Beast Soul

Chapter 62 - Not So Heroic

Max, Gerald, Harold and Alphonso all looked at the fight that was happening in the sky with wonder and awe in their eyes. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, even though they had seen some crazy things happening only recently.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I think he'll be handling the monster problem for us.." Alphonso whispered softly and the rest of the group nodded their heads in unison. "We should probably try to help the innocent people…" Max said in a hushed tone as he pointed at the immobilised Clarice who was lying on the ground, and the group of boys cautiously moved forward, heading towards her.

Clarice watched as a group of young boys surrounded her, all with curious expressions, and one of them asked, "Are you alright, miss?"

Clarice, who had no idea who these young men were, nevertheless immediately tried blinking her eyes rapidly. 

"It looks like she can't move her body.." Gerald said with a frown after examining Clarice, and rubbed his chin with his hands.

Clarice blinked her eyes once again, agreeing to Gerald's words. 

"Look, she's blinking her eyelids." Alphonso was the first to notice the strange behaviour of the helpless woman who was lying on the ground, and the rest turned their attention towards her face.

"Sh*t!" Max cursed out loud as he pulled back his feet from near Clarice's head, which were now covered in blood. Max kneeled down next to Clarice's head and touched her hair, and immediately realized that it was wet. "She's bleeding," He said, as he turned around to the rest and raised his palm forward, which had turned bloody.

"Alright, someone needs to call an ambulance." Gerald snapped his fingers after a few seconds of thinking and slammed his fist into his palm. He then turned to look at Alphonso, placed his hand on his shoulder and said, "Alphonso, you have to call the ambulance. Tell them our location. Don't give too much information about the situation. We don't want them to think that this is a prank call, alright?"

"Keep the talk only to the severity of her situation. Got it.." Alphonso nodded his head. He glanced at the helpless woman lying on the ground for a split second before walking back next to the apartment complex and pulled out his phone from his pocket.

"Guys," Gerald then turned to Harold and Max, who was staring back at him with anxious expressions on their faces, nervous but ready to accept orders on what to do. 


He slammed his two palms together and made a clapping sound as he said, "Well then, what are we waiting for?" He pointed at the helpless Clarice, who was making a low groaning noise and continued, "Let's pick her up and try to move her to a safer location."



The monster and Noah were fighting with each other as they flew in the air with incredible speed.

"Take this!" Noah yelled out with a loud groan as he rolled up his fists and slammed it right into the monster's stomach, which caused it to be flung down onto the ground with intense force.


The monster's body bounced back after the powerful impact on the floor, and Noah, who had landed right next to the creature, raised his leg up as soon as the monster had flung back up, and kicked it on its back, causing it to be flung into the air again, this time to the sides.


The monster screeched loudly with anger, and its bright red eyes began to glow brightly. It was clearly angry at the treatment it was getting at the hands of Noah.

Flap! Flap! Flap!

The monster flapped its translucent wings rapidly as it was being flung back, causing the air around it to strike onto the floor and propel the creature upwards, changing the direction of the creature, and saving it from the path that it was forced to use.

"Damn it!" Noah saw that the monster had quickly manoeuvred out of the sticky situation that it was caught up in, and gritted his teeth. 

Consecutive attacks at incredible speeds and with no time to counter was what Noah was hoping to utilise this time around. However, now that the monster had successfully freed itself from the chain reaction, this meant that he now had to rethink his strategy.

"GRRRAAA!" The monster screamed, as though it was saying to Noah that it wasn't about to give him any more chances to attack. 


Right afterwards, the monster flapped its wings with high intensity, and it burst forward, heading straight for Noah.

"Oh for f*ck's sake.." Noah cursed his bad luck and he rolled forward, as the monster slammed down onto the ground, sending dirt and debris flying all over the place, even causing a slight earthquake as a result of the impact.

"Careful, careful…" Gerald said as he held Clarice's head a bit more tightly and carefully, and Max and Harold, who were both at the other end, nodded their heads.

The small earthquake had made their steps a bit wobbly, but they slowed down according to the situation, and were now successfully heading towards the another apartment complex that was situated just a few metres away from them.

"Ah, you've got to be f*cking kidding me.." Gerald said with a frown as he continued walking, his eyes keeping a lookout for any obstacles in their way. 

"Why? What's the problem?" Max asked, as he slightly tilted his head in order to get a good look at the way they were heading. 

"There's a crowd of people standing in the middle of the road.." Gerald said, and as soon as he spoke, he tilted his head a bit in order for the other two to get a look at what the problem was.

Both Max and Harold looked at the road with confused expressions on their faces, and saw a large group of people who were blocking the way right in front of them. They had expressions of worry on their faces. 

"I'm guessing they're people who are living in the apartment complexes nearby," Max said as he pointed at the multiple apartment complexes that were in their vicinity. Of course, they didn't Look expensive at all. In fact, they looked extremely cheap and old, as though they were in need of renovations.

"Hello, can you hear me? Hello?"

"No, you don't understand! I need you to come back home. Please! There's something terrible going on here!"

"No, I'm not hurt. Yeah no, I really am not. Don't worry about me too much. I'll be fine. I'm a big girl now."

Many people were talking on their phones, trying to call their loved ones and they desperately tried to escape this location.

The group of boys didn't know whether or not the people here were aware of what really was happening, or whether they were running because of the loud earthquake. But they didn't have time to ask anyone as they had a person in need of emergency treatment with them.

"Injured person coming through! Injured person coming through!" Gerald began to yell as loudly as he could as the crowd began to close in, and the people in front of him turned around and raised their eyebrows, their gazes then turning to the unmoving women that were in the hands of the group of boys.

"Hey! There's an injured person here!" A few people moved to the sides in order to give the group of boys a bit of space, but it was still a tight pathway. 

"It's too tight! We might hurt her if we continue to move forward!" Gerald yelled out with a frustrated look on his face, and both Max and Gerald nodded their heads. 

"Let's set her down for now," Max pointed at the entrance of one of the apartment complexes which were completely empty and was a good distance away from the fight. "We can wait for the ambulance to arrive." Max clarified.

"Alright, let's do that.." Gerald nodded his head and the group placed the injured Clarice, who was still groaning, right in front of the apartment complex. The boys surrounded her and sat down on the steps, tired from carrying the lady around.

"I called an ambulance!" Alphonso yelled out loudly as he rushed towards the three boys, and they turned to look at him.

"Great!" Gerald gave a thumbs up, and Alphonso scratched his head with a silly smile on his face. 

"What do we do now?" Alphonso asked, curious as to what their plan was, seeing as they were now a short distance away from both the monster and Noah. 

"I guess we'll wait.." Gerald said as he stared at the group of people, who were getting anxious and their voices getting louder and louder. 

"Doesn't seem like a heroic thing to do.." Alphonso replied with a frown, and Gerald shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe.. But then again, we really haven't manifested any superpowers either, so it's probably for the best."

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