Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 668 The first demon king’s spiritual pet [Please subscribe for the big chapter]

Deep in the Dragon Abyss, somewhere in an underwater palace.

When the fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon was killed by Zhou Chun, a purple pearl stored in the palace suddenly made a bursting sound, which quickly attracted the attention of an old turtle responsible for guarding this place.

"No, a core member of the dragon clan died unexpectedly. Who is so bold!!"

The old turtle looked at the place where the explosion came from, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in human words.

Then there was a flash of blue light on his body, and he instantly transformed into a hunched old man carrying a turtle shell. He quickly stepped forward to carefully check the information about the dragon clan member to which the soul bead belonged.

"It's the little dragon from the Thunder Dragon clan. If I remember correctly, this little dragon didn't just get the secret method of overcoming the tribulation a few years ago. He has been practicing the secret method to prepare for the tribulation these years. How could he suddenly die?"

The old turtle muttered to himself, and soon said with solemn eyes: "This matter must be reported to the Dragon Kings immediately. Let's see how the Dragon Kings handle it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he carefully collected the exploded soul bead fragments and left the palace.

Not long after, a fifth-level green dragon flew out from the depths of the Dragon Abyss and followed the route the thunder dragon had left.

It first went to Thunder Lizard Island, and after learning part of the situation from the surviving Thunder Lizard Island, it followed the traces of the breath left by the Thunder Dragon all the way to the shore, and finally came to the place where the Thunder Dragon died.

But because Golden Armor Bearing Mountain Turtle Stone basically only made three moves, Zhou Zhiying only made one move, and with Zhou Chun helping to finish it, no matter how it checked, it could only find the aura left by Zhou Chun's incarnation.

After finding no more useful information, Qing Jiao could only spit out the soul pearl fragments he brought, and used a secret method to gather the demon soul fragments scattered here when the thunder dragon fell. Then, using these demon soul fragments as a medium, Track the location of the thunder dragon's physical body.

This secret method of tracking requires that the thunder dragon falls within a day, otherwise the fragments of the demon soul will be completely destroyed by the passage of time.

Fortunately it was still within one day.

After Qingjiao located the physical location of Thunder Dragon, he immediately quickly chased towards the target location.

Soon after, in the cold cave where Zhou Chun incarnated himself to freeze the body of the Thunder Dragon, the figure of the fifth-level Green Dragon King with the human body and the face of a dragon appeared here.

It looked at the thunder dragon that was frozen in the ice, its eyes flashed with anger, and it immediately opened its mouth to spit out, and a strong blue wind instantly melted away the ice.

"The body is so rotten. Could it be that the murderer is some kind of powerful monster? This is inconsistent with the situation of the ice-attribute white snake! And why is there still a strange earth-attribute power left in its body? Is there more than one murderer? "

The Green Dragon King briefly inspected the body of the dead Thunder Dragon and learned a lot of useful information, but this also made him even more confused.

In fact, although the Jiaolong clan is the overlord of Longyuan Ze and the wilderness, there have been cases in the past where core members have died outside.

After all, monsters generally have bad tempers. Some powerful alien monsters will not be tolerant to the members of the Jiaolong clan just because the Jiaolong clan is the overlord of Long Yuanze.

Especially when it comes to certain things that cannot be tolerated, they will kill ruthlessly.

However, the circumstances of the death of the thunder dragon this time were a bit strange. It did not die wandering out to fight with the enemy, but was led out of the Dragon Abyss and then died on land.

This had to make the Green Dragon King and some fifth-level dragons wonder whether there were human monks involved.

But if it was really the human monks who took action, why has it not found any traces of the human monks’ auras now? Moreover, how could the human monks give up the corpse of a fourth-level high-grade thunder dragon and not take it with them?

"Weird, really weird!"

The Green Dragon King couldn't help but shook his head and said something strange.

With its wisdom, it is difficult to find the real culprit through the existing clues.

At the moment, we can only change the method and try to trace it through the remaining breath of the white snake.

But I don’t know if its tracking method is not very good, or for some other reason, it has not been successfully tracked.

