Beast Soul

Chapter 56 - Progeny

The lights turned on, and the interior of the storage room came into view. The room was filled with cobwebs and dust particles, and there was an old computer near the corner of the room, which didn't look like it was in a working condition. But it was the thing that was in the middle of the room that caught Clarice's attention the most.

"What the actual f*ck?" Clarice couldn't help but shout as she looked at the giant egg shaped objects that were right in the centre of the room. Although the strange objects had similar appearances to that of eggs, they all had dark brown colours and the outer shell of it seemed to have been made out a fleshy material, as it looked glossy and glistening.

"What the hell is going on here?" Clarice asked herself, unable to understand what the hell she had just walked into. 

Although disgusted and grossed out by what was in front of her, Clarice couldn't help but take a step forward, moving towards the group of enormous eggs with intrigue and mystery evident in her eyes.

"What in the world..?" Clarice walked up to one of the giant eggs, and extended her finger over to it, attempting to lightly poke the outer shell of the object.

Pluck! Pluck!

As soon as her finger touched the outer shell of the egg, a soft and squishy feeling entered into her body, which made her pull her arms back immediately, sending a chill down her spine.

The dark brown coloured outer shell of the egg, although it seemed strong and sturdy, was actually pretty soft and squishy, as though it was a pillow or a beanbag. 

"Don't tell me this is a boiled egg or something…" Clarice let out an awkward chuckle as she mumbled to herself. But right afterwards, her expression changed to that of complete seriousness.

"I don't think I should be here anymore…" She whispered softly under her breath, realizing the weird situation that she has found herself in, and decided to head out of the apartment.

Plop! Plop! Plop!

The sound of water droplets were heard once again, and right as Clarice was stepping back out of the storage room, she suddenly felt as though she had stepped on something slippery, and within seconds, her whole body was up in the air and crashed down onto the floor on her back.


The noise was so loud that it felt as though the whole floor had shook from the impact. 

"F*CK!" Clarice cursed out loudly due to the pain that she was feeling. Her head had slammed down hard against the floor. She didn't know if it was bleeding or not. 

"What the f*ck was that?" Clarice was furious. She clenched her fists tightly as she tried to get up from the floor. She placed both her hands on the floor in order to push her up into the air, and she instantly felt her hands getting slimy. 


"Ew, what the actual f*ck is this sh*t?" Clarice said in disgust as she raised her hand up to her face and looked at her palms which were covered in some sort of translucent sticky substance. 

"Oh my god, I'm going to puke…" Clarice held her forehead and tried her very best to resist throwing up, although it didn't seem to be working all that well. "Don't tell me that this is what I think it is…"

Plop! Plop!

As soon as she finished her sentence, she felt something slimy and wet hit the top of her head, and began dripping down, sliding from her hair down to her raised hands.


Clarice suddenly felt a coldness spread through her entire body, as though the temperature of the room had suddenly dropped.

Her hands began to tremble, and with a terrified expression on her face, she slowly tilted her head and looked up at the roof, and as soon as she did, her eyes widened, and her mouth dropped open.

"Wha- what in god's name…" She whispered softly. She didn't intend to whisper, but her voice couldn't even exit out of her throat properly, simply because of the sheer terror that she was currently feeling.

Stuck on top of the roof and hanging upside down was a dark and fleshy skinned creature with large translucent wings enveloping it from the sides, acting as though they were its shields.

The creature was bigger than a normal human being. It looked like it was the size of two Clarices, and she was already considered by many of the guys she dated to be 'too tall for a girl'.

The ears of the creature were anatomically completely different from that of a human ear, with the fleshy outer protrusion being extremely long, similar to the ears of a dog, albeit without the fur.

"Sh*t… sh*t… sh*t…" Clarice cursed repeatedly in a hushed tone. Although she desperately wanted to stop trembling, her body didn't listen to her mind. 

She didn't know what that creature was nor did she care. She didn't want the 'package' anymore. She only wanted to get the f*ck out of this apartment as fast as she could.

"Did it not notice me yet?" Clarice stared at the terrifying creature and asked herself, raising her eyebrows. The creature's head was turned away from her direction, so she wasn't sure whether or not it was awake and aware of her presence. 

'From the looks of it, it doesn't seem to have noticed me..' Clarice thought to herself. It looked like after the initial burst of pure horror wore off, she was able to think a bit more clearly. 

The creature didn't make any sort of large movements. And it certainly didn't look like it was aware of her presence. Although, Clarice told herself, looks can be deceiving. 

'For all I know, it could just not have a normal human face at all, there's a chance that it might be looking at me right now,' She said in her mind, reminding her to be cautious.

'Why on earth is this happening to me?' Clarice couldn't help but think to herself as she slowly got up from the floor carefully, making sure that she wasn't making any sort of noise.

But she had no answer. 

Tap! Tap! Tap!

While keeping an eye on the monster that was stuck to the roof, Clarice began slowly walking out of the room, taking one step at a time, careful to not make any noise as she moved.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

'Please, don't be awake..' Clarice prayed in her mind as she took a few more steps. She was now one step away from heading out of the room, and yet she couldn't help but feel as though that step was quite far from her reach.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

While Clarice's back was turned away from the room, the monster that was stuck to the wall began to shake violently, as its wings that enveloped it from both sides slowly began to spread out. 


A small rumbling voice was heard, as the monster tilted his head down, revealing a red eyed, long fanged creature with two large slits in place of a visible nose.

Drip! Drip! Drip!

The monster slightly opened its mouth, revealing a long and slimy tongue, which had a split in the middle. The monster's red eyes were fixed on Clarice's back, studying her every move.

Clarice, who didn't know that the monster was - contrary to her belief - actually awake, was simply trying to think of what she should do after taking the last step out of the room. Does she continue walking on tippy toes, or does she simply make a run for the balcony?

"Oh god, what's the right answer?" Clarice groaned softly with a frustrated expression on her face. She didn't want to be the one to make this important decision. But alas, there was no one else to do it for her.

As she was in the middle of thinking all of this, the monster that was hanging from the roof shifted its position of being upside down by using the clawed hands that were at the tip of its wings to clutch at the roof, and then removed its clawed feet off assuming a normal position. It then slightly moved its head forward, as though it was preparing to leap towards Clarice.

Right then…

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang all of a sudden, catching Clarice off guard.

'No, no, no… ' Clarice's face became pale. 'Who the hell is at the door now?'


"Marty! Is that you in there?" The landlord yelled out loudly from outside of the door. She seemed to have heard the loud noises from before, and came to check what was happening.

Clarice slowly turned her head back, and her eyes met with that of the monster, who was now a step closer to her.

They made eye contact with each other, and neither of them made a single movement.

"Marty?" The landlord yelled out once again, and then began banging on the door.



As soon as the banging began, the monster shot forward with incredible speed, and Clarice immediately ducked down, her eyes closed and her hands covering her head.

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