Beast Soul

Chapter 87 - Hunter

Noah shot fireballs out from his open mouth, which headed straight for Agent Edgerton who was caught off guard by the attack, and in an impromptu evasion method, he rolled to the side, successfully evading the attack.

He got up on his feet, but by then, Noah was already there to greet him with his fist. Agent Edgerton wanted to defend, but Noah slammed his fist right on his chest before he could even raise his hands up, so he couldn't even use the hidden watch attack, and was flung back countless feet before crashing down onto the ground with a loud noise.

"AH!" Agent Edgerton, who was only human, was injured pretty badly by that single attack, and before he could even get up from the ground, Noah grabbed him by the collar and turned him around, kneeling on top of him and raised his fist in the air, aiming right for the agent's face.

The strike was filled with a tremendous amount of force. Enough to kill a normal human being. The fist sliced through the air with full speed as it headed for its target, the head of Agent Edgerton.

"NOO!" The original Noah cried out as a sharp pain passed through his brain, causing the doppelganger Noah to forcibly stop his punch in mid air while he let out a groan.

"Argh.. what are you doing?" The doppelganger yelled out angrily at the original Noah, who had interrupted his attack. 

"You were about to kill him!" The original Noah responded with an agitated tone. "Of course I had to stop you! Did you forget what I said to you?"

"No. I didn't forget anything," The doppelganger Noah replied by shaking his head and gritting his teeth. "I just chose to ignore your words."

"Why?!" The original Noah was furious. He didn't wish to kill any human being. Even though the doppelganger Noah was the one who would be responsible for the murder, it was nevertheless, his own body that the doppelganger will use in order to do so. He was not in agreement with his body being used to kill a human being, no matter how much of a threat they are to his life.

"Because you are simply naive for thinking that you'll be safe after letting him off!" The doppelganger Noah was fuming. He didn't like being interrupted by the original Noah, especially when he was this close to finishing the deed.

"What the hell is going on?" Agent Edgerton, who was lying below Noah, was staring at him with a confused expression on his face. Noah's face was covered by a black mask that was probably made for children to wear, which only left room for his mouth, eyes and nose. The mask itself looked so cheap and worthless, and the 'monster' who was wearing this mask was talking to, or rather, arguing with himself. 

Although Agent Edgerton was puzzled by what was happening in front of him, he did know one thing; this 'monster' in front of him had plans to kill him. He felt the blood thirsty aura that the creature emitted right before he raised his fist and swung it right at the agent's face. He had no idea why the monster paused right before he struck the agent's face, but he was not about to let this opportunity slip by.

As the 'monster' on top of him was busy bickering with itself, Agent Edgerton immediately positioned the crown of his watch right at Noah's face and pressed him thumb down hard, which made the crown shoot out a burst of blue energy straight at Noah.


Noah saw the blue light emerge from the crown, and his eyes widened. He knew that the distance between him and the agent's watch was so short that it was impossible to properly defend against the attack, even if he was incredibly quick. Noah stretched out his hand and tried to grab the watch, but the blue light beam burst out through his fingers and struck Noah right on his shoulder, sending him flying up into the air with a loud noise.


Noah slammed his back against one of the trees and let out a gasp right before spitting out blood from his mouth. "Gah…" He was coughing uncontrollably, and was having trouble breathing.

"Ah.." Agent Edgerton immediately tried getting up as the monster was not on top of him anymore, but his injuries were simply too severe that it made it harder to even stand on his feet properly. "God damn it! To think I'm in such bad shape!"

He then looked at his hand and saw that the watch had also been completely destroyed, probably due to a few of the energy beams getting bounced back from the monster's hand and then onto the watch.

"Shit!" He cursed out loud and immediately untied the watch from his wrist, letting it fall onto the floor. With pain in his limbs, Agent Richard Edgerton slowly turned his gaze towards the assault rifle that was a few meters away from him. He then bit his lips and slowly got up from the ground and onto his feet and breathed in and out a few times before walking towards the weapon.

Back in front of the tree, Noah continued coughing up blood, both his hands pressing down on the ground as he let out a long groan. "F*ck this sh*t… I don't want to do this anymore.." Noah whispered softly. He wasn't sure whether or not he meant it, but nevertheless, he was saying it out loud instead of keeping it in his mind, making sure that his doppelganger heard his words.

However, he received no answer from the doppelganger.

"You hear me?" Noah called out to his doppelganger after not receiving any response for the words he spoke, which puzzled him, and he called out to him once again. "I said I don't want to do this shit…" He repeated his words, hoping for the doppelganger Noah to respond to him this time. But still, there was no response. 

"That's strange…" Noah thought that it was weird, and his eyes widened after a few seconds. "No way.." He whispered under his breath as he came to the conclusion that the doppelganger had been knocked out of the 'dual- mind' system that they were using jointly just a few seconds ago. He assumed that the doppelganger Noah had been kicked out because of the blue energy striking his shoulder a second ago.

"F*ck! Not right now!" Noah cursed at his bad luck as he turned his gaze and saw Agent Edgerton slowly moving towards the assault rifle that was lying on the ground just a few meters away from him, and his eyes widened with surprise yet again.

Noah tried to move, but pain began to spread all over his body as soon as he tried moving his muscles, which just made it all the more difficult of a process. 

'I can't let him get the gun,' Noah thought in his mind, and he tried once again to move his arms.

"Argh!" He yelled out loudly as he raised his hand with great difficulty, and from his palms shot out a burst of crimson red flames.


The flames shot through the air and collided with the assault rifle right before Agent Edgerton could get his hands on it, causing it to explode with a loud noise and forcing Agent Edgerton to jump back out of reflex.

"Come on!" As this was going on, Noah was trying his best to get up from the ground, even trying to yell and motivate his body as he slowly rose from the ground.

His body seems to have lost almost all transformation features, and from what he was feeling on his body right now, his pain tolerance was also almost back to normal. It was still better than the pain tolerance of a normal human being, but it was away from what his transformed form could handle. 

"You damn monster!" Agent Edgerton was staring at his burning rifle with an intense glare in his eyes. He then immediately shifted his gaze towards Noah, who was getting up from the ground, and narrowed his eyes. 

'Can I take him down on my own?' The thought had crossed Agent Edgerton's mind countless times when he was hunting. Even when he was tracking normal humans back when he was in the special forces, he used to have the same thought. And the answer was always the same; if you injure them just enough, you can take down just about anyone.

Agent Edgerton licked his lips as he saw the injured 'monster' in front of him who was barely able to get up from the ground. He knew that he could finish this creature if he had his rifles, but they were either lost in the fight or were completely destroyed. 

He himself was injured severely. And yet, Agent Edgerton couldn't help but take a step forward.

"A hunter doesn't let his prey go when it shows itself to him..." He whispered softly as he pulled out a small knife from his pocket, and continued moving forward.

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