Beast Soul

Chapter 136 - Underground Rush

New World City Police Station.

"... Right, and that's about it for the introduction!" Commissioner Bridge got up from his chair and walked up to Commander Niko Larsen with a smile and patted him on his back as he continued, "Commander Niko Larsen, everyone!"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The group of police officers and detectives who were gathered inside the conference hall clapped at the words of the Commissioner, although no one seemed motivated to do it on their own. It was like the Commissioner had forced them to clap for the Commander.

"That was less of a conference and more of a... a light meeting.." Detective Lewis whispered softly to Detective Harry, who nodded his head as he glanced at Special Agent Alan Fischer. "I guess they're keeping it tight knit with the secrets and all that…"

"So, you're thinking Agent Alan had a talk with him about keeping his plans under wraps for now?" Detective Lewis, who had noticed Agent Alan standing in the corner of the room, asked, and Detective Harry shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I guess we'll never know."

Beep! Beep!

Almost all of the police officers had left the conference room after the speech when all of a sudden, Commander Niko Larsen's phone began to beep, and his eyes widened. 

"What's that?" Commissioner Be asked with his eyebrows raised and Commander Larsen responded with a smile. "Rapid BST energy detection software. It's still in beta testing, but works pretty well."

"Does that mean.." Detectives Lewis and Harry asked as they approached Commander Larsen, and Agent Alan responded, "That's right! We have a monster to hunt!"


"Hold on!" Noah yelled out as they flew up, and both Gerald and Harold closed their eyes and ducked their heads down as Noah used his body to blast through the mud and the dirt that covered the opening with a loud noise! Noah, who realized that they had already reached the outside, immediately controlled his speed, and he glided down onto the ground with ease, landing without making much noise.

"Hah… Holy sh*t! That was intense!" Gerald said as he began panting as soon as Noah let go of him and Harold. "You can say that again.. urgh!" Harold said as he coughed multiple times.

"I'm heading down the tunnel to grab the other two!" Noah said to the other two, who nodded their heads in response, and he turned around and stood right at the rim of the tunnel, looking down for a split second before leaping downwards with speed! Two saved, two more to go!


Noah moved through the large tunnel, charging through the opening and reaching the other side within a split second! Or course, flying straight down instead of leaping upwards is always going to be the easier choice!

Noah's eyes narrowed as he glanced at Max and Alphonso, who both were still using their abilities to push the vines upwards and hold the roof of the cavern high up and steady.


Right before reaching the ground, Noah immediately moved his hands downwards and pointed at the ground, as flames shot out of his palms like it was a flamethrower!


It greatly reduced the speed on Noah's descent, and he landed down on the ground with a soft tap with his foot!

"Are you guys ready?" Noah turned his head towards the direction of Alphonso and Max, who had beads of sweat dripping down from their foreheads like crazy. It was almost as if they had just gotten out of the bath and forgot to dry their hair!

"You think… you can.. make it through the opening fast enough before it.. collapses?" Max asked with a stutter in his voice. He was clearly too exhausted to speak in one go, and so he had to stop and take a deep breath in order to complete his sentences.

"I'm pretty sure I can.." Noah said with a serious expression on his face and he nodded his head. His ears then twitched slightly, and all of a sudden, his eyes widened with surprise and he looked to the side, straight at the route which they took to get to this place.

"What's… what's wrong?" Alphonso, who also seemed to be tired, but definitely not as much as Max, asked as he saw Noah staring at the pathway they took with narrowed eyes, as though he was expecting danger to arrive.

Alphonso knew that the enhanced abilities that they possess was no joke, and if there was something that made Noah serious, then it was not something that was meant to be taken lightly.

"They're heading down…" Noah said in a hushed tone. "We have to get going.. right now!"

He didn't even finish completing his words as he stomped his foot on the ground and within a split second, he was near Max and Alphonso, completely stunning the two boys with his superspeed once again.

"I still can't.. get over.. how quick you are…" Alphonso said with a slurred speech, and Noah ignored his words, grabbing him by the waist with one hand and using his other hand to get hold of Max as well.

"Let's go! We have no time to waste!" Noah said with a loud voice as he once again stomped his foot on the ground, and the trio were lifted up into the air, shooting upwards and heading straight for the large opening in the roof as the boulders right near the hole began to shake violently. The vines had stopped growing and were losing their strength to hold back the displaced dirt and rocks.


Just like before, Noah, who's speed had begun to decrease rapidly as he slowed down, used his feet to strike the walls of the large tunnel. 


"What the-" Noah was caught off guard by the sudden destruction of the spot in the tunnel that he had stomped his foot on. The spot on the wall had been reduced to dirt, completely losing its thickness and roughness. The tunnel was also breaking down quickly.

"Everything is collapsing! We have to hurry!" Max said as he took deep breaths, pointing at the vines and the roots that held the tunnel back beginning to start breaking into pieces, as the dirt and the rocks pushed forward from within the walls.


Nevertheless, it wasn't enough to stop Noah. He only needed a split second of contact to leap upwards once again, and this time, he shot right through the opening on the other side, easily landing on the grass with a light noise.

"Haah!" Noah let go of Alphonso and Max, who fell down onto the ground while panting loudly, their hands on their chests and their faces all covered in sweat and dirt.

"Jesus Christ.. are you two alright?" Gerald asked as he walked up to him, and Harold followed close behind, staring at their faces with a serious and concerned expression. 

"I don't know, man… We just blocked the roof from falling down and killing us! You tell me!" Alphonso said with an annoyed expression on his face right before coughing loudly multiple times, and Gerald clicked his tongue as he let out a long and heavy sigh, "You just won't let a chance to be sarcastic and annoying go, would you?"


Their interactions were cut short as the loud noise behind them interrupted their conversation, and the group of young boys turned around to look at the opening on the ground through which dust and dirt was flying out!

"We should probably leave this place, right?" Harold said as he pointed his finger at the outer rims of the opening, which was beginning to show cracks, and the group of boys immediately turned to look at each other, their eyes widened with shock!

"Move out of the way!" Noah yelled out loudly as a warning right before pushing the other four boys back, immediately after which he stomped his foot on the ground and burst out backwards, as the land that was under their feet just a few seconds ago suddenly broke into pieces and fell downwards into darkness and dust. 

"Hah.. hah…" Max and Alphonso, the two exhausted boys were a bit slow on their feet, and as a result they weren't able to get to safety as quickly as the others, which led to the land underneath their feet to crumble right as they were above it.

"Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!" Alphonso screamed loudly as the two boys suddenly lost their footing, and all of a sudden, he felt afraid. He felt more afraid than ever. He didn't wish to die, but right now, he felt like he was about to, and that scared him.


Luckily, Gerald used his hands, which stretched like rubber, to grab onto the two boys' hands right before they fell down, and Noah helped him pull the two boys to safety.

"Now, are you two alright?" Gerald asked as he took a deep breath while staring right at the two boys, glancing at Alphonso, who nodded his head as he panted, "Yeah… yeah, I guess I am.."

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