This made his face darken, and he could only take the body of the thunder dragon and leave this underground cold cave.

On the other hand, Zhou Chun didn't know that his caution had saved him from another disaster.

After he transformed into a slaying thunder dragon, he still acted calmly and unhurriedly with Master Tianjing for more than an hour, and then gradually returned to Jiufeng Ridge in Lanzhou.

After staying in Jiufeng Ridge for half a day, the incarnation returned here first.

He quickly put away the incarnation, sealed it properly, and then continued to wait for his apprentice Zhou Zhiying to return.

After Zhou Zhiying returned safely with the Golden Armored Mountain Turtle Stone and the Thunder Dragon Demon Pill, Zhou Chun immediately asked the Thunder Dragon to come out and swallow the demon pill, and then praised his apprentice and comforted him about the demon pill. There are damaged golden armored mountain turtle stones.

Then Zhou Chun did not stay in Jiufeng Ridge any longer, and soon returned to the mountain gate of Qinglian Mountain Range.

But he didn't plan to wait in the mountain gate for the thunder dragon to accumulate enough money and successfully overcome the tribulation.

Because he didn't know how far Ziyang Zhenren had gone in contacting outsiders.

It's just a master Kuang Lei. Even with the two Nascent Soul stage monks from the Yanyang Sect and the master Tianjing, the probability of being able to successfully surround and kill him is not more than half.

Master Ziyang will not be unclear about this.

So it will definitely continue to contact more people.

And it was impossible for Zhou Chun to know who he had contacted specifically and how far he had pushed the progress.

Therefore, his best way to deal with it now is to disappear from the sight of Master Ziyang first, and at the same time, in order to prevent the other party from jumping over the wall in a hurry, he must leave some hope for him.

So within a few months, the Zhou family began to send out invitations to all the forces in Jingguo to participate in the Nascent Soul Ceremony five years later.

Zhou Chun then left the Qinglian Mountains in public on the grounds that he was out looking for key spiritual objects for setting up the mountain protection formation.

His sudden departure naturally quickly alarmed Master Ziyang, who couldn't help but have doubts about this.

"What's going on? That boy isn't sitting in the family gate diligently cultivating magical powers and secrets. Why did he suddenly go out at this time? Could it be that he discovered something?"

In the Yanyang Sect, Master Ziyang's eyes flashed with surprise, and he felt inexplicably uneasy.

Then he seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help but cursed secretly: "Damn it, I just hate that the old guy from the Ice Prison Gate asked for too much, otherwise I could just call someone to do it!"

It turned out that not only did he contact Da Zhou Kingdom's Master Kuang Lei, but after learning that Zhou Chun had a grudge against the Ice Prison Sect of Frozen Yi Kingdom, he went to Frozen Yi Kingdom to look for the Ice Prison Sect's Nascent Soul Stage Master, with the intention of pulling him back. Go up to the opponent and attack Zhou Chun together.

However, Master Yuanying of the Ice Prison Gate took the opportunity to open his mouth and take away the [Moon Toad Orb] spiritual treasure from Zhou Chun. How could Master Ziyang agree so easily.

After all, the reason why he wanted to murder Zhou Chun so much was because he wanted to add another spiritual treasure to the Yanyang Sect.

What's more, the other people he invited would not agree to this easily.

At this time, after thinking suspiciously alone for a long time, he remembered that Zhou Chun's departure was already an established fact. Master Ziyang finally had to sigh: "Forget it, I must be overthinking. He will hold the Nascent Soul Ceremony five years later. This The reason why Shi was in a hurry to go out was probably because he wanted to set up a mountain-protecting formation as soon as possible!"

It's not that he doesn't understand the principle of long nights and many dreams, but he can't invite enough people now, so he can only continue to wait.

On the other side, after Zhou Chun left the Qinglian Mountains, he went directly to the Great Zhou Kingdom, and then escaped into the black mist.

The emergence of two black dragons in the Black Mist Lake shocked the entire Zhou Kingdom and attracted many high-level monks to pay attention to this place.

