Beast Soul

Chapter 130 - God's Servants

New World City Highway 01.

A large black coloured truck drove through the highway roads, passing by other vehicles. 

"Daddy! Daddy! Look at that truck!" A kid that looked to be about the age of six jumped up and down on his seat and began repeatedly pointing at the black truck as it passed by the car that he was in.

"Sit down Aiden! And put on your seatbelt for god's sake. How many times do I have to tell you?" His mother, who was sitting in the front seat, turned around and ordered the young boy, who pouted in response. 

"You don't have to be that angry at him, Beth.." The young boy's father, who was the one driving the vehicle, said with a smile on his face, and the mother, Beth, clicked her tongue in response. "See, this is why he's acting like this, Arnaud! Your no care attitude is what's making him so spoiled!"

"Can we have this discussion later?" The dad, Arnaud, spoke as he let out a sigh, and Beth shrugged her shoulders. 

She then glanced at the side view mirror and saw the black truck that was heading in the opposite direction getting smaller and smaller. 

"That looked like one of those police vehicles, didn't it?" Beth tilted her head towards her husband, who raised his eyebrows, but didn't take his eyes off the road. "You mean the truck that just passed by us a few seconds ago?"

Beth nodded her head, and Arnaud shrugged. "I'm not sure. It did look like one. However, I don't remember our department having such a large vehicle."

Beth continued to stare at him, her eyes indicating that she was distraught about the whole situation, and Arnaud caught it, even though he didn't take his eyes off the road. "You don't have to be worried anymore, Beth. We're leaving this place, aren't we?"

"I know, I know, it's just.." Beth waved her hands at her face, as though she was trying to cool herself down. "It's just, I was thinking about a scenario where you didn't decide to transfer from New World City."

"It's just my luck, I guess," Arnaud said with a nervous smile. "Good thing I put in a transfer request a week earlier than I intended to and got it approved just before the special agents arrived. Because I really don't think that they're approving any transfer requests now." 

"I guess it's God's way of telling us that we made the right choice." Beth said as she placed her hand on Arnaud's shoulder, who finally took a glance at his wife and nodded his head. "I guess it is."

As the car continued to head in the direction away from New World City, Beth leaned towards the window and looked at the side view mirror once again. The black truck that she had seen moments before was now long gone. 


Inside the large black truck were a group of men wearing gray coloured militaristic uniforms with masks and helmets completely covering their faces.

One man sat right in the middle, with his helmet placed on his lap and his mask under his chin, and he was humming a song. 

The man's hair was completely dyed green, and he had a thick mustache that he liked to twirl every now and then. 

"Hah, it's time for us to hunt yet again boys!" The man spoke with a happy and joyful tone as snapped his fingers together, and the rest of the men stood up instantly in unison.

"Thank you for this opportunity, boss!" The group of men yelled loudly before bowing down their heads, once again in unison.

"Hoorah!" The men roared, and their loud voices echoed throughout the interior of the large truck.

"And who do we have to thank for this wonderful occasion, boys?" The man, who was presumably their boss, got up from his seat and walked forward as he spoke, moving from one side of the truck to the other side. 

"God, sir!" The group of men responded immediately, not raising their heads and not even showing any form of hesitation as they spoke. "Thank you, God, for this opportunity that has been presented to us!"

"That's right, pray to god!" The boss waved his hands in the air repeatedly as he spoke, and the group of men continued to show their appreciation to God, repeating the words that they spoke just moments before.

"Thank you, God!"

"Thank you, God!" 

"Thank you, God!"

The man sat down on his seat once again as the group of men continued to yell loudly. Only when the man raised his hand up into the air did the group stop what they were doing and turned completely silent.

"And don't forget, when we set out on this journey to liberate this city from all the bloodthirsty monsters that are roaming around the streets, we may have to use some.. questionable methods.. to achieve what we desire," All of a sudden, the boss's voice suddenly lowered in volume, and he spoke in a hushed tone. 

The men spoke nothing, and the interior of the truck was filled with silence. They couldn't even hear the loud noises of vehicles driving through the road. 

The boss narrowed his eyes and twirled his mustache before continuing, "And when you're faced with handling such complicated situations, do not forget… that we are serving God himself!"

He stretched out both his hands. "So, do not fear his wrath, for we are only doing what God intended." 

"Thank you, God! Thank you, God!" The group began chanting loudly once again. 

The truck driver looked at his dashboard, which had the live feed of the interior of the truck. "I guess they're still doing that sh*t, huh.."

He let out a sigh before continuing, "I should've quit this job a long time ago."


New World City Police Station.

Special Agent Alan Fischer and the two detectives, Harry Stone and Lewis Fitzgerald stood in the parking lot of the police station. They seemed like they were waiting for someone.

"You said that they'll be here soon, right?" Detective Harry looked at Special Agent Alan, who was staring at his watch. 

"Uh, yeah. That's what the Strike Force Commander told me." Agent Alan glanced at Detective Harry for a second and nodded his head before turning his gaze towards his watch once again.

"Why doesn't the Commissioner himself come down to meet these guys?" Detective Lewis asked while raising one of his eyebrows. 

"Because, dumba**, this is supposed to be a really low-key operation!" Detective Harry whispered softly with an annoyed tone, and Detective Lewis shrugged his shoulders.

"They're here!" Special Agent Alan's eyes widened as the black truck began to pull into the parking lot driveway, and the two detectives turned their attention towards the truck, intrigued by the strike force who were inside the vehicle.

"So, this.. Commander Niko Larsen. what kind of a person is he?" Detective Lewis leaned forward and whispered softly to Agent Alan. 

"Well, Commander Niko… he's.. he's quite hard to describe, actually." Agent Alan said while scratching his chin with a nervous smile on his face, and the other two detectives looked puzzled. 

Agent Alan watched as the truck stopped at its parking spot, and the door slowly began to open before continuing, "Let's just say that he's not exactly someone who you'd call normal. And his methods can sometimes be a bit questionable.."

He then turned around and looked at the detectives. "But he does fight on our side, and it usually does end up working out well for everyone involved."

"Alan! My dear friend! I can't believe that we're meeting once again, after a long time!" A loud voice came from inside the truck. 


A man with green hair jumped out of the vehicle and turned to look at Agent Alan with a beaming smile on his face before walking towards him. 

"Nice to meet you again, Niko.." Agent Alan stretched out his hand for a handshake, and the man, Niko, accepted it with a cheerful attitude. "Oh, how wonderful! It's going to be fun working with you, Alan!" 

"Likewise, Niko.." Agent Alan replied. 

'That's right… it's hopefully going to be alright..'



"You don't have to get up so quickly. Take your time." Max said as he walked up next to Noah and patted him lightly on his shoulder, and Noah glanced across the room that he was in, and realized that they were inside the living room of Mr. Carrick's home. 

"The monster.." Noah whispered softly. "What happened to the monster…"

"Don't worry about it." Gerald said from the kitchen as he grabbed a tub of ice cream from the refrigerator and slammed the door before making his way back to the living room. "We beat that thing." He said as he sat down on one of the beanbags. "Of course, only because you injured the guy!"

"I did?" Noah mumbled under his breath, clearly confused about what Gerald just said to him. He had no recollection of seriously injuring the monster. He remembered fighting the creature, sure.. But to seriously injure it to the point that amateurs like these four were able to take him down? 

'What on earth is happening to me?' Noah thought to himself as he patted his forehead.

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