Beast Soul

Chapter 145 - Trespassers

"Wow, aren't they quick…" Alphonso spoke with a sarcastic tone. "What the hell is the police going to do anyways? Weren't they clueless about the fact that the Malkalians were still continuing their ceremonies? What makes you think that they'll be competent right now?"

"Well, to be fair, we, as well as most people, also didn't know that the Malkalians were continuing their horrible traditions." Gerald said, and Alphonso snorted. "Yeah, except it's literally the job of the police to stop people from doing bad things! Is it really too much to expect them to do their job properly?"

"We'll discuss this later." Noah said with a serious tone, and everyone became quiet. He then narrowed his eyes and said, "They're still following us."

"They are?" Max's eyes widened as he turned around, but he couldn't sense or see anyone coming. Confused, he turned and stared at Noah, who shrugged his shoulders and responded with a serious expression on his face. "We created a bit of a distance from them, so they're most likely too far away for you to notice their scents. But the scents are there, although they might be extremely faint and soft."

"What the hell do we do now?" Alphonso said as he stood up and let out a sigh of frustration. He clearly wasn't enjoying being interrupted while he was taking a break from exerting energy. And now, it seemed like he had to do it all over again.

Gerald and Harold shifted their gazes onto Noah. "We'll head out of the neighborhood.." Noah said as he pointed in the direction of their houses. "We've already taken care of the monster. The human problems are a bit too complicated for us, so we should probably let the police handle it."

"Fine by me," Max nodded his head as he too got up. 

"As long as I can take a nice, long nap in the end.." Alphonso cracked his neck and knuckles as he spoke while yawning. "... I'm ready as well. Let's leave this hellhole."


The boys dashed through the forested area with intense speed, jumping over the mountain roads within a split second, making sure that no one spotted them as they were driving on the roads. 

"Finally, we're out of that neighborhood…" Alphonso let out a sigh of relief as a faint smile appeared on his face. "Now, I can finally get my sleep and recharge-"

"Hold on!" However, Alphonso's words of relief were cut short as he was suddenly interrupted by the voice of Noah, who placed his hand on his ear as though he was listening carefully to something with a serious expression on his face.


The boys landed on tree branches, abruptly stopping what they were doing and turned to look at Noah.

"Can you guys hear it?" Noah turned around and asked the others, who all raised their eyebrows, confused as to what Noah was talking about.

"Concentrate. It's extremely faint, but you'll sense it if you are careful enough.." Noah responded instantly, and the others, although confused as to what he was talking about, decided to do what they were told.

"Ugh… hold on.. I can sense something.." Within a few seconds, Gerald gritted his teeth and whispered softly under his breath, as he realized that he could feel the presence of something a few miles away. As Noah said, the presence was faint, but it was definitely there. And Gerald could tell that it wasn't the presence of a human being either.

The others turned to look at him with a surprised expression, as they weren't able to sense anything at all.

Gerald continued to concentrate and he muttered under his breath, "I think… I think it's happening near Salem Street." He opened his eyes and let out a sigh as he leaned back to the trunk of the tree behind him, catching his breath.

'Not everyone has the same reach when it comes to senses, huh…' Noah had a curious expression on his face. Gerald could identify the spot from where the presence was coming from, while the others couldn't. 

Was this because of a difference in raw talent, or is it simply because the others didn't try hard enough?

But the answers to his questions had to wait, as they had something to take care of. 

"Guys, I think you know what we have to do.." Noah said with a serious expression on his face as he stared at the four boys in front of him.

"Oh, for f*ck's sake! I can't believe I am not going to get the sleep that I need!" Alphonso sounded annoyed as he clicked his tongue in response, but everyone knew that he wasn't planning on abandoning the mission, even though he was whining too much about it.


The boys turned their direction from their houses to Salem Street, and the group of superhumans shot through the forest area, jumping on the branches with incredible speed and blending in with the dense jungle in an instant.


The Detectives, along with Commander Larsen and Agent Alan, as well as a few other officers, followed the large man who brought them to the Chief's front gate. He slowly opened the gate and stepped inside, and the others followed him. 

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The detectives didn't seem intrigued, but the Commander definitely was interested in the marble panels that they were walking on, which were floating on top of an enormous pond that flowed under it. 

"This Chief of yours, he's a really rich man, isn't he.." Commander Larsen spoke to the large man who was guiding them to the Chief's front door. The man glanced at the Commander for a split second, but did not respond to the Commander's question.

"Not too much of a talker, eh.." The Commander didn't seem too displeased about being ignored, and let out a soft chuckle. 

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The group of men stepped onto the entrance and stood in front of an enormous black door that looked like a monolith that was sent from the future, and the large man stretched out his hand and rang the doorbell.

The door slowly opened within seconds after pushing the doorbell, and the beautiful Nichole appeared in front of the group of men and gracefully bowed her head.

"Master is waiting for you all in the living room. Please follow me," Nichole spoke in an elegant tone, before turning around and entering back into the house, and the others looked at the large man, who didn't seem like he was going to enter the building with them. The men then entered the house, following Nichole.

The Commander was admiring the interior design of the house as the group entered the living room where an old man sat near the fireplace. The old man was of course, Chief Henry, who was looking clean compared to his dirt covered appearance just a few minutes ago.

"Welcome, detectives…" Chief Henry said with a smile on his face, showing off his bright white teeth as he got up and walked towards them. 

Commander Larsen studied him with his sharp gaze as he walked towards them. Chief Henry was wearing a dark blue suit which seemed to have been tailor made for him. He wore a seemingly expensive ring on both of his hands, with which he was fiddling around with.

'Is he nervous?' Commander Larsen raised an eyebrow as he saw how often the Chief was touching his ring, twisting and turning it for no reason. 

"What brings you all here to my humble abode?" Chief Henry said with his usual smile as he stretched both of his hands out wide. "Surely, it's not because you all missed me, right?"

"Chief Henry, we're here because we want to investigate this neighborhood." Detective Harry took a step forward and spoke with a serious expression. "We believe that there is something present in this neighborhood that may have something to do with the murders that are happening all over the city."

"So you need me, as well as the whole neighborhood, to cooperate with the police's investigation, is that it?" Chief Henry replied with a soft chuckle, and Detective Harry raised his eyebrows. He felt like he wasn't being taken seriously, which annoyed him very much.

"You know that your request is going to be near impossible to fulfill, right?" Chief Henry said as he took a deep breath. He continued, "With the history that this neighborhood has with the police, I'm afraid you're going to have to find another way to investigate, Detective." 

Detective Harry squinted his eyes as he stared at the seemingly confident Chief Henry. He wasn't liking this. Not one bit. 

"Chief Henry, I'm afraid you don't understand the gravity of this situation." Detective Lewis stepped forward and interjected into the conversation. "People are dying, and of there's a way that you can help-"

"This conversation is over, detectives." However, his attempts to change the mind of the Chief were cut short. Chief Henry stared at Lewis' face as he spoke coldly. 

Right then…

"Ch- Chief!" All of a sudden, a young man barged into the room, looking pale and scared. "A large truck has broken past the front gate without authorization!"

"What did you say?" The Chief's eyes widened. The Detectives too were surprised at what they were hearing.

Commander Larsen on the other hand, seemed cool as a cucumber as he spoke softly, "Ah, they're here."

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