Beast Soul

Chapter 30 - Training

"The f*ck?" Jamie and Benny watched in surprise as the mysterious figure knocked out Victor with just one punch.

'Is this guy really an athlete?' Jamie thought to himself. After all, Victor was a boxer. He had won the junior state boxing championship just last year, so he definitely was a good boxer. And he definitely knew how to take hits. 

And yet, this person had knocked him out with a single punch, as though he was nothing. 

'F*ck, did we encounter a professional?' Jamie frowned. This wasn't how his day was supposed to go. He liked to fight, but he liked to fight when he knew he's going to win. But fighting someone who was a professional? He definitely wasn't ready for that.

"Look, man.." Jamie raised both his hands and said with a forced smile on his face. "I feel like there has been a misunderstanding here."

Noah tilted his head to the side. 'Is he seriously trying to talk his way out of this situation?' He thought to himself. 

'Was he really that spineless?' Noah clicked his tongue. These pathetic losers, they only knew how to bully the weak, and yet cower when they face a real threat. 

'I can't believe I feared these kinds of people…' Noah clenched his fists. He was ashamed of bowing down to Billy so easily. He was ashamed of enduring all that humiliation for so long. He was ashamed of not standing up sooner.

"Did you say that there's been a misunderstanding?" Noah raised his head up and stared at Jamie, which sent chills down his spine. 

'What the hell?' Jamie thought. He couldn't believe that he was afraid of someone's glare. But he could feel it in his bones. The fear. It was as real as it could get. 'Who is this guy?' 

"Uh, yes.. I think you just jumped to conclusions without understanding the situation here." Jamie tried to speak calmly, attempting to reduce the tension in the air.

Unfortunately for Jamie, his opponent was not so gullible. "So you're telling me that young man is lying there, beaten and bruised, not because of your actions?" Noah spoke with a cold and emotionless voice as he pointed his fingers at the injured Ken on the ground. 

Jamie's face turned ugly for a split second, before it returned to normal. A normal person wouldn't have caught that small change. But Noah did. "I know that it looks bad…" Jamie stretched out both of his hands, standing in a defensive pose and continued speaking with a troubled smile on his face. "But you have to understand.." He pointed his fingers at Ken. ".. He stole our money."

Bullsh*t, Noah thought to himself. He wanted to roll his eyes. He had heard the conversation between Jamie and Ken. There was no mention of money being stolen. Clearly, Jamie was lying.

"Oh he did?" Noah, who obviously wasn't buying his words, decided to play along with the farce that was being put on by these clowns. 

"Y-Yeah, yeah!" Hearing Noah's interest in his story, Jamie furiously nodded his head, and then turned to look at Benny. "Isn't that right, Benny?"

"H-Huh? Oh.. oh! Y-Yeah…" Benny, who was caught off guard by the sudden question, took a few seconds to reply, stammering as he tried to give a proper answer. "H-He's telling the truth. I swear on my mother's grave."

'Did they really think anyone would buy this?' As he watched these two idiots try to wiggle their way out of this situation, Noah shook his head and let out a heavy sigh. 

'They act all mighty and scary when they're in front of weak and frail boys. But in reality, they're fakers.." Noah clicked his tongue. He already knew this. But after seeing these two clowns act in front of him, he couldn't help but be reminded of the true nature of these bullies. 

"Parasites…" Noah whispered under his breath. No one heard his words, except for him. "Parasites who feed off the fear of the weak…" 

Noah clenched his fists, and he began walking towards Jamie and Benny, which made the two flinch in fear and take a few steps back. 

"What the hell, man?" Jamie raised his voice as he stared at the approaching mysterious figure. His voice was trembling. "Didn't you hear what we just said?"

"Oh I did." Noah replied as he continued walking. 

"W-Well then why are you coming towards us?" Jamie screamed, his voice getting louder and louder with every step Noah took. 

"Because..." Noah stopped moving, and stared at Jamie. "I don't believe a single word that came out of your mouth."