But as some Nascent Soul stage monks came over and turned the place upside down, they found no special secrets and quickly stopped paying attention to it.

As for the underground base operated by the bandit repair organization back then, it had already collapsed and turned into ruins during the war.

However, the spiritual veins here have not been greatly affected, and now it has become the habitat of some high-level monsters in the Black Mist.

After Zhou Chun appeared here at this time, he didn't show up himself. He just asked Mu Mei Mu Sang to come forward and occupy a good position, and then put the thunder dragon in Bai Bai to sleep and refine the demon elixir in his body.

And he himself was also protecting the law, and he also practiced magical powers and secret techniques.

Time flies by like this, and four years have passed quickly.

In four years, Zhou Chun still gained little from practicing "Dayan Tianji Jue" and never really had the chance to get started.

However, I already have some clues about the "Phaseless Gengjin Divine Light" magical power, and it should not take long to be initially completed.

After more than four years of refining and absorption, Thunder Dragon Baibai finally completely refined the fourth-level high-grade Thunder Dragon Demon Pill, allowing his own mana cultivation to reach the fourth-level perfection state, and he can trigger the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation at any time. .

"Just stay here. After you successfully overcome the tribulation, we will go directly to Leiya Valley to give him a preemptive strike!"

When Lei Jiao Baibai asked Zhou Chun when he would overcome the tribulation, he directly gave this instruction with a heroic look on his face.

Black Mist Lake can be said to be the blessed land of the thunder dragon. It was here that it caused the phenomenon of "fish jumping over the dragon gate", and successfully jumped over the dragon gate and turned into a four-clawed thunder dragon.

If you survive the tribulation here now, you might inherit this good luck.

After hearing his instructions, Lei Jiao Baibai immediately stopped hesitating and began to prepare for overcoming the tribulation.

Whether it can successfully overcome the disaster this time is related to the life and death of Zhou Chun and the Zhou family, so Zhou Chun also spared no effort to support it.

In addition to the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] it contains, a top-grade magic weapon and a top-quality magic weapon were also sacrificed to it.

Including the secret method of overcoming the tribulation of the thunder dragon clan that it has practiced, I can't say that it is 100% sure, at least 80% or more, there will be no problem.

After several months of preparation, it immediately triggered the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation to come!

On this day, there was a sudden storm in Heiwuze, and a terrifying aura spread out from a certain area of ​​water. It shocked the nearby monsters within hundreds of miles and fled frantically, including some powerful fourth-level monsters. .

Even the black mist that filled the sky and the earth seemed to be squeezed by some kind of force and began to roll back toward the outside.

And above the sky, thunderclouds surging with silver thunder and lightning quickly gathered and manifested, stretching for dozens of miles!

Such a vision can be vaguely seen even by monks thousands of miles away.

"Thunder clouds descended from the sky. Either someone successfully transformed into a pill and formed a baby, or there was a great demon who was going through the thunder tribulation of heaven. In addition to the two-headed black dragon that made such a big noise two hundred years ago, there are also hidden things in the black mist. Such a big monster?"

At the edge of the Black Mist, a Golden Core Stage monk who was about to enter the area to search for some kind of special spiritual object looked at the thunder clouds above the sky in the distance, and stopped in his tracks with a changed expression.

He was not weak in strength, and I thought that even if he couldn't run amok in the Black Mist, there would still be no danger.

But now looking at the deep and continuous thunderclouds, I can't help but feel extremely scared.

Under normal circumstances, in order to prevent others from taking advantage of the tribulation after the tribulation, the great demon will clean up the place where the tribulation is overturned and kill or drive away any monsters or monks that may threaten it.

If he hadn't stayed in Waifang City for half a day before, he would be deep in the Black Mist Lake now, and he might just hit the muzzle of a gun!

Immediately, he did not dare to stay and watch the excitement, and hurriedly turned around and left the place.

At the same time, most of the immortal cultivators who ventured into the Black Mist Lake were fleeing and did not dare to stay inside any longer.

