After the Sky Python entered the space portal, Su Yu and they began to move quickly in an illusory space.

The entire passage was surrounded by endless black, and the surrounding starlight was dotted with flashes of light.

Rapid progress in this passage is like in a space-time tunnel.

The beautiful, dream-like scene made all the people on the python look at the surrounding wonders with a look of amazement.

Even if they had been flying on the Sky Python for more than twenty minutes in this void passage, everyone was not interested in the surroundings.

I didn’t wait for everyone to enjoy watching the wonders around them.

Suddenly, a bright light flashed ahead, and everyone appeared in a completely new place in a blinding light.

“Kyushu Academy, it’s here!”

When everyone had just adapted to it, they heard the voice of Song Chengyu in front of them.

“Arrived? So fast! ”

As soon as his words fell, the students behind and the parents of the students who followed them all exclaimed.

Even sisters Su Yu and Ye Qingyi were a little surprised.

They also did not expect that in such a short period of time, the Shield Heavenly Python would bring them from the Tiannan Province to the Kyushu Academy.

You know, Tiannan Province is the southernmost place in the entire Kyushu, and the Kyushu Academy is in the north,

This is an area that spans nearly ten provinces and does not know how many thousands of miles.

Even if the Flying Imperial Beast of the Diamond Peak flew at full speed, it would take at least ten days to rush from the Tiannan Province to the Kyushu Academy.

But now, under the influence of the innate skills of this Void Passage of the Heavenly Python.

In less than half an hour, he came from Chencheng, the capital of Tiannan Province, to the Kyushu Academy in the north of Kyushu. The speed of 130 is indeed an eye-opener for everyone.

“Is this the Kyushu Academy?” Unexpectedly, this Kyushu Academy is actually located on an island off the coast! ”

After taking a deep breath and calming down the shock in his heart, Su Yu looked at the scene below again, his eyes flashing.

At this moment, the position they were in was on the back of the Heavenly Python, and like the Heavenly Python, it was suspended in the void.

Below is the endless ocean, turquoise waves.

In the endless ocean around them, there is only an arc-shaped island below them.

Although it is an island, its area is not small.

Looking down from the current kilometer altitude, Su Yu could visually detect that the area of this entire island was at least 50,000 square kilometers!

In the midst of this huge island, he could see the middle of the bay in the middle of the curved island, where a large complex of buildings stood.

No need to guess, it should be the Kyushu Academy built on this island!


When he had just seen the complex in the middle of the island bay below, the python in the sky also roared.

The next moment, that huge body rushed directly from the sky with Su Yu and the others towards the location of the bay of Nabao Island.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it was on the ground.

As Song Chengyu put away his Heavenly Python, Su Yu and the others also landed safely under his control.

“Teacher Song! You’re back. ”

Just as everyone had just stood firm, a young man who had been waiting for a long time at the gate of the Kyushu Academy greeted him and shouted respectfully to Song Chengyu.

“Well, these are the new students I brought back from Tiannan Province, so you and Ye Qingyi will take them through the enrollment procedures (cabh) and familiarize themselves with the school environment.”

Looking at the young man in front of him, Song Chengyu said lightly.

Listening to his words, the young man and Ye Qingyi, who had followed him all the way, quickly nodded at him.

Seeing this, Song Chengyu nodded, flew up directly, and quickly arrived in the Kyushu Academy.

“Qingyi, it’s been a long time, this is your sister, really a big beauty like you.”

After Song Chengyu left, the young man looked at Ye Qingyi with a smile on his face.

Glancing at Ye Qingxi, who was following her, her eyes lit up.


In this regard, Ye Qingyi simply nodded, not wanting to deal with him too much.

Even, a look of disgust flashed in the depths of his eyes.

However, due to Song Chengyu’s orders before.

She also had to say to the young man:

“Lu Shu, my sister and the S-rank trainees of Tiannan Province are personally arranged by me, and the rest will be handed over to you.”

Her tone was cold, with a commanding tone, and she did not intend to discuss it with Lu Shu.

Instead, he directly turned to Su Yu and Ye Qingxi and said:

“Qingxi, Su Yu, and a few of you, all come with me.

Others, follow Senior Lu Shu, he will take you through the admission procedures and familiarize yourself with the campus environment. ”

After speaking, he did not wait for Lu Shu to have any reaction.

She directly took Ye Qingxi’s hand and staggered past him.

And Ye Qingxi only glanced at Lu Shu, and did not linger his gaze on him for a moment longer.

As Ye Qingyi’s younger sister, she knows her sister very well.

