Beast Soul

Chapter 22 - Failing To Comprehend


Noah was awakened by a strange noise followed by something nudging his head. The noise seemed to be coming from his side, and with great effort, Noah opened his eyes.

Above him, Noah saw the wide and long branches of the sequoia tree and the beautiful green leaves that were covering the black night sky. He turned his head and saw a few broken branches lying next to him. They seemed to have fallen down.

"Ugh..." He groaned as he looked around. He saw Wolfe, the dragon, nudging his face using its snout, and he patted the creature's long face.

He then slowly bent his head down and stared at his body. His previously clean clothes were now torn and covered in blood, but thankfully, the transformations seemed to have subsided, with his hands now looking normal. He then reached for his shoulder blades and found that the wings that had sprouted from his upper back were gone as well.

"Thank god..." Noah breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that these transformations were permanent, but fortunately, his body had reverted back to its normal state. Although he had no idea how long his normal state would last, considering the transformation was completely random.

"Just what the hell is happening to me?" He clutched his head tightly as he felt pain and a wave of dizziness. He didn't know why he tried to fight against the furry beast. He didn't know why he knew how to fly, even though he didn't have any clue that he had sprouted actual wings on his back. And most importantly, he didn't know why all of these bizzare events were happening to him.

He took a deep breath and then got up from the ground, leaning onto the dragon's body for support. The dragon, Wolfe, opened his mouth and licked Noah's head. 

"What the hell was that thing attacking us?" Noah thought back to what happened a few hours ago. He didn't get a good look at the enemy that was attacking Wolfe, but he could somehow feel that it was human. How on earth could he feel that? He had no idea. But if he had wings that could magically spring out from his back anytime, then he assumed that what he was feeling was also probably true.

But what the hell did he shoot at us? Noah lightly touched his shoulders, where he was shot. It didn't look like any normal bullet. And it definitely didn't wound him like a bullet either. He had never seen or heard something like that before. 

Whatever it was, Noah knew that it was dangerous. Even though Noah considered himself to be superhuman, the attack certainly made him feel a tremendous amount of pain. He wasn't even sure if he could've taken another shot. 

"What the hell do I do now?" Noah scratched his head. He didn't know if he could go home anymore, considering there was someone dangerous trying to kill him. But now he has reverted back to his normal human self, perhaps it might be best if he just returned home. 

He considered not going back to his home for a few days, but given how paranoid his mother was, he knew that she would most definitely call the police and report him as missing if he even missed one night. And if the person who was after him finds his disappearance suspicious and decides to investigate him, then he might end up figuring out that Noah isn't exactly human. And if this person isn't exactly a good guy, then he could definitely use Noah's identity to his advantage.

"I guess the best thing to do right now is to go home and act normal, huh..." Noah sighed. This wasn't what he wanted. He wanted answers. He wanted to understand what was happening. He wanted to feel safe.

Instead, he had to act like everything was normal and fake feeling safe when that really wasn't the case. And he hated that. But right now, he had no other choice.


The dragon, Wolfe, tilted his head and looked at Noah as if he was confused by his facial expression, and Noah patted his snout with a bitter smile on his face. "I'm sorry, Wolfe. But I have to leave you for now." He then shifted his gaze towards the dragon's chest. "Is it still hurting, Wolfe?"

He was asking about the attack from before. It had hit Wolfe right in the chest. Noah was concerned about Wolfe, but the dragon simply shook his head and let out a strange noise, as if showing him that he was fine.

"Ha, you're just doing that to not make me feel bad for leaving you, right?" Noah snickered as he petted the dragon. He then looked the dragon in the eyes and said, "Alright! Hide on top of the sequoia tree. And no matter what happens, do not come down unless I call for you. Do you understand?"


The creature roared loudly in response, and Noah nodded his head. "Good!"

After saying goodbye to the dragon, he walked out of the forested area and entered the main street, and walked towards his house.

------------ BEAST SOUL ------------

Lewis was sitting inside of his blue convertible, which was parked on the opposite side of the Harrington Apartment Complex, and was staring at the parking garage right next to the building, wondering to himself whether he had just stumbled onto something important.

He was driving past Hardy Street, which was five hundred meters away from the Arayal Hills, surveying the area, when he saw something cross the road right in front of him with frightening speed. 

Lewis was caught off guard and immediately turned his steering wheel and pressed the brake, which made the car swivel on the road before coming to a stop.

After catching his breath and making sure he hadn't hit anything, Lewis turned his car around and went back to the spot where the incident occurred, finding it to be near the apartment complex. So it was likely that whatever crossed the road either entered the apartment or the parking garage which was right next to it.

Lewis parked his car opposite the apartment complex. He then reached in and grabbed the radio from the dashboard. "Harry." 

"Lewis," Harry said, over the radio. "What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Lewis remembered. Although it went by in a flash, he knew what he had seen. It wasn't a human. And it wasn't an animal that he knew of. It looked different. 

He pulled the radio close to his lips. "Harry, I think I found something."

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