Only some particularly courageous monks, or those with a short lifespan, dare to risk their lives and stay inside, or even approach the place where they can overcome the tribulation, hoping to get a share of the pie after the Great Demon fails to overcome the tribulation. .

A great demon who fell through the thunder tribulation of the Heavenly Dao, even if most of the body was chopped up by the thunder tribulation, as long as some usable bones can be found, it will be enough for some foundation building and even Zifu stage monks to eat.

Zhou Chun did not pay attention to the movements of monks from the outside world.

Black Mist Lake is located in a remote place, and the nearest Nascent Soul Stage monk is thousands of miles away. It took at least an hour or two for the news to reach him.

What's more, Thunder Dragon Baibai is not an ownerless monster, but his spiritual pet.

Even if there were Nascent Soul stage monks who came after hearing the news, and having him sitting here, it was enough to make them wary and not dare to take action.

After all, a fifth-level demon king who has just successfully overcome the tribulation may be easy to kill, but few Yuanying-stage monks with unknown origins dare to offend him to death easily!

Therefore, after the thundercloud appeared, he took the initiative to retreat two to three hundred miles away and waited quietly.


When the thunderclouds in the sky accumulated to a certain level, the first tribulation thunder suddenly fell.

When Zhou Chun saw the power of the falling thunder, he couldn't help but change his color slightly.

The power of this tribulation thunder was not only much stronger than when he had gone through the tribulation before, but it was also much stronger than the tribulation thunder that the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] from the Yulingmen had experienced when he was going through the tribulation.

Judging from its power, it is almost comparable to his third round of thunder!

Therefore, even though he was very confident about Lei Jiao Baibai, his heart couldn't help but lift up at this moment.

Lei Jiao, on the other hand, seemed to be prepared for the power of thunder.

When the first tribulation thunder landed, it did not use any magic weapon, but also spit out a silver lightning beam to meet the tribulation thunder.

Two seemingly identical bolts of lightning collided in mid-air, but ended up being completely defeated by the lightning beam spewed out by the thunder dragon in vain.

Just like cutting with a genuine steel knife and a painted wooden knife, they seem to be the same, but in fact they are very different in nature.

After defeating the lightning beam spewed by the thunder dragon in vain, the calamity thunder that still retained most of its power directly hit it.

In an instant, the indestructible dragon scales on its body burst out and flew, and dragon blood splashed into the sky.

But before it could recover from its injuries, the second thunderbolt struck again.

This time it immediately changed its strategy. First it spit out a silver thunder ball to bombard the tribulation thunder, and then thunder and lightning surged from its body, intertwining to form layers of thunder and lightning light shields to block its head, and seven or eight layers were arranged in succession.

This coping strategy worked immediately.

After the tribulation thunder blasted through seven or eight layers of lightning shields, its power was already less than half. When it fell on it, it only slightly cracked some dragon scales, and not even a few drops of blood flowed out.

However, although this method can resist the tribulation thunder, it consumes a lot of mana.

When it used this method to survive the first round of thunder, its magic power was less than 30%.

If it were other monsters here, this situation would basically declare the tribulation to be a failure and death would be certain.

But Lei Jiao Bai Bai was different.

It has a great owner!

Back then, Demon King Chongxuan gave Zhou Chun three drops of [Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk], which was the number one spiritual object in the world of immortality that could restore mana.

Before it could survive the tribulation, Zhou Chun had already given it three drops of [Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk].

At this time, before the second round of the Heavenly Tribulation fell, it hurriedly spit out a jade bottle containing [Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk], chewed it up and swallowed it, along with some healing elixirs.

In this way, when the second round of thunder began to fall, the thunder dragon's mana had returned to its perfect state.

And it also continued to use the previous strategy to resist the tribulation thunder without sparing its mana.

It's just that the power of the second round of tribulation thunder is much stronger. The power of each tribulation thunder is comparable to that of a monk in the early stage of Nascent Soul using the best magic weapon to attack.

Even though it had tried its best to use its magical powers to resist, the injuries would still be aggravated every time it experienced a thunderstorm.