Just when the other party opened her mouth and got close to Ye Qingyi, she obviously felt Ye Qingyi’s vague dislike for Lu Shu.

Therefore, after feeling Ye Qingyi’s attitude towards Lu Shu, Ye Qingxi also did not look at Lu Shu again from beginning to end.

Closely following Ye Qingyi, he walked towards the Kyushu Academy.

After the two of them, Su Yu also followed with Tang Ying.

Lei Ming, Wang Mang and the other four S-rank Tiannan Province candidates also did not have any hesitation and followed Su Yu and them.

And in the face of Ye Qingyi’s unceremonious treatment, Lu Shu still had that smile on his face.

He didn’t get angry because of Ye Qingyi’s attitude, and even nodded, and shouted to Ye Qingyi, who had missed his side and walked towards the Kyushu Academy.

Immediately, he continued to bring the remaining dozen or so candidates from Tiannan Province into the Kyushu Academy with his smile.

On Su Yu’s side, after entering the gate of the academy, he walked through a boulevard.

The boulevard is thirty or forty meters wide, and on both sides stands a statue of a figure. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Sister, who are these portraits?”

Looking at the statues of characters not far away, Ye Qingxi also asked like a curious baby.

“These people seem to have made great achievements to our Human Federation from the beginning of the establishment of the Kyushu Academy to the present, all the seniors who have ascended to the Saint King level Royal Beast Master, each of them, have done a huge job to our Human Federation…”

Walking at the front of the team, Ye Qingyi asked her lively and active sister one after another, and also began to tell her the history of the portraits on both sides of the road where they were now…

And her narrative also made Su Yu, Lei Ming and others stand up seriously.

Seeing this, Ye Qingyi also continued to introduce one by one.

The whole team was not bothered, plus they could be said to be the fastest group of freshmen to arrive at the Kyushu Academy.

There is no need to rush to go through the admission formalities.

It’s still early.

Everyone was strolling leisurely, listening to Ye Qingyi tell the history of these statues on this avenue, while enjoying the scenery along the way.

Although the entire team was full of young talents, when they saw one statue after another and listened to their stories, they all showed a look of yearning and respect.

These statues are more than half a hundred, and they are all strong people who have achieved the Saint King in the past 10,000 years since the founding of this Kyushu Academy.

Although it is extremely difficult to become a Saint King, the thousands of years of accumulation of the Kyushu Academy have sent the most talented imperial beast masters to the Kyushu Academy every year.

Under such conditions, the Kyushu Academy must have cultivated more than fifty Saint King powerhouses.

These statues of Saint King powerhouses can be erected in the Kyushu Academy, and they are all ancestors who have made outstanding contributions in the battle between humans and ferocious beasts.

Most of them have already died forever in the battle with those fierce beasts.

This is also the reason why Su Yu and the others listened later, and the expression on their faces changed from relaxed at the beginning to respectful in the back.

After walking through the long walkway behind the gate of the school, buildings began to appear around it.

These buildings look very old, giving people a sense of vicissitudes.

Kyushu University has been established for nearly 10,000 years.

Whether it is the surrounding buildings or the scene in front of you, there is a long history.

Soon, Ye Qingyi took Su Yu and the others to a magnificent building.

“This is the main building of Kyushu Academy.”

Ye Qingyi also stopped at this time, turned back to everyone slightly, and introduced to them:

“This is where all the new students go in, let’s go, I’ll take you inside.”

Once the school admission procedures are completed, the school will arrange your respective residences for you at the same time.

After you get your student card, I will take you to the villa that the school has arranged for you. ”

After that, Ye Qingyi took Su Yu and the others to enter the gate with the mermaid.

Behind the door, there is a spacious hall.

All those who came in froze at this moment.

Then he looked at the center of the hall.

Because there’s a huge screen hanging there.

From top to bottom, there are a hundred names on the screen.

Su Yu saw that Ye Qingyi’s name was also on it.

However, Ye Qingyi’s name was ranked ninety-ninth.

Almost didn’t make the list.

“Ninety-ninth, Ye Qingyi, Diamond-level Royal Beast Master, Kyushu Academy!

Sister, you are so powerful at home, why are you ranked ninety-ninth on this Tianjiao list?

I almost couldn’t even get on this Tianjiao list…”

When he saw the big screen, Ye Qingyi’s name.

Ye Qingxi whispered to her sister.

Although the sound is small, it is very quiet in this hall at the moment.

Her words were also clearly heard by Su Yu and several people behind.

In this regard, Su Yu and Lei Ming all looked strange.

And Ye Qingyi’s mouth twitched a little.

She can’t wait to sew Ye Qingxi’s mouth up now.

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