir. The cracked golden elixir instantly shattered into pieces!

As the golden elixir shattered, a mini baby about an inch tall jumped out of it, instantly dominating the movement of Zhou Chun's entire body.

This mini baby is dazzling with gold all over, its eyebrows, eyes, and hair are all golden, and it looks like a pocket version of Zhou Chun!

Dan Po Ying comes out!

At this time, Zhou Chun has undoubtedly successfully passed through the two stages of raising a baby and transforming into a baby, and has completed the process of transforming into an elixir and conceiving a baby.

As long as he continues to survive both internal and external calamities, he can officially declare that he has successfully conceived a baby!

And he also knew that it was difficult to get through the internal and external knots, so when Dan Poying came out and his consciousness reconnected with his body, he did not dare to slack off and hurriedly popped out a spark and inserted it on the incense burner next to him. The [True Incense from Heaven's Heart] was lit.

A special aroma suddenly filled the room, and Zhou Chun's newborn Nascent Soul, who had just emerged from the pill, showed a look of enjoyment after smelling the aroma.

"Congratulations to fellow Taoist Zhou for achieving the great achievement of Nascent Soul. Your enlightenment has come true. You can expect eternal life in the future!"

Inside "Qingni Residence", Luo Qingni congratulated Zhou Chun with a face filled with envy and awe, not even daring to look at him.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun laughed heartily and said: "Hahaha, Qing Ni, you don't have to envy me. After I stabilize my cultivation, I will find one or two more baby-forming spiritual objects for you. That’s all if you succeed in transforming elixirs into babies!”

After saying that, he reached out his hand very freely and pulled Luo Qingni into his arms for a kiss.

Luo Qingni also seemed to be moved by the words in his mouth, moaning softly and then responded enthusiastically.

"Blessed by our ancestors and blessed by God, Zhengchun, you have indeed succeeded in conceiving a baby. Hahahaha, my Zhou family also has its own Nascent Soul Stage monk!"

On Qinglian Peak, Zhou Mingde looked at Zhou Chun who had returned from having a baby, and laughed like crazy, and then the entire Zhou family monks in the Qinglian Mountains were boiling.

"Congratulations to the ancestor for becoming a real person!"

"Congratulations to Master Zhou for successfully conceiving a baby!"

Zhou Chun's spiritual consciousness swept over him, and all the cultivators in the mountain bowed their heads and knelt down, congratulating endlessly.

"Fellow Daoist Zhou, please stop. Our Yuelun Sect has surrendered. From now on, our sect will be a self-proclaimed sect for thousands of years. Please be kind to fellow Daoist Zhou and be merciful!"

Above the nine heavens in the blue sky, facing the siege of Zhou Chun and the three-headed fifth-level demon king's spiritual pets who had survived the thunder tribulation of heaven, Master Yin Yue of the Yuelun Sect finally gave up with despair after his head was broken and bleeding.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun couldn't help but laugh loudly: "Hahahaha, old thief Yinyue, you have today too!!"

"Spare your life, Fellow Daoist Zhou, have mercy on me. I am willing to serve as a slave for you, and I also ask you to give me a lot of help so that I can give you a chance to atone for my sins next time!"

Outside the Lei Ya Valley, Master Kuang Lei, who once beat up the Zhou family, was begged for mercy with a face full of horror after being easily beaten by the Thunder Dragon who became the fifth-level demon king in vain.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Chun couldn't help but curl up his lips and showed a satisfied smile.

Then he waved his hand and said calmly: "No need, your sin is unforgivable, you should be a good person in the next life!"

After the words fell, Lei Jiao let out a cheer in vain, took the Nascent Soul of Kuang Lei with a face of despair in his mouth and swallowed it.

After the Nascent Soul was completed, a beautiful woman fell into his arms, he was honored as his ancestor, and his enemies consecrated him as his head. Zhou Chun's life seemed to be complete, like a dream!

But it is indeed just a big dream!

"Famous and beneficial to me are like floating clouds, and pink is like a skeleton. My only heart is to live forever and be happy!"

Zhou Chun chanted in a low voice, and his eyes gradually returned to clarity.