Even so, it still insists on relying on its own strength to overcome the disaster.

For the Tribulation Monster, Tribulation Thunder is both a danger and an opportunity, especially for thunder dragons like the Thunder Dragon Baibai.

After experiencing the tribulation thunder bombardment, its thunder dragon bloodline will undergo a stronger transformation after successfully overcoming the tribulation, and it is expected to go further!

Therefore, before the third round of tribulation thunder arrives, it must undergo as many tribulation thunder temperings as possible.

Otherwise, the closer you get to the back, the more powerful the tribulation thunder will be, and you won't dare to let the tribulation thunder get involved easily.

In this way, the tribulation thunder fell one after another, and soon the second round of tribulation thunder also fell with seven.

At this time, Lei Jiao was in vain, and more than 70% of his body was covered in blood and flesh. It was too horrible to look at, and his injuries were so serious that they reached a very dangerous level.

However, its aura has not weakened much, and you can still feel its high-spirited fighting spirit full of unyielding and pride.

"That's enough. Bai Bai, you are already great. There will be a third round of thunder. Even if you have a magic weapon in your hand, you can't underestimate it!"

Zhou Chun couldn't stand it any longer, and immediately sent a reminder to his spiritual pet through mind contact.

He was afraid that the thunder dragon would go too far in vain.

In this way, after receiving his reminder, Lei Jiao Baibai followed the good advice and did not continue to play with fire.

When the eighth calamity thunder fell, it opened its mouth and spit out a green shield magic weapon, which was the same high-grade magic weapon that Zhou Chun had used to overcome the calamity before.

It's just that this high-grade magic weapon that played a huge role in his journey to overcome the tribulation was not able to withstand even one tribulation thunder at this time, and was directly turned into fragments all over the sky under the bombardment of the eighth tribulation thunder!

Fortunately, this treasure also offset most of the power of the eighth thunderbolt, preventing it from causing any more damage to the thunder dragon.

When the ninth calamity thunder fell, the thunder dragon spat out another purple-black spear in vain.

This purple-black spear was obtained from Banglu, the great mage of the Multi-Wing Clan. It is a quasi-sacred weapon left behind by the Holy Mage of the Multi-Wing Clan, which is equivalent to the best magic weapon.

Because the two clans have different refining techniques, it is difficult for cultivators to activate the full power of this treasure, and the power exerted in their hands is only slightly stronger than that of high-grade magic weapons.

But after all, this treasure is of the quality of a top-grade magic weapon. The material itself is of excellent quality and cannot be compared to a top-grade magic weapon.

At this time, after being sacrificed by the thunder dragon in vain, it successfully shattered and dispersed most of the tribulation thunder falling in the sky. It only withstood less than 30% of the power of the tribulation thunder and successfully survived the second round of nine tribulation thunders.

Then before the third round of tribulation thunder fell, the thunder dragon, who had consumed a lot of mana, quickly took the second drop of [Ten Thousand Years Spiritual Milk], and restored his mana to perfection before the third round of tribulation thunder fell. .

When the third round of calamity thunder fell, Lei Jiao Baibai first used the purple-black spear magic weapon to clear the way, completely ignoring the damage to the magic weapon.

Anyway, Zhou Chun said that even if this treasure is destroyed, there is no need to care.

After surviving two more calamity thunders in this way, the purple-black spear finally shattered into several pieces in the third calamity thunder!

A top-quality magic weapon was damaged like this!

Zhou Chun looked at this scene without blinking and didn't care about it.

The left and right things are useless to him. Being able to make the best use of them at this time is already the best thing.

And when the fourth calamity thunder fell, a silver flying sword suddenly flew out from the mouth of the thunder dragon Baibai, and the unparalleled Tiangang Divine Thunder Sword Qi burst out and struck on the calamity thunder, killing this calamity on the spot. The power of thunder destroyed 70% to 80%!

[Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] This magic weapon finally lived up to Zhou Chun's intention of giving it this name, and came in handy at such a critical moment.

