Beast Soul

Chapter 115 - Secrets And More Secrets

"You can have the school." Augustus' words however, were not what Noah had been expecting to hear. "What?" Noah couldn't believe what he heard, and so he asked Augustus to repeat what he just said.

"I don't want the hierarchy anymore. It was not part of my plan anyways," Augustus shrugged his shoulders and let out a chuckle before heading towards the entrance of the gymnasium.

"You- you're not planning on fighting me?" Noah couldn't help but ask, and Augustus stopped in his tracks, turned around, and said, "I do plan on fighting you. Just not today." He flashed a smile before heading out, leaving a confused Noah alone in the gymnasium.

"... What the hell? What just happened?" Noah stood in the middle of the gymnasium, shocked by what he had just heard, before snapping back to reality and immediately rushing towards the entrance.

'Sh*t! I was so caught up by what he said that I completely forgot about the fact that he was a f*cking monster!' Noah thought to himself as he gritted his teeth, embarrassed by how he almost let a monster get away without even putting up a fight.

Regardless of what the monster wants to or doesn't want to do, he was still a monster in the end. And Noah knew that he couldn't let a monster roam around freely. And definitely not an intelligent creature like him, which can think properly and blend in with the humans. He was simply too dangerous of a creature!

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Noah took large steps and exited the gymnasium, reaching the long hallway and looking both ways to figure out the direction the monster took.

"There he is!" Noah whispered softly to himself as his gaze was fixated on Augustus Harriet who was walking back to the entrance of the old abandoned school building, and he clenched his fists before rushing towards him with incredible speed.

Tap! Tap! Tap!


Noah took large steps and within a split second, he had reached behind Augustus, who still hadn't turned around despite Noah reaching right next to him.


Noah leapt up into the air without wasting a single second and swung his right leg with intense force, aiming right for the back of Augustus' head.

"I thought I told you that I don't plan on continuing with the hierarchy anymore…" Augustus responded with a light whisper as he very quickly twisted his whole body around, doing a one eighty before Noah could even land a hit on him and grabbed Noah's leg. "And yet, why on earth are you trying to attack me from behind?"

"What?!" Noah was caught completely off guard by the insane reaction speed of Augustus, which was even quicker than Noah's, but before he could even launch another attack, Augustus gripped Noah's leg tightly and swung it straight down, slamming his whole body down onto the wooden floor, creating a loud explosion!


The explosion had caused the whole ground to shake as though an earthquake had just happened, and the wooden floor was completely ripped apart by the collision, shattering into countless pieces as dust and splinters burst out into the air, spreading everywhere. 

"Gah!" Noah could only let out a gasp as he slammed onto the floor, and for a second, he thought that he really was about to die. He felt completely numb, and he couldn't feel or control any of his body parts. It was as though his body and mind had been disconnected from each other.

'What in god's name…' Noah wanted to scream out in pain, but found that he couldn't move his lips nor his tongue, and he could only think to himself in his mind. He still didn't know what the limits of Augustus was, but he did know that he had every reason to be afraid of this creature in a person's clothing who was standing right in front of him. 

"I bet that hurt a lot, huh?" Augustus said with a beaming smile on his face as he stood right next to Noah, who could only move his eyes as of right now. Augustus knelt down and leaned towards Noah, bringing his face extremely close to Noah who was lying on the busted up floor. 

Noah could practically hear and feel the breath of Augustus, and he felt a coldness spread through his body, from top to bottom.

"Trust me, Noah…" Augustus touched Noah's forehead and began slowly rubbing his fingers over it as he continued, "You don't want to be fighting me. Not right now, at least. I'm sure that you and I will both regret it."

"Mhmm…" A muffled voice escaped out of Noah's mouth as he stared at Augustus' face, who let out a soft chuckle as he saw the helpless Noah struggling under him. 

"You sure are a feisty human, aren't you?" Augustus said as he nodded his head, and after a few seconds, he got up and onto his feet and began walking away, leaving a still motionless Noah to watch helplessly as his enemy got away scot-free. 

"I think it'd be best for you to control your 'inner beast' a bit more, Noah…" Augustus stopped in his tracks as soon as he was about to grab the doorknob that led to the outside of the building, and turned around. "It'll definitely help you in fights, but it may also end up clouding your judgment, which will only cause you pain in the future."


Augustus twisted the doorknob and opened the door as he finished speaking and stepped out of the building. "And don't worry about today. I promise you, we'll definitely meet again, and we'll have our fight." Augustus left with a loud chuckle, waving his hand at Noah before disappearing from his gaze.

Noah closed his eyes and let out a sigh. 'I guess that could've gone even worse..' Noah said in an attempt to console himself, but it didn't have the desired effect. 


"The television remote and the modem are still inside the plastic cover that's present on it when you buy the products." Alphonso said. "Maybe he just likes the plastic coatings. I don't know the guy now, do I?" Gerald still didn't believe that was enough of an evidence that suggested Mr. Carrick was a monster and not a human, and Max agreed with his statement.

"I also don't think that's a good enough evidence to prove Mr. Carrick is a monster, Phonzi.." Max said as he continued walking behind Alphonso, who simply shrugged his shoulders in response. "Alright then. I was just saying that the living room looked a bit too tidy, but if you don't think that's shady, then that's fine with me."

He then focused his attention onto the pathway as he muttered under his breath, "Of course, I'm going to be proved right either way.."

The group finally reached the bathroom, and Alphonso turned to look at Max. "You should probably take the lead from now on," He said as he moved behind Max and patted his shoulder. "After all, you're the only one who has awakened their powers.."

"Alright then," Max nodded his head and then moved forward, taking the position in the front and then tried to turn the doorknob.

Thud! Thud!

"It's locked!" Max whispered under his breath as he turned around to look at Alphonso and Gerald. 

"Kick it open!" Alphonso responded back, and Max, who was hesitant, shifted his gaze towards Gerald, asking for his opinion.

"Ah, screw it.." Gerald let out a sigh and continued, "Just try it! But be careful. We don't want to make a big mess!" 

Max nodded back and he then readjusted his gaze on the doorknob. He then took a few steps back and rushed towards the door with speed, and the lock broke open with a loud noise!


Max took a few more steps to readjust his speed before stopping. He then slowly turned to look at the interior of the bathroom, which was empty.

"Come one! What are you waiting for? Search the entire room!" Alphonso said to Max and Gerald as he walked inside the bathroom, immediately moving towards the sink. "Mr. Carrick, or whatever that creature is, escaped this room without even opening the door!"

He knelt down and began looking under the sink as he continued, "Which means that there's got to be a secret pathway in this room that leads to somewhere else!"

Alphonso stretched his hand out and began touching the pipes underneath the sink. "And if there's a secret pathway, then that means that there's also a secret door. And if there's a secret door, then that means that there's also a secret button to open the door."

Alphonso pulled his hand back after finding nothing underneath the sink and rubbed his fingers together before opening the tap and cleaning his hands. He continued, "So, let's search around the bathroom. There's not much to look inside this room, so I'm assuming it's going to be a bit easier to find the button."

Max and Gerald nodded their heads and the three began searching for the secret button.

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