The most difficult "inner demon tribulation" for transforming elixirs and forming infants passed unknowingly.

The section of the secret room [The True Fragrance Falling from Heaven's Heart] had burned to ashes at some point, and the purple sun formed by the "Purple Flower Subduing Demonic Spiritual Light" in the Zi Mansion had also disappeared.

Only the one-inch golden Yuanying sat cross-legged in the Zifu, with a faint smile on his face.

Back in time half a day ago, when Zhou Chun Dan Po Ying came out, a heart-stopping aura emanated from his retreat stone room, surprising and delighting the spiritual pets outside.

At the same time, as if he felt something, the sky above the cave where Zhou Chun's master and servant was located suddenly began to change. A large number of dark clouds gathered to form a thundercloud vortex, with silver thunderbolts flashing in it.

And as time goes by, the thundercloud vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the aura it emits is becoming more and more frightening.

After discovering this, several spiritual pets immediately left the cave with worry, leaving hundreds of miles away to avoid being affected by the natural disaster.

"The clouds of tribulation are gathering with such force that they can be found within thousands of miles. I'm afraid that human monks and monsters will come to check soon. We must be prepared, lest anyone take advantage of the master's empty mana after passing through the tribulation and want to Take advantage of others’ danger!”

The Golden-winged Tiger raised his head and forgot about the whirlpool of thunderclouds in the sky, and spoke his opinion in a low tone.

At this time, no one from the other spiritual pets minded it showing off its eloquence, and they all nodded solemnly.

Then I saw Mu Meimu Sang Youyou shouting: "Don't worry, Third Cat, we and the four beasts have initially mastered the secret method of joint attack. If we use it, we can even defeat the Demon King!"

It obviously had some showoff in its words, but after the words fell, before the golden-winged tiger could say anything, the golden-armored mountain turtle Shitou roared and spoke: "Don't be careless. Although the total secret method is powerful, it must be trapped It’s not that easy for the Nascent Soul Stage monks and the Demon King. You have to see the opportunity before you take action, and you must not expose it in advance!"

Seeing this, Lei Jiao Bai Bai responded with a low voice: "Boss Shitou is right. When the time comes, the first priority is to protect the master. When the master recovers, there will naturally be no danger."

After reaching a consensus, several spiritual pets hid themselves in the snowy mountains and silently observed the changes in the thunderclouds in the sky.

It wasn't until a long roar rang out from the cave and Zhou Chun appeared in the sky covered in golden light that all the spiritual pets became energetic and showed happy expressions.

The thunder clouds in the sky seemed to sense something at this time. After a rumble of thunder, a thunder and lightning silver snake was seen falling from the sky toward Zhou Chun below.

But he saw the golden light gathering in Zhou Chun's hand, condensing into a golden long pole. He wanted to throw the thunder and lightning silver snake, and then the golden glow appeared all over his body, turning into layers of golden glow to protect him.

Facing the attack of heavenly calamity, he didn't even use a magic weapon!

However, facts soon proved that Zhou Chun had not trusted him.

After the thunderous silver snake clashed with the golden Changge, although it quickly dispersed the Golden Changge, it also shrunk in size by nearly half.

Then, after the golden glow outside Zhou Chun's body was transformed, he completely exhausted his power.

This first thunderstorm passed so easily!

"No wonder they say that as long as you survive the 'Heart Demon Tribulation', you will be 100% sure of the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation. It turns out that the power of this thunderbolt is equivalent to the attack of an ordinary Nascent Soul early stage monk!"

Zhou Chun looked up at the whirlpool of thunderclouds in the sky, feeling completely relieved.

Although he is not yet a true Nascent Soul monk, at least his magic power and spiritual consciousness are not much different from those of a true Nascent Soul monk. If he can survive dozens of thunderstorms, what's the difficulty!


The tribulation thunders in the sky fell one after another. Without using magic weapons, Zhou Chun blocked five tribulation thunders in succession with just the two magical powers he had mastered during his golden elixir stage.

He easily passed the next four tribulation thunders by simply sacrificing the high-grade magical shield he had obtained from Qing Lingzi.

