Beast Soul

Chapter 36 - Unexpected Arrival

"This might be our chance!" Gerald said, and he tapped Harold by his shoulders. "He's right!" Max stepped forward and pointed at the opening, and said, "If the outcome of the fight is declared right now, and the spider creature comes out on top, then our deaths will be inevitable."

"Alphonso, are you ready?" Gerald said as he tapped Alphonso on his shoulder. "I- I'm fine.." Alphonso replied.

"Good," Gerald said, and after taking a long breath, he yelled, "LET'S GO!" As soon as he finished speaking, the boys dashed forward through the dust storm, heading towards the sewer opening, running like crazy.

"Sh*t! Let's f*cking go!" Alphonso yelled out loudly, as though he was trying to motivate himself, as he rushed towards the opening.

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" Harold screamed along with him, and the group passed by the spot where the two monsters had landed.


The spider creature roared loudly, as though proclaiming its victory, and it slammed its foot on top of the corpse, which made the vine monsters let out an ear piercing noise as they wiggled furiously in the air.


The spider creature slammed its hands on one of the vine monsters and splattering it on the ground, spreading green liquid all over its face and on the walls.


The spider creature licked the green liquid that covered its mouth, and then its head turned and its gaze shifted to the group of boys who were rushing towards the opening.


The creature roared loudly, and Alphonso instinctively turned his head towards the spot where the creature was, causing them to lock eyes.

"Oh f*ck!" Alphonso was terrified by the red eyes of the spider creature, which were locked on to him as though it had chosen him as its first target.


The creature leapt up from on top of the corpse and charged towards the boys, and as soon as it did, Alphonso yelled out, "The monster's coming!"

The group, who were already running as fast as they could, now increased their speed even more, but the creature, which was obviously quicker than a group of young boys, arrived behind them in almost no time.

"F*ck!" Alphonso cursed out loud as the monster that was right behind him, jumped up with a loud roar, aiming for him!

Right then...


All of a sudden, the surroundings began to shake violently, and before the monster could grab Alphonso, the roof of the circular space exploded with a loud noise, causing dust and boulders to fly all over the place, as a giant shadow burst through the roof and collided with the spider creature, slamming it onto the floor with a loud noise!


The sudden attack contained a tremendous amount of force that the boys were pushed sideways because of the impact, as boulders began to rain heavily.


The spider monster that was slammed down on the ground screamed loudly in anger, but right then, a hand burst out of the dust storm grabbed the spider creature's legs and whipped it away, causing it to slam against the wall on the other side, resulting in a loud noise.

The mysterious figure stepped forward, and his footsteps caused the dust surrounding him to push away, revealing this person's features and face.

"GRRR!" The figure growled. His iris as well as his entire eye was completely black, and scales were present all over the man's body. His hands had claws protruding outwards, and he had sharp canine teeth that were clearly visible.

It was, of course, Noah.

---------- Beast Soul ---------

A few minutes earlier…

"Gah!" Noah landed on top of one of the buildings nearby with a loud noise. Fortunately for him, the building was extremely tall, and no one could see him standing there.

"Wha- what the hell…" Noah whispered under his breath as he covered his face using his hands, breathing in and out.

The black colour that now filled the entirety of his eyes, were slowly fading away and returning the iris back to its original form.

"I- What the hell did I do?" Noah thought back to the events that transpired just a few minutes ago, and he couldn't help but squint his eyes and make a grunting noise.

"I- I went too far.. too far…" He kept repeating what he said over and over, and he knelt down on the floor. 

Noah had lost control of himself once again, this time while he was back in the alleyway, in the middle of beating up those bullies. 

"I wasn't planning on stopping…" He mumbled softly. He could feel it in his bones. That murderous impulse. That thirst for blood. 

Noah tilted his head up and looked at the sky as he breathed in and out, trying to calm himself down. 

'This is bad..' He thought to himself. "I can't walk around the neighborhood if I can't properly control myself. People might get seriously hurt. Or even worse, they might get killed."

Noah didn't know exactly when he had lost total control of his body, but he was definitely sure that he did. This time, it wasn't as though he had blacked out or anything. He did remember trying to beat up those three bullies, and he did remember him knocking out the first bully within the first few seconds of the fight. That was all him. But after that..

"It just kept slowly escalating…" Noah murmured to himself, as he bit his lips. That's right, it wasn't a sudden shift, switch that had been flicked on. No, this was a slow and gradual change that invaded Noah's mind, like a parasite.

At first, he wanted to beat them up simply to teach them a lesson. But after a few punches, his anger towards the bullies began to grow larger and larger, and before he knew it, he had completely lost control of himself, taken over by something sinister.

He had thought that he would be able to control it, but if he can't even tell when the change is happening, then can he really put an end to this madness?

"I have no other choice but to control it myself…" He said to himself, but before he could do any thinking, he heard the loud screeching noise once again, and suddenly, he felt his head spinning, and his vision darkening.

"No, no, no, no…" Noah began repeating over and over as he clutched his head, afraid that he'll lose control of himself once again. 

"Leave… it… to me…" A sinister sounding voice exited from Noah's mouth. The voice didn't even sound remotely similar to Noah's normal voice. This voice was more rusty and harsh. Noah spoke as though he was having trouble speaking, but in just a few seconds, he bent his upper body backwards, his head slamming down onto the ground as he let out a loud scream. 


The scream sounded more like a growl than a scream, and right when it ended, he leapt up from the ground with an indifferent expression on his face, as though nothing was wrong. His iris had now completely expanded, the blackness covering his entire eyes.

"Sleep, for now…" The transformed Noah said in a hushed tone, before leaping up into the sky.


Present Time.


The giant spider creature slammed onto the wall with a loud noise, sending dust and debris flying once again.

"GRRRR!" Transformed Noah, who seemed to have lost all control of his mind yet again, growled loudly while showing his teeth, his gaze now fixated on the spider creature that was stuck to the wall.


Noah slammed his foot onto the ground with a tremendous amount of force and shot forward, targeting the spider creature, who growled back and swung its sharp clawed palm.


Right before the spider creature's hand landed on Noah, he opened his mouth, and all of a sudden, flames began bursting out from inside of his throat and shooting down onto the ground, propelling him upwards and causing the clawed hands of the spider creature to miss its target.


Noah shot down from above the spider creature, swinging his leg downwards and slamming his foot onto the spider creature's head.


The spider creature immediately raised its head, and from its mouth shot out the glue-like substance, which stuck onto Noah's face, causing him to lose his perception.


Noah missed his target and slammed down onto the ground, and the spider creature instantly attacked with its sharp legs, flinging Noah backwards and onto the rubble that was right behind him with a loud noise.


"Ugh…" Gerald groaned softly under his breath as he opened his eyes. "What the hell happened?" He mumbled to himself as he placed his hand on his head. His head was hurting. 

He then started looking around the ruined sewer space, which was now covered in dust, debris and boulders.. "Where are the rest?" Gerald said to himself as he tried to find his friends, and his eyes landed on the corpse monster, which was lying under a large boulder, unable to move.

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