This sword has been kept in the body of the Thunder Dragon for cultivation and sacrifice since it was promoted to the fourth level high-grade monster in vain, and it has never been used once during this period.

Although this treasure has not yet been fully promoted to a top-grade magic weapon, its effect in dealing with thunder tribulations is greater than that of ordinary top-grade magic weapons.

The key is that it fits perfectly with Thunder Dragon Baibai, and its power in the hands of Thunder Dragon Baibai is even stronger than that in Zhou Chun's hands!

With the help of this magical weapon specially refined for overcoming tribulations, Thunder Dragon Baibai was able to overcome four more tribulation thunders.

It's just that the [Tiangang Thunder Sword] is not a truly top-quality magic weapon after all. After defeating four tribulation thunders in a row, it was unable to hold up, and the slightest cracks appeared on the sword body.

If it continues, it may be able to defeat another tribulation thunder, but it may also be destroyed by the next tribulation thunder.

Naturally, it was impossible for Lei Jiao Baibai to bet on this possibility.

After all, Yan Jing Huo Feng and Mu Mei Mu Sang will have to rely on the help of this sword to successfully overcome their tribulations in the future. To be promoted to the fifth level Demon Queen, they also need such a magic weapon.

So when the eighth calamity thunder fell, the thunder dragon put away the [Tiangang Thunder Slashing Sword] in vain, and instead used a secret skill that he had practiced hard for hundreds of years.

But seeing the silver lightning burst out from its body, it quickly condensed into an armor composed of silver lightning to protect itself.

When the eighth calamity thunder fell, apart from using one move [Heavenly Thunder Nirvana Slash] to resist for a while, it curled up and resisted the remaining calamity thunder bombardment.

At this time, a strange scene appeared. After the tribulation thunder bombarded the thunder dragon Baibai, its power was reduced by half, allowing it to easily survive the tribulation thunder bombardment.

But after this thunderbolt bombardment, the [Thunder Armor] on its body immediately became illusory and dimmed, and its power was obviously consumed a lot.

The ninth thunderbolt had already fallen.

As the last tribulation thunder in the Heavenly Thunder Tribulation, the power of this tribulation thunder is even more powerful than Zhou Chun's full force of the Lingbao!

Even if he were to resist now, he would still be seriously injured.

So at this moment, his heart was in his throat.

At this moment, Lei Jiao Baibai silently activated a life-saving magical power that he rarely used, which was the [Thunder Immortal Body] that could in a sense resolve a fatal attack.

In an instant, its body seemed to have turned into a stream of pure thunder and lightning, breaking away from the shackles of the physical body, as if it had truly turned into a thunder dragon transformed from thunder and lightning!

It just so happened that the ninth thunderbolt also appeared in the form of a thunder and lightning dragon.

After the two dragons collided, the sky and earth were filled with flashes of silver lightning, and even Zhou Chun, a Yuanying Stage monk, had difficulty seeing clearly what was going on.

After more than ten breaths passed like this, he discovered that the thunderclouds in the sky were quickly dispersing, and a silver full moon suddenly appeared in the sky.

Since it was night at this time, there was even a phenomenon of two moons in the sky, making it difficult to tell which one was the real moon!

This scene was not unfamiliar to Zhou Chun. Such a phenomenon had appeared after the [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros] survived the catastrophe.

In this way, he no longer has to worry about Thunder Dragon in vain.

Sure enough, as the silver lightning in the sky gradually dissipated, although it was difficult to find a piece of intact flesh and blood on his body, the thunder dragon Baibai, who still had a tenacious aura, appeared in his sight again.

At the same time, the silver full moon that appeared directly above the head of the thunder dragon suddenly emitted a silver light, and soon a silver liquid like lead and mercury fell from the sky, falling towards the dying creature in the air.

It's "Emperor Liquid"!

Zhou Chun once again saw the appearance of such rare treasures, and the number was obviously much greater than the original [Rock-armored Giant Rhinoceros].