After surviving the first round of nine thunderstorms with such ease, Zhou Chun even distracted himself to check the situation of the five-headed spiritual pet and the surrounding area.

He was also extremely happy and relieved when he discovered that the golden-armored mountain turtle stone had also successfully broken through the fourth-level high-grade monster.

But then he frowned slightly and glanced vaguely somewhere in the mountains below.

The thundercloud vortex in the sky did not give Zhou Chun much rest time, and soon the second round of thunder began to land again.

This time, the power of the tribulation thunder has increased, and each one requires Zhou Chun to deal with it.

The high-grade magic weapon shield he sacrificed had a lot of scorch marks and cracks under the bombardment of the thunderbolt after receiving four of them. He didn't want to completely damage the magic weapon, so he could only put it away and turn around. And the [Dragon and Tiger Golden Ring] was used to resist the thunder.

After catching three more tribulation thunders, the [Dragon-Tiger Golden Ring] also suffered considerable damage. Zhou Chun could only activate the [Five Color Dragon Scale Armor] he was wearing, relying on the defense provided by this treasure to block it. Two subsequent tribulation thunder bombardments followed.

In the third round, the power of the Tribulation Thunder reached a new level, and every attack was comparable to the power of the monks in the early stage of Nascent Soul using the best magic weapons.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only sacrifice the spiritual treasure [Moon Toad Orb].

With his current level of cultivation, this spiritual treasure no longer needs to be covered up. Even if it is exposed openly, it is not something that ordinary people can peep and snatch.

And the power of Lingbao in the hands of Yuanying stage monks is completely different from that in the hands of Jindan stage monks.

Zhou Chun just activated the "Taiyin Body Protecting Immortal Clothes" to cover himself, and he easily passed through eight tribulation thunders in a row.

It wasn't until the last thunderbolt, which was almost twice as powerful, fell that he changed his expression slightly and urged Lingbao to shoot out a "Taiyin Extinction Divine Light".


As the last roar of thunder dissipated, the whirlpool of thunderclouds in the sky suddenly disappeared, and instead, five-color clouds appeared, transforming into dragons, phoenixes, unicorns and other auspicious signs.

Five-colored rain fell from the sky, covering Zhou Chun who had survived the catastrophe below.

This is the sweet rain from heaven, a reward from Heaven to the Nascent Soul stage monks who have survived the thunder tribulation.

This kind of sweet rain is like nectar and fairy dew to human monks, and has various benefits.

One of the most well-known benefits is that it cleanses the marrow and cuts the pulse, and prolongs life.

Even a monk with low-grade spiritual root qualifications will be upgraded to a high-grade spiritual root qualification once he bathes in this five-color sweet rain and undergoes marrow cleansing and vein cutting.

At the same time, even if you are already old when you survive the catastrophe, after bathing in the five-color sweet rain, you can extend your life for thousands of years and regain your youth.

Many Nascent Soul monks, especially Nascent Soul female cultivators, will take the opportunity to beautify themselves while bathing in the five-colored rain.

Even if you were an extremely ugly girl before, after bathing in the five-color rain, you can become one of the most beautiful women in a million!

This five-color nectar also has the effect of washing the physical body and restoring vitality.

Some cultivators were not strong enough when going through the heavenly tribulation. Although they barely managed to survive the heavenly tribulation, they were also seriously injured.

At this time, bathing in the five-color sweet rain, no matter how serious the injury is, you can recover quickly!

Moreover, the five-color rain has another advantage, that is, it cannot be intercepted and robbed by others. Only those who have overcome the tribulation can absorb and refine it.

This is essentially different from the "Emperor Ooze" that the monster beast descends after passing through the tribulation.

Because Zhou Chun's process of overcoming the tribulation was very easy, with no injuries at all, and he did not need to reshape his appearance, so after the five-color rain fell, he used it to improve his own qualifications and extend his life.

In this way, after he bathed in the five-color sweet rain, his spiritual root qualifications were directly upgraded to a level that was extremely close to the best spiritual roots. At the same time, his life span was greatly extended by more than 1,500 years!

Generally speaking, the normal lifespan of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul will exceed two thousand years.

