Beast Soul

Chapter 33 - Monster War

"Wha- wha- What the f*ck!" Harold screamed loudly, and the group watched in horror as the stomach of the human body ripped open like paper, and from inside of it, shot out multiple fleshy vines with terrifying animal mouths on each of its tips!

The vine monsters wiggled in the air, trembling furiously, before opening their mouths, revealing their sharp teeth and long, disgusting tongues, and shouting loudly!


The monster - vine mouths let out an ear screeching noise, and at the same time, Gerald yelled out, "What the actual f*ck?!"

"Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!" Harold, who was on the ground, immediately leapt up and dashed towards the rest of the group, who were slowly backing away from the terrifying 'stomach monster'.


However, just then, a loud noise came from behind them, and all of a sudden, their entire surroundings were covered by dust, which had burst out from the back as though an explosion had occurred.

"What the hell?" Alphonso covered his eyes and mouth as he spoke, coughing loudly while he did so. "What was that? Where on earth did all that dust come from?"

"AHHHHH!" Harold, who had immediately turned around to see what was happening, let out an ear piercing scream, which forced the rest of the group to turn around as well.

"What the f*ck is that?!" Gerald shouted. His face had now turned completely pale, and so did the faces of the rest of the group. Standing behind them was a giant spider-like creature with a humanoid looking upper body on top, glaring at them with its crimson red eyes. 

"Oh you have got to be sh*tting me!" Harold cursed under his breath. "I knew I should've not come out of the house to smoke weed today.."

"What the hell do we do now?" Alphonso screamed. He had raised both his hands up to his chest in an attempt to protect himself, but looking at the size of the spider-like creature that was standing menacingly in front of them, it didn't give him any reassurance of his survival.

Gerald turned his head and glanced at the vine-like stomach monster that was now behind them, and then back to the spider creature, and bit his lips. His hands were trembling in fear. He didn't know what to do. Looking at the humongous figure of the creature in front of them, which was as tall as some of the school buses in their school, he definitely didn't have any hope in actually making out of this situation alive.

"Calm down," He whispered under his breath to the rest. "No sudden movements. It hasn't attacked us yet." He said as he scanned the spider-like creature's entire body. "From the looks of it, it's probably studying us."

"S- Studying us?" Harold asked with a soft voice, his gaze still on the monster in front of them. 

"At least, that's what I think," Gerald replied. "It's probably intrigued. Perhaps it's waiting for us to make a move. Either way, it's not attacking us right now. So whatever it is that we're doing right now, it's working."

"Wh- How the f*ck are you so calm right now?!" Alphonso bit his lips as he looked at Gerald. 

"I have no clue, alright." Gerald replied, slightly shrugging his shoulders as he spoke. "I guess I was in the boy scouts when I was young."

"Since when the f*ck did the boy scouts start training to fight monsters?" Alphonso stared at Gerald with a frustrated expression. 

"Look, I- I don't know, okay?" Whispered Gerald. "I just- I just don't want to die.." He said with a shaky voice. 

Alphonso shifted his gaze towards Gerald's arm, and saw that he was trembling. 

'Well, sh*t…' Alphonso said as he let out a heavy sigh. 'I guess he wasn't so calm after all.'

"For now, everyone just stay absolutely still." Gerald said.

The rest of the group nodded their heads. Gerald breathed in and out in a rhythmic manner, trying to calm himself.

'I said all that, but we can't stand here all day long.' Gerald thought as his gaze shifted towards the sewage opening through which they entered this circular space. 'That opening might be our only way of getting out of here.'

The question was, how on earth would they be able to make their way towards the opening without dying at the hands of these two monsters?

Max, who was also surprised and afraid of the situation, turned to look at the vine-like monster that had burst out of the stomach of the human body, and all of a sudden, his eyes widened.

"We need to move back!" Max said as soon as he turned back around, and the rest of the group looked at him with confused gazes. 


"I'm sorry, what?!" "

Are you kidding me right now?"

"It's our only chance!" Max said with a straight face, his eyes fixed on their faces. He whispered, "Please! You need to trust me."

"Are you really talking about trust right now!" Harold said with an angry, and yet soft voice. "Don't forget that it's your fault we're in this mess!"

"I know that, but you have to trust me once more," Max pleaded. "This is the only way that we can survive!"

"No, the only way to survive is through that opening!" Alphonso shook his head and turned his gaze towards the sewage opening that they had entered through. "We just have to find out a way to distract that-"


Alphonso's words were interrupted by the growling of the spider-like creature, and everyone turned silent and pale. 


The creature growled again, and silently took a step forward, standing right in front of Alphonso, who was scared out of his wits. 


The monster's head reached forward, and the air burst out its nostrils and onto Alphonso, causing dust that surrounded them to fly all over the atmosphere.

"Guys!" Max whispered under his breath. Gerald shifted his gaze towards Max without moving his head, and Max continued speaking, "In three seconds, I'm going to turn around and run towards the vine monster."

"What? No!" Harold whispered. "Don't do it Max!"

"You're going to have to trust me, guys.." Max said, and then began to count down. "Three.."

"Max, don't you dare.." Gerald said.


"Don't do it!" Harold said. Alphonso, who still had the creature staring straight at him, couldn't speak, but he certainly wouldn't have agreed with Max either.



As soon as he finished speaking, Max turned around and dashed towards the middle of the circular sewage space, and the creature, which had instantly shifted its gaze onto him, rushed forward as well, roaring loudly as it moved.


"Max!" Gerald yelled out as he watched the spider-like creature rush towards Max with incredible speed.

Step! Step! Step!

Max was running like crazy. He saw the vine monsters snarling at him, but nevertheless, he rushed forward and leapt over the human body, ignoring the vine monsters, and slid right behind the pile of sand that contained the corpse.


The large spider creature growled loudly as it charged towards the spot where Max was, but right then, the vine monsters revealed their long and sharp teeth and shot out towards the spider creature, sinking their teeth onto its skin within seconds!


The creature roared loudly as it tried to pull the vine monsters and rip their heads off, but their long and slimy skin prevented it from grabbing hold of it.

"Alphonso!" As this was going on, Gerald rushed over to Alphonso, who had now landed on his knees and was gasping for air. He knelt alongside him and asked, "Are you alright?"

"Haa.. Ha.." Alphonso, who still had trouble speaking, breathed in and out. "I was almost eaten by a giant f*cking spider. Of course I'm not alright!" He said while breathing heavily.

"Gerald!" Harold called over to him, which prompted Gerald to turn his gaze towards him. "Look!" Harold pointed at the sewer opening, which was now completely open, without any obstacles that could stop them from leaving. Harold said with a happy smile, "Our way out!"

Right then!

"Look out!" Gerald yelled out all of a sudden and pushed Harold down to the ground, falling along with him as the spider-like creature was flung back onto the opening with a loud noise.


The creature had been pushed back by the vine monsters, and the impact caused the roof right above the sewer opening to collapse and fall down, covering the entire entrance with rocks and boulders.

"Oh you have got to be f*cking kidding me!" Harold, who saw the entrance collapsing right in front of his eyes, cursed out in frustration. 

"We have to go, now!" Gerald, who had already leapt up from the ground, said as he pulled Harold up. He pointed at the spider creature, which although stuck under the boulders, was still trying to move. "Looks like that thing is not dead yet."

Harold nodded, and the two reluctantly rushed towards the vine monsters, calling for Alphonso as they charged forward.

"Come on Alphonso!" Gerald yelled, and Alphonso clicked his tongue before leaping up and following them.

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