Beast Monster System

Chapter 4 - 40 More Bigfoots: The Worst Nightmare!

"Telekinesis, First Step!" Jade exclaimed, she was finally using her skill in her battle against the Bigfoot she was facing at the moment after several minutes their battle went on and there was nothing specific happened, just the Bigfoot tried so many times to hit Jade but always failed because Jade was too good at fighting, but still, she was facing a giant monster, she seriously had to get a chance to beat up this monster and couldn't keep just avoiding its attack, after all, Jade just realized that Bigfoots had way more physical endurance and energy than humans did, so the 'let them keep attacking and wasting their energy while I'm just avoiding all of their attacks and save a little energy until the end for a super counter attack' strategy wouldn't work for any fight with these monsters, so Jade decided to use her skill from the system.

It turned out her ability was Telekinesis, so she could control any inanimate things and she used them as her weapons to attack the Bigfoot.

'Sh*t, there are not many inanimate things around me and I can only control any inanimate things with a weight less than one hundred grams and in the maximum radius only three meters away from me, this is useless!' the girl thought stressfully. She was still on the first level of the system and her skill was pretty weak at the moment, and as she said, there were not many inanimate things around her, only some dead leaves and a few tiny dead tree branches, she couldn't really give a damage to the Bigfoot with those things, and there were not many of them as well.

"GOAAAR!!" The Bigfoot screamed while attacking Jade with so many punches and kicks simultaneously as if Jade's telekinesis attack was absolutely nothing, this made Jade stop using her telekinesis ability because she couldn't focus due to the attacks and because her attack meant nothing towards the Bigfoot as well.

"Sh*t!" Jade then swore because she could only avoid the Bigfoot's attacks over and over, she started to feel tired now, she had wasted so much of her energy just to avoid all of the Bigfoot's attacks.

'My punches and kicks meant nothing to this monster, my physical attack didn't work at all, this is the first time my enemy didn't get any damage after being punched and kicked by me, my telekinesis also didn't work at all and was very useless instead. Sh*t! Do I even have a chance to win against this ugly monster?! This Bigfoot doesn't get tired at all while I've wasted so much of my energy in our battle, what should I do then?!' Jade then started to think about making a new plan, she was hiding behind a giant tree and couldn't be seen by the Bigfoot.

"So we are now playing hide and seek? What a crybaby, I feel bad because I have to face you, little girl.. You're probably crying in fear now behind a tree, aren't you?" the Bigfoot spoke mockingly. "HOOAH!" the Bigfoot then continued attacking Jade as it surprisingly found out about the girl's whereabouts.

Jade succeeded to avoid the attack, again, but she was kinda surprised because this monster could find her.

After Jade finally got out of the place where she was hiding, the Bigfoot and she made intense eye contact, the Bigfoot also showed a big and scary smile.

"You're an interesting little girl, how could you bend the leaves and the tree branches earlier?" The Bigfoot asked Jade afterwards, they were really in the facing position at a distance of only 3 meters away.

"It's none of your business," Jade replied rudely, their eye contact then became more intense after that.

"That's rude, you're very human," the Bigfoot said, the monster then tried to hit Jade with its right hand's punch, but the girl once again succeeded in avoiding the attack.

But just a moment after that, the Bigfoot gave an attack again while Jade wasn't ready for more attack yet, the Bigfoot tried to scratch Jade's body with its nails and this was a super-fast attack from the Bigfoot. Jade was shocked when she realized that she wouldn't survive this attack, but on this last nanoseconds tension, Chandler surprisingly showed up in front of Jade and he was protecting her with his body, and Jade didn't expect at all that this would happen, so she was also in shock because of this at the moment.

She also didn't know that Chandler wasn't the only one that would show up, but Blake as well. Yes, Blake showed up just several nanoseconds after Chandler, but unlike Chandler, Blake was previously hiding on the nearest big tree branch, the tree branch was on the left side for the Bigfoot, and he was about to give a surprise attack to the Bigfoot but he basically just waited for the most right time for doing the action, and when he saw the situation here got worse, he jumped from the tree branch to attack the Bigfoot.

"Single Punch!" Blake exclaimed, and it turned out his attack indeed became a surprise attack to the Bigfoot, but he was quite late because the Bigfoot succeeded in attacking Chandler first, but Blake's attack was still very helpful and needed. His powerful punch broke the Bigfoot's skull very badly, it also made the monster fly away, and of course, dead.

As the result of protecting Jade from the Bigfoot's dangerous and powerful scratch, Chandler got some big and deep wounds on his body shortly after, which made him unable to stop screaming in pain now.

