Beast Soul

Chapter 128 - Winners Talk

Gritting his teeth, Mr. Carrick tried to raise both his clawed hands in order to fight Harold, but before he could do so, Gerald immediately stretched out his hands, elongating them and grabbed Mr. Carrick's hands from behind, making him unable to move his hands. Harold, who by then had already shortened the distance between him and the monster, raised his hand, and from his palm shot out a long and thin thorn that burst through the air with incredible speed!

The monster, Mr. Carrick's heart filled with dread. He didn't want to die. But before he could do anything, the thorn had already reached him, piercing through his forehead and causing it to explode due to the amount of energy that it contained. Blood and brain splattered all over the place, and the lifeless body of Mr. Carrick wobbled for a few seconds before falling down onto the ground!

"Hah, hah.." Harold breathed in and out continuously, trying to calm himself down before letting out a sigh of relief as he slowly sat down onto the ground, his gaze on the body of the monster that was right next to him. 

"We- we did it!" Gerald, who stared at both his hands with a shocked expression on his face, suddenly started to scream and cheer loudly with the biggest smile on his face like a crazy person. "We f*cking did it! We f*cking won! Whoo!" He cheered loudly before pumping his fist into the air, and Alphonso snorted and shook his head in response.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Alphonso walked towards the unconscious body of Noah who was lying on the ground, and crouched down right next to him, examining the young man's body with his squinted eyes. "Jesus Christ! That is one hell of a burn! Are you sure that he's still alive?" Alphonso turned to look at Max and asked, who shrugged his shoulders in response to his question. "That's what my senses tell me. Don't ask me how, though. I have no answer for that."

Alphonso shifted his gaze back to Noah and whispered softly under his breath, "Damn. He's a super freak even amongst super freaks. That's gotta be some kind of record right there." 

"We can call the Guinness book of world records later. First, we have to figure out what to do with him." Harold walked up to the unconscious Noah and kneeled down, sitting right next to Alphonso and said, "These wounds look like they might take a long time to recover from. Are you sure that he's going to be alright? I mean, we don't really know what can be considered a critical injury for a mutant, right?"

"I don't think there's been much improvement to his injuries in the past few minutes either." Gerald pointed out, and Max nodded his head. "The mutant healing process is a lot quicker, so the fact that we can't even identify a single point of improvement on his body is probably of concern."

"Maybe the improvement is happening first on his interior organs?" Gerald asked, and Harold shrugged his shoulders. "Could be. But since we can't actually figure out whether that is what's happening here, I don't think we can relax."

Max turned his gaze towards Harold and opened his mouth to speak, "Do you think we should get him to a hospital?" 

Harold bit his lower lip and paused for a second, hesitating a bit before answering. "These wounds aren't exactly normal. Questions may arise. People will get suspicious."

"He might die." Max replied, and Harold scratched his head. "Let's think about this for a few more seconds."

"Ah, screw it! Give me a bit of space!" Alphonso said with an annoyed tone as he pushed Harold away, causing him to turn his gaze around and look at him with a puzzled expression on his face. "What the hell are you doing?" Harold asked Alphonso, who was kneeling on both his knees, his position right above Noah, and his hands placed on opposite sides of Noah's head. 

"I wasn't sure whether this would actually work, since the first time I tested it was on my pet cat, but whatever! It's worth a try, I guess!" Alphonso didn't elaborate on what he was really doing and took a deep breath as he closed his eyes shut. 

Confused, Harold turned to look at Gerald and Max, and the two shook their heads in unison. They really had no clue what Alphonso was up to. 


Their confused gazes however were soon replaced by expressions of surprise and shock as Alphonso's hands suddenly began to glow brightly with a golden light spreading all over Noah's face, making his hair wave and wiggle slowly in the air, as though gravity did not exist.

"What the hell…" Harold mumbled under his breath as he and the other two boys watched the incredible and mesmerizing scene that was happening right in front of their eyes with shock and awe. 

Harold's gaze then slowly shifted towards the unconscious Noah's body, and his eyes widened once again. The wounds and burnt skin were slowly healing, turning back to normal as though the horrible injuries on his body didn't even exist in the first place.

"Does this mean that Phonzi's ability is healing?" Gerald placed his hand under his chin and thought to himself. 

"Hah… God, that was f*cking tiring!" After a few more minutes, Alphonso let out a huge breath and leaned back while wiping the sweat that had accumulated on his forehead while panting furiously. He seemed extremely exhausted by the entire process.

"Are you okay?" Harold walked up to the tired Alphonso and asked, placing his hand on his shoulder. Alphonso clicked his tongue in response. "Does it look like I am? This is why I was hesitant on doing this sh*t! It's too damn exhausting!"

"Well, whatever you did, I guess it's working!" Gerald said as he let out a sigh and studied Noah's partially healed body. He hadn't healed every part of his body, but Noah definitely looked a lot better than before. And mutant healing was already very quick, so Noah's body might just complete the rest of the healing process. 

"You should've told us that you'd awakened your superpowers." Max said in a hushed tone, and Alphonso scratched his chin and looked away. "I told you guys, didn't I? I didn't know if it really worked or not. I just figured it out today, and I only tested it out on my car, who seemed like he was sick. When I grabbed him, all of a sudden, a bright light came out of my hands, and after a few seconds, my cat was moving around as though he wasn't sick."

"Doesn't that make it kinda obvious what your powers are?" Gerald asked with a raised eyebrow, and Alphonso snorted. "Not if it's a cat. For all I know, it could've been the ability to forget pain. Or maybe the ability to cure a specific sickness that cats only have."

"Well, I guess you can now say with confidence that you're a healer." Harold said with a smile on his face as he patted him on the shoulder, and Alphonso slapped his hand away. "I can't believe you guys got the cooler superpowers, and I'm stuck with the power of healing."

"Alright, grow up grumpy pants. It's not that bad of a skill. It's actually a pretty useful one. You just can't fight using it, that's all." Gerald shook his head and waved both his hands dismissively, and Alphonso clicked his tongue. "You do know that an ability that helps in fighting monsters is probably better if an eventual swarm of these creatures decided to raid New World City, right? After all, healing ain't going to do sh*t if I don't have time to heal!"

"You're getting way ahead yourself, Phonzi!" Harold said with a chuckle as he did a fake karate chop on Alphonso's head, making the boy click his tongue again with a dissatisfied expression. "Am I? You do know that a huge alien or monster invasion is what usually ends up being the final arc for most superhero comic books, right? It's inevitable!"

"Or it could just end up being one of those low-key endings. You never know.." Harold shrugged with a faint smile on his face, and Alphonso groaned with displeasure.

"You know what I think? I think that you both need to stay away from comic books for a while.." Gerald walked upto the two young boys and threw his hands over their shoulders and pulled them towards him. The two boys were reluctantly brought closer to Gerald, letting out a sigh of defeat as Gerald chuckled. 

"I don't want to interrupt your little moment…" Max said as he kneeled down next to Noah, and the other three turned their attention towards him. He continued, "But this place seems like it may collapse anytime soon, especially with all the fighting that took place.. We should probably get out of here."

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