Beast Soul

Chapter 20 - FLESH

"W-We did it…." Noah stared at the furry beast's dead body and mumbled under his breath. He then turned to look at Wolfe, who was standing victoriously in front of the creature's corpse, one foot on top of the body with his head tilted up to the sky. He mumbled again, ".... I-I can't believe we actually did it!"

Noah then shifted his gaze towards his hands, unsure of what to think about himself. He could faintly remember his hands transforming into something different, so he could very well be the culprit behind the murders of the Vice Principal and the soccer coach. But right now, Noah couldn't help but feel happy about his accomplishment.

Some would say the last few days of his life have been the worst, and Noah wouldn't necessarily disagree. It did indeed have its fair share of horrible moments. However, in spite of all that, Noah was happier than ever now. He couldn't remember the last time he was this happy in his life. 

"Maybe the creature that attacked me on the bridge was all part of my destiny..." Noah murmured to himself. He didn't know whether he was being delusional or not, but he didn't care. For the first time in his life, Noah felt as though he had found his purpose in life.

All of a sudden…

"Argh..." Noah felt a sharp pain in his head and the colour drained from his face, and he stumbled backward before he fell, crumpling down to the ground like a puppet suddenly released from its strings.

"Ugh… no, no, no..." Noah fell on his back, and felt his vision weakening, and began mumbling to himself. "Not this again.. not right now..."

And then, suddenly, Noah started to shake violently, as though he was convulsing. His iris, which was black in colour, began to dissolve with the rest of his eye, forming a pure black void within his eye socket. His arms began to change as well, as scales began to develop over his whole arm and his nails began to stretch outwards, turning into claws. The veins in his face became visible through his skin, and from his mouth popped out two large fangs, each from the sides. 


Noah sprung up from the ground in an instant, kneeling down with both his hands on the grass as a loud growl escaped his lips. "Grrrr..." The sound of his bones breaking was heard as he growled, following which the skin on his back began to be torn open and two long bones with branches of short bones on each of them popped out from the inside.

Noah screamed in pain as thin, delicate, translucent membranes of skin stretched over the bones, forming wings that were similar in structure to that of Wolfe's.

The dragon, Wolfe, who was watching the whole thing happening right in front of his eyes, tilted his head and let out a loud roar into the sky. He then moved his clawed foot from the corpse of the furry creature, and let out a strange sound.


The transformed Noah roared loudly, as though he was responding to the dragon's roar and he turned his head towards the creature's lifeless body.


Noah stomped his foot down on the ground and leapt onto the creature's lifeless body, gripping onto its flesh tightly using his curved, dagger-like claws.

He then plunged his claws into the corpse's chest, piercing through its body and ripping open its rib cage as if it was nothing. Blood was flowing out of the corpse's torn open chest as Noah's clawed hands rummaged through the meat and bones, until his hands landed on a large mass of flesh and his eyes widened.


He grabbed onto the large lump of flesh and pulled it out from the corpse's chest, while roaring loudly into the sky. The fleshy mass detached from the interior of the creature's chest, and Noah raised it high into the air as he roared again.

In his hands was what appeared to be the heart of the furry beast. It was ten times larger than that of a human's, although its structure was surprisingly quite similar. 

Noah lowered his hands and pulled the heart of the furry beast closer to his chest, his eyes gleaming, as if he was lusting for the giant mass of flesh.


With a loud roar, Noah licked his lips and flashed his teeth as he began to tear the animal's heart with rapacious intensity. He tugged at the flesh, as blood dribbled from his hands, down his clothes and onto the leaf-strewn ground.

The dragon, Wolfe, turned his head away, as though he was afraid of what he was witnessing. 

Moments passed by, and Noah licked his hands clean. There was nothing left of the dead creature's heart. He had devoured it all. Noah then raised his head and roared into the sky. An incredible, bellowing, air-shaking roar of satisfaction!

All of a sudden-


Noah heard it all with extreme clarity. Because of the speed of sound, and because of how much his senses had improved when he transformed. He heard the soft noise of something powerful hitting him right on the shoulder, and within a split second, he was flung back onto the ground with a loud noise.

"Did I get it?" Richard Edgerton lowered his rifle and slowly began crouching forward through the tall grass while wearing camouflage clothing. 


Wolfe, who saw Noah being flung into the air before falling down to the ground, roared loudly in rage, and opened his mouth as flames emerged.

"Shit!" Richard, who noticed the flames heading in his direction, cursed before immediately rolling to the sides, narrowly avoiding being burned alive.

Immediately after he finished rolling, he positioned himself, pulled the rifle close to his face and adjusted the scope right on his left eye, aiming at the dragon's chest, and then pulled the trigger.


Wolfe felt a sudden, sharp pain run up his chest to his skull, which made him roar loudly in pain before being pushed down to the ground.


The large creature slammed down, wheezing and panting, as Richard Edgerton waited for confirmation. He had his rifle aimed at the creature. His finger still on the trigger. In case he needed to take a second shot. 


All of a sudden, Noah's figure sprinted towards the fallen Wolfe, grabbing him by the tail as his giant wings sprung open and flapped down, resulting in a burst of air that pushed down to the ground, and both Noah and Wolfe shot up into the sky like a rocket! 

All of this happened in less than a second, and Richard Edgerton immediately readjusted his rifle and shot again, but by then, Noah was already way up in the air with Wolfe in his hands.

Richard watched as the two creatures disappeared from his view and he couldn't help but yell, "Motherf*cker!"

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