Beast Soul

Chapter 103 - Winners And Losers

'That's because you've put on some weight!' Ben thought to himself, but didn't dare say those words out loud. "What took you b*tches so long?" Joey said with a crooked grin as he stretched out both his arms, waiting for the group. 

However, as the group got closer and closer, Joey felt that the atmosphere was a bit different than usual. He couldn't pinpoint exactly what the difference was, but he could feel it. His gaze then went straight to Max, who was the first one to arrive in front of him and said, "Since you took so long to get here, I hope you're ready to receive some punish-"


But before he could finish his words, Max punched him right on his nose, which pushed him backwards as he screamed with pain, "AHHH!"

"He hit the boss! You b*stard!" Ben said loudly as he stared at the fallen Joey who was screaming with pain, and he rushed towards Max, who was standing next to Joey. 

"AHH!" Ben roared loudly with fury in his voice as he swung his fist, but right before he could hit his target, something on the ground made him trip and fall, losing his balance. 


Ben fell face down into the ground, causing dust and dirt to spread into the air surrounding them, and Joey's followers, who were rushing towards Max and his friends with anger stopped in their tracks, completely caught off guard by the humiliating way Ben fell down.

What the hell? They thought to themselves. Was this really the person who was second in command to Joey?

Even Joey, who was screaming with pain and anger until now, was looking at the fallen Ben with confusion and shame in his eyes. 

'F*ck me! That had to be the worst timing to trip and fall down,' Ben was not unconscious, but nevertheless, he still kept his head slammed into the dirt ground without moving from the spot he fell, ashamed of what just happened.

"We know you didn't faint, dude.." Harold said as he stepped forward, but Ben didn't move an inch. 

'I'm definitely in a dream. This is definitely a dream,' Ben kept repeating those same words over and over in his head. 'I'm sure I'll wake up in a few minutes.'

"It's not a dream, bro!" Alphonso yelled out, snickering while he spoke. "F*ck you, b*tch!" Ben shouted back without moving his head. 

"Oh for f*ck's sake! Forget Ben! Get them!" Joey shifted his gaze towards the rest of his followers and urged them to ignore the douchebag on the ground and take down the group of nerds as he tried getting up.

"Get these b*tches!" The group of boys yelled out as they continued their charge, heading straight for Max and his group of friends, who all raised their arms up and assumed fighting stances, just like the heroes of martial arts movies.

"I've always wanted to do a group fighting pose!" Alphonso said with a smile on his face as he waited for the bullies to arrive, and Gerald turned to look at him with a questioning expression. "A group fighting pose?"

"What? Never seen power r*ngers before?" Alphonso replied and Gerald just continued staring at him for a few more seconds before shifting his gaze towards the bullies.

"Get these b*tches!" The group of bullies yelled out as they began approaching Max and his friends, but all of a sudden, the bullies began falling down onto the ground one by one, slamming face first onto the dirt with a loud noise. 


"What in the-" The bullies at the front were confused by the loud noises that were happening in the background, and they stopped their dash and turned around only to find a few of the boys behind them had already fallen down onto the ground. But before they could guess what was actually going on, Max and the other boys rushed towards them, catching them off guard.


Max punched one of the boys who was staring at his friends lying on the ground right on his chin, sending him tumbling backwards on his feet. For a brief second, the boy felt something touching the outsole of his shoes, after which he was swung up into the air as though he had slipped on a banana peel before slamming down on his back onto the ground.

"Ugh! What the f*ck?!" The boy groaned in pain, and the remaining bullies turned their attention towards the group of nerds. "Don't get distracted! Our targets are these bunch of losers! Let's beat the sh*t out of them for the boss!" A boy with blonde hair and freckles on his chin yelled out loudly as he rushed towards Gerald, and the others followed him.

"Take this loser!" The blonde screamed with anger as he swung his fist, aiming straight for Gerald's stomach. 


All of a sudden, he too felt something tug on his shoes from behind, after which he couldn't move his legs anymore. It was as though they were glued to the ground. 


The blonde boy's fist stopped right in front of Gerald's stomach, as his reach was too far, and Gerald, without wasting the opportunity that was given to him, immediately charged forward and punched the blonde boy right under his lower jaw, which pushed him backwards and onto the ground.


"You shouldn't forget to check who's behind you!" But before Gerald could take a breather, the voice of another boy came from behind him, which made him turn around quickly, his expression revealing that he was now completely alert.

Unfortunately for him, the boy had already closed the distance between the two and was right in the middle of swinging his fist.


Right then, something popped out from within the dirt, wrapped onto the boy's leg and pulled him with intense force, causing the boy to lose his balance and fall down as he screamed, his face heading straight for Gerald's knee. "AHHH!"


The boy's lower jaw struck Gerald's knee, producing a large ringing noise as he fell down, completely unconscious.

"Huh.. neat!" Gerald said as he patted his knees and shrugged his shoulders.

"You little b*tch!" A tall, rough looking boy with facial hair gritted his teeth as he approached Alphonso, who was still nervous. "You think you can take me on? Think again!" The boy said with a sneer as he rushed forward and then swung his right leg from the side, aiming for Alphonso's shoulders.

"AHH!" Alphonso, who didn't know what to do, closed his eyes and swung his fist, aiming for absolutely no one.


Just like before, something that looked like a tentacle popped out of the dirt for a split second and pulled on the boy's left leg that was rooted to the ground, causing the boy to slip and fall down right in the trajectory of the swinging punch of Alphonso.


Alphonso's punch smashed right onto the boy's chin, which was surprisingly powerful enough to launch the boy into the air for a split second before he crashed onto the earth, letting out a groan as he did so.

"Take this!" Harold too was punching forward recklessly without any strategies. However, just like the rest of them, every single one of his punches were landing perfectly on the opponents, even knocking some of them out with one hit.


The group of bullies dropped like flies, and what looked like a hopeless fight for Max's group was now turning out to be much more than a one sided massacre. They were actually winning!

"Oh my god! What in god's name was that?"

"Ow! Ow! Ow! My back! My back! It hurts!"

The group of boys who were still conscious screamed in pain as they squirmed around on the ground, and Joey, who had just got up on his feet, simply stared at his followers with shock and confusion in his eyes.

"What in the world just happened?" Joey mumbled to himself, and after a few seconds of thinking, his gaze then turned to Max, and he gritted his teeth. "What the actual f*ck is going on, b*tch?!"

"What does it look like to you, you dumb b*tch?!" Max said as he swung his fist at an incoming boy, sending him flying backwards into the air right before landing under Joey's feet. "Can't you see? We're beating your a**!"

Joey looked around and saw that the fight had gathered an adequate amount of viewers, and for a second, he felt as though he could hear their thoughts. 

'Joey Adkins doesn't seem like a King!' The thought had sprouted in Joey's mind, and he yelled out loudly, "I'll beat your a**, you b*tch!"

He rushed forward as soon as he finished speaking, heading straight for Max, who raised both his arms with a serious expression on his face.

"Come at me…"

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