In the high altitude outside Yunxi City, although the city defense cannon did not cause damage to the diamond-first-order Chiyan Fire Crown Eagle.

But these attacks also aroused the wrath of the Chiyan Fire Crown Eagle.

After a roar, the pair of huge wings of the Chiyan Fire Crown Eagle fanned.

In front of it, flame-transformed feathers appeared, shooting towards the anti-aircraft guns that were constantly firing at it on the northwest city wall of Yunxi City.

It is its skill, the Thousand Feather Flame Blade!

“Not good! Everyone, run away! ”

In the face of the Diamond First-Order Fierce Bird’s outburst of excellent-level skills, the faces of the sergeants guarding the city on the city wall changed drastically.

Suddenly they felt a threat of death coming, and they couldn’t breathe.

They did not dare to stay on the city wall at all, and fled and avoided.

However, these people were all black iron level imperial beast masters, and even most of them were ordinary soldiers.

With their speed, how could they dodge the skill attack of this Diamond First-Order Fierce Bird?

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

With a series of explosions, the northwest city wall suddenly burst into flames.

The flames burst into the sky, affecting a section of the city wall for thousands of meters!

A large number of anti-aircraft guns exploded under the attack of the Chiyan Fire Crown Eagle.

The surrounding ammunition also had a secondary explosion.

The sturdy steel walls were not much damaged in these explosions.

However, the subsequent blazing flames brought by the Thousand Feather Flame Blade of the Red Flame Crown Eagle began to gradually melt the steel city walls.

As for those sergeants above, not even a single corpse could be left.

“Is this the combat power of a diamond-level ferocious beast? A diamond-level beast can easily destroy a city! ”

Seeing this Chiyan Fire Crown Eagle, it almost destroyed the entire northwest section of the city wall in Yunxi City with just one blow.

Su Yu’s pupils trembled and exclaimed.

Compared with the diamond-level terrifying bird, his current strength is simply not enough to see!


After destroying all the anti-aircraft guns on the wall in the northwest section, the Red Flame Crown Eagle let out a cry again.

Without the obstruction of anti-aircraft weapons, it rushed towards Yunxi City more quickly with a large number of flying ferocious beasts behind it.

“Little Rock! Come out! ”

This scene made Su Yu even more afraid to hesitate, and directly summoned Xiao Yan and stopped Tang Ying and hugged him.

In her exclamation, Su Yu jumped on Xiaoyan’s back with her.

He then ordered Koiwa to flee towards the city center as fast as he could.

In the city center, there is the strongest consul in Yunxi City.

If there is anyone who can barely block the Chiyan Fire Crown Eagle now, it is only the Archon.

And even the archon of Yunxi City was extremely reluctant to resist the Red Flame Crown Eagle.

After all, the most powerful archon in Yunxi City was only an Amethyst-level Imperial Beast Master.

Under his order and the strong pressure from the rear, Xiao Yan took a step and ran as hard as he could.

Before Xiao Yan could escape far with Su Yu and them, in the rear, those fierce birds in the air had already entered the sky above Yunxi City.

After seeing the black-pressed crowd gathered in the underground shelter below, these fierce birds shone with bloodthirsty light in their eyes.

With a roar, he swooped down and attacked the crowd.


“Help! Save…”

“It’s not good, the murderous bird is in, run… Uh…”

“Mom! You beast! Lao Tzu fought with you! ”


Just as Su Yu thought, the large number of people gathered outside the underground shelter below directly became the target of those fierce birds in the air.

Most of the people gathered over there are ordinary people.

Even in the face of the lowest-level black iron level fierce bird, they didn’t have much power to fight back.

Not to mention that after these fierce birds had just been baptized by cannon fire, the rest were black iron high-grade and even bronze and bronze existences.

Under the claws and fangs of these terrifying birds, these ordinary people are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, unilaterally slaughtered.

In just a few moments, the entire street was already bleeding.

Hundreds of thousands of people outside the underground shelter became food in the mouths of these thousands of fierce birds.

These fierce birds swooped down, some flew directly by, and their claws flashed coldly, leaving behind several headless corpses.

Some directly grabbed people underground, flew them into the air, and then threw them from the sky and smashed them to death alive amid their terrified and desperate roars.

There were also fierce birds that flew down, pecked open the head of the target, and then put away their wings and stood on the body of the dead target and began to eat blood.

Under the attack of powerful fierce birds, those buildings made of reinforced concrete could not help but destroy.

Houses are collapsing all the time! Pour!

Then it turned into more extensive destruction, and more and more people were crushed to death by the toppled houses.


Outside the entire underground shelter, there were screams and cries for help everywhere.

In addition to the terrified sounds of the people, the low, suppressed roar of the ferocious beast also rose one after another.

One after another, the blood basin ruthlessly devoured the surrounding humans, like a meat grinder, crunching.

On the ground, on the wall… Everywhere there was blood, guts, minced flesh….

The smell of blood quickly spread and continued to spread in all directions.

The entire street suddenly became a purgatory on earth.

Those who survived were terrified and desperate and scattered.

And the frenzied escape of the crowd seems to have inspired the ferocity of these fierce birds even more, and they began to flutter their wings and constantly swoop down from the air.

Like playing with prey, ordinary humans will be hunted one by one.

“Wicked beast! Damn it!! ”

Just when the scene was chaotic and bloody, a burst of shouts came from the direction of Yunxi city center.

The powerful aura approached quickly.

At the same time, the Chiyan Fire Crown Eagle that hovered in the air and did not rush below to kill the crowd also looked up and looked ahead.

A pair of or red eyes turned, flashed a flash of essence, raised his head and whistled.

It seemed that it was hovering above and did not make a move at the humans below, just waiting for the person who had just made that sound.

Soon, in its line of sight, six figures appeared.

Each figure is stepping on a powerful flying beast, and its own momentum is also extremely powerful.

The person at the head has the most powerful momentum on his body, and it is the archon of Yunxi City!

“That’s, the archon and the headmaster!”

“There is also the principal of Yuen Long No. 1 Middle School, the principal of Lung Fu No. 1 Middle School, the principal of Po Heung No. 1 Middle School and the principal of Da Sun No. 1 Middle School!”

“I didn’t expect that not only the principal of our Tianhe No. 1 Middle School has reached the Amethyst level, but the principals of the No. 1 Middle School in other districts are all Amethyst-level imperial beast masters!”

“Together with the archons of the Amethyst Peak, there are a total of six Amethyst-level powerhouses!”

“It should be possible to contain that Red Flame Crown Eagle now, right?”

Below, after hearing that angry shout, Su Yu also raised his head and looked at the sky in front of him.

I saw the figure of Liudao exuding a powerful aura on his body.

Ji Tianlan was among the six.

Under his insightful eyes, the six were all Amethyst-level Imperial Beast Masters.

With the assistance of Ji Tianlan and their five great principals, the archon of this peak of the Amethyst in Yunxi City should be enough to contain the Diamond First-Order Red Yan Fire Crown Eagle.

Don’t look at the fact that there are only six Amethyst Royal Beast Masters, below the same level, the Royal Beast Master fights with fierce beasts.

Under normal circumstances, it is the Royal Beast Master who is superior.

Because there is more than one imperial beast of the Royal Beast Master!

Some talented Royal Beast Masters can even improve the combat power of their Royal Beasts!

The six Amethyst Royal Beast Masters of Yunxi City came together, and they were also an extremely strong force.

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