Beast Soul

Chapter 123 - Meeting Place

"Urgh… How the f*ck do I get out of this situation?" Gerald said to himself in a hushed tone as he tried moving back and forth, wiggling in the air.

He was attempting to wiggle his way out of the rope that had tied both his legs together with the other end attached to the roof of the area, which was making him dangle in the air like a pinata. His hands were tied up as well, which made it even harder for him to escape.

His attempts at escaping only made him spin slowly in the air, giving him a complete view of the large area that he was kept in.

"Is- Is that guy seriously gone?" Gerald looked around, trying to find Mr. Carrick. He wasn't sure whether Mr. Carrick really was gone or he was faking it. He was afraid that Mr. Carrick would pop out from a hidden area as soon as he got out from the ropes and tried to make a run towards the outside. But he knew that he wasn't doing himself any favors by not trying to escape either.

"Maybe he really is gone…" Gerald wanted to think positively, and so he got rid of all the negative and pointless thoughts inside his head that were making him feel afraid, and decided that he really should continue trying to escape. 

"Since wiggling my way out of this situation isn't going to work.. What the hell do I do now?" Gerald thought to himself as he hung upside down, his gaze going around the large area that he was trapped in.

The area he was in was like any other caves. Empty and made of mud and dirt, with sharp objects hanging from every corner of the wall and the earth.

"Wait, sharp objects?" Gerald's eyes shone like little light bulbs as his gaze suddenly shifted towards the walls which were near to him. He saw that there were a few pieces of rocks that were popping out from the wall through the mud and dirt, and a faint and nervous smile appeared on Gerald's face.

"If I can swing to that spot and hook the rope that's on my hands, then perhaps…" Gerald murmured under his breath as he looked at his tied up hands. His gaze once again turned towards the pointed rocks on the wall. One of them was in a location which was pretty close to the spot where Gerald was hanging from. 

Perhaps he could swing himself in a pendulum motion and shorten the distance…

"It's worth a try!" Gerald said to himself as he got ready to wiggle his body once again. He wasn't sure whether this would really work or not. He didn't even know what he could do after freeing his hands either. However, that wasn't going to stop him from trying to do so.


Noah stomped his foot onto the ground below and shot forward as soon as he finished his words, appearing in front of Mr. Carrick within a split second, swinging his fist right at his face.

"Hmph! Child's play!" Mr. Carrick didn't seem like he was impressed by his opponent's attack, and he immediately tried to block it by swinging his right palm.

Right as the fist was about to meet Mr. Carrick's palm, Noah unraveled his fist, and a burst of flames shot out from his palm shooting downwards, and the force pushed Noah's lower body up into the air, flipping him upside down. Mr. Carrick had no time to think as Noah used the momentum to swing his leg onto his opponent's head as his body was in the middle of completing a full rotation!


Noah's feet struck the top part of Mr. Carrick's head with a loud noise, and the ground beneath his feet cracked, causing crevices to appear on the earth.


Mr. Carrick resisted the attack for a few seconds, much more than Noah had expected from the monster, but in the end, the force was too much for him.


The impact of Noah's kick caused Mr. Carrick's body was pushed downwards and slammed onto the ground with a loud noise which sent dust and dirt flying everywhere, and even caused a crater to be formed underneath the monster disguised as a middle aged man.

"You asked me who I was, right?" Noah said in a hushed tone as he grabbed Mr. Carrick's hair and pulled his head up, and without wasting any more time, he kicked him right on his face, sending him flying sideways and crashing right onto a wall, as his teeth blew out of his mouth and blood splattered all over the place.

"I'm the guy who's about to send you to the afterlife!" Noah screamed out loud with a sinister smile on his face as he leapt up into the air and shot forward with incredible speed, heading straight for Mr. Carrick, who was still stuck onto the wall of the cavern with his face beaten to a pulp and blood dripping out of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha!" All of a sudden, Mr. Carrick began to laugh maniacally, and his gaze immediately became fixated on Noah, who furrowed his eyebrows in response.

Noah stretched out his leg, aiming for Mr. Carrick, who pulled his body out from the wall and in an instant, he disappeared from the spot. 


Noah's kick landed on the wall that Mr. Carrick had been stuck on just a second ago, leading to the ground and the walls shaking violently, and pebbles and pieces of rock began falling down from above. 

"What the hell?" Noah mumbled to himself with a confusing expreton his face as he found out that his target had disappeared before the kick landed, but before he could readjust, Mr. Carrick's figure appeared right behind Noah and he swung his fist right for the back of Noah's head.

"Oh sh*t!" Noah cursed out loud as he realized what was going on, but before he could get out of the way, Mr. Carrick's fist had already collided with the back of Noah's head, slamming his face into the wall of the cavern with a loud noise.


The loud noise reverberated throughout the surroundings, and the whole place shook violently once again. 

"God damn it!" Noah screamed with frustration as his face was buried in the walls, and he swung his fist around without looking in an attempt to land a hit on his enemy who was standing behind him, but Mr. Carrick clicked his tongue and kicked Noah's hand onto the wall before grabbing his hair and pulling his head back, revealing a bruised Noah who was gritting his teeth.

"You think you have the ability to send me to the afterlife? Pathetic!" The bloody face of Mr. Carrick laughed with disdain in his eyes and he pushed Noah's face onto the wall once again, despite Noah trying his best to resist his strong hands. 


Noah's face was slammed repeatedly onto the wall of the cavern, causing the surroundings to shake violently without stopping. It seemed like the place would collapse on itself at any moment. 

"You're too weak! Too weak to be of any threat to me!" Mr. Carrick's harsh voice entered into Noah's ears before he was once again slammed onto the wall. 


"Too weak to take me on in a fair fight!"


"Too inexperienced to defend against me!"


"Too much of an arrogant a**hole to know his own faults!"

"AHHH!" Before Mr. Carrick could push his face onto the cavern wall for another attack, Noah screamed loudly, anger and frustration evident in his voice as a giant ball of flames escaped out from his throat and onto the wall in front of him, and the force pushed him backwards, which negated Mr. Carrick's attack, and gave enough time for Noah to stretch his hand back and grab hold of Mr. Carrick's right leg, and swung him sideways, sending him flying onto the wall.


Mr. Carrick crashed onto the wall and fell down, and Noah screamed loudly before leaping towards him and slamming his fist onto his face!


Noah slammed his fist repeatedly on Mr. Carrick's bruised and beaten face, which caused him to crashland onto the ground with a loud noise.



All of a sudden, a loud growl was heard a few meters away from Alphonso and Max, causing them to turn alert. The boys looked around as they assumed a combat stance, trying to find out where the voice had come from.

It was a loud roar, similar to the roars made by one of the monsters that they had fought before.

Except this time, it sounded like there were two of them. 

"It sounds like… like the two monsters are fighting?" Max couldn't clearly hear what was happening. Alphonso raised his eyebrows, confused by the words of Max.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

All of a sudden, the sound of footsteps were heard from behind, and both Max and Alphonso turned around, only to find the silhouette of a familiar figure standing a few meters away from them in the shadows.

Alphonso's eyes widened with surprise as he whispered, "Harold?"

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