In the office of the deputy director of the Institute of Ecology, Li Mingxuan looked solemnly at the surveillance video provided by his subordinates.

The protagonist of the video was his son Li Changan.

But what he cared about was not the girl named Ding Jia, but the temperament of Li Changan when he summoned Maomao.

This feeling of indifference made the young and promising deputy director fall into memories.

He remembered this temperament when he participated in a teacher's project during a college internship.

A being with a similar temperament appeared in front of them, and just passing by took away half of the lives in their team.

It has nothing to do with good or evil, just eating and digesting food is a burden that most creatures cannot bear.

Li Mingxuan remembered Li Changan's introduction to Maomao,"Maomao is just a dragon-born red-maned lion who inherited the bloodline of the Hell Flame Dragon." Is this sure not to be a disguised ancient dragon?

Li Mingxuan picked up Maomao's portrait and compared it with the photo of the Hell Flame Dragon.

Well, add the dragon horns, dragon wings and dragon tail, isn't this very similar to the Hell Flame Dragon!

The lady who made tea for Li Mingxuan rolled her eyes at him, like a snake head!

These things are not the characteristics of elemental life, but the blood and flesh of the Hell Flame Dragon. They are not something that a cub or a new beastmaster can pretend. Li Mingxuan sighed. He knew that these were his fantasies, and there was no scientific basis for them.

The Hell Flame Dragon is a living being of flesh and blood. This is the conclusion drawn by Donghuang after killing the Hell Flame Dragon several times and dissecting the"Flame King".

Li Mingxuan threw this speculation behind his mind and continued his research.

But he also did not notice that although the bigwigs of Donghuang had killed several Hell Flame Dragons at great cost, Donghuang had never obtained the bodies of the Hell Flame Dragon cubs.

There was no specific information about the Hell Flame Dragon in its infancy, so naturally, no one knew the special features of the Hell Flame Dragon in its infancy.

As for Ding Jia, Li Changan did not care, and Li Mingxuan cared even less.

After he symbolically said"leniency" to the subordinate in charge of this matter, he went to work on his own project.

In the principal's office of Hongyan No. 1 Middle School, the old principal with gray hair saw the report from the research institute on his computer. He showed an expression of"as expected" and said to Teacher Lin and Teacher Fu:"The report from the research institute has been sent. The evaluation is relatively objective. The other party was very lenient."

This sentence means that the matter ends here.

The two leading teachers looked at each other, and the old principal asked:"What evaluation do you plan to write for Ding Jia?"

Teacher Lin took out his conclusion from the bottom of the report in his hand

"The psychological quality needs to be improved, there is a lot of room for improvement, and the personality is impulsive."

The old principal laughed and said,"You are doing Tai Chi very well, and I will order you to correct it."

So Ding Jia's comment became"The psychological quality needs to be improved, there is a lot of room for improvement, the personality is impulsive, and I will order you to correct it."

The two teachers walked out of the principal's office, and Teacher Lin said,"This girl Ding Jia is finished."

Teacher Fu nodded, and the last sentence of the comment was a bit heavy. The word" ordered" rarely appears in the files of high school students. When the university admissions department sees these two words, they will definitely be curious about the reason behind it.

Then look at the video provided by the institute, haha, which university dares to recruit this girl.

As for Ding Jia's parents, they should first be busy dealing with which street their family will sleep on tomorrow.

The company founded by Wen Miaohua's parents is the leading enterprise in Province Z.

The Ding family, a small and dilapidated temple, dared to make indirect accusations against the eldest daughter of the Wen family. Being banned by the industry is the lightest consequence.

Li Changan didn't know how the Ding family was in dire straits, but his own situation was very painful.

The day after receiving the beast, Wen Miaohua's mother Feng Sisi was bringing Wen Miaohua to his house as a guest.

The most terrible thing was that Mu Qingqing, who claimed to be in seclusion, was actually at home, and the two besties began to talk about Li Changan and Wen Miaohua.

This scene reminded Li Changan of the memory of being urged to get married in various ways in his previous life.

PTSDD strikes!

So Li Changan took Wen Miaohua and fled from the Li family.

Feng Sisi and Mu Qingqing watched them leave with a smile on their faces.

Wen Miaohua asked:"Where are you going?"

Li Changan also looked confused. Yes, where are you going?

He left in a hurry and forgot about Brain and Yaoyao at home.

Maomao in the Beast Taming Space reminded:"Meow (Changan, the note)"

What note?

A bolt of lightning seemed to appear in the void and hit Li Changan. Yes! The business card given by my father!

Li Changan then remembered that Li Mingxuan had given him a business card of the head of the Hunters' Union not long ago.

How could he forget that thing?

Li Changan took out his mobile phone and took a picture of the business card.

"Hua, are you interested in the Hunter Guild?"

Wen Miaohua was a little curious. For some reason, she had no chance to join the Hunter Guild.

