Beast Soul

Chapter 14 - ATTACK

Fred Hutchinson jerked the wheel and pulled into the parking lot of the Plummer Mansion. He glanced at the windows of the living room, and found Marcus Plummer sitting in his chair with a glass of whiskey in his hands. 

Fred then nodded his head, turned off the ignition and picked up a black folder from the briefcase next to him and then got out of the car. He headed for the entrance, where two armed men were standing guard. They stopped him in his tracks, and he pulled out an identification card from his jacket. "Can we not do this every single time, guys?" He said as his gaze shifted from one guard to another. Both looked at each other, but didn't say anything. He sighed.

I am not getting paid enough for this sh*t, he thought. The guards stepped aside and Fred opened the front door and entered the mansion and walked over to the living room, where Marcus Plummer was waiting. 

"Good evening, Mr. Plummer," he said as he bowed, and Marcus Plummer nodded his head and pointed his hand at the couch opposite to him. Fred sat down on the couch and placed the black folder on the table.

"Be quick, Fred," Marcus Plummer took a sip from the glass of whiskey as he spoke. "We're going to have a lot of problems if this information gets out to the public, so we have to be prepared."

"Right! Of course, of course." Fred nodded his head. He then opened the folder and took out a few documents and placed it on the table. Marcus leaned forward and grabbed the documents, pulling it closer to his face in order to read.

"Those are the ownership details of our Ironhead facility back in Rondur Rainforest." Fred explained, and Marcus nodded. "We're currently in the middle of clearing all the details related to our company. It'll take a few more hours but-"

"Do it faster," Marcus placed the whiskey glass on the table and shifted his gaze towards Fred, who lowered his head in order to avoid making eye contact with him. "Ah, yes of course, sir. It'll be done before midnight."

Marcus then got up from his chair and walked to the cupboard where he kept a bottle of whiskey, and brought it back to his table. He then grabbed the glass, brought it close to the bottle and poured the whiskey until the glass was filled to the brim. He stared at the glass with an indifferent expression as he said, "You know Fred, the only reason I bought that sample from the International Space Department was because I was curious. Curious as to what life forms that existed beyond earth were capable of. But if anyone thinks that I'm going to let a simple case of curiosity ruin my empire..."


He swatted the glass with his hand, and it tipped over the table and fell down, breaking into pieces as the whiskey spilled all over the floor. "Then they're dead wrong."

Fred didn't reply. He simply sat there silently. 

"How's the Federal Investigation Department doing?" Marcus sat down on his chair and asked. 

"They're cooperating well." Fred replied. Marcus nodded his head. "They better be. I do not like to waste my money."

He leaned back on his chair. "Make sure they contain the problem while keeping a low profile. I want you to make sure that they understand what our top priority is." 

"Yes sir." Fred nodded his head. He knew the day just got a hell of a lot longer for him.

------------ BEAST SOUL ------------


Noah and Adrian heard the howl once again, except this time, it sounded way closer than before.

Noah turned his head as he ran. Far away, he could see the creature moving in their direction. It had found them once again.

"Get in the building, fast!" Noah yelled. They were heading towards the door that was the entrance of the factory. 


Hurriedly, they reached the door, and twisted the knob, opening it. They immediately rushed inside and slammed the door shut. Before the door closed, Noah saw the creature rush towards them with frightening speed, snarling loudly as it stared at his face, which sent a chill up his spine.


As soon as the door closed shut, a loud thud was heard and the door shook rapidly. The creature was pounding on the door with its sharp clawed foot. 

The door won't hold it back for too long, Noah thought to himself. He turned his head and looked around until he found a staircase that led up. He pointed to it and said, "There! We'll use the staircase! Let's go!"


They both sprinted towards the staircase, and as they climbed it, they could hear the sound of the door being forcibly pushed open before a loud howl echoed throughout the building.

"Run, run!" Noah screamed as they both leapt from the staircase and onto the second floor, and darted through the hallway of the factory building. 


A terrifying roar, followed by a loud thumping on the stairs, forced Noah to turn around as he was running and found the creature right behind them, snarling as it shot towards both Noah and Adrian with frightening speed. It had already caught up to them!

"Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!" Adrian cursed as he ran, but the animal was simply too fast and it jumped onto his back, making him crash to the ground with a loud noise.

"Adrian!" Noah, who realised that Adrian was pushed down by the creature, stopped running and turned back.

"F*ck! Help me!" Adrian screamed as he tried desperately kicking his foot at the creature, but it simply snarled and then slammed its heavy claw footed leg right on his face with a tremendous force. The back of his head struck the floor and he felt the taste of blood in his mouth.


The creature roared and then ducked its head down to bite him, but Noah dashed straight at the creature and swung his fist right at the creature's head with everything he had. 


It was a perfect blow, knocking the creature away, causing it to slam onto the wall behind it as it shrieked loudly, the sound echoing in the hallway.

"Adrian! You okay?" Noah rushed to Adrian's side and tried to pull him up, and he started to cough up blood.

"Dang.. Damn it!" Adrian mumbled as he covered his mouth with his hands. He was frustrated and scared. He was too injured. He knew that Noah would have a better chance of surviving if he just left Adrian there. But he was too afraid to say it. He didn't want to die.

"Pull yourself together! We can get through this!" Noah said as he pulled Adrian's arm over his shoulder and began retreating, with his eyes still on the creature. He saw that the creature had fallen on its side and was panting and snarling, trying to get up from the floor.

Damn it! Noah gritted his teeth. They needed to get out there right now! He dragged the injured Adrian with him as he sprinted with all his might.


The creature, which had finally gotten up, roared loudly and moved towards Noah and Adrian with frightening speed.

"Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!" Noah cursed out loud when he saw that the creature was getting closer and closer. 

Was this the end? Were they about to die here? After all that, were they just going to get killed? As the figure of the monstrous creature approached them with incredible speed, Noah felt a chill run up his spine. The same feeling he had when he heard the loud howl for the first time.


All of a sudden, Noah heard a terrifying roar, followed by a loud flapping sound, and his gaze shifted towards the window, to the outside, where he saw an enormous dark shape gliding towards them with incredible speed. 

"Get down!" Noah shouted, and grabbed Adrian and ducked down, as the dark shadow swooped down and burst through the wall right as the wolf-like creature was passing by it, collapsing into it with a loud noise!

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