Beast-controlling fairy clan

Chapter 689: Fiery Eyes, Golden Eyes, Silver Moon’s Conspiracy [Please subscribe]

After Yanjinghuofeng was promoted to Demon King, his strength was naturally greatly enhanced.

First, with the help of the tempering effect of "Emperor's Flow Serum" on bloodline roots and bones, she grew a new Fire Phoenix True Feather, and now has eight Fire Phoenix True Feathers.

Then, like Thunder Dragon King Bai Bai, he awakened a large number of bloodline inheritance memories, including some cultivation methods of powerful magical powers and secrets.

What surprised Zhou Chun was that Yanjing Huofeng also obtained several methods for refining bloodline inherited magic weapons from the inherited memory.

The refining of this bloodline inheritance magic weapon does not require the use of many external objects. It only needs to use the fallen feathers of the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix itself as materials.

Its refining method is somewhat similar to the natal magic weapon of a cultivator, and the requirements for refining skills are not very high.

However, only the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix itself can exert its true power for the magic weapon refined in this way. If it falls into the hands of other monks, it will become a useless ornament.

Even so, if the Flame Hell Fire Phoenix can really refine several inherited magic weapons in the future, its strength will definitely be significantly enhanced.

Of course, whether it is the method of cultivating magical powers or secret arts, or the method of refining magic weapons passed down by blood, it will all require Lord Fengyuan to spend a long time practicing and cultivating before it can be put to use.

What can really directly and significantly improve her strength is the natal magical power that she awakens and masters after breaking through the fifth level.

After breaking through to the fifth level, all the magical powers that Fengyuanjun had previously mastered have greatly increased in power, especially the [glazed pure fire] magical power. Now even the spiritual consciousness of Yuanying stage monks cannot withstand its scorching power. burn.

Even the secret method of [Fire Spirit Incarnation], which she had some time to master before, was successfully cultivated in one fell swoop through her great improvement in cultivation.

At the same time, she also awakened three more powerful natal magical powers, namely [Fire Spirit Body], [Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes], and [Burning Heart Flame].

Among them, the secret methods of [Fire Spirit Body] and [Fire Spirit Incarnation] are actually very similar. This is why Fengyuan Jun was able to master this secret method quickly after breaking through the fifth level.

However, compared to the [Fire Spirit Incarnation] secret method that requires the loss of a Fire Phoenix True Feather to be cast, the [Fire Spirit Body] will only put a huge load on her physical body, and the side effects are relatively much reduced.

With her current physical strength and her enhanced [Immortal Body] magical power to promote recovery, there would be no big problem if she could use the [Fire Spirit Body] magical power three or five times in a battle.

And [Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes] is a rare pupil magical power.

As a falcon, his eyesight is astonishing. The fire phoenix is ​​the king of birds, so he is naturally good at this aspect.

Once this magical power of [Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes] is used, it can enable Lord Fengyuan to clearly see the scene thousands of miles away from the nine heavens in the blue sky. It can also be used to break illusions and hunt for treasures.

With this kind of magical power, as long as she is not too careless, it is basically impossible for the immortal cultivator to lead her into an ambush by setting up a large formation in advance.

Some formations that were not advanced enough were full of loopholes in front of her eyes and could be broken easily.

Most of those magical powers and secrets that hide the aura of cultivation or even cover the face cannot escape her eyes.

At the same time, when using this pupil technique, Fengyuan Jun can even see the distribution direction of spiritual energy under the mountains, rivers and earth, and can directly see through his eyes where the density of spiritual energy is higher and where treasures breed.

This means that if Lord Fengyuan happened to use his magical power to observe a secret realm like the [Xuanfeng Zhenren] Cave Secret Realm when passing by, there would be a good chance of directly discovering this hidden secret realm!

With the help of this magical power, she had previously eaten dozens of fire spirits in the fire veins below the Sky Fire Peak, and also found several rare spiritual minerals in the earth fire magma!

Zhou Chun was also very happy after learning this.

The pupil magic power can be said to be one of the most difficult magical powers to cultivate in the world of immortality, especially the pupil magic power at the level of [Fire Eyes and Golden Eyes] is very, very difficult to master.

Now that Fengyuan Jun has mastered this powerful magical power, it means that he has also mastered this magical power. In the future, when he goes out, this magical power will definitely be of great help.