"Well, I'm curious, but I haven't been there."

Li Changan decided,"Okay, let's go to the Hunter's Guild."


It's the first time he's seen a girl go on a date with a girl at the Hunter's Guild.

When the two of them took the subway to the Hunter's Guild and followed the map to the door, they were dumbfounded.

Is this the Hunter's Guild?

In front of Li Changan was a small shop of only 20 square meters, with the old wooden door creaking in the wind.

Wen Miaohua was also stunned. The legendary Hunter's Guild actually looked like this, with a unique artistic taste.

At this moment, a two-meter-tall man with a sturdy back and strong waist appeared behind them and patted Li Changan on the shoulder heartily.

Even with Li Changan's enhanced physique, he almost fell forward.

"Hahaha, aren't you surprised that the Hunter Guild leader is like this!"

Wen Miaohua looked back at the burly man. Well, he had a very standard hunter body shape, with big arms and thick kidneys, and arms big enough for a horse to run on.

Li Changan groaned and also noticed the man behind him.

The burly man laughed and said,"Little brother, you have good physical fitness! It's just that your center of gravity is too poor!"

Li Changan was shocked. This man could actually see his physical fitness at a glance. You know, he has never shown his strength.

After hearing the second half of the sentence, he smiled helplessly.

Although he is a level 1 beastmaster, he is also an ordinary person who has not received professional training. In the eyes of professionals, he is indeed no different from a chicken to be slaughtered.

"Excuse me, brother, how do I register for the Hunter Guild?"

The sturdy man stared at Li Changan, sizing him up, and said,"The assessment of the guild is much more difficult than that of the Beast Tamer Association."

Li Changan responded,"I'm not afraid of difficulty."

The sturdy man waved his hand and said,"It's not a question of difficulty, nor a question of hard work, but a question of talent, do you understand?"

"The talent for skills is much rarer than the talent for taming beasts.

"I want to try," Li Changan said firmly."

The strong man raised his chin forward, pushed open the shaky wooden door, and motioned Li Changan and the others to follow.

After Li Changan entered the store, he found a young man in a turquoise leather uniform sitting at the front desk and dozing off.

There was a black wooden door deep in the room that could accommodate two people.

The strong man slapped the wooden table with a slap, making a loud noise.

The young man was frightened and jumped up from the stool. When he saw the strong man's face, he cursed:

""Why did you bastard Duan Ben use so much force! This table that has been passed down for hundreds of years will sooner or later be smashed to pieces by you bunch of ruffians!"

Li Changan heard the young man addressing the strong man and thought to himself: So his name is Duan Ben.

Duan Ben seemed not to hear the young man's scolding, and laughed heartily:"If it's broken, just ask the president to change it!"

The young man was so angry that his face turned red,"Change, change, change! You only know to change! If changing can solve the problem, what has the door behind you that was just replaced last month become now!"

Li Changan deliberately turned around to look at the creaking wooden door behind him. It turned out to be a new door that had only been used for a month!

Duan Ben said indifferently:"Why doesn't the president use an alloy door? That thing can't be broken!"

Seeing Duan Ben's unyielding look, the young man seemed to have his bones pulled out of his body. He fell limply on the table and said weakly:"If you have the guts, go talk to the president. If she says to change it, we'll change it."

When he heard that they were looking for the president, Duan Ben changed the subject very sincerely and said,"Let's get to work, let's get to work, register the newcomer."

The young man glanced at Li Changan and the other man at the door and said,"Name? ID number?""

"Li Changan, ID number is*****************"

The young man entered his name and number into the computer, took a look at the file that popped up, and said without surprise:"Oh, another young man looking for excitement."

Then the young man printed out a copy of the file and handed it to Li Changan.

"Ten yuan fee."

Li Changan looked at Duan Ben, and Duan Ben nodded. Li Changan immediately understood that this was the registration fee.

After paying, the young man asked Wen Miaohua again,"Name?"

Wen Miaohua refused coldly:"I will not join the Hunter's Guild."

The young man said again:"Little girl, the identity of the Beast Taming Association does not conflict with the Hunter's Guild."

Wen Miaohua answered very seriously:"It conflicts."

The young man stood up solemnly, took a photo of Wen Miaohua, and then searched the file.

Seeing the permission requirements on the computer, the young man's eyelids twitched,"Sure enough."

The young man took out a temporary pass, handed it to Wen Miaohua, and said:"You can't go to the second floor of the union and the storage room, you can go to other places."

Wen Miaohua took the temporary pass and walked into the black wooden door in the store with Li Changan.

Li Changan noticed that the corner of his clothes moved, and saw that it was Wen Miaohua's cautious look

"I can't tell you now, you'll know later."

Li Changan grabbed Wen Miaohua's hand and said,"It's okay."

Since his parents didn't break off their relationship with the Wen family, it means it's okay.

Duan Ben saw the two little ones holding hands and touched his empty stomach.

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