After the "Emperor's Liquid" appeared, his powerful consciousness could clearly feel the approaching of two powerful auras, both of which were Nascent Soul Stage monks who were indistinguishable from him.

Fortunately, judging from their auras, both of them were in the early stages of Nascent Soul, so they were completely within his ability to deal with them.

Therefore, while he signaled Lei Jiao Bai Bai to feel free to absorb the "Emperor's Liquid" to recover his injuries and transform his bloodline, he also released the other three monster beasts besides the golden-armored mountain turtle, letting them protect Lei Jiao Bai Bai.

Then he released his powerful consciousness without any scruples, and issued a warning to the two Nascent Soul Stage monks who were approaching.

"Two fellow Taoists, stop here. The one who succeeded in overcoming the tribulation is my spiritual pet. Please don't come any closer!"

He himself had no intention of hiding his figure, and the two Nascent Soul Stage monks should have discovered him just now. Presumably this is why they didn't get too close before.

It's just that now that "Emperor Liujing" has appeared in the world, the two of them may be unable to control themselves, so they want to step forward to share the pie.

Now that they were warned by him, the two of them had to stop.

When the two stopped to escape, their appearances were revealed. They were a black-robed old Taoist with an immortal air, and a red-faced middle-aged man wearing a red robe.

Then they saw the black-robed old Taoist who was the first to bow to Zhou Chun and said: "Fellow Taoist, please don't misunderstand me. I am the Supreme Elder of the Zhenshui Palace of Great Zhou. This 'Emperor's Liquid' is a rare treasure of heaven and earth." , it is rare to see it unless you are destined, so I would like to ask fellow Taoist friends to be accommodating and give a little bit of money to trade with Pindao, Pindao is willing to reward him with other spiritual things!"

When the red-faced middle-aged man heard this, he nodded repeatedly and said, "I have the same thoughts as fellow Taoist Qinghe. I hope this fellow Taoist can be accommodating!"

Faced with the two requests, Zhou Chun immediately shook his head and said without thinking: "Sorry, it's not that I don't want to be accommodating, but the two fellow Taoists also saw it, and I still have several spiritual pets here. The 'Emperor's Liquid' isn't enough for me to use, how can I even give it to two fellow Taoists!"

After speaking, he also slightly activated the [Moon Toad Orb] in his body, and his body exuded a sense of coldness and death.

After feeling the change in his aura, the two people on the opposite side immediately stared at each other with fear in their eyes.

"Fellow Taoist Qinghe, this person has a strange aura. I'm afraid he may not be protected by a spiritual treasure. What should we do now?"

The red-faced middle-aged man's eyes flashed slightly, and he couldn't help but secretly send a message to the black-robed old man for advice.

He didn't have a spiritual treasure on him to protect him, so he couldn't get any benefits from a monk of the same level who had a spiritual treasure.

But Zhenshui Palace has a spiritual treasure inheritance, and it is in the body of the black-robed old Taoist.

So he naturally hoped that the old man in black robe would take the lead and put pressure on Zhou Chun.

However, after listening to his words, the old Taoist in black robe did not answer at all. He smiled directly at Zhou Chun and said: "Forget it, since fellow Taoist has no intention of transferring the 'Emperor's Liquid', then I will not disturb you too much." Okay, congratulations to fellow Taoist for the successful transformation of your spiritual pet, and I wish you a smooth and everlasting path to immortality!"

After saying that, he turned into a blue-black escaping light and left very decisively.

Seeing this scene, the middle-aged man in red was stunned, and then he glanced unwillingly at the "Emperor Liujian" that was still landing in the sky. He could only stomp his feet and leave, but he didn't even bother to say hello to Zhou Chun. one.

Seeing this, Zhou Chun was slightly relieved, and then with a smile on his face, he held out a jade bottle and collected the "Emperor's Liquid" that fell from the sky.

I am sending you a large chapter of 8,000 words. Please order all of it! I found that the number of subscriptions for many of the previous chapters was not as good as those after the baby was born. Didn’t many of you skip chapters? ! Don't mess with my mentality like this, just book it all! !

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