But how long you can live depends on the five-color sweet rain you bathed in in the first place.

Just like Zhou Chun, if you use all the five-color rain to improve your aptitude and extend your life, you can live for 2,500 to 6,000 years.

Those Yuanying stage monks who use large amounts of five-color nectar to recover from injuries will naturally have less longevity.

And because of the mystery of Yuanying, if a monk in the Yuanying stage can break through the middle and late stages of Yuanying, his lifespan will be extended by about one-tenth.

Calculating this, if Zhou Chun can cultivate to the late Nascent Soul stage in the future, his normal lifespan will exceed three thousand years!

"I am only in my early five hundred years now, and under normal circumstances, even a monk in the early stage of Yuanying, no matter how slow his cultivation is, will be able to reach the peak of the early stage of Yuanying in a thousand years. This means that as long as I am not stuck by the barrier of the middle stage of Yuanying, It’s been too long, and it’s very possible to become a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage in the future!”

Zhou Chun's eyes flashed, and he mentally estimated his future practice situation, and immediately showed a confident smile.

Based on his achievements in conceiving a baby at the age of more than 500 years, I dare not say that there will be no big problem in the Nascent Soul stage.

After all, he is not the kind of monk whose potential is exhausted after giving birth.

On the contrary, after giving birth to a baby, his true potential begins to explode!

Whether it is the spiritual treasures on his body or the spiritual pets under him, they will become his support for beings of the same level in the Nascent Soul stage in the future!

When the time comes, with strength that far exceeds that of beings of the same level, you will naturally have enough confidence to pursue breakthrough opportunities and compete for various treasures that are helpful for cultivation.

Therefore, even though Zhou Chun had just successfully given birth to a baby, he was full of confidence that he would become a great monk in the late Nascent Soul stage in the future.

Of course, every monk who can successfully conceive a baby is a best among men, a genius among geniuses. When they first successfully conceive a baby, they will most likely be as confident as Zhou Chun at this time.

Time is the best proof. Whether they are really confident or arrogant, hundreds or thousands of years later, they will naturally have the answer!

Looking at Zhou Chun himself, after checking what the five-color nectar brought to him, he suddenly pinched the spell with both hands and instantly turned into a lunar moon toad.

Seeing this scene, several spiritual pets who were about to come forward to be intimate with him were stunned, wondering what he was doing.

However, the Taiyin Moon Toad transformed by Zhou Chun made a frog sound at this moment, and suddenly turned into a white ice light and disappeared in the air.

When he reappeared, he was already over the snow somewhere a hundred miles away.

But in the vast white snow below, a white snake several feet long suddenly appeared, and quickly turned into a white ice light and escaped from the place.

This white snake was clearly the same white snake that had fought with Zhou Chun near Xuanming Water Eye.

Over the years, it seems that he has been stalking their master and servant, looking for opportunities for revenge.

It's a pity that even when Zhou Chun was in seclusion to conceive a baby, he had several spiritual pets guarding him outside the seclusion room, without giving it a chance to take action.

When Zhou Chun was going through the tribulation before, he noticed the snake's voyeuristic gaze, but he just didn't have time to pay attention to it.

Now that he has survived the thunder tribulation, this snake still dares to linger, how can he turn a blind eye again!

At this time, seeing the white snake trying to escape, the Taiyin Moon Toad transformed by Zhou Chun immediately chased after it without hesitation.

Although he is not a true fifth-level demon king, the abilities of the Taiyin Moon Toad that Zhou Chun transformed at this time have exceeded the scope of a fourth-level demon beast.

White Snake's ice escape technique is indeed superb, but he is not far behind.

After being promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, his spiritual consciousness was greatly strengthened, and coupled with his talent for capturing ice attribute power after transforming into the Lunar Moon Toad, the escape trajectory of the White Snake was completely invisible to him.

After chasing him for thousands of miles in one breath, Zhou Chun seized the opportunity and took action decisively, opening his mouth and spitting out a golden orb.

This golden orb is the ultimate magic weapon [Infinite Gold Bead] that was given to him by his apprentice Zhou Zhiying. It is an auxiliary magic weapon with a very special function.

