Beast Soul

Chapter 12 - Hide And Seek

They reached Adrian's dad's old workshop within two minutes of walking, left alone on the remnants of an old farm. The surrounding land was covered in tall and dry grass, obscuring the entrance of the workshop from view.

Noah and Adrian walked to the front of the shed, which was just a plain stainless steel door, with a wide horizontal handle.

Adrian took out a key from his pocket, and then inserted it into the keyhole. After jiggling his hands for a few seconds, the door opened with a loud creak, and the two of them rushed in. Noah turned around and slammed the door shut as Adrian inserted the key again in order to lock the door from the inside.

Click! Closed!

The sound of the door lock was heard, and both Noah and Adrian let out a heavy sigh.

Noah, who had now calmed down, stepped back a few feet and began inspecting the shed. He could see a few car parts and engine pieces lying on a wooden table.

Adrian walked towards one of the tables, and began rummaging through a large cardboard box that was placed on top of it.

"Found it!" He smiled as he pulled out a packet of cigarettes from the box. He then flipped open the packet, took out a cigarette, patted his hands over his pockets until he found a pocket lighter and lit it.

"Hah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" He seemed relaxed as he took a puff, and then leaned back on one of the wooden chairs. The cigarette seemed to calm his nerves.

His eyes then met Noah's, and he stretched out his hand, waving the pack of cigarettes in the air. "You want one?"

Noah shook his head. "I don't smoke."

Adrian snorted in response. "Yeah? Well, maybe you should consider it."

He placed the packet back into his pocket, and then pulled out the cigarette from his lips and exhaled, as smoke filled the air.

"That thing that attacked Billy…." Adrian shifted his gaze towards Noah once again. He seemed nervous. "...That didn't look like a normal animal."

Noah stayed silent, but nodded his head.

"What do you think it was, huh?" Adrian asked. Noah shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. All I know is that it's extremely dangerous and we have to be careful."

"Damn it!" Adrian stomped his foot on the ground. He was frustrated. He knew that he probably shouldn't be losing his cool so easily, but he couldn't help it. "Why the hell is this happening to me? What did I ever do to be hunted down by a f*cking monster?"

"Calm down." Noah said, and Adrian looked at him with anger in his eyes. "Cal- Calm down? Calm down? Did you jus- Man, there's a f*cking monster chasing after us, and you're telling me to calm down?"

"Well unless you don't want to be eaten by that exact monster, then yes, I suggest you calm the f*ck down!" Noah said and Adrian waved his hands. "Man, f*ck you! How the f*ck are you so calm right now, huh? You didn't even blink when that f*cking creature attacked Billy. What are you, some cold blooded monster?"

"Oh, grow the fuck up!" Noah rushed forward and grabbed Adrian by the collar, and pushed him back to the wall, lifting him up in the air as he did so. He was nervous before, but he was especially edgy right now. "You think I'm not f*cking freaking out right now? You think I'm not scared for my life? Well f*ck you. Just because I have a firmer grip on the whole situation doesn't mean that I ain't scared, you dumb f*ck!"

Adrian stared at Noah, who was enraged beyond belief with wide eyes. He was trying to pull away Noah's hands that were grabbing his collar, but his grip was simply too strong. He didn't even budge.


Their fight was interrupted by a loud noise. It sounded like footsteps, followed by a loud howl. Both Noah and Adrian turned silent.

"Did it find us?" Adrian whispered. Noah turned around to look at the door. "Apparently. Or we're just incredibly unlucky."

He crept forward to the metal door and knelt down. He lowered his head to look at the small space between the door and the ground, and saw a large shadow hovering in front of it.

He turned his head towards Adrian and then pressed his finger to his lips, motioning him to be silent. Adrian nodded his head.

They paused, listening to what was happening outside of the shed.

They heard a low hissing sound that almost sounded like something breathing. The shadow that was moving back and forth, now stood still right in front of the door. Noah, who felt that something was about to happen, backed away from the door and stood next to Adrian, who grabbed a large metal pipe that was hanging from the wall and held it up.

Noah found the silence to be chilling. And then…



A terrifying loud sound erupted from behind the metal door, followed by repeated and hard poundings on the door.


Noah and Adrian watched in horror as the metal door that seemed impenetrable was getting dented from the outside. With each impact, the heavy metal wall hinges creaked. The metal door was being bent!

"What the actual f*ck?" Adrian whispered as he stared at the metallic door being forcibly pushed open, unable to believe his eyes.

Noah stared at the door for a few seconds before looking around, trying to find a place to evade the monster should it enter the shed.


The metal door that was being dented suddenly burst open and shot towards Adrian and Noah!

"Look out!" Noah leapt towards Adrian and pushed him out of the way, and the metal door grazed by Noah's legs before crashing onto the wall behind them with a loud noise. The two of them had barely managed to avoid death!

Noah wanted to relax, but he knew that they weren't out of danger. Not yet. He turned his head to look at the entrance of the shed, and found the large creature standing in front of the doorway licking its bloody face with its long tongue, directly looking at the two of them.

------------ BEAST SOUL ------------

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