Beast Monster System

Chapter 26 - Rest Well ...


Aksel had just avoided a powerful punch of a 3.8 meters tall Bigfoot that he fought so easily at the moment. The Bigfoot was wounded when it started to fight Aksel, and the monster only got more wounds ever since its fight with Aksel began, while Aksel had no wounds on his body. This really made the monster upset, moreover, it thought that its punch would hit the boy, but Aksel could avoid the attack very quickly and easily.

"You, kid … what the f*ck the power you got with you? How could you-"

The monster hadn't finished its words yet, but Aksel with his high speed then decided to end their fight pretty brutally. He ripped off both the Bigfoot's front and back body in less than 2 seconds using his claws with no mercy.

And when the monster's body hit the ground, Aksel immediately stepped on its head and shattered it into smaller pieces, just like what he did to the other Bigfoots' heads.

The boy then looked at the already-dead Bigfoot with literally no mercy at all, it was a total evil look.

Near this newly dead monster, there were another 4 Bigfoots, and Aksel fought them all at once earlier, including the Bigfoot that he had just killed. Thus, in total, the boy had killed more than half of the original numbers of the Bigfoots that attacked The Saviors today, the rest of them wouldn't be able to run away from him, with their wounds, they wouldn't be able to run or even walk fast enough, he already locked them here by wounded them all with his super energy attack, they all might still could fight him just like these 5 Bigfoots and the previous Bigfoot if they met him, but their wounds wouldn't let them win against the boy, not to mention, even without being wounded, they still wouldn't be able to win against Aksel, his strength was bigger than theirs, as well as his speed. They had no chance to win, at all.

Aksel could also easily sense the presence of the other Bigfoots near him, the nearest was 20 meters away from him, hiding behind a big tree. This area was indeed pretty far away from the area where Aksel released the Super Energy, so most of the trees around here didn't collapse and almost all the surviving Bigfoots were hiding here, in the radius of 45 meters from Aksel, and Aksel could easily place their exact locations from their bodies heats.

"Huh?!" A Bigfoot that was hiding behind a big tree with another Bigfoot was shocked the moment Aksel was already in front of them without both of them expecting that he would target them this fast.

This Bigfoot immediately intended to step on the boy and protect its friend since the other Bigfoot was wounded so badly due to how close it was to Aksel the moment the boy released the Super Energy, its right hand was even off of its body and shattered because of the energy. 

Aksel could avoid the attack so easily as always, but surprisingly, when he was about to stab the monster's heart, he stopped, he unexpectedly froze.

Both of the Bigfoots were shocked because of this shocking thing, the Bigfoot that was about to be stabbed by Aksel could only be silent for a while after the monster realize that it still had a chance to be alive, and seeing Aksel without a clear reason froze, the Bigfoot then decided to punch him as hard as it could in the face, and confusingly, Aksel couldn't avoid the punch, he didn't even try to do it, he also didn't immediately get up after he was thrown several meters away and lay down on the ground afterwards.

After the monster managed to punch the boy, it could only be silent in disbelief and confusion. 'What happened to him? Why didn't he do anything?' the Bigfoot thought.

"Nala …" 

The monster immediately turned to its dying friend after its friend called out to it.

"Go away … save yourself, this is your only chance …" the dying Bigfoot continued.

"Exactly, this is our only chance," the Bigfoot named Nala said as it tried to carry its friend. This Bigfoot had a female voice.

"No, don't mind me ... just go away and save yourself, I'm only a burden now … you won't be survived if you carry me … after all, I'm gonna die-"

"Simba, stop!"

"Nala, if you're going without me, it'll be my biggest happiness too, please," the Bigfoot named Simba told Nala. Simba was totally about to die in minutes, but Nala seemed to refuse this fact.

Nala then kept looking at Simba, but Simba was already too weak to be able to do the same, and this thing slowly made Nala's eyes become teary, but the Bigfoot was trying so hard to hold it back.

"Nala … as long as you're still alive … I'm alive too …" Simba said in a very low tone, the Bigfoot almost wasn't able anymore to at least speak.

Simba's words made Nala become unable to stare at Simba any longer, the Bigfoot then got up and found that all of its surviving friends were already near it and Simba.

"Nala …" another Bigfoot spoke to Nala.

"His name is Aksel, right? I don't know why, but he can't move anymore, this is our chance to end this battle, we have to kill him now," Nala said to its remaining friends, the Bigfoot tried to forget anything about Simba at the moment.

But surprisingly, Aksel was somehow able to get up and stood up again after lying on the ground for almost 2 minutes. This of course made all the surviving Bigfoots shocked because they all thought the boy totally wouldn't be able to do anything more, and this scared them as well.

With his completely black eyes, Aksel stared at them so intensely, making them get even more scared because of it.

Confusingly, Aksel then turned around his body and immediately ran away from them as fast as he could, although his speed was much slower than how it used to be before. It was like a normal human's speed now, it also made the Bigfoots shocked and confused at the same time.

"What's happening?! Why does his speed become so slow now?!" A Bigfoot wondered.

"Who cares? We have to catch him!" Another Bigfoot responded as it ran to catch Aksel. The other Bigfoots immediately did the same thing because it might be their only chance to kill Aksel.

Nala intended to do the same thing, but a Bigfoot immediately forbade the monster to do it. "We got this. Take care of Simba," the Bigfoot said to Nala, before it also left to chase after Aksel. Nala could only be silent and frozen afterwards.

Nala then turned around after its friends and Aksel couldn't be seen anymore. It squatted, facing Simba.

"Simba …" Nala spoke to Simba as it touched Simba's cheek, but Nala immediately knew that Simba had died, by only touching its cheek.

Nala tried to be strong, the Bigfoot tried to hold back its tears. Nala then covered Simba's eyes with the palm of its right hand so that Simba's eyes could be completely closed.

"Rest well, Simba," Nala whispered, eventually failing to hold back its tears.

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