Beast Monster System

Chapter 28 - The Ending

Immediately after the mysterious fire explosion occurred, both Jake and Blake wanted to approach the location of Aksel's and made sure about his condition, as well as Jade's, since Jade was also thrown away and couldn't be seen anymore, but Chandler forbade them to do it.

"Captain! Blake! Don't!" Chandler said as he got up and then walked over to them.

"I'll do it, both of you are bleeding, better don't make too much movement, just stay here and take care of Shawn, Rosemarie, and Cheryl. You guys can also treat your own wounds, I made the medicine already, or the potion, put it on your wounds until they're completely covered by it, but don't use it too much, use it as much as your wounds need it," he continued so quickly.

"Got it, thank you, Chandler," Jake responded just shortly after. Chandler then only nodded before he left them, he actually got some wounds too, but not as bad as Jake's and Blake's.

A puff of thick black smoke could be seen very clearly from the location where Aksel's body was laying down, indicating that the fire explosion probably came right from under Aksel's body, which made Chandler worry about the condition of Aksel so much at the moment.

'That smoke … Aksel … please, don't die …' Chandler thought, he started to pass the shattered bodies of all the Bigfoots that were thrown in all directions.

"Huh?!" Chandler then muttered as he realized that there was a human body under the smoke, which also means that the smoke came from the body.

'Aksel?!' He added his speed afterwards because he was afraid if it turns out that the body was Aksel's.

When Chandler was finally near the center of the smoke, which was the human's body, he immediately pulled that human body to make sure if the smoke was really coming from the body or not, but it turned out that the body was extremely hot, so Chandler let go of it just shortly after.

But just a moment later, the boy frowned because he started to recognize whose body was that.

"Oh my God! Aksel!" Chandler screamed hysterically. He didn't care about the heat of Aksel's body anymore, he pulled his friend's body again and then turned Aksel's body that was previously in a prone position. This action made both of the palms of Chandler's hands scalding, but he literally didn't care about it.

"Aksel, wake up," he then tried to wake his friend up, but it didn't work. 

The smoke kept coming out from Aksel's body, but it actually only came out from his back. Aksel's black tight suit had been ripped off, only 30% of his suit left, he was almost being naked. The lower part of his body was still perfectly covered, but only from the waists to the thighs, the rest of his lower body had no more clothes on. Meanwhile, the upper part of Aksel's body also had completely no more clothes on it, except for his hands, there were still some little parts of his black tight suit left on the suit's hands, but those little parts literally meant nothing.

This almost-naked Aksel was also a thing that managed to shock Chandler because Aksel's whole body was somehow covered with super thick hair, just like a beast, except for his face.

"Aksel, can you hear me?" Chandler tried to wake Aksel up again afterwards, he tried to ignore those things and focused on the most important one instead. Aksel still hadn't given Chandler any response yet, and it made the boy become more worried about his friend.

'He's still breathing, but …' Chandler thought as he then checked out Aksel's heartbeat and pulse.

'He's totally still alive,' he continued.

"But how can this beast from hell mode still be activated? Shall I kick his balls just like what Curt said?" Chandler muttered afterwards.

Aksel was indeed still on his beast from hell form, the mode somehow hadn't been automatically deactivated yet even though the boy was dying.

"Aksel, I'm sorry," Chandler said to the dying Aksel after he got his decision in his hand. He then got up and got ready to kick Aksel's testicles.

Chandler exhaled heavily, closed his eyes, and directed his right foot to Aksel's testicles immediately after, he wouldn't do it with his eyes being opened up, he had no heart to watch himself do it because he perfectly knew how much it would hurt to be kicked on the testicles.


Just shortly after he got kicked in his genitals and testicles very hard, both of Aksel's eyes opened widely, but there was only an empty look there, and his eyes were also still completely black.

Chandler opened his left eye a moment later, and then his right eye as well in less than a second later. "Aksel!" He immediately called out to Aksel's name afterwards while sitting near his head again, but only 2 seconds later, Aksel's eyes colors were slowly back to normal, and this of course surprised Chandler.

"This is …" Chandler was emotionally speechless as he realized that the Beast From Hell mode had been deactivated now, thanks to his kick on Aksel's balls, and thanks to Curt's idea as well.

The horns, claws, body thick hair, big muscles on Aksel's body were slowly fading too, before eventually completely disappeared. Aksel's teeth were also back to normal, as well as his face, it wasn't scary anymore. The smoke also stopped coming out from his body, and his body's heat went back to normal again. Finally, both of his eyes closed again.

"Thank goodness …" Chandler said afterwards, he was about to cry, but then he realized that Aksel surprisingly had absolutely no wounds on his body.

'Unbelievable,' Chandler thought, he was very amazed by it.


Meanwhile, in the distance, Nala, the only Bigfoot that still survived, watched it all. The monster was hiding behind a tall and big tree which made it impossible to be seen either from Aksel and Chandler's location or Jake and Blake's location.

Nala looked very sad of its great loss, all of its friends died, and the Bigfoot had absolutely no idea about how it would survive without its friends now, but the monster didn't lose its hope at all, it had so much information about The Saviors on its hand right now, Nala wouldn't waste this valuable thing just like that.

Nala's facial expression changed into a serious expression, there was great anger there. The monster then turned around as it intended to go, but something shocked it and made it freeze for a while.

"Ayo, wazzup, b!tch?!" Jade spoke to Nala fearlessly while doing the hand on waist pose with a smirk on her face.

This didn't scare Nala at all, and instead, Jade's pose and smirk made the monster very upset, so the Bigfoot then immediately stopped freezing and tried to punch the girl just shortly after.

Jade could easily avoid the attack, and at the same time, Curt showed up above a tree behind Nala, he then jumped from the tree with a big tree branch in his hands. Nala could sense Curt's appearance just shortly after, but it was too late for the monster to avoid the boy's attack.

"Take this, goddammiiiit!" Curtis exclaimed as he was about to crash the big tree branch to Nala's head, and he successfully did it as powerful as he could. Nala fell to the ground afterwards.

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