"What did you do?! What were you thinking about?!" Jade then scolded him, but he didn't give any response due to the pain.

"I told you to not get in my way! Why can't you just stay away from me?!" She continued angrily.

"Can you just shut your mouth and at least thank him or let him focus on regenerating his wounds? I'm tired of hearing your sh*tty words all this time by the way," Blake said to Jade very coldly.

"I didn't ask for your help or opinion either! Don't try to teach me anything!" Jade replied to Blake way more angrily, she then decided to go and stay away from both of them.

Blake could only roll his eyeballs afterwards, he also exhaled pretty loud before he looked at Chandler who was still in great pain.

"You have the regeneration skill, stop screaming and just focus on doing it," Blake told Chandler afterwards.

"I know …" Chandler then responded to him while trying to stop screaming and just focus on healing his own wounds with his regeneration skill.

"Regeneration: Level One," Chandler continued, his wounds then started to regenerate.

After making sure that Chandler would be alright, Blake then left him there without saying a single word.

[ You Have Finished The Quest, 30 EXP Has Been Granted ]


A notification message in a status screen then appeared only for Chandler a moment after Blake left him, apparently protecting Jade was a quest given by the system to him.


'You're a shame.'

'You're a failure.'

'You're my biggest mistake and regret.'

'You're so weak.'

'This world doesn't need you, you shouldn't have been born from the beginning.'

'I'm very disgusted with you.'

"Aksel! Aksel, wake up, you stupid!" Blake exclaimed, he became so panicked, this made both of Aksel's eyelids slowly starting to open up, those voices also slowly faded.

"Uh …" Aksel also made a little whisper afterwards.

The panicked and angry Blake then kicked Aksel's cheek very hard to make him awake before he was back to his battle shortly after, and it worked very well to make the boy 100% awake.

"Blake, dude," Curt who had just become visible again then complained about how Blake woke Aksel up.

"Don't complain, I have no mercy to a useless spoiled brat, just focus on this battle," Blake said casually, Curt then could only sigh.

'W-what happens?' That was what Aksel thinks about the moment when he was aware of the situation around him right now, before he screamed in pain due to the pain on both of his legs.


"God! It hurts so bad!" He continued with a much lower tone, he tried very hard to be able to take the pain.

Aksel then tried to just focus on the first question that crossed his mind the moment after he was 100% awake. The boy was still in the place where he was after being kicked by the Bigfoot earlier, and Blake was just several meters in front of him at the moment, he was fighting 12 Bigfoots at the same time, but he was not alone, Curt was also fighting with him, he was just being invisible.

Aksel kept watching them fighting and still didn't really understand the situation, he was also very shocked because Blake and Curt were facing 12 Bigfoot at the same time and they had no chance to win at all, but they were still fighting although both of them kept losing almost in every single moment, one thing for sure, Blake and Curt didn't let any of these Bigfoots getting closer to Aksel, and Aksel himself realized this.

'What's the point of this battle? They're not gonna win … why do they keep protecting me? And … is that even the main point of this battle?' Aksel thought afterwards.

'It is …' he continued.

'But … twelve Bigfoots? How …? And where is Captain? And the others?'

Suddenly, two hands grabbed Aksel's body and then forcibly carried him up, this of course made him get so much pain on both of his legs, he had said it before.

"AAARRRGH!!!! AAAAHHHH!!!" Aksel could only scream in pain very loudly afterwards, he also cried and almost died due to the great pain on both of his legs, he just couldn't take it, it was too much for him.

Blake then turned to Aksel after hearing his loud scream, but just shortly after that, he got hit by a kick of a 4 meters-tall Bigfoot that made him thrown until 60 meters away.

"Blake!!!" Curt exclaimed hysterically, he was the one who was carrying Aksel now and he had just stopped running after Blake being defeated pretty bad, he also looked like he wanted to cry, but he couldn't do it because 12 Bigfoots were chasing after him and Aksel, 9 of them were just 3 meters away from him, he really needed to just keep running away with Aksel and did not care about the situation around him, including Aksel's scream and cry that was still going on.

'Damn, man! Forty more Bigfoots suddenly appeared, this is madness and our worst nightmare, I hope Aksel and I aren't the only ones who are still alive now, Captain and the others facing more than thirty Bigfoots, rather they all succeeded in gathering in one spot or not, the thirty more Bigfoots are still being their business, but however, I wish Blake is also still alive somehow,' Curt thought, his distance with the Bigfoots that were chasing after him and Aksel kept getting closer, he knew exactly that at this point both of him and Aksel actually had no hope anymore, but his mind refused to admit it.

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