Beast Monster System

Chapter 1 - The Savior Boy!



"Captain! What do we have to do?!"


"We're gonna die!"




"Everyone, come closer to me!"


"No!! I'm too young to be dead! I haven't even gotten my first kiss yet!"


"We'll use the combination of my ability and Cole's, we'll be alright."






"Get ready for the battle, those monsters are coming," said a whisper.


Northern America, Planet Earth, Year 2510.

Exactly 8 minutes ago, a crash of a high-tech spaceship happened. It was a very bad accident. The spaceship exploded and shattered into the smallest pieces, the explosion created a large black smoke, but somehow the crews of the spaceship were all safe, although none of them were now conscious.

There were 10 crewmates, they were Aksel Lynch, Blake Carpenter, Chandler Greenwood, Jade Jennings, Curtis Stevens, Jake Vaughn, Cole Kinsman, Shawn White, Rosemarie Marsh, and Cheryl White, 9 of them were teenagers between the age of 15-17, only Jake was the adult, he was a 34 years-old man.

All of them were only 100 meters away from the location where their spaceship exploded, they fainted on the ground and they still wore their own particular suits. They were not separated, although all of them weren't gathered at 1 spot either, it was very surprising that at maximum they were at a distance of 1.5-2 meters away from one to another.

It had been only 8 minutes long since the big explosion of the spaceship happened, but there were already a few 'members' of a strange creature that had found the crews, and they (these creatures) didn't seem nice at all.

Although they were strange creatures, their appearance didn't seem strange at all. They looked like giant apes, but they walked and stood with 2 feet instead of 4. They were also quite huge, their heights were around 3.5-4 meters, and only judging by how they acted, everyone would be guessing that they have equal smartness as humans.

There were 5 'members' of this ape-look-like creature, and each of them was getting ready to carry 2 crews, but as they were all just about to do that, shockingly Cole Kinsman released 5 little 'bombs' from both of his hands.

"Multiple Little Bombs!" Cole shouted as he used his skill. He succeeded in firing them with his little bombs, but all 5 of them also succeeded in avoiding the surprise attack.

Although Cole didn't succeed in killing them, at least he succeeded in saving all of his friends' lives, because his attack towards these 5 strange giant apes gave Jake and the others a chance to save their lives as well by stay back from those 5 creatures, and Cole himself did the same thing, and it turned out that all the crews were actually didn't really fainting.

"Is everyone okay?" Jake asked all the teenagers.

"Yes, captain!" All of them replied.

"Nice. Good job, Cole, Rosemarie, you both had saved our lives," Jake said to Cole and Rosemarie afterwards.

[You Have Finished The Quest, 20 EXP Has Been Granted]


A notification message in a status screen then appeared only for Rosemarie, a brown-skinned and soft girl who got praise from Jake earlier.

"U-uh …" the girl with her cute voice looked a little surprised by this notification, she hadn't really used to this thing yet.

[You Have Finished The Quest, 35 EXP Has Been Granted]


Just the same as Rosemarie, Cole also got a new notification message in a status screen that only could be seen by him.

'The EXP is almost at the maximum number, I'm about to level up, huh? It's so cool, I've only got three quests, guess I was born to be a master of the system,' Cole thought afterwards, his confidence grew so high after he found out that he was about to be on level 2 of his system.

"You're celebrating too early, we still need to fight these ugly monkeys," Blake Carpenter spoke to Jake, he was the cool guy on this team and would be quite sassy sometimes, he also was the most powerful one amongst all the teenagers, and he looked so ready to fight those 'ugly monkeys'.

"They're Bigfoots, they're the ruler of Northern America at the moment, you guys have been told about them, they're so powerful and smart, they're very dangerous too and they can fight so well, don't ever underestimate them," Jake told Blake calmly.

'So … these are the Bigfoots …?' Aksel Lynch thought, he looked scared, his face paled, his hands quivered without him realizing. Just then, his back went cold. Fear crept into his bone, he kept stepping backwards while swallowing his saliva. None of his friends were as scared as him, they all looked ready for the fight, but he didn't.

'I can't … I shouldn't be scared … I'm not weak anymore, I have the system, and I am here now to save the human race as well as the Earth, these Bigfoots are nothing, but …' he continued, then some voices started to play in his mind.

'You're a shame.'

'You are nothing rather than a burden.'

'You shouldn't have been born from the beginning, I'm ashamed of you.'

'You're a failure, you're my biggest mistake and biggest regret, I wish you would never be born.'

'You're so weak, as your dad, I am very disgusted with you.'

Those voices succeeded in making Aksel stop stepping backward, although he was already in the back of all of his teammates.

'No … I can't keep getting scared, I'm here to make him proud, I'm here to make him see me as his son, not as his biggest shame, failure, and regret. My system will help me, I'll fight these monsters without any fear,' Aksel said to himself afterwards in his mind, his confidence probably had increased a little bit now.

"Hmph," one of the Bigfoots then surprisingly chuckled a little and made a smirk on its lips. These things made Aksel and all of his teammates very shocked because of the way the Bigfoot acted … It was a very human way.

"So you guys now have a little information about us? But I doubt it will be useful, you all will have the same ending as your predecessors, and it looks like we will have so many delicious meats from fresh young humans as our dinner tonight, what a day," the Bigfoot said afterwards, and it was a very shocking thing for Jake and the others.

'Th-they can talk?!' Aksel thought. The Bigfoot succeeded in making his fear grow and decreasing his confidence.

"Captain, what happened? How are these monkeys able to talk?!" Jade asked Jake, she looked quite panicked and this was the first time all of them saw her be like this, Jade was pretty much like Blake, but she was way sassier than him sometimes. She was the cool and badass girl, so it was a rare thing to see her become quite panicked like this.

"You guys, they're not monkeys, they're Bigfoots," Curtis Stevens then gave his protest towards them, he looked sick of hearing his friends kept referring to these Bigfoots as monkeys.

"Shut the f*ck up, Curt! We don't need your opinion here!" Jade replied to him so angrily afterwards, her response of course made her teammates quite shocked.

"M-miss Jade-"

"If you're trying to tell me that I'm being too harsh, I swear I'll stick your mouth with my sock!" Jade also immediately interrupted Rosemarie who always told her that she was too harsh and mean to other people.

"And for goddamn sake stop calling me 'Miss'! I've told you multiple times about this, please use your ears rightfully!" Jade continued so quickly.

"Y-yes, J-jade …" Rosemarie said afterwards with a very low tone, her cute voice was almost like whispering. Rosemarie really was the opposite of Jade in terms of attitude, she was very soft and kind-hearted, and she could only be silent now.

While he was in the rearmost position, Aksel still couldn't throw his fear of these Bigfoots to the point that he then stepped backwards again.

'I think I'm not the right person to be one of the saviors, The Martians shouldn't have high hopes for me …' Aksel thought. He kept stepping backwards and didn't even realize that there was one more Bigfoot that was now standing only 1 meter away behind him and about 4 meters away behind the other 'Saviors'.

The boy kept stepping back to the point he finally hit the Bigfoot behind him. He looked surprised when he realized that he had hit something behind him, and slowly Aksel then turned back his head to see what was the thing that he had just hit.

"Oh, no," he said after he found out that it was a 4 meters-tall Bigfoot, the monster that he was scared of. This was a nightmare for him.

The Bigfoot then showed him a very big smile, before he was being choked so strongly by this monster, and his body was also lifted to the air.

"H-help …" Aksel spoke, the choke was too strong, his voice even almost couldn't be heard.

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