However, whether it is the [Fire Spirit Body] magical power that tends to protect one's body or life, or the auxiliary type [Fire Eyes Golden Eyes] magical power, it is obvious that neither of them can significantly improve Fengyuan Jun's offensive strength.

What can really enhance her offensive strength is the [Burning Heart Flame] magical power.

This magical power was born out of the [Glass Pure Fire] magical power. It can only be used after mastering the [Glass Pure Fire] magical power. It can be said to be a magical power exclusive to the bloodline.

Its function is very special, that is, it directly burns the enemy's mind and will!

Once infected with this [Heart-Burning Flame], even the Nascent Soul Stage monks with extremely powerful minds are rarely able to remain unaffected by their own firm will.

In a battle at the monk level in the Nascent Soul stage, once the mind becomes unstable, it will have a great impact on the performance of one's strength, leading to one's own defeat.

Fengyuan Jun has this magical power, whether he is assisting Zhou Chun in fighting, or fighting alone with other magic weapons and magical powers, he is definitely the best among his peers.

"Speaking of magic weapons, there is something I need to tell the owner. Because Xiaofeng used the transition when he was going through the tribulation, the [Red Fang Sword] was very damaged and may need to be repaired before it can be used, and the [Yanyang Treasure Mirror] ] was also seriously damaged by the thunderbolt bombardment, and the weapon spirits inside have now fallen into a deep sleep!"

"Moreover, [Tiangang Thunder Sword] is also quite damaged. It should take Second Brother to cultivate it for a while before it can fully recover!"

During the conversation, Feng Yuanjun also talked about the status of several magic weapons on his body with an apologetic look.

The fact that she was able to successfully overcome the tribulation this time was really due to the great help of these magic weapons.

In the end, in order to help her successfully overcome the disaster, several magic weapons were seriously damaged, which made her feel quite sorry.

However, Zhou Chun was very generous. After hearing this, he immediately waved his hands as if he didn't care and said: "It doesn't matter, if the magic weapons are broken, just repair them or replace them. If you can successfully overcome the tribulation, they will be valuable if they are broken! "

This answer made Feng Yuanjun feel even more grateful, and he immediately said: "My master loves me so much, and Xiaofeng can't repay it. If I can find Xiaofeng in the future, I will definitely die without mercy!"

After speaking, she seemed to have thought of something, and immediately said: "By the way, master, doesn't your family want to cultivate a population of phoenix-blooded monsters? Among the inherited secrets that Xiaofeng obtained, there is one that cultivates dependents by giving blood essence. The method of race, in the future, when Xiaofeng becomes familiar with that method, he will be able to mass-cultivate some familiar monsters with Fire Phoenix bloodline!"

Hearing this, Zhou Chun also looked at her with emotion and nodded: "It's hard for you to be interested. Let's talk about this later."

In the final analysis, whether it is a phoenix-blooded monster or a dragon-blooded monster, they are just enriching the accumulation of the Zhou family's heritage.

And a fifth-level demon king like Fengyuan Jun has the greatest foundation.

Therefore, she can cultivate some phoenix-blood monsters without affecting her own cultivation, just like the Thunder Dragon King uses his own breath to imbibe and alienate other monsters.

But if it would have an impact on her own cultivation, Zhou Chun would still know the importance and would not delay her cultivation.

After the master and the servant had a heart-to-heart exchange, the relationship between the master and the servant was deepened again.

When he was about to arrive in Jingguo, Zhou Chun put Fengyuanjun and Golden-winged Tiger into the spirit beast bag, and then quietly returned to the Qinglian Mountains.

For Zhou Chun, it is best to hide the fact that Lord Fengyuan succeeded in overcoming the tribulation.

In this way, if there is any conspiracy against him, this sudden increase in combat power may become the key to breaking the situation.

Therefore, except for the few people he trusts the most, Zhou Chun will not let more people know about this matter.

In the days that followed, while Zhou Chun was practicing meditation in the new cave, he was also observing the situation of Luo Qingni's elixir formation and infant formation.

Once Luo Qingni began to embark on the road of transforming into an infant and absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy from the outside world, it would be impossible to hide this matter.

At that time, he will concentrate on guarding the mountain gate and will not dare to leave for a moment.