I saw the golden orb spinning in mid-air, and a beam of golden light instantly shone on the white snake passing somewhere in the snow.

In an instant, the white snake was frozen in the snow as if it had been hit by a restraining spell, unable to move.

The Taiyin Moon Toad transformed by Zhou Chun pounced down, quickly grabbed the snake and flew back into the air.

Then he transformed back into his human form, directly sealed the snake's demonic core with a secret spell, and then used a secret method to seal its demonic soul consciousness, and then put it into a spirit beast bag.

After doing all this, Zhou Chuncai flew back to the place where he had been in seclusion to overcome the tribulation.

And just when Zhou Chun came back, a green escaping light was flying rapidly towards this side from the direction of the ice field.

He looked intently and saw that the person in the cyan light was a fifth-level demon king with two wings on his back!

The fifth-level demon king seemed to have discovered Zhou Chun at this moment. The speed that was originally as fast as wind and thunder slowed down a lot, but he soon arrived near Xuelong Ridge.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun immediately laughed loudly and said: "Since the Demon King has come, why did you stop moving forward? Is it because he is afraid that Zhou will not be able to kill the demon and get the elixir!"

Hearing what he said, the fifth-level demon king suddenly snorted coldly and said: "Hmph, your Excellency, a newly promoted Nascent Soul stage monk, dares to be so presumptuous in front of this king. You are really brave!"

Having said that, the fifth-level demon king seemed to have some scruples and did not actually step forward to enter Snow Dragon Ridge.

It originally heard a report from a subordinate monster that a thundercloud vortex appeared in Xuelong Ridge. It suspected that a monster was going through the thunder tribulation of heaven, so it hurried over to check the situation.

But the facts are obviously very different from the reports of the monsters under his command. The ones who survived the thunder tribulation of heaven were not monsters, but human monks, and they were Nascent Soul stage monks who had already been bathed in the five-color rain.

In this case, it was confident that this new Nascent Soul Stage cultivator was no match for it, but it also knew that it would be difficult to gain any advantage if it tried again today.

After all, Xuelong Ridge is considered to be within the territory of Frozen Yi Kingdom. If someone survives the thunder tribulation of the Heavenly Dao here, the Nascent Soul Stage monks from Frozen Yi Kingdom will soon be alerted, and other Yuanying Stage monks from Frozen Yi Kingdom will soon arrive. .

At this time, if it enters Xuelong Ridge to fight Zhou Chun, it will not gain much advantage, but it will also follow the truth.

As a fifth-level demon king, it would naturally not do this kind of thing that would make the fox look sexy instead of beating him.

But what it doesn't know is that Zhou Chunzheng wants to verify his current strength, and even more wants to see the mystery of the "Tianjue Four Symbols Formation" jointly arranged by the four spiritual pets. How can he easily let go of this excellent thing? Try objects.

Seeing that it was unwilling to take the initiative to take action, Zhou Chun simply took the initiative to find trouble.

His expression changed, and he scolded with a cold face: "What a flat-haired beast! You came here in a hurry just to take advantage of Zhou. Now you see that Zhou is fine but you want to pretend that nothing happened. You really pretend that nothing happened to Zhou." Are you angry?"

"It just so happens that today Zhou Yuan Ying has achieved great success, so I will use you, a flat-haired beast, to sacrifice the sword first!"

Before he finished speaking, he raised his hand and made a move, and a golden spear condensed in his hand. He threw it at the fifth-level demon king, who was obviously some kind of demon bird.

The so-called clay figure also has three points of fire, let alone the fifth-level demon king who has a bad temper.

The demon king was scolded by Zhou Chun and saw that he had made the first move. He immediately threw all his previous worries behind him and couldn't help roaring: "Damn human race, I will have you disemboweled today." Take the baby and let you know how powerful this king is!"

Before the roar ended, he suddenly manifested his true form and turned into a giant bird with green and white feathers that pounced on Zhou Chun.

For these fifth-level demon kings, maintaining their human form is just to distinguish themselves from ordinary beasts. When they actually fight, they will still reveal their true bodies, so that they can display their true strength.

This long-lost 8,000-word chapter, please vote for me!

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