Beast Soul

Chapter 110 - Spy

Mr. Carrick pulled up to his house, which was in the middle of a small neighborhood, a few blocks away from the city. 

He Parked the car in his garage and got out of the vehicle after switching it off, slamming the car door loudly as he stepped out of the garage and walked up to the front door.

The middle aged man slipped his hand into his pocket and searched for his keys for a few seconds before pulling it out and inserting it into the keyhole, entering his house.

A few meters away from Mr. Carrick's house, hiding within the forested area near the neighborhood were three young boys, who all had their eyes glued to the middle aged man's house. 

"I don't get it. All he's done till now is normal human stuff." Max waved his hands in the air as he let out a frustrated sigh. "Maybe I was wrong." Max began second guessing himself. "Maybe it really was a normal warning which applies to human beings as well as monsters."

"We can't be sure yet, Max. Calm down," Alphonso said as he patted Max's shoulder. "Maybe he's just way too careful. Who knows?"

"Well, if he really is way too careful like you said, then we probably won't be able to figure out whether he's a monster or not now, would we?" Gerald said as he crossed both his arms. He too was getting frustrated, afraid that they really might be observing a normal middle-aged man rather than a monster. He was feeling guilty. "If he's that careful, then he'd probably only show his true colors when he's in a safe space, like inside his home. And we can't see what he's doing inside unless we get really close to the house, which is not exactly a clever idea if he really does turn out to be a monster."

"So, should we just go home then?" Max asked as he turned to look at Gerald, who shrugged his shoulders in response. "I don't know. But that does seem like the best option for now."


Alphonso placed his backpack on a boulder that was next to him, turned around and shifted his gaze towards Max and Gerald. "This is about what Harold said, isn't it?" He spoke with a serious expression. "That's what this is, right? You guys are doubting what we're doing because one of us decided to leave?"

"Well, he did have a point, Alphonso!" Max said as he pointed his hand at Mr. Carrick's house. "Look at what we're doing. We're spying on a middle-aged man. We're like those creepy paparazzis. What we're doing is not right."

"Only if we're spying on a normal human being." Alphonso interjected as he snapped his fingers at Max. "You and I both know what these monsters are capable of. And you know what they've done to us. You really think being a righteous p*ssy is going to help when it comes to these creatures? They need to be taken down if we want to survive, and if it means breaking a few social norms, then I'm all for it. I'll pick my life over the privacy of these creatures any day."

"I'm not disagreeing with you on the fact that these monsters are dangerous, but are you sure that there isn't any other way of doing this?" Gerald asked as he scratched his head. While he understood Alphonso's point, he also felt like they were jumping to spy on this guy without even thinking. 

"There might be. But we can't afford to waste time thinking about what other we have when there's a potentially dangerous monster on the loose." Alphonso said as he opened his backpack and began rummaging through it. "If you want, you could think about the other options right now, while we are spying on Mr. Carrick. That way we won't waste any time, and may also find a better method."

"I guess that's one way of doing it..." Gerald said with an uncertain tone, and then looked at Max, who also seemed unsure.

"Aha! I found it!" All of a sudden, Alphonso raised his voice and pulled out a pair of binoculars out of his backpack, and both Gerald and Max looked at each other before turning their gaze towards Alphonso.

"Uh, Phonzi, why the f*ck are you carrying that around?" Gerald asked as he pointed at the pair of binoculars in Alphonso's hand. 

"What, this?" Alphonso asked as he raised the pair of binoculars and shook it, his eyebrows raised as he did so, implying that he was confused as to what Gerald was asking him. "We're superheroes, remember? Recon work is part of a superhero's job. You haven't seen any b*tman movies?"

Gerald and Max looked at each other once again.



"Ugh!" The young man let out a loud grunt that was filled with pain as he slammed down onto the ground, and soon afterwards, he lost his consciousness. 

"And that's a wrap!" Noah said with a smile on his face as he took a deep breath and observed the surroundings. That was the last of the young men who were part of the secret society group sent to teach him a lesson. The rest of them were lying on the ground, either unconscious or too hurt to fight him. 

"Wow! This is mindblowing!" Adrian said with widened eyes as he walked up to Noah, who was patting his knees and his shoulders, removing the dust from his body. "I can't believe you actually took down all of them. That was unbelievable!" 

Adrian was still in shock after witnessing what he considered to be the best fight in the whole damn world. The young man standing in front of him had taken on a group of forty young boys who were all part of the secret society, and still came out on top! 

This was an event that seemed like it could only happen in your dreams or in movies, and yet here he was, witnessing it firsthand. One man taking on a group of forty people and still attaining victory!

"You have to teach me how to move like that.." Adrian said with shock and intrigue evident in his gaze, and Noah let out a short chuckle. "I don't think it's something that I can just teach you, Adrian. It's more of a 'me' thing."

"Gargh.." Nelson, who was lying on the floor, groaned loudly, and Noah's gaze shifted towards him. 

"Hang on a minute," Noah said to Adrian as he walked towards Nelson, who was now attempting to crawl away, and knelt down right next to him. "Where the hell are you trying to go, Mr….?"

"Nelson." Adrian filled him in, and Noah gave him a thumbs up before continuing, "...Mr. Nelson. Did you seriously think that I would just let you escape after the fight? Are you really that naive to try to escape right now?"

"You- you were the one who wanted to fight us…" Nelson said with a hushed tone. He sounded exhausted as he spoke softly. "You got your fight, did- didn't you? So just let us go, and we'll end things he- here.."

"Aha, see that's where you're wrong, Mr. Nelson.." Noah said with a joyful expression on his face as he pressed his finger on Nelson's nose. "I said I wanted to fight the King."

He then got up on his feet and stretched out both his hands before continuing, "And as you can see, I didn't get to do that. Now, I don't know about you, but I clearly don't consider that a fair transaction."

Noah knelt down again, and this time, he grabbed Nelson by his hair and pulled him up, making him squirm in pain. "And that's the reason why I can't just let you go scot-free, Nelson!" Noah leaned towards Nelson as he continued, "I'm going to need your help in calling your 'King'!"


A black limousine was parked outside of the school. 

"Are you sure you want to head over to the old building along with us, young master?" A middle-aged man with gray hair and beard asked the teenager sitting opposite to him, who nodded his head.

"Of course, Martin," The teenager, Augustus Harriet replied with a cold smile on his face. "I am the king. He challenged me. If I don't show up, then it'll put a dent on my reputation."

He rubbed his finger for a few seconds before continuing, "I won't be alone, of course. You and everyone else would need to back me up. He needs to have a clear idea of who he's challenging. Only then, would he submit to me."

"I understand, young master.." The middle aged man, Martin, nodded his head. Augustus then began to rub his chin as he looked out through the window.

"To think that a newbie would dare try to challenge the 'King'..." Augustus let out a short chuckle as he spoke. "I can't let that brat do whatever he wants now, can I?"

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