So before that, Zhou Chun made a special trip to Jiangzhou Su's house.

"Yuzhen, your cultivation may have stayed in the middle stage of the Golden Pill for a long time. Why haven't you made a breakthrough for the [Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Pill] that your husband gave you yet?"

Inside the gate of Sujiashan, after Zhou Chun and his Taoist companion Su Yuzhen had practiced together, he also looked at the Taoist companion with some strangeness and asked his doubts.

Back then, Luo Qingni refined four [Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Pills]. After taking them, he and Luo Qingni both successfully broke through to the late stage of the Golden Pill, which shows how powerful the effect of this pill is.

A few years ago, Zhou Chun saw that Su Yuzhen's cultivation had also touched the late stage golden elixir barrier, so he gave her a [Four Spirit Barrier Breaking Pill] to break through.

But after many years, he seemed not to have heard about Su Yuzhen's retreat.

After hearing his question, Su Yuzhen showed hesitation.

After hesitating for a while, he lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "With my talent and qualifications, even if I can break through to the late stage of the golden elixir with the power of the elixir, it is basically possible to transform the elixir into a baby." I'm not big, but I have my husband to protect me. Whether I am in the middle or late stage of the Golden Elixir, there won't be much difference in the eyes of outsiders!"

"Therefore, I want to keep this elixir as a family treasure. I hope that if a monk who is expected to have a baby appears in the Su family in the future, this elixir can help him on the road to transforming the elixir into a baby!"

It is not difficult to tell from her words that she has very little confidence in herself and has never thought about transforming elixirs into babies.

Perhaps this is also related to the education she received since she was a child, and to Zhou Chun, a Taoist monk.

As a monk from a golden elixir family like her, even though her talents are not particularly outstanding, the education she received since childhood is that she can successfully form elixirs and stabilize the family's reputation.

Therefore, after the pill formation was successful, there was no upward motivation, and more energy was focused on how to support the family's younger generations and enhance the family's strength.

Furthermore, being a Taoist companion with such a dazzling Nascent Soul Realm like Zhou Chun must have put a lot of pressure on her heart.

Some gossip is certainly inevitable.

Under this kind of pressure, it is understandable that she becomes unconfident and has low self-esteem.

However, understanding is understanding, and identification is definitely impossible.

Zhou Chun looked at the Taoist monk in front of him who lowered his head as if he had done something wrong, and gently stretched out his hand to take him into his arms.

Then he whispered in his ear: "Madam, you are wrong to think this way. As my Taoist companion, Zhou Chun, the higher your cultivation level, the better. Otherwise, if outsiders see it, wouldn't it mean that I, Zhou Chun, am treating my wife badly?" , He doesn’t even support his Taoist companions?”

"Moreover, madam, your life span is not particularly high. If you break through to the late stage of the Golden Core now, you still have more than a hundred years to prepare for the birth of a baby. There may not be any possibility of a successful birth!"

"As for the fact that you want to leave a legacy for the Su family, you don't need to worry about it. If the Su family really has that kind of genius in the future, as long as my husband is still alive, he will definitely look at you and My deceased ancestor, please give me a helping hand!"

Speaking of this, he also said with great pride: "It's just a [Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Pill]. If you want to get this kind of pill for your husband, you don't have to spend much effort at all. Madam, don't be too nervous." You underestimated my husband’s current energy!”

He didn't say this to show off, but to tell the truth.

[Four Spirit Barrier-Breaking Pills] may be very precious to Golden Core Stage monks, but as long as Nascent Soul Stage monks are willing to pay a certain price, it is not particularly difficult to obtain one.

This is true for ordinary Yuanying stage monks, let alone Zhou Chun.

After hearing his words, Su Yuzhen was deeply moved, and her eyes became moist.

In fact, the union between the two of them was not very good at the beginning. It can be said that there was no emotional basis.

But over the years, as the two became more and more familiar with each other, feelings gradually grew.

Just like those people who were ordered by their parents to get together with a matchmaker. Although they had no feelings at first and even quarreled and fought, as the two people got along for longer and longer and had offspring, they eventually became friends. We can slowly accept and adapt to each other, and grow old together!

Zhou Chun may not have expressed much concern for Su Yuzhen, the Taoist companion, but after he became rich, he has never forgotten his Taoist partner, and he has never had any thoughts of changing his Taoist partner. He is very responsible.

