Beast Soul

Chapter 91 - Change Is Coming

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Agent Alan's watch began to ring, and the whole screen turned to red, which made the Commissioner raise his eyebrows in confusion, intrigued by the gadget. Special Agent Alan on the other hand, seemed to have a grave expression on his face as he saw the red coloured screen of his watch, and he immediately tapped the crown and twisted it slightly, which made the screen show an alert sign while spelling out Agent Edgerton's full name on it. 

"Oh my god!" Agent Alan whispered softly under his breath as his eyes widened. "What is the matter, Agent Alan?" Commissioner Bridge couldn't take it anymore and asked. He wanted answers. "Is there something wrong?"

"Yes, there is!" Agent Alan replied with a serious expression, and he immediately dashed towards his table and grabbed his coat right before continuing his words. "Something has gone terribly wrong. I'm going to need the help of your strike force!" 

"We only have a few men in the strike force!" The Commissioner reminded the Special Agent, who nodded his head and then turned around. "That's alright!" He snapped his fingers at both Detective Harry and Detective Lewis, who shifted their gaze to him, their eyebrows raised with confusion evident in their eyes. "You two! Follow me!" Agent Alan Fischer said as he rushed towards the front door without even clarifying the reason behind his sudden urgency. 

Detective Harry and Detective Lewis turned their gazes towards the Commissioner, who shrugged his shoulders in response, "You can go. He asked you two for a reason. Help him out any way you can!"

"Yes sir!" The two detectives nodded their heads and gave a quick salute to the commissioner before grabbing their coats and heading towards the door.

The Commissioner let out a sigh as he watched the two detectives disappear from the precinct. 

"May god help us and this city," Commissioner Bridge whispered softly under his breath, after which he quietly entered back into his office. 

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The two detectives, Harry and Lewis, exited the police station and walked up to Special Agent Alan Fischer, who was waiting for them in the parking lot. 

"Special Agent Alan, care to explain what just happened in the precinct? What happened?" Detective Harry asked, his hands crossed together near his chest and with a raised eyebrow. He was intrigued by the sudden change in attitude of the special agent, and wanted to know what was his reason for the quick and urgent tone he had right now.

Special Agent Alan Fischer looked around instead of replying instantly, and said, "Let's talk on the way, alright?" He signaled the two detectives to get in the car with his hands, and the two men looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders and entering Harry's car. 

"What about the strike force?" Detective Lewis asked as he got in the back seat, and Special Agent Alan replied, "The Commissioner said that he'll get it done quickly, so they'll be following us in a few minutes." He took out his phone, opened the map app and showed it to the two detectives. "This is where we have to go. I've already sent the location to the Commissioner, so the strike force will know where they're heading towards."

"The Harker mountain ranges?" Detective Harry scratched his chin as he turned the keys, and the engine started to roar loudly as the vehicle turned on. "What on earth is happening over there?" 


The car started to move and the engine continued to roar loudly as it left the parking lot and entered the freeway.

Agent Alan breathed out and said, "I got a notification on my watch back in the police station.." He stretched his hand out and showed it to Detective Lewis, who was sitting in the back. "What is it?" Detective Lewis asked as he looked at the watch, and Agent Alan opened his mouth. "It's a notification for when an agent loses their pulse, sent automatically using an older electromagnetic communication technology. It's less accurate than the newer methods, but it doesn't depend on satellites for the exchange of information."

"So, it sends a notification when an agent doesn't have a pulse?" Detective Harry, who was the one driving the car, scratched his chin when all of a sudden, his eyes widened with surprise. "Wait a minute…" He glanced at Agent Alan as he spoke. "Don't tell me that Agent Edgerton.."

Detective Lewis' eyes widened as well, as he too came to the realization of what the notification meant. 

"We'll see what has happened to him when we reach the location," Agent Alan said with a calm expression on his face, and both the detectives nodded their heads. 

"Does this happen often?" Detective Harry asked all of a sudden, and Special Agent Alan turned his gaze towards him. "What? Agents dying?"

"Well, yeah.." Detective Harry shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke. "You seemed to know exactly what to do when you heard the notification. I was just wondering.."

"You could say that," Agent Alan spoke softly as he let out a short chuckle. "I mean, when you're in my line of work, guarantee of life isn't something that's on the table." 

"I guess you can say the same thing about this town now too, huh…" Detective Lewis said with a nervous smile, and Agent Alan flashed a smile back at him and said, "Yeah, I guess you can…"


Crack! Crack! Crack!

The loud roaring noise continued to echo all over the place, and all of a sudden, an enormous crack appeared right in the middle of the ground, dividing the cliffside into two sections, and the part next to the gorge began to tremble violently as it slowly began to slip away from the other section, moving downwards.

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!" Noah cursed right before tilting his head back and looking below him. He was at a great height, right above a river that was flowing under him. If this section of the cliffside really did fall down, then the part where Noah was gripping on would be first to hit the water.

Meaning, he had to move from this location as quickly as he could!

"We have to move! Right now!" The original Noah screamed, and the doppelganger Noah shook his head and bit his lips. "You think I don't know that?!" 

He looked up at the top most part of the cliff, and grit his teeth. He knew that if he wanted to live, then he must climb to the top of the cliffside. 


Noah used his left hand to grab on to the cliffside as tightly as he could, and then swung the other hand upwards, grabbing onto a rock that was protruding out from the side of the cliff. 

"Gah! Oh god, that hurts!" Noah said in a pain filled tone as he used his right hand to pull himself up a few meters, and his left hand immediately grabbed onto another rock, gripping it tightly. 

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The cliffside was continuing to slowly separate from the other part of the land, and it was slowly sliding downwards.

"Come on, come on, come on.." Noah continued to murmur under his breath as he leapt upwards and caught on to another rock, decreasing his distance from the top of the cliff even more. 

"Just a bit more…" The original Noah said with an anxious tone, as the doppelganger Noah gritted his teeth and stretched out hand once again, leaving no time to rest.


Right then, a loud and thunderous noise echoed throughout the atmosphere, as the section of the cliffside that was protruding outwards onto the air completely separated itself from the other side, causing it to just fall down, aiming for the river that was beneath it.


"Ah sh*t!" Noah cursed out loud, and as he held onto the cliffside, gravity began to pull his lower body upwards, as the giant section of land crashed down onto the river with a loud noise.



In the southernmost part of New World City.

"Carl! Are you in there?" Janice Jameson knocked on the door of her nineteen year old son, Carl Jameson, and got no answer.

"Carl! Don't be like this! Dad didn't mean it, alright?" Janice knocked on the door once again, and she still didn't get any sort of response from the young man, which made the mom let out a long and heavy sigh.

"Leave him be, Jan.." The dad, Gareth Jameson's voice was heard from the living room, and he sounded indifferent. "The boy thinks himself to be better than us, the experienced citizens. Don't make him think that he's right by spoiling him."

The mom, Janice, looked at the door once again, and she let out another sigh before walking back to the stairs, leaving the young man alone in his room.

"Hah…" Inside the room, Carl Jameson began to breathe in and out loudly as he wrapped himself with a blanket, covering his entire body, including his face.

"Change is coming…" He began muttering to himself as he looked at the full moon that was visible through his window, and his eyes began turning yellow. "Change is coming!"

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