Beast Soul

Chapter 60 - A Way To Fight


A loud noise of something striking the ground, followed by a crashing sound, made the monster stop in its tracks, and look to the window. "Gah!" Clarice gasped, and from her mouth burst out blood and saliva, which dripped down onto her eyes and nose, causing her to cough continuously.

'Shit!' She cursed. She knew that there was a chance that the monster could've heard that noise, and so she tried to get up from the ground. 'Wha- What the..' All of a sudden, Clarice's eyes widened in surprise and horror, as she came to the realization that she couldn't move her body!

'Oh no…' Clarice's face immediately became pale as soon as she realized her current situation. She couldn't move, and was also near the vicinity of a flesh hungry monster who kills everything that it meets.

This was not at all a favourable situation for her!

'Shit! Why won't my body move?' Clarice tried to move her body once again, but to no avail. Her body wasn't listening to her mind, as though her control over it had been suddenly lost.

'Ah!' Clarice let out a short yelp as her vision began to get weaker and weaker, and she realised that she was slowly losing her consciousness. 

'F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!' Clarice cursed in her mind. All of a sudden, she could feel the back of her head getting wet and Clarice wanted to roll her eyes in order to express how she felt. The back of her head was bleeding due to the impact on the ground just a few seconds ago. 'Why the f*ck is this happening to me right now?' 

Clarice wanted to cry about her misfortune, but she couldn't even properly do that, as she couldn't move her facial muscles all that well. The most she could do is twitch her eyelids, as the teardrops began to drip out of her eye and run down her cheeks until they hit the ground.

At this point, she had completely given up on life, and was waiting for the monster to arrive quickly so that it could kill her instantly and end her seemingly never ending misery.


Harold was standing in front of the park, anxiously waiting for both Gerald and Alphonso to arrive. 

"Where the hell are those two…" Harold murmured to himself as he pulled up his wrist and checked the time once again. He had been doing that for a while now.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The sound of footsteps emerging could be heard, and the ears of Harold twitched, as he turned his head to the side and saw the two boys running towards him. Harold waved his hands at them, urging them to hurry up, and the two young men picked up their pace.

"Where the f*ck were you two?" Harold asked angrily as both Alphonso and Gerald arrived near him. "I've been waiting here for five minutes now." He said as he showed his watch, and Gerald waved his hands submissively. "Hey, don't ask me. I was just waiting for Alphonso to pick up… well, whatever it is that he's carrying..." He pointed at Alphonso, who had a couple of kitchen knives strapped to his waist and a large machete in his hand.

"What the f*ck did you buy?!" Harold almost screamed at him, with the way his voice gained power, but he immediately resisted the urge to yell. 

"What? You think this is all a bit too much?" Alphonso asked as he waved his machete in the air, and both Gerald Nd Harold took a step back, afraid of getting accidentally struck by the sharp blade of the weapon. 

"Yes!" Harold said with an annoyed expression on his face, his eyes still stuck on the machete in the air, as though he was afraid that the blade might fall on his neck if he wasn't careful. "Look at you!" He said while pointing at Alphonso, and continued, "You look ridiculous while wearing all that. Do you want to get caught by the police or something?"

"Oh, I'm sorry for trying to bring some weapons to protect myself," Alphonso replied with a sarcastic tone, as he rolled his eyes at the two boys who seemed disapproving of his actions. "At least I am aware of the dangerous situation that I'm getting into!"

He then pointed at the two of them and continued, "Don't tell me that you don't remember our situation back in the dungeon!" He roared loudly, which made even Harold flinch in surprise. "Because I remember damn well how helpless we all looked! I don't want to feel like that ever again in my life." He then patted the machete and the kitchen knives on his waist and said proudly, "I don't care how stupid this all looks, because with this, I'll at least have a chance at surviving.."

"We are mutants, you know…" Harold replied, and Alphonso shrugged his shoulders. "So? We don't even know what kind of superpowers we have. For all I know I could just have gotten the ability to pee at a greater distance."

Harold and Gerald stared at the proud Alphonso for a few more seconds, after which they turned to glance at each other. Silence reigned the surroundings. 

"Well damn, man…" Gerald whispered nervously, trying to break the silence. Harold walked up to Alphonso, placed his hand on his shoulder and whispered softly, "Do you think you can let me borrow one of your kitchen knives?"


"God damn it!" Max cursed as he looked out of the window for the sixth consecutive time. He still couldn't see anything unusual, but for some reason, he couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was happening.

He didn't know what, but he knew that he had to get out of his house. His body and mind were both urging him to leave, but he couldn't do it. He couldn't take the next step. Partly because his mother would get angry once again and would ground him for eternity. And partly because he was afraid.

"F*ck! I don't know!" He slapped his hand angrily on the wall, which made his mother yell at him loudly from the kitchen. "Max! Don't make noise! You don't want me to come up there now, do you?"

"No, mom! Sorry about that!" He yelled back in response, and his mother didn't reply back, which meant that the issue was over. At least for now. He clicked his tongue and leaned back on his wall, his hands crossed back on his head, and let out a long yawn. 

His gaze then shifted to his bed. The leaf that he was experimenting with just a few seconds before was still on his bed, now back to its original shape and colour. 

"I guess neither of us can change even if we desperately want to, huh?" Max said as he let out a sigh, but right then!


A small tap on his window made Max turn his head in its direction. A tiny pebble had struck the windowside, and Max, now intrigued, walked up to the window once again, and looked down only to find Harold, Gerald and Alphonso waving at him from outside of the fence.

"What are you guys doing here?" He whispered softly and articulated his mouth to properly imply the words that he was saying.

"We're here to get you out!" Harold whispered back, moving his mouth with exaggerated movements, imitating Max.

"We know you heard the weird noise from before!" Gerald added, and Max's eyes widened. "You guys heard it as well?" He asked, curious, and the rest nodded their heads in unison.

"The monsters might be loose once again." This time, it was Alphonso who replied. "We need to stop them before they hurt innocent people."

'F*ck, I can't say no to them…' Max gritted his teeth as he covered his mouth. He knew that since he was the one who was responsible for getting them into this sticky and complicated situation, he had to listen to their conditions of how to use their powers.

"Yeah, alright.." Max nodded his head reluctantly, and he looked at his door for a split second before slowly opening the window, not to make his mother alert of his disappearance. "I'm coming," Max jumped onto the drain pipe that lined the wall outside and used it to slide down onto the ground. 

"Here you go…" Alphonso said as he handed Max a kitchen knife, and Max, albeit being totally confused, took the knife from him and then stared back and forth at the knife and Alphonso.

"What's going on?" Max raised his eyebrows and asked, his gaze alternating between the kitchen knives strapped onto Alphonso's waist and the large machete in his hands.

"... It's a long story," Harold and Gerald shrugged their shoulders as they let out a sigh in response. 

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Alphonso waved his hands as he walked forward, motioning them to follow him. "Come on.. We've got a monster to take care of."

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