Su Yuzhen knew this well, and was more grateful to him because of it, and was more easily moved by his occasional expressions of concern.

For example, at this moment, when she was moved in her heart, she couldn't help but choked up with emotion: "Husband, you are so kind to me, but it's a pity that I am useless. So far, I have not been able to give birth to a child for you, husband." A descendant!"

As a female cultivator born in a cultivating family, she has already become a Taoist companion. Even though she is already a Golden Core cultivator, she still wants to leave a blood descendant with her Taoist companion.

However, the situation was complicated in the past, and Zhou Chun was focused on practicing. Even if she had such thoughts in her heart, she never really said it out.

Now that her emotions were getting stronger, she let her emotions speak out the idea that had been buried deep in her heart for many years without thinking too much.

However, her words silenced Zhou Chun.

In fact, the two of them have cultivated together thousands of times in the past hundreds of years.

Under normal circumstances, even if the chance of pregnancy among immortal cultivators is lower than that of ordinary mortals, they should already have offspring.

The reason why it hasn't happened yet is naturally because of other reasons.

The reason is very simple, that is, Zhou Chun himself does not want to leave offspring prematurely.

As an immortal cultivator, it is easy to not want to leave any descendants. Foundation-building monks can do this easily.

The reason why Zhou Chun didn't want to leave any descendants was also more complicated.

When his cultivation level was low in the past, he was worried that if his descendants did not have spiritual root qualifications, or had low spiritual root qualifications, many tragedies would occur.

He doesn't care what others are like. As for himself, it will definitely be uncomfortable if he sees his descendants die in front of him one by one.

Later, Jingguo was often in turmoil, and the entire Zhou family was in danger of overthrowing many times. Zhou Chun did not dare to leave any descendants under such circumstances.

As for now, based on his cultivation in the Nascent Soul stage, as long as the child's mother is also an immortal cultivator, the chance of the child having spiritual root qualifications is definitely over 90%, so there is no need to worry about this aspect.

But for the same reason, even if the child has spiritual root qualifications, Zhou Chun cannot guarantee that he will be able to help him successfully transform into an elixir and form a baby.

In that case, with the long life he now has, there is a high probability that he will still have to watch future generations go ahead of him!

Therefore, after being silent for a long time, Zhou Chuncai said apologetically to the Taoist: "I should say sorry to you, madam, for this matter. For so many years, my husband has always ignored your feelings, which makes me sad." You lost your chance to be a mother!”

"It's just that now that my husband is a Nascent Soul, madam, you are also in the Golden Core stage. It's not easy to give birth to offspring, so don't be too demanding!"

After all, he has no intention of leaving any descendants yet!

In his opinion, if he leaves descendants now, he will leave a weakness for himself.

When people catch his weakness, so what if he is stronger?

When a knife is placed on the neck of his child, as a parent, can he still be brave enough?

Therefore, whether he is selfish or afraid to take responsibility, he feels that with his current situation, there is no need to leave descendants.

Looking at the entire world of immortality cultivators, there are actually very few examples of immortality cultivators leaving behind offspring after having children.

Usually when that happens, either the lifespan is not too long and the person cannot make progress on the road, so he will choose this method to continue his bloodline.

Either it was because they had already left many offspring before the birth, and they no longer had the worries that Zhou Chun was worried about.

Zhou Chun does not meet the two conditions now. Choosing not to leave any descendants is actually normal in the world of immortality.

So after listening to his words, even though Su Yuzhen felt a little disappointed and uncomfortable, she could still understand.

At that moment, she nodded silently and said: "I understand what your husband means, so just pretend that I have never said anything about it!"

Seeing this, Zhou Chun could only harden his heart and pretend that he didn't hear the sadness in her words. He immediately changed the subject and said: "Elder Luo is currently in seclusion within the family to form an elixir and conceive a baby. In the next period of time, he will not be able to be a husband." Now that you have left the family, madam, you should take advantage of this period of time to retreat into seclusion. My husband will be waiting for your good news in the family!"

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Su Yuzhen's attention was immediately diverted.

She looked at him with some surprise and said, "Oh, has Fellow Daoist Luo begun to form elixirs and form babies?"