"Y-You f*cker!" Jamie, who felt as though he was being made fun of, was embarrassed by Noah's words. But he was also afraid. Because of this, he could only yell at him, but was too scared to approach him.

"What are you doing?" Ella's annoyed voice came from behind the two. She stared at the back of Jamie and Benny, and pulled out the lollipop from her mouth, which was now half the original size. "Haven't you taken care of this pervert yet?" She spoke with a slightly annoyed expression on her face. "Just beat him up. It's not that hard. Geez…"

'Shut the f*ck up b*tch!' Jamie wanted to scream as loud as he could into the sky. What was she saying? Was this b*tch this dumb?

'Beat him up? It's not that hard?' Jamie felt the urge to strangle her. If it was so easy, then why doesn't she do it herself?

"Bro, I didn't want to tell you this before.." Benny turned to Jamie and whispered. "But your girlfriend's pretty dumb."

"F*ck off!" Jamie clicked his tongue, but he didn't leave his gaze from Noah.

"Are you going to listen to your girlfriend?" Noah, who saw that Jamie was frustrated, tried to aggravate him even more. "Want to beat me up? Go ahead." Noah patted his chest with his fist.

Tap! Tap!

"Give it your best shot."

"Y-You motherf*cker!" Jamie, who sounded like he had enough of Noah's tauntings, balled up his fists and charged forward.


He ran straight into Noah, who simply stood there, without moving. 

"Take this, you f*cker!" Jamie screamed out loud as he swung his left fist right at Noah's face.

'Here it comes!' Noah saw the fist approaching. It was quick, but Noah could see it clearly. 

'Come on. Dodge…' Noah tilted his head down, trying to evade the blow, but unfortunately for him, he was still too late to move, and the fist hit him right in the face.


"Ha ha ha! How do you like that, motherf*cker!" Jamie let out a loud laughter as he waited for Noah to fall down onto the ground. But he never did.

"Is that all you've got?" Noah said as he grabbed Jamie's fist, and pulled it back from his face. 

"W-What the?" Jamie couldn't believe what he was seeing. Jamie wasn't exactly a great fighter, but he was confident that his punches were insanely powerful. Anyone who decided to take it head on, would most definitely be on the ground and knocked out. 

And yet, here this guy was, still standing after taking on his punch at full strength. 

"Weak," The mysterious figure said, and Jamie couldn't help but flinch. 

He tried to pull his arm back, but to no avail. Noah had his fist gripped tightly in his hands. 

"Let him go!" Benny yelled out as he rushed towards Noah, swinging his fist at him.

Noah, on the other hand, still had his gaze on Jamie, who was using all his strength to pull his hand back. 

'Not yet,' Noah thought. He wasn't about to end this right now. Not so soon. He hadn't learned how to fight properly. He still couldn't dodge. "And most importantly," His gaze then shifted towards Ken, who was lying on the floor. "These f*ckers need to learn their lesson!"


All of a sudden, Noah pushed Jamie backwards, causing his body to spin in the air due to the immense force and slam his back against the wall before falling down face first onto the ground as he screamed in pain.

"AHHHHHHH!" Ignoring the horrified and ear piercing screams of Ella, who just watched her boyfriend get thrown into the air like a ragdoll, Noah turned around to face the fast approaching Benny, who was already in the middle of swinging his fist.

'He's aiming for my chest..' Noah predicted the direction of the attack. But by then, it was too late to evade the punch. 

'If I can't evade it, then…' Noah narrowed his eyes. With his mind made up, Noah stretched out his right hand.


Noah's hand moved quickly, trying to catch Benny's fist before it could connect with its intended target, his chest.

'Come on, come on…' Noah, who could see Benny's fist getting closer and closer to his chest, was getting anxious. Would he make it?


Right before Benny's fist could collide with his chest, Noah's right hand stretched forward and caught his wrist, stopping the attack in its tracks!

Just as he caught Benny's wrist, the anxious expression on Noah's face was immediately replaced by a wide grin, and he whispered, "Bingo!"

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