"Yes, Fellow Daoist Luo was a little confused and hesitant at first, but after her husband enlightened her, she made up her mind to go into seclusion and have a baby. Madam, you should also let go of your worries and move forward bravely!"

Zhou Chun nodded slightly and said with a smile.

Hearing his words, Su Yuzhen's eyes suddenly flashed slightly, as if he inspired him to fight. She looked at him with gradually firm eyes and said, "What your husband said is absolutely true. Since fellow Daoist Luo can take that step bravely, I can't help you." How can you resign yourself to lagging behind and lose your husband’s face!”

The speed at which her attitude changed was quite fast.

After Zhou Chun was slightly surprised, he encouraged him again with a smile on his face.

After staying at the Su Family Mountain Gate for almost a month, Zhou Chun returned to the Qinglian Mountains and never went out again.

And Luo Qingni's baby-giving process was smoother than Zhou Chun imagined.

In his third year of retreat, he had already started to have small-scale spiritual energy gathering visions.

Fortunately, this small-scale spiritual energy gathering phenomenon is not particularly obvious. In addition, the location of Zhouchun Cave itself is relatively deep. He used a formation to cover it up so no one could notice it.

But when the time came to the sixth year, the phenomenon of the gathering of spiritual energy from heaven and earth spread to the entire Qinglian Peak.

In this case, it is no longer possible to completely cover up the situation.

So soon, the situation of someone in the Zhou family's mountain gate who was transforming elixirs into babies was analyzed by the two sects of Yuelun Sect and Yanyang Sect through inside information.

The emergence of this situation undoubtedly cast a haze on the minds of the top leaders of the two sects.

Now Zhou Jiaming already has a Zhou Chun and a Silver Dragon Lord, and each of them is stronger than the monks of the same level.

If the Zhou family were to have one more Nascent Soul cultivator, it was a matter of two minds whether the Yuelun Sect could retain its reputation as the largest force in Jingguo.

Even if he can barely keep it by then, facing the increasingly powerful Zhou family, losing this reputation is almost foreseeable.

"The person who gave birth to a baby should be the guest elder of the Zhou family. This woman seemed to be a casual alchemy master in Tianyuan Immortal City. It is said that her skills are very good, and she has reached the level of a master when she was in the Zifu period. !”

Inside the Yuelun Sect's mountain gate, Master Yin Yue and Master Cang Yue were sitting opposite each other, talking about the birth of a child in the Zhou family.

For the Moon Lun Sect, it is not difficult to collect information about the Zhou family. Now their understanding of Zhou Chun is even worse than that of some of the Zhou family's golden elixir elders.

"It is not easy to conceive a baby. It can trigger spiritual phenomena in the world. It can only be said that this woman has reached the stage of transforming into a baby. However, whether the baby can be successfully transformed is still unknown, let alone the 'inner demon tribulation' that follows. Got it!"

Master Cang Yue read the information in his hand and expressed his opinion in a low tone.

Only monks like them at the Nascent Soul stage know how difficult it is to conceive a baby.

Many times, it even depends on chance and luck. Among the successful people, many are the lucky ones.

But in fact, the unfortunate ones account for the majority!

Therefore, Master Cang Yue's words did not show much panic, and he was still very calm.

But after listening to his words, Master Yinyue shook his head slightly and said: "In the past, I would have had the same opinion as my junior brother, I don't think this girl has much chance of success!"

"But now that Zhou Zhengchun is an anomaly, I don't dare to look at the younger generations with the same eyes as before!"

"This girl only has a 10% chance of success. Once she does successfully conceive a baby, it will bring great pressure to our sect!"

After hearing this, Master Cang Yue immediately fell silent.

After he was silent for a long time, he looked at Zhenren Yinyue and asked, "Senior Brother Yinyue, what do you think? Do you want to destroy it?"

"It's definitely not possible to destroy it directly. Unless we use that treasure now, there's nothing we can do about Zhou Zhengchun in the Qinglian Mountains!"

Master Yin Yue shook his head slightly, and then said with a fierce look: "But Jiu Ying is most afraid of interference. We only need to arrange for people to put the [Earth Evil Fire Thunder Bead] in the sect's treasure house on the Qinglian at the critical moment. Detonate it on the peak and temporarily disrupt the spiritual veins there, so that the female cultivator who gave birth to a baby will fail and be stillborn!"

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